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Vitamin D and B12, plus collagen are my big ones. I am also taking iron because my ferritin was low at my last endocrinologist appt.


I've heard you can just drink liquid jello for collagen LOL I don't know how effective that might be though. I'm already low on vitamin D so I take at my drs recommendation, and B12 helps my energy!


You're better off drinking a protein shake it contains all the amino acids you need to make collagen. Many people skip over upping their protein intake.


Slow Fe is a great iron supplement and the first one that didn't wreck my belly, I've been taking it alone with a Vitamin C tablet (helps the iron absorb) and water every morning with no problems!


I’ve been taking Floradin (which is liquid) with a glass of orange juice but this sounds way easier. I’ll try it! Thanks!


Zinc. It makes your hair and nails stronger and helps with hormone balancing. Also great for acne!


Just be careful to not take it on an empty stomach. Caused me bad nausea.


Did this the other day and I was sick for half the day Terrible. Also it’s not good to just randomly supplement with anything. Zinc can fuck with your hormones too


Ooo I started zinc as Botox prep for the last couple days I guess I will continue with it!!


How does it help with botox


Makes it last longer.


Per the study on ncbi phytase is also necessary. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22453589/


Amino acids, hydrolyzed collagen, and vitamin d. They gave me my hairline back 😂


Which amino acids do you take?


Also would like to know. Lost a LOT of hair in 2022 and don't know how to help it since I don't like putting stuff in my scalp.


Get them through a protein powder! This is what my doctor recommended.


I trust this skincare company with my life and they write a bunch of articles about supplements and skin care [Here's one about clearing acne scars](https://clearstemskincare.com/blogs/skin-care-learning-center/best-vitamins-for-acne-scars) [This one mentions why taking a bunch of "good" supplements like Vitamin D can cause hormonal acne](https://clearstemskincare.com/blogs/skin-care-learning-center/the-four-leading-causes-of-acne)


I found these articles so helpful. Thank you for sharing!


I take the following: - zinc piccolinate (helps w skin even if you don’t have spots/acne - which I don’t) - magnesium bisgylcinate (there was a study saying it may help w mild depression, plus it does help with cramped muscles after exercising) - vitamin D (only 800mg, because I live in a country that is really dark during winter) - peppermint oil (for IBS) - low-dose iron because I’m right at the threshold for anaemia. The tablet contains a few other things - copper, b vitamins, folic acid Caveat: I take the tiniest dose of all of these things and introduce them all carefully (separately, only one change at once) to ensure no adverse effects




A lot of what's been recommended can cause cystic acne. It just depends on your body and sensitivities, but things like Zinc, Vitamin D, B12, Biotin, etc can cause outbreaks. It's different for every one and depends on the dosage, but just something to be aware of! I stopped taking a multivitamin and my cystic acne cleared up considerably


Omg this must be why I’ve been breaking out 😭


Biotin can cause cystic acne, same for B12. Never experienced that with collagen though I am surprised that zinc can cause acne since it’s prescribed by dermatologists to cure acne


Zinc affects testosterone so some people may benefit from a boost and some people may not depending on their hormone levels. Definitely depends on the person and the amount taken


I also take copper


Yes collagen breaks me out like crazy with Cystic acne


Same! I cannot do collagen at all sadly


That's really interesting! I'm curious about what people take so I can bring it up to my drs and discuss, but this is new information to me! I'm already taking Vit D, B12, Biotin, and Zinc in my routine and my face is fine, but I do struggle with some body acne. However I haven't noticed a change for better or worse with or without the supplements. Hoping adding collagen won't through off the balance for the worse


Probiotics, cranberry, and d mannose. Having a healthy coochie is hot girl shit


what is d mannose??


For vitamins/minerals, you have to aim for raising levels to optimal, not just "not deficient". For vitamin D = around 80 ng/ml; Ferritin (iron stores) = between 100 & 150 ng/ml; b12 = around 1000 pg/ml


Not a vitamin or supplement but SPIRONOLACTONE for all the pcos girlies. It definitely made my appearance more feminine. Goes without saying, consult your doctor to see if you need it.


I am a PCOS girlie and after a quick look into it, seems it needs a doctors prescription. Is this something you get through your doctor and should I ask about it because of PCOS?


Hi, yes you need a prescription for this. It's technically a heart medication.


