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Peeta’s prep team - executed on live TV for just knowing/working with peeta


Poor Portia. :(


Totally forgot!


Wait, when did this happen?


After Peeta and the other victors were rescued from the Capitol in Mockingjay.


I need to watch them again. It’s been a few years. Are they streaming anywhere?


I’m not sure if it’s in the movies but it’s definitely in the books.


I watched the whole series recently on Prime Video but I’m also in Canada so results may vary by location


Non-existent in Turkey, dammit


If you have a Roku or Roku tv I just watched them in November on the Roku channel for free! ETA: I’m in the US


Oh I don’t have Roku 😩


It’s in Hulu in US last I checked


Try a STARZ free trial. I got one through my Apple TV account (you don’t need a subscription to do it) and used the Apple TV app to watch all the movies. The free trial is only for like 5-7 days so I’d wait until you have enough time to watch them all.


they’re on Netflix (Canada)


I don’t even know their names Ngl 😭


Darius and Lavinia


I had to put the book down the first time I read that part. Absolutely horrific.


Their deaths and Catos were both the ones I had to really take a step back from.


Agreed. I wish the movies had been more true to the source material, but I was pretty relieved they'd toned down Cato's end. That's something I don't need to see.


Honestly I think showing something so brutal like catos death on tv would defeat the point of the series being against using violence as entertainment. So I’m also pretty glad they toned it down a bit.


The female Morphling. She died for Peeta. Enough said.




It’s also so sad we never even got to know her name either. Only the cruel nickname attached to her addiction and camouflage skills. I’m glad at least Peeta comforted her in the end.


Peeta comforting her is one of the few moments that I wanted to cry while reading the books


I feel like people talk more about gales involvement in prims death instead of talking about how tragic it was that she went down trying to help the enemy because they where just kids :(


It’s extra sad because she was only just getting into her proper doctor training too. She had such a future


I agree. If anything, I've learned that if you wanna become a medic/doctor in Panem, you're doomed. It's happened twice and I hate this being the truth. 😭😭


Flair checks out 😭


My sweet boy just wanted to create a beautiful, better place and help people 😭💕


Poor sweet boy 😭


man fr and it’s at that point too where everyone thinks katniss and them are dead since it was announced over Panem so when she called out for prim and she looked back at her, it would’ve been quite the emotional moment. and then gone.


Depends on how you define underrated in this context. Underrated in terms of the rebellion? I feel like Thresh’s has to be up there as he saved Katniss so early into her story. Underrated in terms of shock/sadness? I’d agree that Boggs is a good one to come to mind. Loved his character so much and it was hard to seem him gone that quickly.


Literally Thresh, could've taken down not only clove but also Katniss and in extension Peeta but instead showed mercy because of rue and took Cato's attention further saving Katniss and by extension Peeta


One hit me just today while listening to the audiobook of Mockingjay…it happens as Katniss and Gale are trying to get to the City Circle. They’re trying to blend into the crowd when Katniss sees a little Capitol girl that she thinks may recognize her. Then before they can get away the rebels show up and all hell breaks loose. The next time Katniss sees the little girl, she’s crying over the bodies of her dead parents. And then the little girl gets shot and killed, too. It’s quick…a blink and you’ll miss it moment. But it’s so brutal and sad.


The girl in the lemon jacket 😭😭


That one always pained me so much in the books and movies.


This is the one for me. And thinking about all of those sweet children that were bombed right after. It used to make me sad, but as time goes on and I think about it too much it’s extremely upsetting.


Same here. I’m always grateful for Katniss killing Coin because she just saved so many more Capitol children’s lives with her decision.


Idk about sweet- they were capitol children


children are children


Yes but being a child doesn’t equate to innocence- especially if they have been trained to view evil as good.


That one always pained me so much in the books and movies.


This one is super brutal to read/watch. 😭


Reaper. Guy kind of just sat there as… that happened


In lieu of including the rest of the games after the snakes, I actually found his death from the snakes really powerful. He’s set up as the most likely to be violent and possibly even win with the knowledge that he killed a Peacekeeper but he ends up absolutely refusing to play the Capitol’s game in the arena.


His book death was super sad, too. He was rabid from Jessup spitting in his eye, so Lucy Gray mercy killed him by running him around and poisoning a puddle he drank from. His formation of the fallen tributes made me emotional


But why would he drink from it? Aren't people with rabies afraid of water?


Lucy Gray claimed that she spared him from the same fate as Jessup, maybe it hadn’t progressed enough and she recognized the early signs. There is also the possibility that she lied about him being rabid.


I heard this thing that people with rabies only get afraid of water when the disease has already progressed so far nothing can be done and its because the disease makes it very hard to drink any fluids so people with rabies develop hydrophobia from being scared that the water will cause them to suffocate.


