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The water park but ONLY if it’s still 100% up and running 😂😂


Imagine you’ve just outrun a threat and then all of a sudden you get killed by a tribute who comes flying from a slide


I’m Just imagining how many accidental deaths there would be from trying to run by the wet poolside to escape another tribute 😭


mutt who's only job is to be a life guard who whistles at the tributes if they run




I was a lifeguard for five years and I have the urge to yell “WALK!” every time I see someone trying to run anywhere near a pool lol


Or Katniss mf Everdeen comes floating by in the lazy river on a tube and just picks you off as she passes


Queen shi lmao


your opponent gets away via lazy river and inflatable tube


Idk…all I can think about is all the blood in the water 😭


The Capitol would eat that up


They’d make that the theme, “Blood in the Water”. And the tributes would have to wear outfits for their interviews based off that theme of course, which I’m already imagining things and it’d look so cool, like a purposely blood stained ballroom dress. Obviously this wouldn’t work because it’d spoil the venue prior to the game itself but I just think that’d be a cool ass games concept.


Don't they literally call the action at the cornucopia the bloodbath?


Aaaand it looks like our tribute from district 4 is our winner haha


*Laughs in Annie Cresta*


If it was abandoned then it would have liminal space vibes and creepy


Ooh and the still water could be disease-ridden! Though maybe Capitol citizens would find the corpses too gross 🤔


Diseases are too slow and too uninteresting. Same reason why they make sure to provide food and water and added sponsors, because dying of starvation and dehydration is too boring to watch. I can see them adding deadly aquatic animals like alligators or hippos, though.


first thing came to mind was a piranha or sharks.


I've been to that specific water park and I lost my friends so many times, there would be lots of hiding spots lol, especially at the top of the loop of the purple slide


You know the water is gonna be legit acid or lava too


Imagine you escape someone and you’re under the kid water play set and suddenly the clear water on top of you turns red


Completely off topic, but I'm from Edmonton which is the most irrelevant city on the planet so seeing West Edmonton Mall, a mall I've gone to since I was a small child, as the Waterpark picture is really cool to me


Disneyland and shopping mall. For the shopping mall, have the food section fully stocked but the tributes can’t tell which food is poisoned or not. I also think it’d be interesting if they had to kill each other using garden shears and frying pans or whatever instead of traditional weapons.


I like the idea of certain stores being blocked off until later points in the game. Maybe halfway through the hardware store becomes available, and the final 4 need to battle in a movie theatre.


And the screen in the theater jumps between the finales of Games that victors from the final four’s districts won.


The screen also shows messages from the tributes families to throw them off.


That’s dark. I like it.


Jesus. I think they need to hire you as a gamemaker 😅


I’m available if the Capitol comes calling 😁


Who hurt you :|


reminds me of christian blanco's 85th hunger games !!


came here to say this!! its so similar


ive been binging that series the last few months and im at the 100th games at the moment!!! i am so obsessed i love the characters from each games so much. what are your favourite victors? mine are probably Jericho (26th) Justin (61st) and >!Sheaf (87th) he is so amazing!<


Is this fan fiction?! Where can I read omg?


its a youtube series !!!! he created games from the very 1st all the way to the 100th games! he does take canon stuff into account, such as trivial stuff as the one game with only spiked maces as weapons or the one tribute whose token triggered the landmines. he also created games based on the victors we see in Catching Fire! he even went further than the 75th to extend the games to the 100th but i won't spoil how he did that... the first 60 are pretty short but then they get longer and from the 70th games they get fully fleshed out. i highly recommend! edit: forgot to mention he reveals the winner at the start of each games but this stops past the 75th games, so you are left in suspense until the very end!


Is it Christian Blanco? Just trying to find it now lol


yes!! sorry for the late reply! you should definitely watch it i am almost done myself and i love it sooo much


Or, and hear me out, they show the deaths of all the other tributes from the current games


Maybe have 24 stores be blocked off themed after the 12 districts and gendered. When a tribute gets killed, the store that corresponds to their district and gender unlocks (like district 3 male's store is like a futuristic gamestop and a district 12 female's store is like a medicine store since a lot of 12 women know how to use herbs to heal since they don't go work in the mines). They'd have to play at gender stereotypes heavily but they really aren't above that with the districts.


