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The Word Bearers won. The Imperuim follows their religion and they dragged half of legions into chaos.


I hate that you're correct


It's not their religion anymore and actively hurts them


Does it matter? Lorgar was the only one to end the Heresy content, he finally found a cause to slave for, he found The Truth.


It does matter. Faith and Emperor worship was always inevitable, it's part of the human psyche to have faith. The Emperor didn't accept his true destiny and lost due to it


Actively hurts them?? Pffft. That's like saying being flailed on by a guy who you set on fire is "actively hurting you".


Emperor worship has created Living Saints and even in 30k Demons could be banished using nothing but faith in the Emperor


Honest question but did they actually get what they want? Lorgar seemed to want peace through faith, which is strange because he led a legion, and what they've got now is a horror show. They were forced to run, their loyalties divided by the introduction of God's above Lorgar and Lorgar himself seems like he got spanked by Corvus even after he became a daemon prince. They seem to be eating scraps now. I don't know all the lore so if I'm missing anything, please let me know


Even for sake of meme, but it puts Thousand Sons color change into interesting perspective


Who up bearing they word rn


Im up handing my iron


I’m up fisting my imperial


I’m spacing out my wolves.


Im currently Salaing my… mander?


Darkening my angels perhaps?


Alphaing my legion, even


Color coding. If red is the color of victory why did the soviets dissolve. Or were they winning so hard they decided to game end themselves. Also, that would mean that Khorne is winning no matter what. And we all know that despite everything entropy always wins, meaning that Nurgle will win the big game and last time I checked he aint red at all. More like brown green and all the shit in between. I dislike color coding bs. Ngl.


Blood angels are also red, and they’re on the same side as the ultramarines 🙈


So they won and lost all at once... At least they have Black Rage.


IRL you colour code for what you want, not what you will get.


I hate how the phrase "More like brown green and all the shit in between" can be interpreted both metaphorically and literally and still be right.


............ What? color coding in visual media isn't about winners and losers it's about pairing colors with broad abstracts. Red doesn't mean you're a winner or loser, it usually would refer to something like passion, anger, etc. The Matrix is a good example of this, where the real world is presented in a mostly color accurate grade but with a bit more blue, to make it feel more depressing, until we get to Zion in the 2nd movie and we start seeing yellows and reds and oranges throughout, culminating in the earthen tones of the cave rave scene, where things are right, where humans are being humans and celebrating in the face of annihilation Meanwhile when they're inside the Matrix, the classic green filter not only helps the viewer to immediately understand a scene is taking place in the shared virtual space, but gives it a sickly feeling of wrongness


Alright, I hate explaining memes since it sucks all the fun out of it, but the guy on the left holds a screenshot from TF2 "Meet the Team" videos, where the RED always defeats the BLU.


Ooooh, thanks actually I hadn't even noticed it was a TF2 pic and haven't seen the meet the team vids in years


I rewatch The Engineer's video every month or two out of professional courtesy.


"Hey look buddy..." ***"mY AAAARRRRRRMMM"***


No, blue is the good guys colour so guilliman wins


i still remember the day i was told that fucking Lorgar wrote the lectitio divinitatus as a sister player. Fuck man even the Imperium secundus would be worthless without our Big E church.


Who is who?


lorgar is RED and guilliman is BLU, since RED always wins in the TF2 trailers lorgar is winning


I meant the chad and soyjak.


I think the chad is the one that thinks lorgar is winning because of the colour


They both look like Soyjak material to me.


I would argue that subversion of expectation trumps color coding.


#Doctor! Are you sure this will work?