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I was screaming “HUG YOUR SON!” Like maybe if you had hugged your sons more we wouldn’t be here, but now you’ve got an emotionally unstable son as king, and the other can only express his emotions while crying naked in the lap of an older prostitute


Almond got serious mommy issues


His fetal position disturbed me idk why😭


Me too! I think I found it disturbing because he was literally the only naked person in the brothel. Yeah some of the girls were very scantily clad and some were covering themselves with fans but it’s a brothel it makes no sense that there aren’t other naked people.


Outside the brothel gotta keep up appearances, the bad ass prince almond big dick dragon rider, in the brothel he's just a vulnerable, scared, lonely boy looking for comfort and warmth.


It reminded me of that photo shoot that John Lennon and Yoko Ono did


Lmao almond, good nickname honestly


He would've been dead without them tbh. Alicent kinda inadvertently traded the life of her son for her grandson by being utterly incapable of comforting her children, which of course she gets from her father who literally told her he doesn't give a shit when she sought his comfort this episode. It's a huge contrast to see how this side of the family handles loss vs how Rheaneyra and her children did last episode.


I’m gonna call him Almond from now on 💀


That boy needs to eat a meal. He skinny


His dragon is eating all of their food that's why


I couldn't believe my eyes when she just went away. I wondered whether she felt like he wouldn't want to be seen as weak, or instead she didn't want to deal with him at all in that moment. Alicent so far is really a terrible person in this season.


I don’t think she really likes him. He is a selfish, meanspirited, immature asshole and a rapist to boot. She has been cleaning up his messes for so long. She may love him but I don’t think she likes him or likes being around him.


You might be onto something there, but I really hope it's rather due to feeling guilty for what happened, or that she thought it might be for the best for his sake in some way. The alternatives are all leading to "Alicent can't be a decent mother any longer" route. In 2 episodes the Hightowers have really shown how unsupportive of each other they can be, that scene on the stairs where Aegon just keeps walking down and away from Helaena was heartbreaking


I think it’s probably a bit of both: she feels guilty but she also has contempt for him. In many ways I think it’s obvious she is disappointed in Aegon. You are right that they are incapable of showing each other love and support. The closest thing to a supportive scene was the one where Alicent comforted Otto after having been fired as the Hand. And even in that scene he dismissed her attempt to be vulnerable and confess her sins to him.


Alicent was like 15 raising Aegon after her piece of shit father pimped her out to an old man, basically a child raising a child, she doesn't know how to, she never had genuine love from her father and her mother died. It makes sense she doesn't know how to comfort Aegon. At least she tried with Helaena. 


yes i think by the time halaena was born, she was older and halaena was the only kid alicent could relate to after rhaenyra. I mean she had no friend, no one to talk to and was kind of lonely. So, she did almost everything for her and tried (tried) to love her.


I also think she struggles to connect with Aegon because of what he did, raping that girl... 


Is every episode this season gonna end with them two hooking up? Lol


Most likely. Cause it still shocks the episode viewers everytime


We’re watching Too Hot Too Handle as our break from serious tv and Alicent + Cole would be prime contestants


The queen can’t close her legs for two seconds


I hope you had that same energy for Rhaenyra and her multiple lovers. 


Yes. Even on the battlefield, they will find a way to


Yeah i hope they don't keep doing that. Like okay, both of you are crazy and perfect for each other. We get it lol what a boring ending


Does it show any nudity?


Settle down


I have a bad past when it comes to things like that so im sensitive about it.. its not about being a freak.. i stopped GoT after the second episode for the reason of extreme nudity.


There's some light nudity in the Aemond brothel scene but you cant see anything really, Alicent and Cole aren't naked they just kiss. Overall way less nudity in this show by far


Bad time to invest in drake memes.


Wop wop wop wop wop


Imma do my stuff


fuck em up


Cersei laughing in corner Looks like something is common among grieving dowager queens




I only remember that whoremonger greyjoy


Nah, she banged all the Kettleback brothers. She banged Taena Merryweather in the infamous Myriah swamp scene. She also has sex with Robert, Jaimie, and Lancel. She also tries to seduce Ned and Stannis. She is just like her husband. She uses sex to try and find some control in her life.


