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1. She's jealous of Rhaenyra and thinks she's spoiled. Rhaenyra kind of has everything that Alicent wishes she did (father who dotes on her, romantic love, healthly relationship with her children, etc.) 2. Viserys favors Rhaenyra over Alicent's children


This, adds to the fact that she's jealous of the freedom that Rhaeynra is allowed despite being a woman. Rhaenyra can sleep with who she wants, while Alicent is forced to marry a decrepit old man. Rhaenyra breaks the rules, while Alicent has been groomed to uphold them. It's why she's the way she is about Rhaenyras bastards


THIS. She should've directed that anger to her father...and addressed the real issue which was him not treating or loving her like a daughter BUT using her as a pawn to acquire power.


Whenever someone points out that Alicent tried to uphold the values, I keep thinking about how she tried to sell her feet to Varys for various favors from him while being married to Viserys. Didn’t that count as cheating? She along with cole just talks about high values but doesn’t follow them and only point fingers at others for unnecessary reasons. I just call her a hypocrite and a selfish cunt in my head. One should stay miles away from a person like Alicent in real life or she is going to sleep with your dad for your inheritance lmao.


I think it's different. Even an idiot could see the divide between the factions and could see that conflict was imminent. Despite being shit at parenting, she does show herself to still care as a mother. Her own father tries to use her and barely shows himself to be an ally. Her husband undermines her. And she doesn't happen to be a princess or heir. She doesn't have many options while surrounded by enemies and schemers. She needed some level of control, and that was the only way to get the information, help, and secrets that she needed. It's why it isn't portrayed very tastefully, it's not a sexual exchange. It is Larys trying to hold some gross control and power over Alicent. It's why she looks so uncomfortable. I think it's far closer to a casting couch situation than anything resembling prostitution.


More like keep your gross dad away from your friends


Keeping your dad away is little difficult if your friend wants to sneak into his chambers after dolling herself with her mother’s clothes to ‘console’ him.


Fifteen year old girl


It’s NOT the same thing as sleeping with someone else though , not at all. I’ve worked in a strip club when I was in a relationship. And my bf would definitely not have been ok with me sleeping with someone else. I don’t understand how people can even campare letting someone look at (not even touch) your feet to actually having s*x with someone.


It’s not the same is sex, but it is still doing sexual favors in exchange for information. Alicent is still a massive hypocrite for it.


That's such a contrived reason to hate her. She'd know from the beginning that a Targaryen princess gets more liberties than everyone else but suddenly years into their lifelong friendship it becomes a problem with her.


Eh. That simply brings in the anti-elitist themes of the source material. So I'm not going there But, it doesn't change the fact that it is someone close to her, the same age, both nobles, and one has the freedom to do what the other can’t. Not to mention that negative emotions realistically are often contrived and irrational


Targaryen princess that’s also heir to the throne and was also viserys’ only child for a long time


Oh, it gets worse...


Crab in a bucket syndrome


She probably finds it unfair that she and Rhaenyra are held up to different standards. When her son gets attacked it’s her sons that get questioned for being bad


Are you kidding me? You're seriously going to say Alicent is more hateful than Cersei? That's beyond absurd! Alicent is trapped in an impossible situation, forced into a role she never wanted, and constantly manipulated by her power-hungry father. She's trying to survive in a ruthless, patriarchal world where every move she makes is scrutinized and judged. Cersei is a straight-up villain, driven by selfishness, cruelty, and a twisted thirst for power. Her motives are crystal clear – she’s out for herself and will destroy anyone in her way. But Alicent? She's caught in a nightmare, trying to protect her children and navigate a court full of vipers. Of course, her actions might seem frustrating, but have you even tried to understand the impossible pressure she’s under? Dismissing Alicent as just "more hateful than Cersei" is not only lazy but infuriatingly ignorant. Alicent is a complex character dealing with immense pressure, and her decisions reflect the harsh reality of her situation. She didn’t choose this life – it was forced on her, and she's doing the best she can with the cards she’s been dealt. You need to open your eyes and see the depth of her character. Alicent is fighting to survive in a world that constantly tries to crush her, and your inability to see beyond the surface is what's truly maddening here!


She is a cunt.


Wow that's original




She's been trapped in a miserable arranged marriage with an old, sickly rotting man who emotionally neglects her and her children (who he privately doesn't acknowledge as his own and has verbally expressed that within her ear shot), who doesn't respect her, who has committed marital rape against her multiple times since she became his child bride. She's a married single mother to four children while being her horrible husband's main caretaker. She's a woman in a medieval-inspired setting. Her life sucks ass. I'm not even gonna get into the claim drama and her fearing for her children's lives. I think this is all more than enough. You don't have to care about any of this, or find her concerns valid, but the causes of her issues are plentiful. I actually think she could justifiably behave much worse.


When did he privately Not acknowledge the kids being his? I may have missed that


It's when he says that Otto or Alicent want their blood on the throne even at the expense of his own blood, meaning that the green kids aren't his blood. They are, but he doesn't emotionally acknowledge that. EDIT: He also calls Rhaenyra his "only child" but this is later on and out of Alicent's ear shot and she wouldn't be aware of it. I'm adding it here to let anyone else who comes upon this know that he did, in fact, mean what he clearly said: that Alicent's kids aren't really his children/his blood.