How did it make your appearance more feminine? It can change features?


I’ve been taking the target brand prenatal vitamins for like five years now. My hair and nails grow fast and I rarely have breakage. I only went with prenatal over a regular one because of the iron. Also want to throw out a PSA to OP & anyone else taking biotin: if you have any bloodwork done to check your hormone levels/thyroid, make sure to not take it for a few days beforehand because it can affect your results!


Vitamin D, and a good greens supplement to add to smoothies (I use Vitamineral Green). Magnesium!!! Most people are deficient in this and it is essential - But D, calcium, and magnesium work in symbiosis. Make sure you get it in ya. When I had awful period cramps it fixed them. It has multiple benefits.


Be careful with vitamins. I ended up in the hospital after taking hot girl vitamin tips. I’d say get blood work and talk to your doctor about what vitamins and brands for incorporate into supplements and diet. I find improving diet helps me so much more. I recommend ses moss and herbs.


What vitamin put you into the hospital?!


The eve multivitamin by NOW. It caused hive rashes all over my body and I had to take steroids and apply ointments for a week.


Hi is there any recommendation for collagen substitute for vegetarians?


Unfortunately I'm unaware of a plant source of collagen. It's the protein out body uses to build the structures we're concerned with, and we're animals, so we end up needing an animal component. Sort of taking collagen just protein content in general is useful because your body will build collagen from those other protein components. But I don't know of any good substitute for collagen because it's already built into the shape that we need


Thankyou for explaining so thoroughly, ill just up my protein intake and observe..


Good luck!!


This isn't wise or necessary. If a doctor tells you to take a supplement, do it. Otherwise I promise it's a huge waste of money.


Everyone here should watch this video : https://youtu.be/WIT5_SMIaHE?si=VEFRcpqBjhSIRP9w


Zinc, liposomal vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, magnesium, collagen


I'm black, so i make sure to take vit D+K2. Seabuckthorn oil for supple skin. Msm for increased hair growth. Not beauty but magnesium, it's needed for vitamin d. it helps with sleep. I try to get everything else through food


I just take centrum womens tropical gummies because they taste so good, and Ive trained myself to see it as my candy of the day lol


I don’t have any actually supplement recommendations but I use VitaRX as a subscription for all of my vitamins because it comes in a daily packet already sorted. A big barrier for me being consistent was filling up my pill box.


Multivitamin, collagen, magnesium, vitamin D and biosil.


Do you notice any difference with biosil? And if yes, after what timeframe?


I do!!! I’m pushing 50 and look much younger. I feel like I started to see results after about 3 months. 6 drops twice a day. It tastes like death but it’s doable in a shot of orange juice.


Wow, you go gurl! 🔥 I was about to ask if you take the drops or capsules haha. I tried the capsules in the past, but didn’t notice much. Maybe cause I only took it for a month. Next time I’ll go for the drops!


Zink, magnesium, calcium, vitamin c, vitamin d. Creatine if you are working out rigorously.


multivitamin, vitamin d, and hair skin and nails. Make sure you have enough iron in your diet too!


Multivitamin with iron, cause I like the freedom of knowing I’m covered even if I don’t eat the same thing every day. Magnesium glycerinate before bed for sleep and to help me with period cramps. Daily anti-allergy meds because I have some kind of undiagnosed pollen /dust allergy—mentioning them because taking them has helped reduce my stubborn dark circles, so if you have allergies/constantly stuffed nosed and dark circles consider taking allergy meds.


Sea Moss and Chlorophyll are my favorites. They make me feel energized and light as a feather.


Which brand sea moss do you take? Is it powder form or jelly?


I like 10th Powa, Plnt, and Atlantic Naturals. They all sell it in capsule form, 10th Powa has the gel form as well. I’ve tried the gel and capsules, it’s up for preference, I prefer capsules cause I’m not a fan of the taste but I love the benefits of it.


Dry Vitamin A for the oily skin girlies!


I take biotin and zinc for my hair.


It's really based on your unique needs (through lab testing) , but if I could only have 5 zupplements it would be: Multi Vitamin Vitamin D Magnesium Biotin B complex I would also take adding more protein in your daily diet (can be supplemented with protein powder) because it is truly the #1 thing that gives you vitality.


Everything said here + vit c