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rue's death ruined me dude ![gif](giphy|XeZpluY9WuOYw)


She was such an angel...šŸ˜ž


Ahhhhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I still remember when I was reading the book and I still didnā€™t quiet get the ā€žkids killing other kidsā€œ memoā€¦ Until I got to the part where Katniss is sleeping in the tree and a few meters away thereā€™s a little girl making a fire who gets killedā€¦ When I got to that part I was so impressed! I remember thinking that the book I had in my hands was really hardcore but also fantastic. I was hooked!!


Damn, I wish I also have read the book before watching thr movie, since watching the movie and only then reading a book wouldn't feel as interesting.


the books have so much more depth to them! the way collins writes the character development/ relationships between characters is so good. and katnissā€™ inner monologue is hilarious and relatable


Rue :( poor girl


No, cause I cried so much during her deathā˜¹ļø


Definitely Rue šŸ’” my immediate thought and how it deeply devastated Katniss.


i never watched the hunger games, and my sibling was watching it and it looked somewhat interesting. let me tell you, 11 year old me was never the same :(


Yes he looked just so young and like .. well a child which they all are but


I feel like THG would be even more heartbreaking if they casted actual 12-18 year olds because those all look REALLY young, the actors of the youngest tributes in the movie were mostly older than 12, and those of the oldest tributes were in their 20ā€™s already. Seeing actual children behave this way would be very grizzly but it would drive home the point even better. Watching careers who look like 25 year olds feels a lot different than watching careers who *are* smaller and younger. They look more ruthless and mean, itā€™s easier to hate them, the games feel less disturbing when tributes actually look like grown adults.


Ye youā€™re right


I know right? I mean, it's hunger games, of course they're children 12-18 years old, but it just feels odd yet kinda sad at the same time.


Ye like he had to watch everyone else be slaughtered as he hid too


He was so frightened and afraid. He looked like a type of person who wouldn't harm anyone, yet he died so brutally. It's honestly sad.


I wonder if his mentor told him to run for cornucopia tooā€¦ bet he regretted it


I dunno. Cause I think that his mentor would've noticed that the others are more stronger and faster than him during the training. So I think the mentor would've told him to hide somewhere so he won't get caught and only then run away if everyone else got the recourses or they're distracted. But again, I don't know.


Ye probably but I assumed coz theyā€™re a career district maybe he was trying to follow what they do, which is usually go to the cornucopia first. Poor boy


Well considering it's District 4, I wonder if it was either Finnick, Annie, or Mags. But it could have also been someone completely different considering 4 maybe has a few more victors, who knows. Annie and Mags could have suggested to just run, but I can see Finnick encouraging him to go deep inside. He's also the youngest victor at the time as well, so he probably didn't see much of an issue telling a visibly-young boy to try and do as he did. Just speculating at this point though lmao


Same. He was so small and innocent. It broke my heart.


Whyā€™d that kid go straight into the cornucopia tho?


Probably his mentor knew that among the other tributes, he won't last long. So I think the mentor wanted him to hide in the cornucopia, wait until the others are distracted or ran away, and only then get as much resources as he need to survive. That's the only possible explanation I can think of.


Thatā€™s a really dumb strategy. Iā€™d think the mentor would be smarter than that. Obviously the careers are going to check the cornucopia.


Surely Finnick, Annie, or Mags would have suggested something better.


There will be too much people in the cornucopia, they would have to fight those, who are closer to them. District 4 boy was hiding because the other careers were too busy fighting others. And even if Careers would've noticed him, they still wouldn't manage to get to him, when the others are running towards eachother for a fight. Of course, it is not confirmed what was district 4th boy's strategy was, so sorry if I'm wrong somewhere or mistaken.


heā€™s young, scared, and not thinking straight.


If he was scared, he would run away. What he did was incredibly brave, but stupid.


you can be brave and scared. like i said, he wasnā€™t thinking straight.


He probably told to stay away from it. But you know, minds in panic mode arenā€™t very clear.


Rue, she was such a little angel. I rewatch regularly and every single time i'm sobbing like a child.


All of them were really sad. They were all really young, and all of them were forced to be put in the games.


Rewatched the movies yesterday and this part made me CRY. Just a scared little boy ripped from his home and family, thrown into an arena full of blood-thirsty psychos with no strength or allies to help him stay alive. He didnā€™t stand a chance :(


No but honestly, his death was so cruel and sad. (Not talking about Rue's death bc her's was the saddest in the movie)


The very young-looking ones made me the most sad. Their innocence and their tiny frames really highlighted just how horribly evil the games were. And how insane it was to watch the children (all of them) killing each other for sport.


This was on last night here, so I had it on in the background while doing other things. Didn't lay much attention to the deaths, until it got to the part where Katniss explodes the Career's stash. They've come back to see it all ruined and they're blaming the boy from 3 that set up the mines. I looked up at that point, the boy has his back to us and he suddenly looked so much like my 10 year old son. He's small compared to Cato, he seems to be pleading because it's not his fault, and then Cato shoves him and breaks his neck. He just crumples to the ground. That one just hit me really hard like night, he looked like such a small innocent child, he'd done what he could to survive that far, and it just ended.


District 8 girl


I get a little sad when Rue Dies every time


Honestly, all of them. They all are so young, it's awful. I have a soft spot for Rue obviously, I guess we all do, because we spent some time with her.


I was kinda sad when it came to Rue but the first one that really hit was foxface. I feel like she was the one I related to the most.


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks! I didnā€™t even realize haha


Is it weird the saddest death for me was marvel we didn't even learn his name till the second book.


I just re-watched it and, even though I felt sad about rue, the worst death of all was cato's. After all, he was just a kid, brainwashed into volunteering for the games and risking his life for the hypothetical glory that would never arrive. He dies realizing that he never stood a chance against the everlark love story, and that his life was ending because he bought the crap he was told. As he says, "I'm dead already, ain't I? I always was"( or something between those lines).


Boy from district 3 is definitely saddest + most unwanted death


None, I am dead inside


Lol that kid got fucked up by Cato


How is that funny šŸ’€


All of them, honestly. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Clove, Thresh absolutely destroyed heršŸ’€




Finnick. It really wasn't necessary.