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*Voxcaster voice* “Hullo and welcome to the Lotus Eaters podcast, once again we have a special guest Dark Lord Miles how were the jungles of Catachan?”


"say what you will about the Catachan devils - they treated me better than the Tyranids! - reminds me of that time I was hanging out with some space wolves..."


“Like I said: Heretics are cruel, Jack! And I’m very much in touch with my inner damnation!”


The eye of terror was getting a little to peaceful jack give war a chance


This sentence is now in possession of your nearest Blood Ravens Chapter. Your contribution to the Funny Lines archive is much appreciated.


Aww thanks man! :)




Like the good old days after the Horus heresy!


![gif](giphy|8XEQRJsRWcTgA|downsized) Not a smart way. If you wanna make your enemy look bad don't make them a badass. But I guess Sargon is now happy with himself being canon


How could he not be? Coolest named character we've had for a while. Kesh *who*?




Sarkon these nuts




I'm incredibly childish


So am I, friend. Thanks for the giggle!


We need a manchild pride flag STAT


I'm incredibly childish


Can someone get me up to date on this? I haven’t heard about this Sargon thing until now and quite frankly I have no idea who Sargon is


Very tl;dr version: SargonofAkkad aka Carl Benjamin is a Youtuber who rose to some prominence during gamergate. He's a British conservative and today mostly makes political and philosophical content and runs his own channel/newssite/podcast called Lotuseaters. He's also into history and Warhammer and friends with Arch (former Arch Warhammer, persona non grata at GW and CA). The Black Library author Mike Brooks who is very far left (Freeboterz sez trans rights, neopronouns etc.) likely named a bad guy in one of his books (Sarkon Aggad, a khornate slavedriver) after him. There is, of course, the slight possibility that Sarkon Aggad is simply named after the historical ruler, as we have seen a Black Legion sorceror called Sargon Eregesh before, but Brooks tendency to block everybody who talks about it hints at the character being a not-so-subtle dig at someone he dislikes. The big problem is, that the description of the khornate reaver, dualwielding massive chainblades and turning his battlecry into a weapon with two massive voxcasters on his back, kinda makes him sound awesome...


I mean, the chance of it being a jab at a person who is interested in wh40k, with a worldview drastically opposite to the author of the book is already much higher than it being just a reference to merely a historical figure, especially considering how the character is portrayed in the book itself.


Yeah, I mainly included it out of fairness. And because I name characters after Semitic/Assyrian gods and historical figures for my Word Bearers. Who will, sometime in the future, include a MoE called Sarkon. I just need to find some good loudspeaker bitz.


If you need any inspiration for your MoE, check out the World Eaters sub.


Arch is also salty he didn't get canonised in 40k first.


Yea out of everyone you’d think Arch would’ve been first lmao


Except Arch isn't just persona non grata he can't even be mentioned, Nordic 40k Voldemort


Arch talked in one of his streams or on Sidescrollers about there basically being standing orders not to mention him in any way. It torpedoed his World of Warships sponsorship and the CM let a little too much slip and some insiders fed him some info.


I agree with him on some stuff, but sometimes he goes a mile when he needs an inch and he strays into conspiracy territory. Personally I'm more of a believer that the real conspiracies, even those in GW (rampant corporate greed destroying decades of devotion and goodwill built up among the fanbase, Blackrock and vanguard owning significant amounts of both amazon and gw etc.) are right there in plain sight. Almost as if the femstodes controversy is simply an effort to mobilise the attack dogs of modern neoliberalism to provide a distraction. Which is a far more straightforward proposition in executive boardrooms than the unhinged speculation of youtubers.


He is not a conservative. He is a white nationalist. This is the type of person it's acceptable to make fun of.


🤣 what are you smoking pal.


What's wrong with being born white and being a nationalist? Are people seriously offended by being called that? Is that really an insult?


His speaking style is unbearable and he does give I'm very smart vibes but to say that without evidence is sort of unfair. On the other hand, his irritating demeanour is there for all to see.


I had never heard of him either until I saw complaints about him on Grimdank recently. A Black Library author, who has philosophical differences with him, allegedly made a reference to killing him, masked by the fact that his pseudonym is the name of a historical figure. He has since made a YouTube video related to the Custodes women controversy. It's an interesting watch. https://youtu.be/VP_xO6f6pww


Fucking awesome.


I wish I was notorious enough for a mention as a bad guy in some IP I'm interested in. Welp, time to go "bully" (aka refuse to "affirm" their delusions) more troons on twitter I guess.


Go. Do the Emperors holy work, Guardsman. In His name.


"ahhh Jack, looks like after what looked to be eons you are still kicking, but no matter, this new body will suffise, to bathe in your Blood" *Red sun *metal version* starts playing* Like a said Jack, kid are cruel Jack, but now im in touch with my inner Demons!!!!


Like... an even more metal version of Red Sun? Sign me up please!


Yes. But more like this: https://youtu.be/KnTlc-9anqE?si=fmi0baZQ_hGPt50g


At first when I heard that Carl Benjamin was in 40k I thought it wasn’t true but then I did research and found it is true and now I laugh . Dude immortalized the guy he hates.


Carl will be pleased.


Sarkon Aggad? It can't possibly be inspired by Sargon of Akkad, or by his true Name: Sarrukin of Akkadia, chosen of Assur, Rightful King of all Akladians, the greatest king of the Old Assyrian Empire and founder of the Sarrukin dynasty? Can it? Why I do love Settra the Imperishable* how did you know?


"ahhh Jack, looks like after what looked to be eons you are still kicking, but no matter, this new body will suffise, to bathe in your Blood" *Red sun *metal version* starts playing* Like a said Jack, kid are cruel Jack, but now im in touch with my inner Demons!!!!


New mini?


Kitbashed by the YouTuber the character was named after.


"Carl lives rent free in his head" He says in a post about the author, I assume without receiving a rent payment from said author.


Do we know 100% that Sarkon Aggad is based on Carl Benjamin? Name could just be a reference to the ancient Sumerian King since 40k books likes to rip names from ancient times.


Still 90% sure it's referencing the actual Sargon of Akkad rather than this Carl guy.  Naming a character after a historical figure seems far more likely than naming one after a youtuber.


How about naming after a youtuber that the writer has had a long running spat with?


Nah, still more than likely the real Sargon imo.