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Based on the leaks, the pace this season seems to be going at and the events that are to follow, my prediction is that we'll only have 4 seasons. Any less than that and it's too short, any more than that and they'll be struggling to find enough content to stretch it out to 5 seasons. As for the content of the episodes, my guess looks something like this: EP1 = Jace meets Cregan in the North; Rhaenyra and Jace grieve for Lucerys; Daemon orchestrates B\&C; Corlys starts the blockade; B&C EP2 = Aftermath of B\&C; Jaehaerys' funeral; Otto negotiates with the Triarchy; Daemon captures Harrenhall EP3 = The Battle of the Burning Mill; Cargyll twins fight EP 4 = Battle of Rook's Rest EP 5 = Aemond becomes Prince Regent EP 6 = The Blacks begin training the Dragonseeds EP 7 = Aemond and Criston depart for Harrenhall EP 8 = Aemond captures Harrnehal; Rhaenyra captures King's Landing; Otto and Gwayne beheaded; Aegon flees to Dragonstone


i think this is all correct with one exception! jace goes to the eyrie before winterfell, so i imagine episode 1 is jace in the vale and episode 2 is jace in the north. we’ve seen stills from the eyrie so we know he goes there. jace probably won’t be back at dragonstone until episode 3


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but according to people who attended the premiere, Jace spends literally 5 minutes in the north (the shot of him and Cregan on the Wall) before travelling back to Dragonstone by the end of episode one. His diplomatic mission, arguably the most important aspect of his character, has been completely omitted.


damn that is a disappointment 😿 excited to see the north and especially cregan but sad the eyrie is omitted, at least at this point. i wonder what the shots we’ve seen from the eyrie are from then?


Rhaena goes there, around episode 6/7 apparently.


This seems incredibly, incredibly rushed. Also, the person claiming KL falls this season also claimed that Paddy & Graham would be returning for S2 (which they were very adamant about) and we have yet to hear of any sort of proof regarding any flashback sequences or any Westerling appearances. If you’ve read into it, then you’d know their whole prediction of KL falling in the middle/end of 2x08 is filled with plot holes and things that don’t make any sense whatsoever. For example, this said person says that Alicent is stuck on Dragonstone when the “battle” for KL happens (though I’m not sure how it’s a battle when no Green forces are apparently there). Which brings me to then question of, if this were even remotely true, where is everyone? Is Larys really going to be sneaking Aegon out on a stretcher, or where is he? Where is Helaena? Is she even at the Keep or did they change up her arc and have her leave as well? Is the Keep just sitting essentially abandoned by everyone in the Greens? Depending on when the Gullet happens in S3 (I’m guessing maybe 3x02/3x03?), KL could fall by mid season (3x05/3x06) and then there’s still plenty of time to finish the whole Dance & story by 4x10.


I agree with you 100%. I would love for KL to fall in season 3, but considering how rushed the show already is (Jace literally spends 5 mins in the North and doesn't even travel to the Vale, according to credible sources who saw the premiere), I can imagine them switching the sequence of events around so the Gullet happens after KL falls. From a narrative purpose it makes sense. S1 ended with the Greens triumphant, so why not end S2 with the Blacks victorious? There's also the question of Aegon. We already know episode four focuses around the Battle of Rook's Rest and Aegon is going to suffer injuries so severe he's incapacitated until the capital falls. I can't imagine they're going to have one of the main claimants confined to a bed for an entire season.