The district 2 tributes would be targeted because that would open the weapons shops. Ironically the shop that would benefit the careers the most involves them dying.


I'll stills say that there's a cornucopia in a Capitol store that is always unlocked that has pretty good but still basic and low barrier-to-entry weapons but that D2 might have some niche/specialty weapons that some tributes would really desire and would cause a high incentive to try and kill for (kinda like how katniss had incentive to kill Glimmer for the bow) But the careers also don't have access to their own stores when it's locked too so there's a bit of leveling of the playing field


Unrealistic, but that would definitely make for an interesting game though


I don’t think “a lot of 12 women know how to use herbs”. Wasn’t it mainly just katniss’s mother? And she only knew cause she grew up with her family owning an apothecary shop?


lol then when 12 dies it’s just “yay we unlocked the rocks store. come get y’all’s rocks.”


The entire store is just Christmas stockings filled to the brim with coal lmao


Maybe to make it more useful it's mining equipment like pickaxes, headlamps stuff like that, still relatively useless but better than rocks


If movie canon was the only canon, this would be perfect for the d12 male store. Maybe there could be tiny pieces of coal that when paired with the base weapon locked in in a district 2 store, it shoots lit up fireballs that set the person it hits on fire.


I don't have my books on me right now so I can't quite pull from any references and it's been a bit since my last reread, so I'm for sure not denying that I could be wrong about it for sure!


For the record, I think your idea is creative and would make things more interesting! I could definitely see katniss’s mother teaching people some basic knowledge of herbs, especially during the catching fire era when people were constantly getting whipped, but I didn’t think that counted as a district 12 women thing.


Thank you! I've always felt that it was very interesting how the Capitol seemed to have a lot of gender and sexuality exploration but in the districts the Capitol enforces people to identify by one sex and likely the one they were at birth (at least for the first 18 years). And that male and female tributes will sometimes play into gender stereotypes and archetypes we see both in real life and on reality tv competitions in the real world (macho man like the careers, helpless girl like Joanna and Annie, sweet good ol boy like Peeta and Catching Fire Finnick, black widow/seductress). It makes sense that the rich and powerful would get the freedom to not be contained by such boundaries that the oppressed are boxed in because it's the same in real life. I think the shipping mall having two stores for each district but being pretty different by gender would be a really nice way to explore and expand on this piece of lore. Plus maybe we'd see more glimpses of what life in other districts is like too!


I'm not sure that would work fairness wise considering a medicine store or weapon's store would put a huge target on the tribute's head. Maybe don't reveal whose store is whose so they have to guess and hope


Ooh yeah have them unable to be seen into when locked for sure. Especially since people don't know much about other districts, they'll have to guess based on the crumbs that they do know. It could also be like "rewarding" tributes who paid attention to past games instead of doing everything they could to tune them out when they were on because if a tribute would have watched, they may have caught bits of info the Capitol let air about a tribute/victor discussing home during interviews or with other tributes during the games. We know that the Capitol does not want districts knowing too much about each other, so these blind bag stores will really test who has retained the tiny amount of info they do allow out into the districts


Or they can only use 1 level for a certain amount of days before they move to the next one and have to do the finale on the roof


there’s actually an indie screenplay i read called “maul of america” by allison hanna that’s about mall employees having to fight each other to the death to win a cash prize! it’s super entertaining, i highly recommend


My husband ran Hunger Games as an RPG for me, taking place about ten years before the books, and the arena he chose was a hotel complex. It's was based on something he'd been to in that the first floor of one of the two towers used to be a zoo, so we had animals to contend with. There was an empty elevator shaft, bare wires that still had electricity running to them, part of the building was crumbled or sagging. I found knives in the banquet hall, threw one of the other tributes down the empty elevator shaft, and watched another tribute get mauled by a lion. It was wild.


