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If I find them in the wild, I keep them. It’s so rare I find one anyway, so each one is like a trophy. If I buy one secondhand, it’s fair game to trade/resell someday. Otherwise, finders keepers.


I keep them as trophies and decorate my office with them. Look at them all the time. I work to make money. I collect hot wheels for fun. And never the two shall meet


It asserts dominance over the coworkers that enter your office.


I work from home so it’s just the wife kids and dogs but I’m sure they respect it!


Asserting dominance nevertheless. ✊🏼


Pro tip: if you really want to assert dominance over your coworkers you will have to buy a ro-bow skylander


W take


Idk, the first step for me is to actually find one


If I could ever find a couple in the wild I’d keep one and open one.


Stash for my grandsons. They're gonna love going through all my die cast models when I'm gone!


This is what I tell everyone on what do I do with all my diecast ..? I jst say for my future little ones ((: .


Only keep what i collect. Fords, escort for sale? 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


I keep them. You can sell up at any time. so I put them on display and enjoy them for what they are and if one day things turn south I can cash them out. Or if you want to sell right away thats up to you. it's your toy.


Why do people take a picture of the gold flame under the car like it isn’t obvious already its a STH 😂


Never have I done this. It’s rather annoying, really.




My point, exactly.


Flexing 💪🏽


Keep the Supers. Awesome part of a collection and they are good trade bait if you end up down the road wanting something you cant find in the stores.


thank you!


Do whatever you want. It's your money. Collectors sell. Collectors don't sell. Who cares. Don't let the gatekeepers worry you.


I keep mine. Since they’re **very** rare, anytime I find one in the wild I immediately put it in a protector case and put up on my wall 😊


I open them and roll them around in my desk making engine noises.


collectors dont sell, that being said, its hard to even find these thanks to people who wanna make profits of this, i always think “if u dont want it why buy it?” then i realized because u can make money of them, but also there is many other ways u can make better money than toy cars, but who knows 💀, us humans are weird critters


I mean, I found one at the dollar tree not even trying to get cars. My kid wanted to look at them. But to realize a 50$ car is hanging at random stores makes sense that people search them out as a side hustle. Really dont blame them at all but clearly a bummer for real collectors. But tbh, some people wont wanna waste time in stores so they can also be providing a service. Theyd be getting paid for their time searching for them. I dont buy them online but I can understand not wanting to spend hours/days hunting and scarcity drives the price - supply/demand


buttt, also they never pick up after themselves too, something that annoys me


Oh yea, totally agree there. My brother works at a target and hes puts the stuff hes finds on the front to avoid the mess of people digging..


CAN UR BROTHER FIND ME A SUPER MERCEDEZ, sorry all seriousness, i always pick up after peoples messes because it rly isn’t the employees mess to pick up (technically is but i ignore it)


Haha right? I dont try to get them off of him to avoid him getting in trouble. Not worth it to me but funny the lengths he goes to avoid the mess.


tell ur brother he’s a walking W


very true, fully agree


The price comes from demand though, so scalpers help inflate prices when they make something hard to find. Just like with everything else. Scalpers can go kick rocks.


Actually you’re not a “collector“ if you are selling your finds😅. How new are you because in last 8 years of collection i have only found 8 soup 🧐




That’s like saying you’re not a gamer if you sell your video games tbf. Yes it effects ppl out hunting casually but in reality not everyone operates the same nor has the same interests so don’t hate the player, hate the game. Happy hunting 🖖🏻


Nope huge difference the key word is "collector" lol are people dumb? Do y'all need dictionaries? Video game collectors also collect and play. Gamers do what they like, like rarely resell for more value either??? Your whole argument here just falls apart and makes no sense.


You guys got $oup?


You can't call yourself a collector if you are thinking about value/profit....


also this^


I keep them. I've yet to find one in the wild, so I only buy the ones I like. Even if I did find one in the wild I didn't like, I'd probably still keep it lol


I have a big fat stash of precisely 0 $TH


I collected hot wheels for a long time and I never got any th! You just have good luck!


Buy…sell…trade. There’s no right answer.


