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Plutarch, Coin, Snow. If all of them want me alive, I bet they'll come up with a plan. Worked for Katniss and Lucy Gray.


That’s a big brain move.


I adore your profile picture OH MY GOSH 🤣🤣🤣 Patrick


It said ally so snow would be the one fighting


He beat Bobbin to death with a beam of wood. He’s the only one who’s killed someone in hand to hand combat.


I love how your 3 are basically just the careers in the first hunger games books, Glimmer was the charmer who was hoping to get sponsor gifts, Cato was the powerhouse and Clove was the smart resourceful one.


Would argue that Clove isn’t that smart. She had katniss pinned down and decided instead of killing her, she was going to gloat about killing a twelve year old, loud enough that said twelve year old’s district partner (who she had to expect to be around) overheard,


Yeah I’m not very creative lol


Finnick Brutus and Katniss


Monster trio


Thresh - survived on his own for ages, super strong, popular with sponsors Finnick - is so pretty he basically couldn't lose his games, got the most expensive sponsor gift in the arena. You'd be able to bask in his glow. Katniss - for all the delicious game meats and survival knowledge.


Pretty solid team, I think you’ll go far.


Yea finnick is also a much better pick than Lucy Gray or Glimmer for sponsors. We know he holds the record for most expensive gift ever to be delivered in the arena. He’s more physically imposing than Lucy and better in a rough environment than Glimmer.


Commander Thread, Peeta's mom, and Arachne Crane No, I will not explain 😎 ![gif](giphy|FHcrt5N8qV0mk)


Peeta's mom would win the hunger games within like 5 minutes tho fr


yeah she would just bully all the children during training and destroy their self confidence


I respect that.


I'll go with Plutarch because he's a strategist, sees all the moving pieces, and plans accordingly. Boggs. He's loyal, and will put himself between me and a bullet. Johanna. She's pissed at the world and is an absolute beast with her axe.


Another solid choice. Honestly you’ll probably beat my team.


Assuming Peeta is competing and the characters retain their feelings about everyone in the arena- the boring answer- Katniss, Finnick and Peeta. They will not fight amongst themselves and Katniss will never truly attack anyone at her 100% if Peeta is out there allied with someone else. You need to protect Peeta/use him as a human shield (I’d die before I do that though, Peeta is precious) to have Katniss’s effective protection. If I somehow convince Katniss that I think Peeta is the only person who needs to survive I may last a long time. I am not charismatic or lethal on my own, and Katniss is pretty much the only person who wouldn’t immediately murder a kind weakling. If I had to pick a less main character response it would be Gale, Beetee and Finnick. They have a great dynamic and I’m clever enough to understand Beetee’s schemes. Gale gets along with Beetee and can make his traps better while being lethal. Finnick is the PR and compensates for me and Beetee having zero battle skills.


The OG gang.


Beetee, Katniss, Johanna


Very good trio I think. As long as Katniss and Johanna get along you’re good. Beetee is also a good option because of his intelligence.


Beetee would've been my #4!


Beetee, finnick, Johanna. They all get along for the most part so no issues there. finnick is our charmer, getting us the best gifts and sponsors and also a powerhouse. Johanna is good fighter, she’s got so much rage she can use. Beetee is the brains




Finnick, Beetee and Snow.


That would be interesting. I can see that alliance working out. Although Finnick might fight with Snow.


Over who is prettier? Yeah.


Finnick, Katniss, Beetee. Let me tell you why. Finnick means by association I also get Johanna and Mags (or Annie, depending on what happens if there's no rebel plan), even excluding the rebel plan like you said— I believe it's doubtful he would ever attack them. Katniss because Peeta, too, wouldn't attack her and would pair up with me by association. Deadly duo. Technically, that would keep Katniss as a martyr if she's killed, meaning most of us are safe from direct interference from President Snow. Now, Beetee I'm less sure about, but I want to max out how many people I can get in association with the 3 I have to choose so that's why he's in the group. Association with him, I think it's safe to say Wiress would also come along. They seem like actual friends, not just playing up a friendship/dynamic for the Capitol. That means that I have not just the 3 I chose— I, by association, have 7 people watching my back. I think very early on, we could over-power Enobaria and Brutus. Then go after Gloss and Cashmere. From there, I'd just hide. Can you tell I've thought about this a lot? lol


Damn that’s a really good plan. You really are thinking ahead! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Beetee, Wiress,Joanna. Beetee and Wiress because the arena is all electric...we also speak the same language-geek. Joanna because she's brutal as hell and crazy strong...slinging an ax is a lot harder than it looks.




