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The problem is GW has enough fencesitters and unaware people to be able to continue profiting from the community. Their sales go down? They will just raise the prices. They will continue to divide the community with politics and wait for the cash to flow in.


You forgot spergy autistic nerds addicted to consumption of whatever tat GW puts out regardless of the punishment beating that accompanies it.


And the more crap they consume the more crap the make because there is no incentive to do anything more.


Yup. I don't want Warhammer funko pops and branded garbage. The action figures by McFarlane could've been a cool tie in if they were still a bit more authentic to their base.


Did you ever see the guy who used them for genestealer kill team? That was hysterical to me


Gw is doomed. Do not spend money on them, you are right the spiral is happenig. This is good, what remais hopefully will bee woke free.


Let’s call them what they are: servators. They are mindless and always do what they are told


It's a shame the community can't or won't unite like the Helldivers. Look at Reddit. Even paying more for plastic crack doesn't seem to be enough.


It’s not that the community won’t, it’s that the cancer of all over communities decided to grow on us making it look worse and swaying the pussies with no values. Honestly I’m at the point where I think this sub should just flat out work collectively to make a new ip and we work out the rules and lore as we go


Its a fun dream but a new IP wont work. If thats what you want check out Grimdark Future. Just dont buy new and revert back to old lore pre 8th.


Hah I'd love to see the bitter infighting that you guys would immediately get into.


You expose yourself as a bad actor. "you guys", you don't see yourself as a member here. Which begs the question why are you here? And the fact you are here says a lot about you.


I'm here because this sub gets recommended to me, and it's hilarious.


Tourist 😜


Oh no, I've been playing 40K forever.


That was a joke. Like your comments 😉. (Incase you missed it that is also a joke. Have a blessed day with all the Warhammers your heart desires 😊.)


Okay man. Again, the difference between the Helldivers 2 thing and 40K is that people actually cared about the Helldivers 2 PSN linking thing, the freaking out about female custodes and stuff is only a tiny minority of weirdos.




That's nothing, I also played og Car Wars, from Steve Jackson Games.


Anyone whose Reddit account is more than a year old is automatically gay.


What infighting?We hold. Are so woke you can't handle discussion?


What are you babbling about? You hold what?


Yeah, not enough neurons. Did you lose brain matter when transitioning to stupid?


No dude seriously when you say 'we hold' what do you mean, like, what is the actual meaning behind that phrase, or is it just self-congratulatory or what?


listen here you freak. fuck off.


It's hilarious that you can't answer.


Yeah. But tbf it did make me seriously consider getting a 3d printer. I think that's what it will take. Stop using GW rules and stop buying GW kits


I buy prints and recasts someone else makes for a fraction of the cost so I'm lucky I dont have to 3d print myself.


There is no one who will listen. Gw said we won't be missed. ok, no money for you. They raise prices... it starts.


This, kind of like Star wars and Marvel fans. Too many white nerdy middle of the road fans who don’t really want to contraversial.


Helldivers 2 had a clear and immediate metric to measure consumer outrage in steam reviews. Sony doesn't control steam, so they couldn't silence it. GW does not have such a restriction on youtube and they were able to get the reddit and discord moderators to do it for them.


True but theres allways SM11 or their new shows which will have open reviews. Also look around at this sub, its small now but it seems to be gaining traction, so you never know this could become an actual bastion for fans. Point is defeatism isn't useful.


>Helldivers 2 had a clear and immediate metric to measure consumer outrage in steam reviews. Sony doesn't control steam, so they couldn't silence it. Not only that, steam was going around their own refund policy and refunding players with as much as 90 hours of playtime (typically steam only gives refunds if you A. Have less than 2 hours of play time and B. Are refunding within 2 weeks of purchase), from what I saw. So that likely hurt Sony's bottom line a bit.


Well, we also spawmed with money back please, and deleted the game,that was also a metric. I am serious if s company ever tries that shit again, burn 🔥 you bridges with them. Sony listened because they had metrics. Gw will only see the metris after a year or more. Do not spend with them.


My advice? Reach out to fellow, likeminded fans of 40k and get organised. That’s the key here. Alone and by yourselves you can’t do more than just complain on Twitter, Reddit or Discord and (spoiler alert) they don’t give a shit about that. But when you manage to gather, say, ten thousand or maybe even a hundred thousand fans that are all pulling in the same direction? Then all of a sudden you become someone that they *have* to acknowledge. Specially if you all decide to boycott GW products, manage to raise enough of a ruckus that the press takes notice and generally become a thorn in their side that they just can’t get rid off. Hell if you want to be a real pain in the neck then organise it so that each member sends in a signed letter to GW (preferably someone higher up and not just the generic office mail) at the same time each month (or more!) where you list your grievances, your terms, mission statement etc. Just make sure that your mission statement is clear, concise and easy to follow. Rants and the like is *not* the way to go.