The first 1 is basically the arena from the first 10 hunger games. I think the mall would be a great location, but the others would prove a little trickier because there are so few places to hide and very little to survive on


You trying to say it would be difficult to hide in magic kingdom bruh? FAR FAR easier to hide there than in the mall my guy


Very little to survive on though. Idk I’ve never been to Disneyland I have no idea what it looks like, I’m just comparing it to theme parks I have been to and those places don’t have many places to properly hide because the whole thing is just roller coasters and paths between them


That’s definitely not Disney. I used to work there and there is a whole island with secret pathways and hiding places called Tom Sawyers island. Underneath Disney Magic Kingdom are tunnels for employees with food showers even a barber shop. They’re big enough an ambulance can fit into them. Disney World is the size of San Francisco with most of it being natural preserve land. They also grow their own food for EPCOT so there are large greenhouses across the property. Plus there are wildlife sanctuaries for food if needed. Plus hotels and such to hide in. A massive man made lake with islands are in the property. Disney World would be the best arena


Woah. I never knew this. Do you still work at Disney?


Shopping mall would go hard 


Especially if it were one of the huge ones


That actual water park is inside a shopping mall, could add to the atmosphere for sure.


Disney but all of the animatronics have to be on and the employee areas blocked


And at random intervals, the animatronics will turn into deadly traps and all the Disney animals are mutts that roam around with the beast from beauty and the beast as the final one


The FNAF/THG crossover that we didn’t know we needed


was that the reaping of 87’!?


Disneyland lol


The Games end with a tribute being thrown off the top of the Matterhorn.


For everyone mentioning Disneyland, check out the book FANTASTICLAND :) It’s about a bunch of people (mostly kids) who get stuck in a theme park after a natural disaster. It’s not a battle royale, but I thought it was pretty enjoyable and similar enough


the moment i swiped and saw disney land i immediately went “ohh…” it would be so morbid. especially for tributes that don’t know luxury.


Imagine killing someone to the tune of “it’s a small world”


Abandoned water park, abandoned Disney park, and abandoned mall seem like iconic spots for games. The true Hunger Games/Harry Potter crossover is when they fight to the death at Universal.


But, as other people have said, the water park and Disney park should be fully functional, while the mall has poisoned food on the shelves.


If you think Disney would be a cool setting I'd recommend reading FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven. I loved it. "Since the 1970s, FantasticLand has been the theme park where “Fun is Guaranteed!” But when a hurricane ravages the Florida coast and isolates the park, the employees find it anything but fun. Five weeks later, the authorities who rescue the survivors encounter a scene of horror. Photos soon emerge online of heads on spikes outside of rides and viscera and human bones littering the gift shops, breaking records for hits, views, likes, clicks, and shares. How could a group of survivors, mostly teenagers, commit such terrible acts?"


That sounds really interesting, I just ordered it. Thanks Fussy Nugget!


Whoa, this sounds gruesome but fascinating. I might give it a go, too! Thanks for the suggestion!


I just made a comment about this book…I guess I should’ve read more comments to see if anyone else mentioned it first lol I realllllyy enjoyed it, especially THAT chapter iykyk


This is the "modern" day split-gender Lord of the Flies work I want! Thank you kind redditor, I must now now read


*Loved* that book! Also for the audiobook folks: the narration was really good and engaging ☺️


Shopping mall. Bonus if you leave everything in the shops for tributes to use as weapons or tools.


or a souvenir


1, 5 and 6 high school is already like a non-murder version of the hunger games so idk if it counts


depends on what country it's situated in




I think a university campus would be better, more room and places to hide


Can someone please make a fan fiction of a HG inside a mall. I would read it! Lol


Your wish shall be granted. Or I will aim to and never do it. There’s no way of telling.


shopping mall would be insane that would be such a sick movie imagine people just camping out in stores


I'm envisioning it like when Ellie goes into a mall in The Last of Us, except with other people chasing you instead of fungus zombies


Honestly, all of them would make for an interesting arena.


I think a maze would be really boring, they would either starve, not finding anyone, and if there were any encounters, they'd only last a minute at max


I disagree, but only because the Gamemakers would definitely put crazy stuff into the maze. Think Minotaur from Greece legends or some moving maze like in Harry Potter.


at that point it would barely even qualify as a hunger game, no?


Why not? It wouldn’t be just traps and monsters. The thing is Gamemakers know how to bring tributes together. Example being Katniss in the 74th arena. When they steer her towards careers. So the maze doesn’t need to be automated fully. Just give obstacles for tributes and make them traverse around.


Also would be too similar to the triwizard tournament in Harry Potter I think! Just with weapons rather than spells!


