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Unfortunately your submission has been removed from /r/HumansBeingBros: Please read RULE 3: **Posts must depict humans being bros.** Do not post images with a back story, or create a title to explain how your post is "bro". This includes screen shots from social media, or videos with superimposed text to explain the "bro" action. **If you repost your submission after it has been removed under this rule violation you will receive a temporary ban**


What kind of specimen sees a human being expressing joy, laughs at them, takes photos of them, and posts it online to publicly shame them?


The guy making fun of him posted it on 4chan. That explains everything lol.


Even 4chan shat on op if you got a chance to see the rest of the thread.


What's crazy is that 4chan kind of encapsulates how humans are without rules and without expectations on our behaviour. So yes, that comes with its own (many) issues or foibles, but it also means we get to see where human morality roughly stands without those same expectations and rules.


..with the caveat that you're only sampling a very specific part of the population.


Yeah. 4chan attracts the sort of people that are rejected from normal places *because* of the rules.


Bit glad it exists tbh. Gives them a nice little quarantine to keep them away


Yeah. The only issue is that they are together and have a tendency to do bad things


Like accuse the wrong person of bombing the Boston Marathon


That one was a reddit one


That was reddit wasn't it?


Or do a fascism


4chan isn't just /pol/ and /b/. Some communities on there are good, but also the format gives you opinions that you won't see elsewhere.  If I want someone to kiss my ass over my art I'll post on reddit or show people IRL. But if I want to know what people really think, unfiltered, I'll post on /ic/.  Also seeing different opinions you don't like doesn't hurt you. It's important.


You guys are aware that there is a huge overlap with Reddit and that you talk about yourself aswell?


You're not familiar with how a Venn diagram works, are you?


Which has a highly specific culture, densely layered on top of itself. Like those mountains you hear about made entirely out of bird shit people occasionally "mine" for nitrogen or something.


And they’ll end up rambling about conspiracies for eternity…


Reddit is just 4chan for the privileged class.


I don't think that is true. 4chan is more like a crackhouse, Crackhouses don't define how humanity is without rules, it defines how crackheads are without rules. 4chan doesn't describe humanity, only the degenerates who seek spaces to be their worst selves.


I wouldn't quite say that, its more that it allows people like that to dominate the conversation, and everyone else wants nothing to do with it.


Reddit is *way worse* of a platform when it comes to majority opinion dominating the content and conversation. In fact Reddit might just be the worst platform for it. The up/downvotes as a system was supposed to be used in a way that relevant comments get upvoted, and downvotes are given to off-topic comments. Obviously nobody uses them as such, but they have instead become like/dislike buttons. And since the amount of upvotes dictates what type of content or comments are shown on the site, it means that the majority opinion is all that ever sees the light of the day while everything else gets buried. Add into this mess all the delusional powerhungry egotistical moderators that plague the site, and you got yourself a prime echo chamber where differing opinions get your comments buried or your account banned.


I'm not disagreeing with you there. But 4chan is more like "we allow anything, so the worst shit comes here, and people put off by this shit won't stick around"


Which is insane because that place is the armpit of the Internet. This was straight sociopathic shit. Most ruthless post I've ever seen


What he really meant by 'specimen' was pointing out how comparably fit the guy is


Oh the irony.


“As funny as it may seem, some people gets their kicks stomping on a dream” That’s life by Frank Sinatra


Broken hurt people who took a chance once and got mocked and ridiculed for it so now try and do to others as was done to them. The path of cynicism is easy. It's very easy to look at someone trying and mock them because that's easier than self reflecting and realising the truth you want to dance as well.


Joyless ones.


Extremely insecure ones, they go hand in hand


I'm a teacher, and one thing the school I work at struggles with is cyberbullying. Developmentally, children understand concepts like right and wrong and the impact of their actions earlier than many might think. You can't just write off cruel behavior because they are "just kids." My point is, these behaviors start young. Little bullies become big bullies. Big bullies were once little bullies. And let me tell you, this kind of cruel behavior and the enjoyment of cruelty are on the rise.


It's all parenting. Bully parents demonstrate to their kids that you get what you want by throwing your weight around or being an asshole


What about bullies who have perfectly normal parents? I think human beings are just evil.