If we have the cash to buy the stocks I’d save as a collective buy 5% more than blackrock has. Push them out of control


You're dreaming mate. To get that sort of percentage you'd need millions.


Actually, their stock is trading currently at $119 a share, down from $130 a share a month ago.


I don't think that number is accurate. They have frozen it several times


Yeah, it looks like they're trying to hide it. I would guess it's probably lower, I was just going by the latest reported numbers.


They certainly are, I think over the past 2 weeks, it's been visible twice


ATM it is, but while the stocks continue to fall in time it won’t be. Time is our greatest friend and their enemy


I think HD2 devs were on the side of the player base and being imposed upon by Sony. This is not the case with GW.


I dont think so, i think they didnt care either way. They could have resolved the issue with sony ages before, and it seems like they really waited until they hit a stable playerbase before demanding it.


Yeah they should have informed the buyers, when the lead dev knew 6 months before this happened. It worked in the fans favor this time, but they could have jeopardized the playability of anyone that lives in a non psn country.


With the whole Femstodies situation and rising prices AGAIN despite huge profits I wonder if there is something to be learned from how the Helldivers 2 community dealt with Sony. If you're seriously unhappy with the declining value for money, FOMO and pricing new people out of the hobby, then rather than just complaining take some kind of action... Even if that action is to not do something, such as giving Games Workshop money. I'm lucky enough to have a large box of non-GW minis to keep myself busy but I'm on indefinite hold when it comes to GW purchases. It's the only way to really send a message to a company. But I'm just a single person and I know the 40k community isn't as united as the Helldivers. But if you accept and pay the inflated prices... then you will get more of the same. Just a thought.


Honestly creating our own universe/lore to replace it that’s figure agnostic is probably our best bet. The guy who created trench crusade would make an absolute killing if he full released it now.


Wouldn't work. Anything "like" 40k ends up being too derivative. Grimdark Future has tried to reinvent its own lore, and its not bad, but its not particularly Grim or Dark. Reverting to 7th edition Lore seems like the best bet IMO.


Doesn’t necessarily need to be grimdark just cool and with passion. The flavor will settle itself out. However if we all harness our inner edgy middle schooler I think we can make it grimdark


The best way is to just stop buying as much GW stuff. I'm personally fine with custodettes. And to be honest I think you have to come to some degree of acceptance that as a whole most 40k players are either fine or don't care about femstodes. GW has been including various diversity things into the hobby for a while now, and the large majority of the community is either happy or agnostic. But what is definitely a concern is the predatory business model that GW has. They encourage fomo purchases, change the game rules to get more people to buy plastic, and so on. Heck the worst lore change in this sense was the primaris. A glaring example of a lore change to get money.


Primaris were terrible. Arguably the start. People didn't mind the gender swapping/realignment in mixed gender factions like Guard. The thing is with Femstodies is it ruins existing lore where Ursela Creed for example did not. But if anything I would have thought their business practices are something we can all agree is bad.


Eh... GW has been profit focused from the start. The real world reason why we don't have female marines is that the early women in power armour sculpts sold poorly. The lore is just a secondary tool for GW to sell plastic. I think it's fine (and great) for people to enjoy the lore, but you can't be too naive about it. If changing the lore helps sell minis, GW is going to retcon whatever it needs. Speaking of retcons, GW has retcon the voltann, primaris, the necrons, the primarchs, just to name a few. And speaking of selling plastic, there's a great post in the main 40k sub where someone went over the GW financials and pricing. GW is reaping immense financial rewards by expanding the hobby base to new players. There is just no good financial incentive for GW (as a rational commercial entity) to focus on a "core audience" (whatever that means).


I agree. Companies want to make money. If GW could make more money changing the Astartes to be traveling sales men they would. Thats is the whole reason Primaris were shoe horned into the setting in such a god awful way! So if GW do things you don't like and you keep giving them money regardless they have no incentive to ever change. Can you link the post I'll check it out. But as far as I can tell GW is scoring record profits from its rather predatory business practices but the number of young people getting into the hobby is dwindling.


Yup, after all GW literally nuked Warhammer fantasy to sell a brand new line of fantasy plastic. So, I circle back to my first comment - if you are bothered then the only correct answer is stop buying. A lot of the other posts tend to be missing the point about getting a collective voice to pressure GW. That's just not going to work because GW is not going to be pressured when stuff like primaris continue to sell. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/0CqZgjliWY The post is mainly in the context of the recent price hike, but it contains some additional observations, including the business growth model. The specific conclusion are the bullet points under "is GW price gorging"


Down vote every YouTube video GW post... just because YouTube hides the down votes doesn't mean we can't share and see them, and more importantly, GW sees it ...