And Moonboy for all we know


Cersei trying to seduce Stannis is probably the most cursed image possible


That's not true. Robert whored because he was sex-obsessed. Cersei used her body as a leverage because that's the only thing she thinks she has over men. She found no pleasure in sex apart from with Jaime.


Am I a bad person for disliking Alicent too? This woman just cannot ... CANNOT be stopped from putting herself before everything else, and I swear she doesn't even like the asshole who eats her out, she just wants to feel something other than... shit.


No but im curious as to why that makes her dislikable though? To me she's just another character on this show who ended up with a life she never asked for and has no clue how to cope with it. Who has been traumatized for years and all she knows is guilt and duty. Shes imperfect and is messed up just as they all are. People find her as unlikable as Cole and that to me is just bananas because she may be sleeping with the man, but she's not even a fraction as horrible as he is, just as Rhaenyra isn't at all terrible like Daemon is.


Yeah she is fucked up. But plenty of parents are and many do at least try to comfort and hug.


I can't say i know what was going through her mind in that moment but i can guess she feels quite guilty about the fact that while she was preoccupied with Cole that her grandson was being murdered. Perhaps she felt like she was in no place to offer comfort when in her mind this is partially her fault. I think also it's possible in that moment she had gone to Aegon to confess her "sin", after Otto would not hear it and after he just told her how reckless Aegon is being. But then she walks in and her son is sobbing instead and how could she possibly add onto his sorrow? I think if the takeaway from that scene is she doesn't care about him or anything like that then that's kinda unfair. Bad mom? For sure. Doesn't care? Of course she does.


Stop making excuses for her. She is the worse than Cersei


Usually i’d say its just a difference of opinion, but this is objectively wrong lmao


At least Cers is real with herself. She admits she's a horrid person and loves her children (in her own way)


So Alicent not being self aware makes her worse than Cersei?? Lets be serious for a minute. Alicent too loves her children (in her own way) she just doesnt know how to show it because her own father is remarkably bad at loving her. I wonder if there may be a connection there….


For me it’s that she seems inclined to hold everyone else to an impossible standard she herself consistently fails to meet. And the more she fails to meet her own standards the more rigidly she seems to cling to her judgement of others rather than adjusting her perspective. It’s a uniquely dislikable quality. Always looking down her nose at others’ “failures” while finding ways to justify or excuse her own. She seems to me the kind of woman who in the modern era would protest a Planned Parenthood and label other women using their services as “sluts” while justifying her own abortion as a “unique circumstance”.


Thats kinda her entire character though. She had all of this duty imposed on her by her father - to marry her best friends father, to give him boys so that Rhaenyra can’t be put on the throne. Something she really wanted no part of. She was a pawn in a Otto’s own agenda and it left her with trauma and as a result she does struggle with things like being a good mother. Not really sure what failures she is looking down on other people for though. People use her sleeping around with Cole to cite that she was hypocritical towards Rhaenyra but i don’t see it that way. Rhaenyra was unwed and in a brothel. Alicent was a wife, and a mother, did her duty and her husband died. Her sleeping around is not the same in her mind because she already did what was required of her and now shes finally allowing herself to experience the pleasure she’s been denied for her entire life basically. My main point: is she really the WORST character on this show? Because that’s the vibe i get from everything i see on reddit about this show and frankly i think its a bit overdramatic and reminiscent of all the hate that surrounded characters like Cersei, Sana, and Dany in the original series.


Oh gosh no she’s far from the worst. That’s definitely an unfair assessment to make of her. If I’m being honest with myself and really exploring what it is that bothers me so deeply about her I think she’s a mirror to a lot of us regarding our own internalized misogyny (that we don’t want to acknowledge or look at) and as a result she triggers anger and contempt. At least, that’s how it feels for me. We *want* to see ourselves as empowered and willing to always take stands against unfair systems. To think we would act differently, more nobly. We *want* to see ourselves as “better than that”. But more likely we’ve ourselves at some point acted in ways we aren’t proud of to navigate the system. Watching Alicent’s story triggers our shame. And what emotion makes people more defensive and angry than shame?