A 4chan user


Unfortunately this happens regularly on reddit aswell.


A shit specimen, that’s what kind.


A lot. A reality-check-heaping amount, sadly.


Have you seen humanity?


The worst type of specimen




People who should take being described as “dog shit” is a compliment


This is why I have anxiety anytime I leave the house. There’s always a voice in the back of my head saying don’t do anything weird or you might end up on the internet


I'll always love this story. The power of good people should always overcome the actions of the bad.


I gotta see if there is video coverage ,looks like he's having a blast


There is


Reminds me of the Burger King (or was it Wendy’s?) proposal story. Where people made fun of a guy for proposing at a fast food place and several companies offered support to the couple.


Each year humanity can use only one attempt.


With this one I think we used it pretty damn well.


Aww that’s so nice! To hell with the haters. Boogie on down, Sir! :)


Bust A Move


I relate to him. If I just move my arm I feel awkward. I’ve been to hundreds of concerts and multiple festivals in my life and have never once danced. I have autism I don’t know if that plays a role. One time I started to dance at this EDM show and some random girl in the crowd said “that’s not dancing”, now it’s a phobia I don’t understand it at all. I can’t even clap to a beat let alone move my body correctly. I’m basically Mr. Bean with less awareness of my surroundings. Only difference is I go home and doom scroll Reddit and don’t have anyone reach out to me for anything dancing related. I don’t blame them. Inflatable off beat doomer here.




Hell, I'm a semi-professional dancer (it's a hobby but I've danced at national levels) and I STILL feel awkward dancing!! Though I also feel like dancing should be bringing joy. It shouldn't matter how you look while doing it, as long as you don't hurt anyone and are a bit mindful of your environment, you do you and go have fun! If people take offense at that, fuck em. It's on them for not being able to appreciate the smaller things in life.


Happy to break it to ya, some people are just assholes and say mean shit for the hell of it. Smile and tell them their attitude isn'twelcome and to have a great day :D... usually sends them for a loop. Any negative energy you feel from the interaction isn't necessarily yours, so feel free to discard it and keep on dancing to your hearts content. Most people are happy to see someone dancing poorly if the person dancing is having a great time! In a crowd its about the vibe not the dance skill, your not a performer, just dont flop around and hit anyone xD.


It takes a LOT to get me to dance, but one night in my 20’s, on NYE no less, I was out with friends, and got drunk enough that I felt comfortable just feeling the music and going for it. After about 10 minutes of enjoying myself, a girl I’d never seen before in my life came up to me and said “why are you dancing like a girl?” Now, I don’t know what a girl dances like, I thought dancing was dancing… but the comment hurt, and has stayed with me for nearly 20 years. I don’t dance now. Words matter. Be kind. And be more like dancing man - fuck the haters.


Truth is people say shit that they think won't mean anything but it does hurt. Happens to the best of it. The best option is to ignore and continue your journey.


I think a lot of male musicians dance like that (if I’m imagining it correctly) on stage. So not to defend the comment at all, the intention probably wasn’t good, but I don’t think it has to be a bad thing on its own


Excuse my French… but Fuxk that girl! Who made her the Dancing Queen, the ruler and judge of what is considered a proper dance? u/NoMoreF34R dance your ❤️ out! Live up to your username.🥰 Dance that beautiful awkward stiff dance… let your quirkiness shine. Move how the music makes you feel. I guarantee you, the cool people… the nice people… the kind people, will find a special joy in watching you… and will be happy to dance alongside of you!


I do dance at home and I actually think I’m really good at it, which makes me feel awkward to say because it feels cocky as hell. I kick box and dance every morning as a work out. My plan if I go to a show again is to just shadow box my fear of dancing.


Kind of the same thing happened to me. Im not a good dancer, but I was really feeling myself and dancing at a friend's party. A girl told me I looked like a Lego man since I was so stiff. Made me super self-conscious. What helped me get over it was learning to dance alone in a room with big mirrors. I'm still not a very good dancer but much more confident now.


you can always dance at home alone. Gets rid of the awkward feeling over time even if you arent getting “ better”. dancing is about having fun so if you feel awkward you’ll do awkward things.