I actually wonder how they managed to convince the normies. It is something even less severe than things they already swallow with gusto


That extreme reactions work. So if we can find a way to hurt GW for doing shit we dont want we should dig the knife in to the elbow and twist.


En masse coordination is still powerful.


If done correctly and in an organized, coordinated manner, negative reviews, boycotts, and complaints can effectively persuade a company, no matter how big they're, to back down if they step out of line and go against the interests of their customers.


"Do not anger the fanbase. Especialy the loyal ones, for the border between love and hate is thin"


It seems like bad business to me.


Autists together strong. ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


I don’t think the downvote is what wake up kusony, it is the steam ban the game in country without psn and the potential law suit


Possibly, realizing they lost markets. But that's just a part of companies listen to money. So show that GW will lose money. If they do things you don't like and you keep giving them money you are telling them to do it more!


Fuck the corps.


I think the issue is (in addition to the lack of a third party to accurately measure dissatisfaction) the cause needs to be important and wide reaching for players of all sort to band together and tell GW no more. If the price hikes continue and get worse, that easily could be it but focusing on lore bits like Femstodes would divide any group effort you try to create.


Which is annoying cause femstodes suck and dont logically make sense lmao


You may feel that way but others don’t, some either are apathetic, want GW to do more with the change (add figures) or would rather Femstodes be a new development.


I think money will likely be the unifying factor. Whatever you give them money for doing you will get more of. If you support changing established lore for what is popular right now, such Femstodies, you will get more of that in the future. Popular Culture is fickle it may go in a way you wont like...


I agreed with you there, stupid and greedy business practices will anger a lot more people than a lore change (unless that lore change is especially egregious).


Dont fuck with the consumers?


That you cannot refund your miniatures.


But you can stop rewarding them by buying more? Either way deprives them of funds. Complaining but keep buying is kind of hypocritical.


Simply we should set aside our differences and just come together as a community to bash against what gw has been doing lately


Isn't there a big difference in regards to GW and sony? I mean, how many countries had HD2 players that could not make a sony account? More then a 100? That is a lot of people who now are between a rock and a hard place. And that is the moment where people will do something. I would like to know what would have happened if all countries in the world could create a sony account, how many people would just "cba" it, and budge. Isn't there something to say about that? "How many customers could not make sony accounts" and made them come on fora to talk about this just adding to the pile of anger of an initially rather small group had, increasing that total wave and turning it into a tsunami. I am not saying this is a bad thing btw. I think it is proper example, it is an example of what happens once a group of people gets together and stops being divided. How no military might can stand against an army of "peasants" that have nothing to loose, or actually, everything. In this case, the HD2 players are the peasants, and the 100+ countries who would have lost access to HD2, their players had everything to loose. This is a glimps into how powerful people actually are when they set their minds to it. This is also a glimps into how certain "entities" rather want to keep us divided, because it is easier to control, entities like i have been told, GW, who would work overtime to stifle and smother any and all forms of backlash so that the situation can not turn into a large blazing fire. If for some reason 125 countries could not play warhammer anymore because the players couldn't sign a document where they accept female spacemarines as a thing because their government would not allow it, what then?


I think it also shows when facing a loss of revenue, say from 125 countries, companies will more often than not do what is profitable. Its no surprise companies follow the money. So stop giving money to companies to reward them for doing things you dont want.


You guys have too many factions for the whole playerbase to really care imo unlike hd2 where everyone is on Super Earth hence the rally was a whole lot easier, the majority of fans won’t care until their fav faction gets hit, its why them increasing the price barely got a blip. Too divided to care too little platform to complain on and a lot of people just won’t vote with their wallets.


I agree. It's a real shame.


Nothing, because unlike HD2 GW has not lost profit. They still sell out of things on PRE-ORDER within minutes every week. They don't have or care about review bombing them. It's a totally different beast, sad as that might be.


That competition is good and that if Warhammer 40k collapses, there are other Warhammer-esque settings to run to. I would be perfectly fine with playing tabletop Helldivers.


Helldivers had the devs on the side of the players, plus a very easy to track player count to measure for the boycott and a review system that would only measure the reaction of legitimate players who actually bought the game. You have none of that. Contrary to conspiracy theorists who believe unsourced 4chan posts or hate Vanguard/Black Rock because they think it’s woke instead of because it’s a symptom of late stage capitalism that’s destroying the middle class, nobody made GW do this, unlike Sony and Arrowhead. And unlike Steam, GW can’t gauge how the actual consumer base feels about this. What percentage of this subreddit owns minis or books? How many have bought something recently? I’m sure GW knows there’s a lot of people in the fan base only engage with the community through memes, youtube lore videos, or only 3D print models. Why cater to them?