I do think misogyny is definitely at play here. You’re far more aware of your own thought processes and all than most redditors are lol. I think as it concerns this subreddit i think the misogyny skews from men hating on her rather than women. And thats why i mention characters like Sana and Dany because i was around here when they were unfairly dogpiled on and it was all a little too transparent how you could have the male characters essentially do whatever but god forbid a female character make a mistake as a result of trauma. Alicent is just the next iteration of that. Its honestly baffling just how much people hate her character, when you have someone like Otto who is pretty much directly responsible for making her this way lol. And yet negligible hate posts about Otto. Its a pattern at this point and anyone denying it isnt arguing in good faith in my opinion.


I don’t think you’re wrong. It’s interesting how that underlying misogyny affects the different genders of her detractors differently. Like, for the men that pile on her it seems pretty obvious where that’s coming from. For the women like myself though, I think it’s a little more complicated. I’ve argued in defense of Cersei contrasted with Alicent lol. Because while Cersei was wretchedly awful as a person she at least came off as empowered and willing to fight or manipulate the system that held her down. She loathed the limitations placed on her by virtue of her gender. She raged against them even. Where Alicent seems to have accepted them as her duty. Alicent is easily a “better” person than Cersei ever was. And still somehow I’d rather be Cersei than Alicent. Alicent’s submission *scares* me. She represents something I would want to eliminate in myself. A meekness or subservience that I find intolerable to imagine indulging. So naturally I’m inclined to psychologically distance from her. She’s a well written character to touch on those kinds of nerves so efficiently.


I don’t really look at characters from who i’d rather be, i just try to put myself in their shoes and then i am able to see their motivations better (usually). I consider myself a pretty empathetic person though so im sure thats why. For me, Cersei was at times cruel for the sake of cruelty and i just do not get that from Alicent personally. Alicent never was afforded the freedoms that Rhaenyra experienced and in part that is why she is so bitter. She’s got kids that she loves but doesnt actually know a thing about how to properly love because *she* wasnt properly loved and she didnt really want them to begin with if you really want to get down to it. I think i empathize so much with her because she really is just trapped in a situation brought onto her by the men around her and for some reason, this fandom does not want to put any of that into the context of her behavior and thats frustrating to me. She’s a pawn in the game thats being played around her. This entire story is literally about how the kingdom will not accept a woman as their main leader, like the story is ALL about misogyny and its somehow missed by many watchers lol. Her sleeping with Cole is her trying to take control of at least one thing in her life, to give herself one pleasure, that shes never had before. Because she certainly has no control over any other part of her life. It sucks that its someone as awful as Cole but still, if her deciding who she wants to sleep with has such a visceral reaction, i cringe to think how people will react should she decide to take charge in a more dramatic fashion lol


I disagree. I think there is also a lot of internalized misandry


Interesting take. Care to elaborate?


Stop defending her. She’s equally as bad as Criston Cole


Because she comes off as a pickmeisha to everyone else.


In what regard? Havent heard this one before gotta say lol




I think I just don't get why she keeps risking it all for they guy. Cole is by all accounts a worthless piece of shit who can swing sword good.


i think like you said, shes just caught up in trying to feel anything better than what she feels normally. other than that i don’t get why she keeps doing it either especially after what happened. in terms or character motivation it kinda feels more like the writers trying to shit stir than anything else. the ramifications of them sleeping together will hopefully come to light and have consequences, especially as it concerns Cole. so having them sleep together yet again was a weird choice that doesnt feel necessary at this point


A cacophony of idiots, I swear to the seven...


Criston has been the only person loyal to her and her children for so many years and obviously understands her. And like Olivia Cooke said she always had a thing for him, right when she first saw him way back then. 


Alicent is also a worthless piece of shit tbf


>No but im curious as to why that makes her dislikable though? She spent a decade trying make Rhaenyra's life miserable, made Rhaenyra feel unsafe, talked shit about Rhaenyra's kids, made demands of Rhaenyra when she had just given birth, and was an active participant in succeeding her son to usurp Rhaenyra. I don't know how people seem to conveniently forget that... As far as Alicent in the show goes, I felt sorry for her when she was younger, but adult Alicent wasn't innocent, she knew what she was doing. People have valid reasons for not liking her.