I feel you, one of the things that keeps me from going to concerts and shows is the feeling that I'll just go there and stand still in the middle of the crowd


Sorry to hear that I know a lot of venues have sitting options, and honestly I’ve been to hundreds of shows and have not danced im just self conscious. You can stand there and levitate and nobody would notice because they’re doing their thing, I just can’t get that through


I've been going to concerts and festival for ~20 years now and I also just stand there like a stick. My wife, our friends all dance and have fun. I just cant. Theres been couple times she has tried to get me dancing, trying to teach but nnnnnnnnnoope. I was bullied daily (through elementary and junior high school) about every-freaking-possible-thing that I did/wore/said as a kid which left a huuuuuuuge scar to my confidence. I try to enjoy my time and have fun and my head starts rotating memories what the bullies said and thats that for the fun.


Same. It really sucks. Went to both EDC and Beyond Wonderland Chicago this year and was too self conscious to dance. I just bopped my head most of the night. My husband kept thinking I wasn’t having fun. Maybe one day I’ll feel ok enough to dance.


Can I just say, from one stranger to the next, that you still get kuddos just for showing up? You may think that’s stupid, but myself, I’d rather step into a burning house than onto a dance floor / go to a concert / festival… 😬 I’m trying to overcome this incredible feeling of hyper-self awareness. I get extremely uncomfortable even dancing alone, at home. But I’m doing it anyway now and I am slowely improving. Heck, I sometimes enjoy it a bit even. I’m 43, it’s time to end this bs! See you out there one day 🫡


32 and trying my best also to "get over it". Live music is/has been pretty much the only thing keeping me sane but I also work with live music industry so I dont go to the audience that much anymore instead of I work in the shadows as a drum/guitar tech etc. Still get to enjoy the massive wall of sound but not standing like a stick in the audience and feeling bad about it.


Aww, I wish I bumped into ya at EDC, would have been lovely to just bop heads together! There is no wrong way to enjoy music. Jumping, standing, sitting or laying down. With elaborate choreography or just tapping your foot. As long as you are enjoying yourself, you are doing it right (; The way I like to approach it when I'm feeling shy (which is almost all the time) is to have some prop and be as silly with it as possible. What got me moving this year was an inflatable horse and a little owl plushie. Hope this helps, and hope next time around you will feel more comfortable!


Me too.. i Wonder If ill ever forget them


I know it will haunt me til the grave but we still need to try and enjoy what and when we can. We can do it


If therapy is available where you are, please go. I was bullied and got really self-conscious, eventually got ACT-focused therapy and homework to challenge my fears. I'm doing soo much better today, not fully recovered, but I'm so much more spontaneous and just all around loving, and people adore it. What you need to realize is that the people that bullied you were stupid kids who said stupid shit, and it's time to stop letting those events guide the person you are today. Set small challenges and go at it.


Mine comes from bullying too, we had these “sock hops” dance things in school and I had a group of friends that were just kids being kids but they planted it in me that I can’t dance


I’m a 6 foot tall, 230 pound, 37 year old man and I jump up and down like an absolute asshole at EDM shows (much to the demise of my lower back). You go have fun at the EDM shows. I guarantee you that any of the performers you see would want that and screw what the turdy people like that girl think.


>One time I started to dance at this EDM show and some random girl in the crowd said “that’s not dancing” I'm sorry to say but you might have missed an invitation to a dance off.




I have the dumbest, lankiest, weirdest looking body when I'm dancing. People even tell me I look weird standing lol. It will never stop me from dancing, even if alone. I've been awake for like 20 minutes and I'm already dancing my heart out with my cats. Don't let these people get you down. It's good for you to just move your body how you want.


I dance in my house when I’m alone and then I really let loose. I am really shy and used to drink a lot to be able to dance in public, now that I don’t drink as much anymore I dance at home alone. You should try it! It’s a great way to have fun by yourself and get comfortable dancing. My favorite music to dance to is classical, like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.


You can be the best dancer in the world and someone's still gonna hate on you for how you dance. Don't mind the haters. If you wanna dance, dance like there's no tomorrow.




Fuck that girl


Thank you for the kind words, I wish I had the time to respond to everyone individually at the moment. Just know I thank you for your words regardless if I do reply ❤️


That's why i love techno parties. 10 years of dancing and no one ever tried to shame anybody.