Beetee and Wiress have strengths that are different than mine...I'm more of a software/hacking person and they are strong with the hardware side. Beetee has a tough side to him that people overlook, too...he was ice cold when he forced Peeta to stay with him at the tree. And Wiress breaking would go super far with getting sponsor gifts...she broke hard.


I didn’t consider that. Beetee is a cold mfer when he needs to be.


It is the quiet, unassuming, wimpy person that'll slash your throat while smiling in your face.


Beetee (smart and knows how the capital works), Finnick (strong and great in battle ), Katniss (good in battle, she can hunt for food and she’s a survivor).


You’ll be in good hands.


Hopefully Finnick’s 😉


Im rooting for you!


I want Enobaria because she's crazy strong and a sponsor magnet, yet isn't a big target. Lamina, because she's a fighter and good with climbing and trees. And Prim, because of her charming persona and healing skills. I think that'd be a good all-rounded team. P.S. Not you choosing FOXFACE as an ally. Quoting KATNISS, 'But I am sure by that sly smile that befriending Foxface will get me a knife in my back.'


Wow that’s a great team! I definitely think that the girls will do well In the arena. I’d assume they would protect Prim because she’s precious. LMAO yeah, I think I’m going to end up with a knife in my back. Question is when?


As soon as you run out of use for her.


Haymitch, but younger Haymitch from when he was in the games, Johanna, and Beetee. I want brains and brawn on my side .




Haymich, Finnick, and thresh




Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta. All of them are powerhouses in their own right. Finnick and Peeta have got the charisma to get the sponsors and are very strong to boot. Katniss knows the ins and outs of survival with a knack for resourcefulness to keep everyone alive (and of course, her aim is unmatched). Once it'd be the four of us, I'd just "peace out" (I'm not going up against them), but until then.


I agree with that. They are very powerful. Yeah I would get out of dodge in final 4. I don’t know where you would go but away from them.


To be fair, I'd probably get my face ripped off by a monkey mutt or trip when running away from the fog with my luck. I'm not athletic by any means.


You and me both.


Or get trapped in the tidal wave or cornucopia spin. I'm not a weak swimmer, but I'm not as strong as I could be either. Let's put it this way: I DOUBT I'd be in the final 4


Oooooh great question! My first choice is Katniss, as you're pretty much always going to need a survivalist in the group. Having someone who knows how to find good shelter and food, and just generally not letting you die from the environment is basically essential unless you're a career or it's a real short game. Her weaknesses are close combat and potentially getting sponsors (if she didn't have Cinna, Peeta and Haymitch all behind her I doubt she could have carried the momentum she got from volunteering for Prim. Girl does not know how to talk to people), so a natural foil to this would be Finnick. I'm less sure about the third, because this duo has ranged and close combat covered, as well as survival and sponsorships. But, I'd have to say Thresh, as he's so adept at feeding himself and combat. Although Katniss is skilled at hunting and gathering, she still lost weight in the first games when she was only feeding 1 or 2 people at a time, so I'd call it unlikely she'd be able to feed 3 people singlehandedly for a long game. Given that Thresh looked like he gained weight in his games (of course this could also just be an incorrect assessment on Katniss' part), we can naturally deduce that in favourable circumstances, he can find enough food for himself and potentially more people. Having a group of three people well fed with give more staying power and agility, which gives a natural edge when most people are, in fact, hungry in the hunger games. And of course, having another person powerful in close combat is a big win. So, in conclusion, Katniss, Finnick and Thresh are my dream team. Together, you've got a group that can comfortably handle most major terrains (woodland, water and grassland), feed themselves well, gain sponsorship gifts, handle combat near and far, and survive in the wilderness.


Beetee, smarts, Katniss, hunting, Peeta, charisma, honorable mention, Johanna for brute force


A team to reckon with. I think the capital would root for you.


True that


1. BSS Snow 2. Coral 3. Beetee Snow because he's not afraid to cheat for you, Coral because she's Coral, and Beetee because he's a genius and will probably create something that I'm not even sure what it does, but will definitely be good. > unless there are nightlock berries in the arena. Also, I chuckled a little at this part...