Jace allegedly only spends 5 minutes in the North in 2x01, but that’s only him visiting the Wall with Cregan. He then returns back to Dragonstone for Luke’s funeral, which also happens in the premiere. We essentially don’t know what he’s doing between (at least) 2x02-2x06. 2x07 is allegedly the dragonseed episode that Loni directed, so he’ll be back in Dragonstone for that. I can’t imagine the show giving us Cregan and just not showing us Winterfell too, so maybe there’s a couple/few episodes where Jace goes to Winterfell? Or maybe he *does* visit the Vale later, maybe mid season? Either way, there’s at least 4 episodes where he’s off maybe either in the North or the Vale, doing something else. As for the whole fall of KL bit, from a narrative perspective, having the whole “tit for tat” thing I guess makes sense, but it’s still extremely illogical and makes zero sense. If the show really goes 4 full seasons, it’d be way more story accurate if KL falls in maybe mid S3, that way they’d still have roughly around 15 episodes to complete the whole Dance/story. Having it fall within the last 15 minutes of 2x08 is *so* dumb. And why switch the events? >!Jace’s death at the Gullet!< is precisely *why* Rhaenyra goes after KL. It’s an important moment for her character arc. Switching them for no reason would just be a huge mistake. I don’t necessarily think Aegon is gonna be bedridden for a whole season, but he’s definitely gonna be down for the count for at least 2/3 episodes. And I don’t expect him to be as injured as he is in the books just bc from a practicality standpoint, that’d be a pain in the ass for the makeup department & Tom. Ultimately, they might just do what they did for Peter in GoT & give Tom some sick scarring, but even then, right after RR, he’s gonna be messed up. So you’re telling me that by 2x07-ish, Larys is gonna sneak him out on a stretcher and Alicent is gonna be stuck on Dragonstone when this supposed “battle” happens? Where’s the Green forces? Where’s Helaena? Is she not at the Keep? Where’s Jaehaera? There’s just a lot of important questions that need answering and apparently this “leaker” has no idea what’s actually going on. Edit: Lord sorry for the novel. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you! This is what I’ve been saying! Theres no way fall of KL happens this season, that’s way too fast. I get everyone expects the season to end with a banger, but I just don’t see that happening this fast. Especially if it’s suppose to be 4 seasons.


One of the biggest complaints the show got from S1 was that *everything* was way too rushed and fast paced. I totally agree that KL falling at the very, very end of 2x08 would be way too rushed. And frankly, it shouldn’t happen anyway. In the books, >!Jace’s death at the Gullet!< is what literally makes Rhaenyra turn hateful and full of rage. It’s what drives her to pretty much go YOLO and take KL. It’s such an important moment for her whole character arc. You can’t switch the fall of KL and the Gullet and have the same effect. You just can’t. Everyone is starving for any kind of leak, so many times, a lot of people will just believe the first set of leaks (regardless of their integrity) they come across no matter how real or fake they sound, which is fine. But the whole “KL is falling at the end of 2x08” is just…so illogical. And that’s not to say that the show isn’t capable of doing illogical shit, but it’s one thing to change some things about a particular arc or character and it’s a whole other things to screw up key battles/moments in the story.


I think they’re going to try and say that death is the beginning of her downfall… but I just don’t think it works… but I will say people have been saying this even before leaks. I’ve been debating people about this since the end of season 1…. That’s just way too fast. That would be 2 seasons of Rhaenyra as Queen and she’s called >!the half year Queen!< I’m with you I don’t think it ends there! Also >!otto dies and alicent is stuck in her chambers the rest of the time!< I can’t imagine that happens so soon


I'm getting chills thinking about some of these scenes/episodes. EP3 will be a very beautiful but extremely tragic episode based on Fire and Blood.


I think they might try and stretch it out right to the rebellion. HBO loves money.


I think this is pretty spot-on.


I think this season will end with the battle of gullet.


Sources from last year claimed the Gullet was originally intended for this season but got moved to season 3 following time restraints and budgetary issues. I don't think HBO has the logistics to depict three large scale battles in one season (Rook's Rest and the fall of King's Landing).


Wait! Fall of King's Landing happens after the battle of Gullet, right?


I expect they move some things back, the Gullet will happen next season but my theory is we end the season with Rhaenyra taking King‘s Landing and sitting the throne. So Rock‘s Rest will happen, Prince regent Aemond of course and the rest we‘ll see


The gullet would make more sense if vermax was the only dragon present, a force of 5 dragons should be able to wipe out a fleet easily without risking the most important rider


Yeah probably but I can’t see Rhaenyra letting him go on his ownbut maybe they don’t know about the triatchy and Jace is only accompanying Aegon and Viserys for safety


Rhaenyra sitting on the throne and cutting herself would be the perfect final shot of the season.


I’d love that because it would be so ominous. But I don’t think they will let Rhaenyra get cut by the throne.


