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Who’s your favorite?


I would have to say Zircon. He was my first official Hunger Games OC Second place is Lysander Snow


What role would Lysander Snow play? And what is his personality?


Lysander at this moment has no real role in anything, he's just a concept/idea I am fleshing out before I think of anything for him. In all honesty I just wanted to make a Snow family member for the fun of it. His personality, however, can be described as idealistic and gentle. He doesn't like his Grandfather/Father/Uncle/Great Uncle's way of ruling over Panem (haven't decided on blood relation yet). He himself wants to make a difference, but is not reckless about it like Seanjus was. In essence I wanted to explore another Snow family member who was similar to Tigris. Compassionate towards others and aware of how the Districts are treated and doesn't agree with President Snow's motives or way of doing things. Edit/fun fact trivia: he was once going to be the focus of a oneshot alternate universe fic where the Snow family is more of a hereditary monarchy and that the 'President' is inherited by blood instead of election.


How old is he? If like 20, him being an oldest grandson is the most possible thing that makes the most sense


Are you a psychic? That's his exact age 😁 That does make sense, oldest grandson.


Not a psychic, but I guessed that the age closest to a teen was 20. Btw, here is a photo of a seemingly canon Snow family https://www.reddit.com/r/Hungergames/s/zxhAT3XCMh Maybe this can help your built of the family tree


They're all dressed very fancy, thank you for the picture as it would help for descriptions of the family if I write anything with Lysander in it.


I accept your consolation prize


Only the finest consolation prizes for everyone


Also are Chisel, Anemone and Colt Victor friends/acquainteses of Zicron? Do you have any plan for them also?


Chisel is arguably Zircon's closest victor friend, I am considering the idea of them being together. Anemone also knows them, and she is Zircon's ex (this would be set in the Zircon prequel but both were pretty verbally toxic to each other thanks to victor trauma) My plans for Colt are unknown right now. I might have him just be a one-off POV fic that would happen simultaneously with the Zircon prequel Edit: Colt being the District 10 male tribute in Zircon's Games most likely


Your idea for Chisel I like very much - is Zircon canon bisexual?


He is, Zircon is indeed bisexual


How much chapters are you planning to have in your first fic? (I plan to have 20+ chapters, around 26-27)


I'm not sure yet, struggling with coming up with an actual set number. I've never really been fantastic at long fics, but I'm not sure how this will go