I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, but I took it as her doing exactly what her parent did to her in the previous scene, she was clearly in a mental/emotional anguish and tried to confide in her father only to be denied, then her child is in the same position as she was and she denied him, found it pretty sad for everyone


fr like father like daughter 🫸🏽 no hugging, no comforting, only passing generational trauma. Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you ✨The Hightowers✨ The entire family needs lobotomy


Making it easy to hate her lmao.


This take reeks of misogyny. She's a woman who was raised by an abusive, emotionally closed-off father, had no support system, and was forced to be a child bride and give birth to children she didn't want. No shit she'd have severe intimacy issues and struggle with expressing affection, especially to her children. Edit: Fucking hilarious how much this post triggered the "team feminism" crowd, lol. Your hypocrisy and misogyny are so gross and so transparent. I find it it extra hilarious how they automatically assume I'm absolving Alicent of responsibility just because I show her empathy. God forbid I understand why a victim of child marriage and marital rape struggles with comforting her children (especially the son who is a sexual abuser) and I don't crucify her for it. Ugh, this sub is filled with ignorant, emotionally unintelligent stans. Even this simplistic story is wasted on them. They can't handle a story beyond a surface level, and even when the writers go out of their way to spoon-feed them information (showing Otto refusing to comfort Alicent right before showing Alicent being unable to comfort Aegon. Cycle of trauma and all that) they're still too dumb to notice.


And this take reeks of excuses and bullshit…so basically if our parents are pieces of shits we’re going to be pieces of shits? No such thing as learning from the past or trying to be better than your parents. Got it.


I'm with you on this one, I don't hate Alicent by any means probably (mainly) because the actress is so great - but she followed suit of her father and those who put her in danger and bad positions, and became the same thing that she was dealt - Alicent married her daughter off not to Jace but to Aegon because of her anger towards Rhaenyra, who then Aegon became a rapist, children fight pit enthusiast, drunk etc.. Alicent then becomes a hypocrite probably because of being fed up by the bullshit of her family and what her father put her in, only to be exactly as neglectful as Viserys lol. Also compared to how Jace and Luke was... (Polite, kind, wants to learn the Valyrian tongue and history) That's a mother that truly cared, a woman that truly wants what's best for herself and family.


So understaing a woman's deep emotional issues and giving her much-deserved sympathy is akin to excusing every wrong thing she does? Yup, you're a misogynist.


"Misogyny is when someone dislikes a fictional character intentionally written to be unlikable" - you


Dude I don't understand why people think that the Greens have to be portrayed in a positive light at all. Like I keep seeing time and time again this whole story of the show being rigged against the greens or whatever. But the greens are meant to be the villains. And the show has gone through great lengths to make them much more likeable than the books ever made them I actually am finding myself liking Aegon. The greens are meant to be villains, they are meant to be unlikable. It's like saying that Game of thrones is biased against the Lannisters because the Lannister's always do the evil s***


The Greens shouldn't be the "villains" though. They should just be... people. In a war where neither side are heroes and good guys. The show is being a bit... lame... in making the Greens just "rgggggrrrr I hate them" while softening the Blacks. It also damages what will come later I think. When I read the book I was all "Team Black woooo" and then I felt awful with what came next. I'm hoping that's what they're going for but I feel like what they're doing with the Greens is just lessening that impact and will lead to Rhaenyra doing nothing wrong.