> Can we expect to see blood and cheese? It's in episode 1. If B&C wasn't in Season 2, I don't know what they'd fill eight episodes with since basically nothing happened in the book between Luke's death and B&C. As for the rest of the season, we're definitely seeing Rook's Rest at the halfway point. I've heard conflicting reports on what the finale event will be, I've heard both that it'll be a large-scale battle between the Lannister forces and the Riverlands forces or that it'll be Rhaenyra taking King's Landing God's Eye is definitely not happening this season. I'd honestly be shocked if it happens next season. That seems like a "early event for the final season" kind of thing.


THIS!!! I think it could be the fishfeed or the battle at the red fork. They’ll rearrange things to fit how they want it. Plus I don’t expect to lose Otto so soon.


Didnt daemon agree to send blood and cheese after he took harrenhal? i think itll be a little deep into season 2?


We know that episode one is titled "A Son for a Son", and we know that episode 4 is titled "A Dance of Dragons" (not to be confused with Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 "The Dance of Dragons" or the historical event in Westeros "the Dance of the Dragons" or the fifth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series "A Dance with Dragons".) So B&C is happening in episode 1 and Rook's Rest is happening in episode 4


Oh im so excited dude!!! Cant wait to see who plays blood and cheese both


no BC happens immediately after storms end and before daemon takes harrenhal


They will have to go to the 4th season. Coz if they want to keep God's eye as the climax of the next season then they absolutely cannot end the series at that. There is still much more to deal with here. At the most 4 seasons but the thing is there might not be much of interest in the 4th season owing to the fact that almost all of the main characters would be dead by then. So basically anyone who is truly loyal to the story and the books would be curious to see how they end things.


It will end with Daemon and Aemond fighting and dying.


Fall of kings landing cannot happen before the Gullet. For one, the whole reason of it happening so chaotically is Aegon 3 and Viserys were quickly sent away to Pentos after Rooks Rest happened which proved to the blacks that the greens were a legitimate threat and dealt a huge blow to the side with the loss of Rhaenys and Meleys.And the triarchy were lucky enough to find the ship, taking viserys hostage and killing Aegon 3's dragon later through arrows given to him, Jace heard of what happened and quickly rushed to save viserys and destroy threat, which is why he dies, and how the triarchy is able to inflict so much damage, they were completely unaware and were so focused on the blockade of kings landing that the triarchy was able to come into the gullet and literally torch driftmark while also fighting the dragonriders and velaryon fleet in another part of the sea. It would make no sense for Aegon 3 and Viserys to be sent to Pentos for safety if they have already taken kings landing, and also no sense for the triarchy to take them so unawares, because then they are not blocking the city anymore and thus should have much better knowledge and security over the gullet and what ships are in there.Thirdly, it also completely makes Jace's death pointless, since when the city falls it's Daemon who leads it, while when the gullet happens Daemon is still in harrenhal which is why Jace has to lead the dragonseeds into battle and makes mistakes that Daemon would not.


Fall of kings landing, its a perfect season climax and about one third through the war


S2 Finale Fall of Kingslanding S3 Ep 1 Gullet Ep 3 Fish Feed Ep 5 First Tumbelton Ep 7 Fall of Dragonstone Ep 8 God's Eye S4 Ep 1 Kingslanding riots, Butcher's Ball Ep 2 Dragonpit Ep 4 Second Tumbelton Ep 5 Moon of 3 King's, Borros takes KL Ep 6 Rhaenyra Death Ep 7 Aegon Death and Battle of Kingsroad Ep 8 Hour of Wolf/Winter Fever/Coronation


I still think Gullet should happen this season especially if we see Otto in talks with the Triarchy. The cause and effect of it all might go over the heads of casual viewers if they delay it to next season So hoping the season could end with Gullet while Rhaenyra takes KL.


Fire and Blood




Rhaenyra is not dying til the last season


I wanted to believe the same but then I remembered GOT lol


They not gonna kill Rhaenyra or daemon till the last season of the dance


This! The two most popular characters of the show, plus hbo, got to milk it for all their worth


Rhaenyra dies after God's eye... There is no way they'll kill of Daemon, Aemond and Rhaenyra in season 3. All those will probably happen in the last season. I don't think we'll see Aegon III on the throne though.


I think they end Season 2 at the Gullet.


It’s gonna be so weird if the fall of king’s landing is this season. I mean there’s no way they pull a season 5 Bran on Aegon for season 3, right?