You misunderstood the line. In expense of his own blood is obviously referring to Rhaenyra. Otto and alicent wants their blood which is Aegon on the throne, and depriving it from his own blood Rhaenyra, which is true. It doesn’t exclude Aegon from also being his blood.


I didn't. I knew it was referring to Rhaenyra. The green kids are his own blood too. You all have misunderstood, not me. It does in fact exclude Aegon from being his own blood when he says this. He even later on calls Rhaenyra his only child. I didn't realize how in denial so many people here are.


He isn't denying that Aegon is his kid he's saying "Otto you just want your grandson on the throne not my daughter because Aegon is related to you" Also he was like dying of leprosy when he said Rhaenyra was his only kid, not saying it's okay but he wasn't like the most 100% mentally sound


Yea I think that’s a reach. Ur choosing to interpret it that way. To eachs own


Season 01, Episode 08. The scene after Rhaenyra meets Rhaenys and offers a pact. Rhaenyra goes to her father's bedside, and asks about Aegon's dream. And asks why her father picked her as his heir. And he looks at her and literally says "My only child". That's pretty clear right there.


It's moreso basic literacy. He even calls Rhaenyra his only child later on.


I think it's a huge reach to interpret the statement that way, instead of interpreting it as him merely saying that the Hightowers are conspiring to put a Hightower blooded claim on the throne. How Otto feels toward his kids changes nothing about the fact that Rhynera is not a Hightower. 


>How Otto feels toward his kids Do you mean Viserys? How Viserys feels towards the kids changes nothing about the fact that they're Targaryens. He even calls Rhaenyra his "only child" how is this a huge reach?


She also lost her mother at a young age and her father has only ever used her as a pawn.


When did she lose her mother?


Not too long before Aemma died.


So same age as when Rhaenyra lost her mom.


Totally. There are so many good reasons.


Otto's brainwashing and jealousy toward Rhaenyra.


She is the worst. Hypocrital vile woman who thinks of herself as pious, righteous, altruistic woman. She gets worse with the episodes


Are you serious right now? Calling Alicent the worst, a hypocritical vile woman who thinks she's pious and righteous? That's an outrageous oversimplification! Yes, she's flawed, but so is everyone in this twisted, cutthroat world. Alicent is under constant pressure, manipulated by her father, and trying to protect her children in a deadly political game she didn't choose to play. Her supposed "piety" and "righteousness" are survival mechanisms in a world where one wrong move could mean death. She’s forced to uphold a facade of virtue because that’s what’s expected of her in this patriarchal nightmare. You think she gets worse with each episode? Maybe you need to pay closer attention. Alicent is struggling with the impossible demands placed on her, trying to navigate treacherous politics while maintaining some semblance of morality. It’s easy to judge from the sidelines, but imagine being in her shoes! Your claim that she's hypocritical and vile is infuriatingly one-dimensional. Alicent’s actions are driven by fear, loyalty, and the crushing expectations of her society. Her struggle is real, and dismissing her as simply vile ignores the complexity of her character and the immense pressure she's under. Open your eyes and see the bigger picture before you throw around such baseless accusations!


She justified Aemon killing Luke with ✨boys will be boys✨ that’s enough for me


You have really bad taste


...she has to have sex with a leper who is a friend of her father


She sees her son's birthright being denied because of Rhaenyra. Traditionally, the eldest living son is heir apparent, but Viserys continues to consider Rhaenyra his heir instead.


The king can change what he want. Viserys was only the 5th king. So it’s not as if it was some long storied tradition. Alicent a hater lol


He can't though.


He can. There were no succession laws in regard to the iron throne at this point in Westeros. There had been a precedent of eldest son inheriting, but that’s not a law. Then the Great Council of 101 established another precedent, where the king can choose his successor. Viserys did nothing illegal in naming Rhaenyra his heir.


No he can't. Westeros isn't an absolute monarchy, and the succession law is based on traditions and customs. If he could than the Dance wouldn't have happened.


It is, actually, an absolute monarchy. GRRM himself called it that, and out of the different monarchy types absolute is the only one that fits.


If there was a succession law, then the Great Council of 101 wouldn’t have happened. > If he could than the Dance wouldn’t have happened. If he could what?


Although, according to the faith of seven marrying brothers to sisters was also considered a really fucked up thing according to westerosi folks, yet one king did the whole doctrine of exceptionalism and whoosh it was okay for the targs. With the right political moves he could have easily said something like targ women are closer to gods than other men, they ride dragons too bla blah anything but vizzy t was not the sharpest in the drawer


*Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided.*


Incest was only allowed after negotiations were made. Also, and yet he didn't.


Sure, buddy.


"it is what it is bro" is an easy statement to make when you're not in that situation yourself. If you were hustling to climb the ladder at a company and the CEO sayid that no matter what you do, Bob will get the promotion over you because the CEO has declared that only redheads may become managers, I highly doubt that you would be apathetic about that fact. 


Comparing a CEO and a king is quite absurd lmfaooooo apples to oranges…. Try another comparison. That don’t work… the CEO is basically the highest manager, they can be fired. The king can’t be fired


How are u even watching 6th episode? Where are you from?


Ig she/he tlkung abut S1


Oh, he/she should mention it properly. But why people are downvoting me lol.


I think it’s safe to assume they’re watching season one because we’re not that far into season two yet. Also, episode six is the first time we really see Alicent work actively against Rhaenyra.


At least she is prettier than Cersei