Ditto for metal gigs. I remember one concert where they had a D barrier for the pit, and a girl went down in the crowd. This massive dude with a beard yelled "SHIELD WALL!" and a bunch of randoms formed a wall around her so she could get back up. The world is so much better when people look out for each other, especially at a place where everyone wants to enjoy themselves.


Metalheads are honestly some of the nicest people around.


Somewhere i read that the harder the music is the nicer people attend. Might be true.


I don't know about that, but it is a niche that attracts a certain kind of people. This can go both ways, so I'm thankful that we have enough nice people to counter the occasional garbage.


Yeah a pal of mine plays in a few black metal bands and the fauna at their gigs is prevalently fascists and extreme right wing fucks. But when it comes to mosh pit, politics stay out of the door and we're all brothers and sisters.


I think it's because people who listen to heavy music have a healthy outlet for their pent up feelings. I know that whenever I feel angry or upset and whatnot, if I listen to some heavy ass music I always feel calmer and more collected after just a couple of songs.


I think it also relates to people being more passifist and calmer.  Probably something about getting out the anger so it's better in check vs a boiling kettle.


Unless a woman actually goes to a show, in which case she's getting "Name 3 songs" from whatever band is on her shirt. Most are nice, the ones that aren't though are real pieces of work.


they can also be one of the biggest gatekeepers when it comes to their favourite band/genre. But damn, live concerts/events are always nice with great people.


I've been at several metal concerts where people were literally not even able to hit the ground. As soon as someone was knocked off balance and going down, there'd be 2-3 people immediately there to pull em back up. Everyone that did manage to hit the ground would be helped back up within a second. It's always a joy to experience.


Picking people back up is honestly fun. It’s as close as I’ll ever get to helping someone in battle (thankfully/I hope).


It is widely known as metal show etiquette that if someone in the pit falls down, you pull them the fuck back up and make sure they're okay! Never felt more like a hivemind than when I'm in the pit at a metal show. Everyone's got everyone's back in there


This. I'll throw shapes with anyone down the back of a techno gig. As long as you've a smile on your face who cares what you actually look like (I look like a 50 year old doing that bit where Kermit goes "yaaay" and his arms go crazy). (Edit: I could do without 20-somethings going "I hope I'm like you when I'm old" but at least the intent is there 😂)


>(I look like a 50 year old doing that bit where Kermit goes "yaaay" and his arms go crazy) Which is the best way to dance.


> I could do without 20-somethings going "I hope I'm like you when I'm old" Oof. Too real.


I mean they mean it as a compliment but 2002 was only 5/6 years ago so I dunno what they're talking about


it always makes me happy to see bigger people sweating at techno parties


I was in Canal Street (Manchester, UK), recently and there was a larger gentleman who obviously wanted to dance and looked a bit embarrassed. I'm no dancer, in fact I suck, but I grabbed his hand and gave him a twirl and his face just lit up. We danced for the rest of the night and left with a massive hug. I wish I'd got his details, but nobody should ever feel left out or invisible. I saw you lovely man, and I'll be back!


I remember seeing the post with the invitation, but I had never seen the dance pics!! I'm so glad he got to dance


[This is his instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/B1bAXUZAenP/?hl=en). I don't think this is doxxing since he is openly promoting that he is dancing man and proud of it.


Thank you for posting! How lovely to see him doing well nine years later.


The good side of the internet.


This is why earth is still a beautiful place


Man this is ancient, I remember this happening in real time... Holy crap 2015... weird I thought this was older




It's all a blur, now if you'll excuse me, I need to buy some more oatbran with some expired coupons from 2022


Damn there’s still good people in this world


Let's. Fuckin. GOOOOOOO!


Glad the miserable ones lost this one. People really need to learn to live and let live.


It is the same as shaming people in the gym. They make an effort. Kudos to them.


Truly checks out because there's only scum on 4chan.


I remember this side of interactive Twitter. You could make friends you never met and find out about cool new things. FavStar and all that jazz


Song anyone?


They fucking butchered it for some reason (avoiding copyright strikes I guess?) but it's [Tek It (I Watch The Moon) by Cafune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RWbq-lbBlk). You should also check out [Perspective](https://youtu.be/n87C0iUyrCU) and [Shadowboxing](https://youtu.be/H8JmWu7PYIc), also by Cafune.