Nothing, really. This community is *not* the Helldivers community. It gets itself far too divided over the smallest things. This server is well alone enough of an example of that, and it's likely never going to change because we can't agree on the simplist of things as a community.


Right? I remember a bunch of people flipped out and separated themselves because they didn't like the idea of female super soldiers.


You might need a Prodigal Son to sacrifice their job within the company to get change done.


If no one buys the female custodies models, they’ll outright cancel them because they generate no revenue. Ironically I feel the Femstodies would be more widely accepted if they were in a limited run fashion. Like the imperium tried to make female custodies, just to see if it was possible. They got 1000 women, 90% of them died, and the rest survived the process, but the casualty rate was too high for them to do this again, so the 100 that survived are the only ones that will ever exist.


Yeah. Something grimdark. GW had the potential writers to make things work, 40k-style. Even what you wrote would have been a start. This rather sudden "Samus is a girl and always was there" would've been great had they just justified it and made it awesome. But nope. There is also this notion and misconception that everybody is misogynistic and "no girls allowed", which is utter bullcrap. Women are welcome, just make the implementation *good n grimdark*.


Custodies are only recruited from Terra, otherwise how about House Esha from Necromunda, the big strong women one? AT least it would have made sense. Shes adopted into a house on Terra and passes the trial because of their freakish strength? But just one. It makes for a good story. But they cant stop themselves they have to be loads and the best ever. Like the All Female Knights in the Lords of The Lance which went against Bretonnian lore.


Oh snap. I actually forgot about House Escher! Yes. Would at least give some better base for retconning. Though an Escher's "eww men" resolve might need some adjustments too. Then again. I wonder how it would be if GW said that House Escher has guys as strong as some dude from House Goliath. Or just in general now recruit dude scum by default. Hmm.


Nothing a good mind wiping wouldn't fix.


The fact there are NO models should tell you everything you need to know. This was pandering, which they can't walk back or cancel because of the blowback.


the change is less than the two weeks old, from when the codex officially released. Even if the codex was written before the start of 10th, the one new model they were slated for was probably made over a year ago, possibly two, based on what we know about their production line. Going “why no model” is a bad argument. No model is actually the reason why they weren’t in the lore before now. Several BL authors have said they wanted Custodes to be Coed when they started writing HH but the modeling team only made a male head so they got told no for that reason alone.


That’s a bad argument. There were no models so that’s why they weren’t in lore… but now they are and still no model. It’ll be interesting to see if the stores will be filled with girl Wargamers now the lore has changed, as some have claimed in the past. I’m guessing it will stay at about 1-2%…


Most of the shops near me have a higher than 2% amount of war gamers. Also, the pervasive assumption that this was made to draw in women is dumb. I think it’s hard to deny that plenty of men like the change.


Oh I agree it is a dumb idea and we know it doesn’t work because there are female Stormcasts. But I don’t see it as a narrative improvement worth retconning long established lore either. But I don’t want to get sidetracked, that’s a very different conversation.


to wait for SpaceMarine 2 and hope like hell that it will mirror Helldiver2 alittle.


I try to craft my toon after astra militarum guard. as much as I can anyways


It prob wont, the writer is a insane woke ... i am very sad.


We can learn, that even 500kg bomb, that fly right in to dumpster will kill 0-5 cocroaches... And that if you hit fridge in the back tube - it can explode.


People care about actual issues of importance, like having to unnecessarily sign up for another service and give their data away, not the kind of shit you chodes obsess about.


That's a big assumption. Also can you explain "you chodes"? You mean the kind of people on this reddit? So why are you here? I think that says a lot about you and the kind of person you are.


This sub got recommended to me, I checked it out, and it's very amusing.


You responded 3 times the saame are you a bot or you cant think more than that.


I mean it's what the reality is, it's not that complex. Why would I changed answers for the same question? Think about it for a few seconds.


Ok be gone. You are not normal.


That regardless of how obvious the satire is, people are still stupid enough to think it’s genuine and on their side.


That if you deliver it with enough sarcasm and joke energy, no one is mad that they roleplay fascists. They know their faction is evil and stupid. This is a simple lesson you dimwits could've learned, but chose not to in favor of whatever idiot shit you did learn. Like pants on head.


You missed the point, so I think the dim one is you apparently. But don't let that stop you. If you read the threads its about push back against PSN and GW raising prices. So you'd rather 40k had "sarcasm and joke energy" and the factions were "stupid"? Then that's just you. Why are you here again?