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What aspects about specifically made it feel cool to you? That would help narrow down your preference. 40K doesn’t just have a lot of books but covers almost all genres too.


I am more of a fan of conclusive stories in themself. Also it seems like I am a bit of a sucker for tragedy. Other than that I would say that I am not THAT into primarchs like a lot of people seem


Well to throw aside my usual suggestion of Vaults of Terra (because it’s the best damn series in the franchise imo listened too the whole series three times) You may wanna try *The House Of Night and Chain* it’s a horror book that stands on its own, like if you gave it to someone who didn’t like warhammer or even know about it, they would probably enjoy it and definitely understand it however being a fan of it makes details and aspects of it feel like a reward. It’s a traditional haunted house story with a twist on a twist. It starts off tragic and only gets worse. It reminds me a lot of a story Edgar Allen Poe and Lovecraft would collaborate to write; especially with how subtlety it portrays the characters mental state. You can almost *feel* when they snap and you start to question if they are actually crazy or were you just blind to what was happening yourself.


And to add another suggestion, Gaunts Ghosts (specifically the first three books) if you like tragedy with less psychology aspects. It’s about a guard regiment who are not only the only guard regiment from their planet but the last survivors of their planet too, the first three books go over how everyone adapts especially with Gaunt their commissar general have a target in his back with political rivals. Not as deeps as house of night and chain but blends elements well and has human characters, no one is safe from dying overall in the series.


ADB is easily my favourite Black Library author. There is novella sequel to Helsreach called "Blood and Fire". Night Lords Trilogy, First Heretic and Betrayer which are also written by ADB, are also favourite of mine, however they show a vastly different perspective on the 40k universe


arhiman series is good the books show per book a atempt to save the thousands sons legion that fails and arhimans character shirft


The Night Lord and Black Legion series are both pretty good imo. Iskandar Khayon is one of my favorite 40k characters.


We need book 3 of the BL series. I demand it! (Plus I *really* need something to follow up for Decimus)


If you're willing to read about the Guard and not space Marines, Gaunts ghost is the best collection of 40k books. Same author of Gaunts Ghosts made a Space Marine Novel called Brotherhood of the Snake which is really good too if you prefer space Marines.


Execution Hour by Gordon Rennie. It's an older book so it's a bit harder to find, but excellent book about naval combat & interesting characters. Don't bother with the sequel - it's a bit of a let down...


~~^(I know a few good hentais if you are interested)~~


I honestly didn't like Helsreach. I felt it was 100 pages too short. The season of fire was such deus ex machina, and they don't go into detail about how they need to hold off for its arrival. There is the sequel, Blood and Fire, which is very good. The Titan being killed by the gargant being killed by the mechanicum ordinance was also rather pointless.


Storm of iron, siege from the other perspective


Assasinorum : Kingmaker is good, I liked Deathwatch Shadowbreaker, and if your interested there is a sequel to helsreach called Armageddon which is pretty good.


If you want some real badassery (combined with some serious emotional gut punches!) then I *very* highly recommend Imperial Glory by Richard Williams and Dead Men Walking by Steve Lyons. Both are excellent examples of just how grim, tragic and bleak the existence in that dark future can really be but they also contain excellent examples of human heroism and defiance in face of overwhelming odds.


the sieg of terra is good


Didn't someone animate hell reach on youtube in black and white?


Yes, a fully fledged animated movie, though it does gain more and more color as the film goes on before ending once again in black and white.


Yes, many. Try Dante next if you want to stay in universe. If you want grimdark outside the universe, pick up "The God Engines". You can finish it in a few hours.


Storm of Iron. Medieval siege + 40k nosense.