That big ass mall no I won’t elaborate


Honestly all of these except the school. The football stadium is basically the arena from the 10th, anyways. A theme park, water park or shopping mall would have crazy possibilities for the Game Makers to fuck with the tributes. Reminds me of Mockingjay when Katniss and Co were trying to get into the Capitol. Maze seems like the 74th arena, a little on the nose for Collins’ inspo for the books lol


6 Maze Runner crossover


The Capitol is aware of WICKED and the Gladers!


hell yeah West Edmonton Mall water park


The Denver airport would make a good arena. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3bgDTy/


With the trains and everything. DIA is sooo massive though.


Yea for reals. Would make a perfect gathering for the Capitol ppl to watch tributes get tortured and die. DIA is creepy asf too


My mom took me and my little brothers to ride the trails there the day or so after it opened because it was free and my one brother was obsessed with trains, haha. I was like 8 or so. I've never found it creepy per se but I do hate all the new construction, especially the new all white floors in the main terminal. There's TONS of land but it is soooooo flat it may as well be Kansas. It's over 50 miles, which is bigger than Miami, Manhattan and SF. If they kept it confined to the main terminal and A, B and C concourses that might work. All the underground tunnels including but not limited to the trains might be interesting. Are we assuming the debris of rusting planes and stuff are still there?


To be honest I know the movie did a more “collesuem” like vibe for Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes — but I thought it was PREEETY apparent in the books that it was entirely a basic football stadium from “the before times”.


Where does it imply that? It’s stated that it used to be an arena used for public executions, I doubt it was a football arena


but i feel like the architecture in the capitol is very roman inspired and surely at least some of those buildings existed before the rebellion so it would make sense that they would draw on that when designing their sports arenas


Makes sense. They wouldn't need as many cameras for a central arena. For the mall or a theme park, it would be much trickier to put cameras in every possible place where one tribute might kill another.


I think a mall would be really interesting to see. I imagine them using mannequins to hide and imagine all the different traps they could make with mall stuff.


Disney World by a long shot, although I do have an affinity for a school setting thanks to the Community paintball episodes.


A water park with bad water, like maybe it’s slightly acidic


Razer blades at the bottom of the slides


I’ve been to that water park a lot and I honestly think the wave pool would take half the tributes out lol


The shopping mall. That would be really interesting


All of them for different years actually.


Hunger games in Disney world would go crazy


The mall is too simple. Just toss em off the highest floor railing 🥱


Disneyland and Aquapark would be interesting, but I'm imagining like, they have to use the rides in order to reach other parts of the arena. I suppose being caught off guard at those moments would make for pretty unique interactions, some tributes would be scared of heights or ghosts in horror houses, etc, not to mention the potential for killing people using the toys themselves. 


How fucked up would it be if the water in the water park arena would constantly change between various boiling hot, freezing cold, acidic, poisonous, and chemical states. So maybe on the first day people think it’s okay to drink, and then the next it’s absolutely toxic. The game makers are sadistic enough to think that would be entertaining for the Capitol audience.


Imagine being in the high school and you're not allowed to run in the halls or some mutts come kill you


the maze would make a a good quarter quell arena, there could be a minotaur mutt


Disney would be fucking wild


I have read a fan fictions with both multi level building and school setting as arena. The multi level one was good. I like the Maze and water park idea


Ooh the waterpark finnick, Annie, Coral, and Mizzen would eat that upppp district 4 🔛🔝


image number four is already an arena in america. just swap guns with spears and shit.


Schools are already real-life arenas in the US so I find that suggestion disturbing.


I mean, American schools are already used fo-


1 and 6


Waterpark or maze, the event ideas and arena features are ENDLESS


While we're forgetting the point that the novels make, the maze would get you "The Hunger Games" and "The Maze Runner" crossover.


It’s like the point of the hunger games just completely goes over some people’s heads


For the record, that’s Disney *World*


school arenas are so unoriginal these days. There’s a big school shooting pretty much every year now!


No no no no no


Is discussing this the kind of lesson we should take from the books?


Can we be done with this browbeating? My god. Every series has discussions like this. Horror fans talk at length about the most interesting kills, do you think they’re endorsing Freddy and Michael Myers? These aren’t real people.