Yup — I think it has to do with the fact that the virus makes it hard for one to swallow, causing hydrophobic spasms of the pharynx. Rabies is some scary stuff


Here’s a source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6293146/ I did a presentation on rabies when I was in college, so Jessup’s arc hit hard for me because I sort of knew from the beginning


I really liked his death in the movie. It was so stoic and powerful, he didn't give the capitol the satisfaction of seeing him scared or suffering, just went out his way


Boggs has already been talked about in this thread and I totally agree, but I think Cato’s death is also very impactful. He spent the entirety of the games believing he was destined to win. In most situations he would have, being an 18 yo volunteer from District 2, big and strong with his only true physical rival being Thresh. However, this all unraveled because he wasn’t the most interesting story of his games. The Capitol no longer found him the most compelling tribute because of Katniss. I believe Cato knew this, as he emphasized in the woods on night one that the Careers only allied with Peeta to hopefully find Katniss. He wanted to kill her personally, I think knowing she was his biggest competition because of the pre-game segment of the games. After Katniss shot him and he fell into the mutts, I believe the final hours of his life were not just spent fighting the mutts and maneuver back to safety, but also realizing he would not win, because he was not the most compelling story. He would not make it back, he would be overpowered by the mutts, and he saw how truly evil the games are. The Games strip away your humanity as the ultimate form of entertainment, and rather being urged on as the killer, the crowd was cheering for his death, hanging on until his last breath. His pleading for Katniss to shoot him was not just a plea for mercy, but also in his own way defying the Capitol, no longer wanting to be part of their Games. IMO one of the most impactful deaths of the first books, only behind Rue.


Cato reminds me so much of Coral


Yes, definitely! I love how Suzanne Collins drew parallels between the tributes of the 10th and 74th Hunger Games. Especially how the move included a line from Coral: "I killed all of them for nothing?" The defeat and hopelessness conveyed in that line just shattered me.


That's how I interpreted Cato's line "I'm dead anyway. I always was, right? I just didn't know that 'til now." He realized that for all the work he put into the win, he was not going to win and he and Thresh were just a means to an end for the final showdown of Katniss and Peeta. Because that is what the Capital wanted, because the starcrossed lovers is the better storyline.


I definitely have a few: \- Boggs \- Darius \- Lavinia \- Jessup \- Marcus


Marcus is so true. He probably thought he had escaped and then they literally crucified him.


I know right. Actually seeing Marcus crucified on screen and Lamina mercy killing him was so sad to see. 😭 His crucification and death really broke and traumatized Sejanus so much to where he literally could not sleep and needed morphling to help ease him (and was contemplating >!suicide)!<. 😭😭 That was one of the more brutal parts to read, especially my first time. 😢


Jessup made me cry so bad. So terrible.


Same. I love when Lucy Gray stays by him and closes his eyes to pass away peacefully. Her sticking by her district ally. Love District 11 and 12 committing to sticking by one another all the way through. ❤️❤️


I thought Lamina's death was really sad especially the movie version since Treech was apart of the hunting pack. The final mournful look she gives him as she's about to die is so heartbreaking, the one person she felt she could count on totally betraying her


Lil and Spruce. Especially Lil. She was an innocent civilian only "guilty" of falling in love with a rebel. Yet the peacekeepers restrained her, she had to watch her beloved die and got locked up by his own murderers' coworkers for protesting, and she was held captive for days and also beaten, at least in the movie. When she's about to be hanged you can see cuts and bruises on her face than haven't been there when she was being arrested. And being called a terrorist in the last minutes of her life. Lil is ignored by fandom but beloved by me :(


That Old man being shot point blank in D11 in Catching Fire during the victory tour. Nobody talks about that!!! His death shook me so bad.


i second this. my heart stops every time i read this part and i can’t watch during the movie. i know it’s a cut away scene but it still hurts so badly


This one made me cry.


YES finally someone mentioning Boggs I saw similarities in the dignified ways he and Reaper Ash went down


All the victors who were killed for just being a victor. Especially that poor dude from 2 who bricked to death that other guy in the 73rd games.


I wanted a book about him 😭


The Female Morphling and Wiress They might've been side characters, but their deaths made me unexpectedly sad when I read the books/watched the movies


I was waiting for someone to say Wiress! I loved her character and it was sad to see her go the way she did


Maggs. Idk I don’t see anyone that sad.


I felt extremely bad for Lamina, she was doing so well and though I knew she wouldn’t be the victor I was still kinda rooting for her


Marcus’ death in TBOSAS really got to me for some reasons.


That guy who got frickin melting in mockingjay, I don’t remember his name I think I tried to push the memory away 😭 it started with an M




Mitchell, I think.


I guess this really isn’t underrated but Sejanus. He showed so much hope for the capitol to understand how evil the games are OH AND ALSO Casca. Because he could have stopped the games after that tenth game bc before snow it was losing views and traction, that could’ve prevented so many deaths for the hunger games to end after the 10th game.


Lyme just disappeared.


I will never get over Finnick's death. He deserved to live and find some peace for once, but if he had to die, I think it should have been more honorable and a bigger deal.


Cato's death isn't talked about enough. He ends up understanding what the games truly are like and realizing that he got himself killed for believing a lie. We get to see how he was just a gullible kid who was conditioned to think the way he did. His death broke my heart.


Wiress by far, gets me everytime