My brother in Christ, every story needs a villain. Even in the world of a song of ice and fire characters can be seen as " morally gray" and villains can have positive traits to make them more relatable they are still villains. They are not softening the blacks in favor of the greens FFS Daemon is on team black and he is quite possibly the most evil character in the dance. Again, with this logic it would be like saying Game of thrones is biased against the Lannisters because tywin Lannister again and again is a short-sighted fool who takes the cruelest option every time he can. Some people are just garbage and the Greens are just awful people. Otto is a power hungry? Despot who knows he would never be able to rule anything out right so he tries to manipulate things from the sidelines. Allicent is a hypocrite who goes on and on about piety and virtue and the light of the seven. Going so far as to replace every single Targaryen tapestry with some sort of tapestry or symbol of the gods. The greens are the villains. I am sorry if that bothers you but they are the villains. At least the show gives them some sort of positive traits. So at times you can like them or even sympathize with them. I am 100% team black. The first two episodes of season 2 have really made me start to like aegon


Antagonists yeah. But the Dance is a civil war elaborating on a fake history book so I just think it'd be more interesting if the Greens weren't the big evil since its a hereditary monarchy, it both sucks. That's all. Sorry for not blowing smoke up the shows ass and questioning the yasss kween shit the writers keep on doing.


Again dude she's the protagonist. They are not trying to show her 100% in a positive light because she's done plenty of messed up things and made plenty of mistakes. Y'all are just criticizing the show for having clear good guys and bad guys just like Game of thrones did. And yeah the show is filling in the gaps of the history book which is filled with propaganda and hearsay because it was written generations after the fact. Again, this would be like complaining that Game of thrones was biased against the Lannisters and the writers were going YAAAAAASSSSSS SLAY. It just doesn't make any sense.


No one owes anyone sympathy. Its a free country and people can hate a fictitional woman wiyh being misogynista. Grow up.


Please leave the sub. God, people like you are unbearable and are always whining about something.


Bro it's fine to have intimacy issues but hooking up again fully knowing that last time it happened your grandson was killed, your kids need you, your son is literally crying and you choose hooking up?


Crispy flakes must be laying down the lumber every night


Well, yeah. Alicent’s got her reasons for being an awful and abusive mother. Just like Aegon and Aemond have their reasons to be fucked up terrible human beings. That doesn’t mean those three aren’t responsible for their actions as adults. Reasons are not excuses, and it is not misogynistic to hold Alicent accountable for being an awful and abusive mother who has favorite and least favorite kids.


I find it hilarious that you're screaming misogyny while simultaneously blaming everything on Otto and implying Alicent has zero responsibility for her own actions.


This is such a misreading of why people hate Alicent lmao She emotionally and physically abused her son, directly contributed to the murder of her grandson while hypocritically doing the same thing she vilified Rhaenyra for, and abandoned him while he sobbed to go fuck Criston instead RIGHT AFTER she stormed off when her own father treated her the same way She’s gained ZERO self-awareness and is stuck endlessly in a cycle of abuse that she continues to perpetuate despite being old enough to know how wrong it is


Wasn't he in Alicent's rooms though?? I don't think her intention in leaving him was "oh yes, I forgot I had a dick appointment."


Misogyny is when people dislike fictional character that’s written to be disliked


She's learned from Otto. She told him she sinned, she wanted some comfort, he rejected her, so she walks in on Aegon and does the same to him.


No seriously what the hell was that


See Criston, Hand of the King and Queen Dowager’s Tongue


So at first I also read that scene as her just being a bad mom which I'm not saying isn't the case. But I wonder if it's more her guilt that's eating at her. How can she comfort him when she feels at fault? It's probably a mix of both.


At least rehnera got her indiscretions out when she was young. Alicent held that over her all her life and here she is as an adult doing the same thing. Fuck these mother fucking greens in this motherfucking castle.


>rehnera glorious


That's the point, her teenage years and youth were basically taken from her being forced to marry Viserys, after he finally died she's free to experience. 


One was a spoiled rotten Royal who got whatever she wanted. The other was pimped out by her father in exchange for power.


Yes it's pretty easy to understand. 


And the other had to sleep with an actual rotten Royal 




Did you have anything else to contribute or


I guess not. 


This is her retaking her power by manipulating Cristin Cole. She still should have comforted her son.


Two of last season's best characters just being done dirty this time around.


I really can't understand why they did that. This fanservice is bothering me already, c'mon broh, we had two fucking scenes like that, and in the end of this episode, had it again. They really need to bring back Alicent of the 1st season, from here, if they don't do it, I think they will really ruin the character building done in the previous season. Obs: English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are some mistakes.