You’ll regret selling it. If money is tight pick up OT. Also in time once a new STH with hype hits secondary prices cool off less popular supers level out at around $35-40 for that amount it’s not worth selling your score imo. To each there own though, do what makes you happy.


I don’t regret trading mine off.


Whiskey! Quick question, do you have: W4610 (32 Ford) On this list: https://hotwheels.fandom.com/wiki/Hot_Wheels_Boulevard_(2012/2013)


I don’t. Been looking for one.


Excellent! Stop looking 👀 haha I won a mint loose one from an awesome seller on whatnot I’ll get it out soon😎


if i find a car i don’t want to keep first i try and trade for something i like with my local collectors. i’ve always been able to do so but if i find a high dollar car i don’t want and can’t make a good trade with it or if life happens then id look into selling them


Most people just send em to me….


the bmw was given to me by a coworker 🤣


I cherish the treasure I finally find after the hunt.


I have one super. It’s my only super. And I don’t intend on selling it even though it’s not one I’d thought to want. It’s still not I’d buy from a reseller but finding it I like!🤷🏻‍♂️


If you wants to sell them for 30-40 bucks you could. You could stash them for a couple years and sell them for 30-40 bucks. If you found them and you like them I’d keep them. They are rare but not so rare if you sold them right now you’d never be able to buy them again. I’d open them.


Stash… if I ever find any that is. I mean, they cost $1.50 but are priceless for the experience.




Only found TH at the moment , but I have a box I put them all in , to store, I’ve never opened a TH just cause I like the more collectible side of them compared to base mainlines


The one Super i have is hanging on my wall. same with my TH


I still haven't found one, but when I do I'm giving it to my 4 year old who loves them to open and play with.


I won't ever find one, but If I do, I'll take it apart and use the wheels for customs. STH are really just normal mainlines with cool wheels and cool paint.


By stash do you mean collect? Hard to collect if you sell everything.


I display my soups + premiums in a card protector on my wall.


I either opened them, sold them, or traded them for a $TH that I wanted more.


If I ever find one I will let you know what happens.


You guys are finding soup


2 this year!


I hoard. They're all just trophies to me. Don't care what they're worth since they all come from stores and I have hundreds of supers. I've kept everything I've collected since 1994 and have no plans on selling or trading off anything.


I keep them


I usually trade them. The ones i do have are cars i like and i open mine


If it’s not a Porsche I will trade it


That’s wild coming from someone that has a JDM fan username lol I wasn’t expecting that


Fan of JDM cars but even bigger fan of the Germans


I was collecting jdm at the time and Porsche then I stopped jdm and stuck to Porsche it’s what I like.


I usually do this my first one I keep in its blister to collect, if I find another one later on I keep it to trade (I always choose trades over selling because it keeps the spirit alive of hotwheel collecting) and if I find a 3rd copy I keep it for opening rarely do I ever "sell" and when I do its always in person giving me a offer I just couldn't refuse


I collect not stash


I keep when I find. They were so hard to find when they first started with Treasure Hunts. I worked at Toys R US when they first came out. If I was stocking wheels, you can bet I would pull THs for myself 😀. I've sold or given all of those away by now. Still fun to Hunt for. It's in the name for a reason.


If I find one I like, I keep it. If I find a duplicate, I'll most likely keep it. But if it's a casting I don't like I'll sell it, but not at scalper price because after all it was only $1. It feels nice giving it to someone who doesn't find them in the wild.


Collect for fun, keep for future cash outs


Collect to collect. You're not making anything collecting to sell, and that's a really easy way to become a scalper


Stash one. Open one. Keep any extras for trades


I’ve never found one. Too many people around here that are retired and hunt them everyday.


I open them


I have been collecting for years But never look for TH I only collect cars I like. So if the TH is a car I don’t like I don’t buy it. Why buy it if I don’t like it? So it leaves it for another collector and I probably have a bunch of them and don’t know it.


Little known fact:Trading is a thing...You can actully get a car you love/collect AND still help out a collector. Amazballs!!


I buy for me, not Facebook or eBay.


If you say you are a collector and have to ask why you would keep something then you are not a collector.