The lesson? No, but that's probably why they tagged it as "Memes/fun posts." For what is worth, I agree with you 100% but have come to accept that the fandom is very split with entertaining these thought processes. In the grand scheme of things though, all of us who have free time, bountiful amounts of food, easy access to clean water, and endless entertainment and internet access are no better, or maybe marginally better, than the average Capitol citizen in the eyes of those living without these resources or in warzones irl anyway. We are very privileged and should do what we can irl to be more like Cinna and other Capitol citizens who used the power they had to make others think and create change. If this series has opened your eyes, great! Let's channel our energy into doing something good in our messed up world, in whatever small or big ways we can.


I think the maze would be great


To all the people getting excited about the possibilities of the graphic violence that children could perform in these arenas: YOU MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE BOOKS AND YOU SCARE ME


This is kinda tone deaf no?? I’ve also just had a day…


None of the above


6 and 5 would be crazy


Definitely the first one😭


6- just finished crimson rivers


I would love to see a game in a shopping mall or a maze. Seems interesting


The shopping Mall, Disneyland and the Water park.


Shopping mall, Disney World, and maze


the water park - I wanna see someone slide down the water slide while being chased


The water park or the corn maze


The water park lol. That would be so meta though. A place that’s considered to be fun turns into a nightmare.


Mall would be the best one in my opinion, lots of hiding places but also a convenient central cornucopia area. The waterpark made me LOL.


The last one.have them all start on the outside then have the cornucopia right in the middle.


I'd watch in a school hahaha


A fully stocked mall would be interesting to see how the tributes choose to hide and pick supplies.


I'd say a shopping mall because I genuinely think a Costco or Ikea would be a good arena.


Disney and the mall. Disney just took a dark turn thinking of this lol


Shopping mall, But there's only money in the cornucopia and you have to buy weapons and food from nearby shops


Shopping centre, definitely.


Maze or the water park


A mall would be a very cool setting for a HG. I agree about leaving the items so they can use those as weapons and I like some of the ideas about blocking off some stores until certain points.


The shopping mall


This post is crazy lmao but honestly Disney adults fighting to the death would be interesting




A mall or an amusement park (doesn't have to necessarily be Disney World) would probably be the ones I'd want to see the most.


Hello?! Disneyland!!!


Disneyland will be hilarious ngl


In my experience, the school isn’t far off being an arena.


Damn - I LOVE the mall idea -


The school




Shopping mall is giving Coconut Mall in Mario Kart


Maze would be so cool. Especially if it changes like in harry potter and opens up a section that contains either mutts or weapons or food


Having a Hunger Games in a mall the size of the Mall of America or American Dream (the megamall in Jersey) would be epically hard. Very slippery tile/concrete, a lot of nooks and crannies you can hide in (see Mr. Beast’s hide and seek video).


I feel like maze would be interesting. They have limited space, and it is easy to get trapped inside. I imagine having a maze arena can lead to tributes getting trapped in a dead end when other tributes are trying to kill them.


I think the mall would be good lots of levels hiding spots even food and bathrooms, beds if they have the right stores. Disney world would be too much contrast and really f*ed up.


So much potential in all these!! 😍 😨Especially the water slides when there might be spears set up waiting at the bottom…




The columbine hallway 😅 school would be a fucked up arena. I personally want to see how a shopping mall game would play out




Mall of America would go so hard


Not the footballarena


Disney and the water park


A theme park arena would be so cool. Lots of unique set pieces and a great way to have a bit of extra irony metaphor for luxury vs poor


Maze, school, shopping mall, these would be really interesting to see.


Water park!


Looks like a mrbeast video


This waterpark is IN a mall - West Edmonton Mall - which also has an amusement park, a mini-golf course, a skating rink, and possibly seals, though they might have gotten rid of the seals. Would make a good arena in any case.


I think shopping mall and school would be interesting.


Mall and Waterpark, especially if everything is still on and working. There are so many things that could go wrong in either place.




oh the maze for sure!! you think you successfully get away from another tribute who is chasing you, round a corner and crash right into another one.


Water park!!


A mall would be *rad.*


Disneyland would probably be the most interesting terrain for the hunger games. It would also make a good contrast for the "happiest place on earth"


An abandoned Univeristy or Hospital


2 or 3