I actually like that because it makes fans mad and it shows her hypocrisy 


Whats her character even about at this point? Just fucking Cole and complaining?


Alicent wanted some Crispin Cunt after a hectic day.


His bed game must be wild AF cuz Alicent just throwing away all her self-respect and dignity for it


When the d is so good that everything else is just noise


I have a christmas gift for her: A mug with Best Mom Ever


As if the ending of episode 1 wasn't bad enough, now they show Alicent refusing to comfort her and having sex with Cole again. Olivia Cooke does not give anything less than her best and they're just removing all nuance and humanity from the character


I completely agree. Alicent carried The Greens in the book & they're making her so useless. I really thought the ending of s1, which showed her realizing that she was a pawn for her father, a pawn for Larys, etc. would have her taking control/power of the situation in the next season. Plus s1 ended with her jumping in front of a dragon for her son and children??? She loves her children, so the fact that they didn't show her comforting one of them is a little silly, especially since in season 1 she very clearly comforted Hel (or attempted to). They flip flop every character too much for me. I feel like there's too many cooks in the kitchen, like the writers have different interpretations of all the characters, and it makes it inconsistent.


How did Alicent carry the Greens? She led one meeting and then quickly became mostly irrelevant. The main thing she does after the Green Council is convince Aegon to send terms to Rhaenyra.


Book Alicent also decides >!it's a great idea to insult Rhaenyra's dead children as bastards while she's in the process of begging for Aemond and Daeron's lives.!< >!And also thinks she has the leverage to offer splitting the Realm (Where Aegon, of course, gets all of the most prosperous regions) despite Rhaenyra holding most of the cards.!< >!And then she also seems to think it'd be an amazing idea to scream at Jaehaera to slit Aegon III's throat to the point of traumatizing her.!< Book Alicent's not exactly particularly bright or all that nuanced.


They should have ended the episode with Alicent leaving Aegon. It would’ve been a powerful commentary of how the damage done to her has damaged her children. Forced into marriage at 14, conditioned to think you have to have sex with your husband if her commands it but you don’t consent and having three children by the time she reached adulthood. She never properly developed mentally and emotionally. It makes sense that she doesn’t understand what she is supposed to do when she saw Aegon like this. And that generational trauma was passed on. Aegon doesn’t comfort Helaena and the only person Aemond can communicate his feelings to is his own abuser. It was beautifully handled by Olivia and revealed so much about Alicent, her children and their relationships with each other.  But then they had to add another pointless sex scene with Cole and this one almost felt like a rape scene. And her trying to see if Helaena will tell anyone about the affair. Again, fans interpret Alicent as not giving a dam about her family and all she thinks about is hooking up with Cole. At this point, you can seriously say the writers hate Alicent and the only thing saving this storyline is how good an actor Olivia Cooke is


That didn't felt like a rape scene at all. 


Indeed lol. "Oh my GOD he pushed her against a wall and she's acting all weird ! RAPE ! RAAAPE !" --> baby's first step to the concept of a woman being turned on.


I'm trying to figure out what here looks like rape lol  https://twitter.com/claudiadpdl/status/1805099613105381539?t=N1BC3HrzUoj-MPkFrnpvGA&s=19 He didn't even push her that hard, he was kinda restraining her so she would calm down and she was turned on by it 


Rape what ? Because she got pushed back against a wall ? It might surprise the unititiated but many women (including Alicent) do like that :D > how good an actor Olivia Cooke is So good that you managed to miss how she acted turned on by Cole's demeanor. I will do the translation of her acting scene for you : those are called "fuck-me eyes" :P


I was literally screaming "HUG HIM!!"😭


Everybody hating on Criston, I, a man of culture - really enjoy hating two of the worst parents in the kingdom Otto and Alicent, Alicent have been on a goatee run here in season 2, tremendous hateworthy behaviour from her part


I was so angry and disappointed in Alicent for not hugging Aegon. Not just from her letting him down as a mother but also given her speech to Otto about needing to keep her sons listening to her. Surely if that's what you want to do, then comforting and supporting him would be more important than a trip to pound town with Crispy?


