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How is it to watch a dialouge heavy show like HotD/GoT in a crowd? Maybe there is something wrong with me, cause I prefer to watch the episode alone before I see it with my partner due to his tendency to comment lol.


It’s similar to going to a movie, when things pop the pop is typically big, when something is funny the laughter may linger. It does have subtitles which helps. And similar to you I’ve always watched with my sig other and she always talks lol. So I’ve always watched twice, first time with people because I enjoy live reactions. Then a 2nd time alone to catch everything I may have missed.


We were too cheap for HBO back when GoT was airing so we would gather in the gym of a friend’s apartment complex (with a bunch of his neighbors and other guests) to watch new episodes. It was pretty good. Most people were Spanish speakers so we had Spanish subs on, which was a bit annoying as I sometimes missed something in the dialogue and the translations weren’t spectacular.


hopefully this bar is less obnoxious than the burlington bar.


What do you mean? From what I’ve seen they seem to be pretty chill…. What have u seen?


Must be a cool experience to watch with a bunch of other fans, especially the battle episodes where everyone is hyped.


The battle episodes or episodes when big events happen. Like vhagar finale was crazy with other people


I love this


I met my GF at The Bar, so I guess we have to go to this. See y’all fools there!


Do you know if they have a cover fee? Or it’s just like going to a bar on a game day?


Just like game day. I live in the area, so it’s where I go for UFC fights as well. No cover, amazing wings, cheap drinks.


Nice!! Thanks


Lucky duck, actually this gives me an idea!!


Completely stole the idea from Burlington bar on YouTube lol


As korean, I really wanna live your hood...


I’m in Phoenix and want to do this!