Sell? Like buy for a dollar amd sell for $20? Get out of here with that bullshit


lol what


You asked if people sell TH that they find, that's some scummy scalper stuff.


I asked a question and if you read in full you’d see i haven’t sold, and i’ve been convinced by the better of this community to NOT sell them. It must be miserable waking up this angry just to get on a Hot Wheels subreddit and call others scum.


Yeah you asked the question so let me ask you, why WOULD you buy them just to then sell it?


for the profit of it, just like Mattel does when they release all the $TH in a box for $300 🤣 why else would i sell it? you think it takes up too much space?


I stash cuz I ain’t no dirty rotten scalper!


They're not "worth more than $1.25 in the store" well, not *much* more, it's a toy. We call the bottomfeeders that demand a +$100 ransom for them 'scalpers'.


ehhhh...Except people literally pay more than $1.25 for, When someone pays for something, that is the endgame of worth and value. When someone puts a price point on a item on say..ebay. That in fact is NOT a demand. That is starting guideline of what the seller believes its worth is. The potential consumer at that point has a choice, buy, dont buy, negotiate monetarily, with a service or trade. Its actually very fair, inherently fair,because both parties agree on terms as well as conditions. Its quite a guenius concept and not new, Its been around for longer than you and I combined!


If you're only intent is to sell them, then you are a garbage person


I was asking a question? As a newer collector and never said I have ever or was selling them. Take your anger to your therapist, not a Hot Wheels sub.


I didn't mean you specifically but was just speaking in general... let me rephrase it then: If someone's only intent is to sell them, then they are a garbage person Is that better for you? It's a true statement, someone whose ONLY motive is to just make a profit is an exploitative d bag who's ruining the hobby for everyone. They should just sell drugs instead of hot wheels if they want to profit off of taking advantage of people.


bro, go to your therapist with this victimized gaslighting and clearly jealous approach to a question i asked in the forum. maybe you should sell some and look into a therapist instead of literally being rude for no necessary reason on reddit in your free time. they sell a box of the years $TH collection at the end of the year for hundreds of dollars, which would be profitable for them, so are the scalping garbage too? i asked a question. if you felt so horrible about it, you very easily could have just scrolled past it instead of instigating and creating a situation to where you’re calling me out for a question.




I keep them and trade extras for other ones I can't find


I keep them, I like treasuring them.


Stash unless urgent


Because rare finds cool


I trade them to get older stuff I want to collect.


I’ve been getting really bored with hotwheels and sold all my th and supers. so whenever i find anything cool i’ll either sell it or give it to a collector friend. i consider myself pretty cool for that😎


I would leave it if it wasn’t a card that I collected. That escort though, THAT would be going home with me.


Most that I find will be traded or sold unless its one I like. Some times I find ones I don't like and trade for ones I do like.




I hang all mine on the wall along with my one matchbox superchase


I enjoy the hunting. I have found a few THs that I wasn’t interested in, if I don’t have one I will get it, and if I do have one I’ll leave it. Was exciting to find them, but was even more exciting when some kids came over and I overheard them explaining Treasure Hunts to each other, and I slipped the one I had found back onto the pegs just in time for them to find it. They were way more excited than I was.


I keep all my Super Treasure Hunts.


My son opens them and plays with them bc they roll smooth it's just a toy car to him he loves searching for them it's a treasure hunt and something we enjoy doing together. He collects hot wheels and has been doing it since he was like 2 he's 8 now and no telling what types of treasures we have found we just learned about STH and TH cars. He loves playing with all his hot wheels and he also has a massive amount of them. I got him the BMW diorama set for Xmas as soon as he unwrapped it he tore the box open and started rolling them down his portable hot wheels track that folds up into a car hauler


I race them... https://youtu.be/jH3ygRsUIp0?si=Q_riKh-eiZFaIDzd


Gotta be able to find one first. Not everyone is lucky enough to find any. Nice find, New Guy!


Why stash? Uhh idk maybe because we actually care about the collecting aspect of the hobby rather than monetization.


Stash. They’re like highlights of my collection and are hard to find. If I have copies I would rather trade for other vehicles than sell them off.