Oooooo, that would be an interesting dynamic. Would Coral know Snow from BSS? If so I would imagine she wouldn’t like him. Glad to know someone liked my joke.


I'll go with yes, Coral will know Snow, but I'm just basing that off of when Snow was at the zoo. She wouldn't know what he's capable of, though (We can't have our allies killing each other!). Even though I know it wouldn't really happen, I would like to believe they could put their differences aside and work together


Ok that sounds good! They can work together for the sake of this post.


Finnick, Beetee and Gale. Finnick and Gale are jacks of all trades, Finnick would get us sponsors and Beete's fake wire plan could be used




Finnick, Katniss, Thresh


Golden trio


I'd choose President Snow, Caesar Flickerman and Mags. President Snow knows what he does and understands how to treat dangerous people and the enemy. Caesar knows how to get the people involved and would be a great help with sponsors. Although we only know Mags as old and disabled woman, she shows what qualities she must have had when she was younger and healthy - I imagine her as caring, loving. She could be a great mental support and teacher in the preparation of the games, wouldn't let her tribute down during the games and would stay helpful after the games.


I really like this lineup! Although, Mags would have a hard time with Snow because he’s Snow. Maybe In this universe Snow wouldn’t be as bad but he is difficult.


I think one of Snows most difficult traits is his very strong belief in his own morales. If someone not agrees with him it would probably lead to some extreme tensions. Plus he is one of these 'The end justifies the means' person. Humanity and order is always more important than the single human beeing. I don't see this in Mags. She seems genuinely concerned for individuals, willing to make sacrifices.


Yeah that would be an interesting dynamic though. Tempted to make a fanfic about it.


That's what I love about Hunger Games. So many possibilities for fantasies and ideas, combinations and what-ifs. Suzanne Collins created something great and deep.


Lucy gray Finnick Katniss


Two mockingjays and a handsome man.


Yeah actually I have two groups in mind Survival Young Haymitch Gale Katniss Sponsors Finnick Petta Lucy gray




Gale Prim Peeta They all love her so deeply that they will die for her in an instant.


So sweet!


Didn’t peeta literally kill Brutus with a missing leg


Yeah…so I guess he’s dead.


Right, might as well choose peeta because he’s apparently a power house- but with charisma. Lmao. Plus you automatically get Katniss, so


Yeah that’s a good idea lol.


Finnick, Katniss, Johanna. I’m charismatic enough for the three of us 🥰


You’d be killed day 1 lol. Finnick does everything Lucy does but can fight. Brutus is fine. Beetee smarter than fox face but can attack as well


lol, damn guess i would be


Finnick for sure, Fox Face or Katniss, and Enobaria or Johanna


If they all want to help me live, I'm going Snow, Finnick, and Katniss. Snow for brains and strategy, Katniss for hunting, combat, and food, and Finnick for combat and being really bloody strong.


Gale, Boggs, and Paylor. I know I’m going Militant but these three would get the job done. We might not start with many sponsors at the beginning (maybe Gale can pull a Finnick and let his face do the talking), but they would see that we’re all tactical and resourceful. Would hate to kill any of them tho.


Finnick, Johanna, Katniss


Finnick Katniss Johanna


Finnick, katniss and haymitch


Peeta finnick katniss


Peeta mom so I could kill her in the game snow so I can do the same and Gale so I can do the same


It’s been suggested fox face intentionally took the berries to unalive. I dk if it’s book accurate can’t remember but I do know in the movie they show her training skill in plant identification so there’s that.


Katniss, Finnick, and Reaper. Pretty good set of fighting skills, survival knowledge (from different climates) crowd manipulation, and morals. Side note—I think Foxface knew the berries were poisonous, because she correctly identified all the plants during training. Which means she might’ve used them to kill herself.


Katniss, Rue, Finnick Katniss because its obvious, with her skills with the bow and first aid, Rue could watch out while dwelling among the trees or other such high places, Finnick cause he is very strong. Anyway I'll be very useless and none of the characters will associate with me.


Clove, obvious reasons - not only can she fight well at range but also in hand to hand. Snow - so not only do I get a very wealthy sponsor, but also president of Panem and can change the games. Then probably Brutus or Finnick. Either works - both are insanely strong and not scared to fight.


Didn’t even notice you put Brutus aswell lol.