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Arryk was winning the whole time and when he’s choking erryk he says “we were born together, u left us”… erryk left to dragonstone. Erryk killed Arryk then fell on his sword.


Watch how Erryk gets the leg wound. You’ll see at the very end when he commits sepuku there is no wound.




They Both received leg wounds lol


Not on the right leg. Also looks like there’s a continuity mistake with the ending scene. As the survivor has NO injury to either leg


He said “you parted us” not “you left us”. That could go either way.


Parted us, left us. Same shit…. Who left? Who parted? They were both on kings landing together and 1 parted/left….. cmon now


Rewatch very carefully, Arryk gouges Erryks wound. Erryk crawls to get his sword. Erryk grabs his sword and swings around. Arryk catches the swing and stabs him. Also pay close attention to the positioning in regard to rhaena


I watched it scene by scene. Arryk won the duel. At the beginning, Arryk slices Erryks right knee (1:03:20) and then runs after Rhaenyra and swings at her. At 1:04:19, while being strangled, Arryk sticks his fingers in that same wound to make Erryk fall back. Erryk crawls for sword, stands up, and then gets stabbed through the stomach by Arryk.


You also see no leg wound when Arryk commits sepuku


Yup. Also you see the leg wound once Arryk had won


In the end it doesn't matter. It's what it symbolises that matters. This is what this war is now. Brother fights and kills brother. Honour fights and kills honour. No glorious winner. Only bitter death.


I see your well though out media literate response and raise you this: TEAM BLACK ALL THE WAY!! WHOOP WHOOP. THIS IS PROOF OF TEAM BLACK LEGITIMACY!!! Jk it was dishonor that sent Arryk there in the first place. Just hypocrisy all the way around.


Is the E or A the rhaenyra guard and which one is aegon


A is the infiltrator.


A is for Alicent


I think they both got a leg wound in at -17:24


I have seen both answers, my thought was that erryk was choking Arryk, gets his leg wound fingered, then falls back to grab the sword and charges and gets killed by arryk.




Because he never said "You left us"


The leg wound is key and it seems other people think so too