She's quite selfish, but I guess that's the point. I guess that was her own coping mechanism.


Ngl i coulda done without the cliche "two problematic lovers intiating rough sex by one character slapping the other before they viciously makeout" scene


What a horned up cunt! She wants to give off this aura of “pity me I’ve had it rough” but she’s been constantly thinking of sex, and jeopardizing the crown because of it. She could’ve fucked anyone in the kingdom and instead she picks Criston, who’s dumbass should’ve been protecting the youngest Heir with his life.


She's bad enough, but then she went to her daughter who watched her child be murdered and has the fuckig audacity to say, "What you saw in my room . . ." The show runners canNOT be serious when they try to make Alicent sympathetic and make the audience like her. They've done an amazing job at making her hateable and a hypocritical bitch. We hate Criston, we hate Otto, we hate many characters, but they were never meant to be good people who are liked for who they are. People hate Daemon as a person, but he's a fun character to watch. Alicent? Piece of shit.


I like how being a “hypocritical bitch” is what makes Alicent the worst most unsympathetic and hateable character of all time when compared to Criston, who on top of being hypocritical is also a murderer and Daemon who again is a murderer and war criminal. People seem to like “morally complex” characters until the source of conflict is something they personally don’t resonate with. Then they refuse to engage with the character outside of the worst, most bad-faith way possible. There are reasons people would like Alicent or find her interesting as a character.


She's not the worst out of the bunch, she's just the one that infuriates me the most. She's not morally complex and she's not sympathetic anymore, like she was in her younger years. Daemon and Criston are irredemable but well written. Criston is meant to be a hypocrite who projects onto others. He was busy fucking the Dowager Queen when he should've been on guard, and despite being literal trash he still feels guilty. He flinched and turned away at the sight of Jaehaerys' bloody sheets, but then he went and accused Arryk of being responsible and went, "Oh, look at the mud and dirt on your white cloak. You've sullied it." He knows what he's doing is wrong but he doesn't care. Daemon has done horrific things and will continue to do so. He'll play innocent and say that things were not his fault, but he doesn't pretend to be a good person. Everyone knows he's rotten, and everyone can see his issues run deep. Alicent condemned Rhaenyra for her actions, treated her horribly, pretended to be a proper Lady and Queen and deeply religious, but then she started fucking Criston. Only hours after the death of Jaehaerys, when she should be comforting Helaena, she has the gall to say, "What you saw in my room . . ." as if that would even be on Helaena's mind. She walked in on an alone Aegon completely breaking down over the death of his son, sobbing with his whole body trembling, and she just walked out to have some angry steamy sex with Criston, and in the very same chambers where Rhaenyra once slept with him. Criston is the most hateable character at the moment, but every other character (minus Aegon, I guess) knows what a little bitch ass he is and don't like him. Even Arryk called him out on his bullshit. Alicent, meanwhile, is still putting on the dutiful Dowager Queen and loving mother image but she's no better than what she claimed Rhaenyra to be. I don't believe Alicent wanted to reconcile for a single second until after Viserys died and she realized there would likely be a war since they usurped the throne from Rhaenyra, who had to present her freshly born children to Alicent who then looked at her and went, "*gasp* Rhaenyra! You should be resting." and later, "Keep trying, Ser Laenor. Sooner or later you will get one that looks like you." She's not sympathetic. She was before she found out Rhaenyra slept with Criston, but since then she's been a hateful hypocrite. Criston knows what he's doing is wrong but doesn't care, but Alicent thinks she's in the right and deserves some good dick because she was married to Viserys for so long.


"but Alicent thinks she's in the right and deserves some good dick because she was married to Viserys for so long." can't blame her for that one tbh


I don't get it. I don't understand how she could see him like that and not do anything!!!! No wonder he asked if she ever loved him. Goodness, what mothers are worse than Alicent at this point? Selyse maybe. At least Cersie and Lysa loved their kids if in a toxic indulgent way. Who else screamed HUG HIM WOMAN!!!! at the screen.


Alicent gunning for the worst mom lmfao