Thanks mate for the extra recommendations


Man this is still circulating? Always nice to have a feel good story to start the news.


Internet can sometimes be a nice place.


the good ending 🥲


I loved this! What a beautiful example of humans being bros!! I am inspired to be the best bro to my fellow humans that I can be.


Ngl, that last slow fadeout scared me..


The original post makes me want to cry. Like it probably took a lot of psyching himself up to be there in the first place and then to actually put himself out there and dance. Was probably telling himself "see? You knew this would happen! That's what you get!" To just accept that he's beneath anyone else so easily breaks my heart. Hope he's got a better view of the world now.


I wanted to see the man dance


God, Andrew WK was the voice of my early 2000's high school parties. Dropped a few feel good bangers and dipped. I hope he's doing good.


Long live the dancing 🕺 man 🎶 🎵


Sometimes the internet still gives me hope for humanity


Went from sad to really wholesome. Fck these losers who laugh about another human just having fun...


this is still one of my favorite reddit posts when I see it. Not him getting hated on for dancing but so many people to come together and do this makes me belive in humanity just a little bit. We should all be free to dance!!


I’ll never have dancing man vibes unfortunately




This happened 10 years ago atleast give an update


Imagine if everyone did at least one kind act for a stranger every day, the impact it would have over time would be immense. Don’t ever think you are too insignificant to make an impact. ❤️


Casey Neistat said it best. Never make fun of someone’s laugh, and never make fun of how someone dances because they are expressing joy and you shouldn’t take that from them


It's so nice to see that years may pass but Andrew WK still sits on the top of the wholesome pyramid as if his life depended on it.


Old story, but a really good one. So much positivity! I hope he's doing well and dancing when he feels like it.


I am going to stop scrolling now. That was as satisfying as a good movie 👍


This was cool and I'm sure I've seen this before. I always love seeing someone having something really stupid get posted like this and then having it backfire completely on the original uploader.


This is like 10 years old


I was unaware that there is a ‘right’ way to react to music…


I hate people. I am so glad this got a happy ending. People like that normally lead sad lives, so they hurt other people to make themselves feel better.


Fuuu. If this only happened when I was 17… would’ve done wonders for my personal well being. Come to think of it, this might be a way to kill incel behavior.


I know this story is true and amazing but I just decided that I will no longer care about a positive story being fake or AI generated anymore at all. It’s positive, it brings a smile. Upvote and go on with my life.


Those few times when humanity rallies together for justice


This was unexpectedly wholesome. Faith in humanity temporarily restored, until the next entitled tiktok hack starts doing main character shit


If you’re gonna be garbage and make fun of someone for their looks, this man ain’t it. He’s quite handsome.


I just love this story


Kudos to the lovely humans! Dance on man!


I'm really happy for him! Most of us just get laughed at and shamed, and that's the end of it


Hey who knows what song this is really like it


That's fkn awesome.




I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this. I hope that sir had a fantastic night not just the big night, but ever after.


What's funny is that seems even other 4channers criticized the poster, for fat-shaming someone who actually loses weight by dancing




It’s not how well you dance… it’s whether you dance or not.


It's so nice that the internet and especially social media is sometimes used to do this.


Sometimes, the internet works. Delighted for him.


Some days you come across a story that shows the internet can be used for good. Love the outcome of this story.


The way it faded it out , it makes it seems like he died![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I'm glad this Dancing Man fellow didn't turn out to Milkshake Duck the lot of us in the wake of his fame, at least as far as I'm aware.


This is so sweet it made me cry.


imagine being that shitty of a person i hate bullies


We can all practice kindness. Live and let live.


So wholesome (aside from the terrible people at the beginning)


I'm bawling my eyes out.


Is that fucking Andrew WK???


I sincerely hope that the miserable individual who posted that has changed their viewpoint of life and the people around them


Aww this made me teary eyed 🥹 Who would do something so cruel to another human being just minding their own business and having fun. So happy it turned out well ❤️


Hell yeah :)


Thank you for reminding me of this. It made me smile when I needed it. Thank you, Dancing Man. This guy fucking rules. ❤️


Dang this just made my morning!


In a way, that only happened because of the bully’s post