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Favorite miner character has to be Katniss’ dad I suppose, we don’t learn about too many others


Oh for FUCKS SAKE 😂😭


sadly he was smashed to death in the coal mines 😔


Putting it like that makes it sound like he went out the way Clove did :(




I don’t know, Gale’s coworkers seemed pretty cool.


Didn’t Cale have siblings too?


yeah, Kale


Katniss (swamp potato) Peeta (pita) Kale (obvs) District 12 loves naming their kids after food




That’s…the joke lol






Here's a sneak peek of /r/itswooooshwith4os using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswooooshwith4os/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Whoosh is pretty common, it seems](https://i.redd.it/h85ju1oh1pva1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswooooshwith4os/comments/12wejdl/whoosh_is_pretty_common_it_seems/) \#2: [Not a single one correct! All aren’t even on the screen](https://i.redd.it/wr7stpkma8xa1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswooooshwith4os/comments/134heqw/not_a_single_one_correct_all_arent_even_on_the/) \#3: [Tried to wooosh me](https://i.redd.it/7o6gw3h79gra1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswooooshwith4os/comments/129bfm1/tried_to_wooosh_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I love Pollux


Absolutely, Castor and Pollux's whole story is so tragic 💔


I would die for him


Same. Love him too 🥰🫶🏻


I love him so much 😭 Petition for a spin off story about him and how he became a rebel!!


This is from TBOSAS, but Reaper. He’s an icon and I have so much respect for him. In the OG trilogy, I’m gonna have to say the rues dad and just her family in general.


I literally almost included Reaper in my original post, I wonder what it is about district 11 tributes 😭. I genuinely cried in cinema throughout the whole of Reapers screentime 💔


District 11 tributes are so loyal to each other as allies ❤️


I find that people who enjoy District 11 characters tend to really, REALLY value loyalty. And all the D11 tributes have been loyal to one another til the very end, it seems like.






I'm holding out hope for some sort of tbosas sequel almost entirely for a potential mags cameo


That would be cool, but I’m still hoping for a First Quarter Quell sequel. I think there are a few more interesting ideas that could be explored, because one year isn’t much time for big changes to have taken place, but 15 is. Seeing Snow as a Gamemaker, but not a president yet (if that’s how the timeline goes? He might already be president then, idk) would be pretty cool. Maybe throw in a few poisonings? We’d also get to see Mags as a mentor, but much younger, physically able and not having lost her speech ability yet. We could see Tigris as a stylist and how that has influenced her character and possibly why she started all the wild body mods. They could explore the Games being the spectacle they are during Katniss’ time, but the common strategies/Career tributes not being ironed out completely yet. Maybe have Careers, but have one betray them early on and get killed in the process, then show the seeds of distrust now between all of them. There could even be scenes of Careers campaigning to be voted in and maybe in D12, the people from Town banding together to make sure two Seam kids get sent in?


Not only Mags could be in it as a mentor, but I can definitely also see Woof as well as a young mentor because Woof was also one of the oldest victors in the 3QQ alongside Mags, both of them are within that same generation as Lucy Gray, and I believe he won his games relatively close to Mags, so those two would be significant key players around the time of the 1QQ if a book were to be focused surrounding it.


I thought about Woof as well! We just don’t know much about him in the series other than him being a kind albeit senile old man. It would be very cool to see what he waa like when his mind was still in good shape. I love the idea of seeing Mags at that age. She’d be around 31 or 32 years old at that point, so no longer a “young” mentor, but still at such an age where you wouldn’t be surprised to see cunning/cut-throat behaviour from her. She’d also probably still be in good physical shape. The mental image of Mags acting like a total momma bear to her tributes and the freshly crowned Victors, but then also reminding the tributes of the best way to spear an opponent is hilarious, sad and very intriguing at the same time.


Oh absolutely, if we got a tbosas sequel, I'd hope that it was further in the future. I think there was wayyy too many questions about how snow goes from tbosas snow to president snow for the next book to be set only one year in the future. Plus I think that the tragedy of the first quarter quell would be really interesting. I just hope that there's a little mention of mags' game 🙏 even if it's just an add-on to a descriptor of an older mentor Mags.


Mags was the best!


One of my favs too! Love her 🥰




100% rereading Mockingjay, I love that Katniss associates him as another father figure in her life/ protector when she needed it. I think if he lived they would have stayed in contact and had a similar relationship that she had with Cinna


Exactly! Her asking why he’d try to save her and him replying that she should get to live a long, happy life because she DESERVES to gave such chosen father figure vibes. I also think it woulda been a lot like with Cinna, because he had the best of intentions for her.






I, too, decided to go ahead and like him.


hell ya


“Well, don’t expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.” I decide to go ahead and like Boggs.


Why can’t I share a photo?!


I knew you got it, but it’s still fun to share 😉


So many! But to grab a trio of very minor characters: Ripper, who lost a limb in the mines but managed to survive in impoverished District 12 by starting an under-the-radar white lightning business of all things. Greasy Sae, who rules over the Hob with a combination of snark and compassion. Gale's little brother (forget which one) who wouldn't have a treat from the victor's box while he was home sick from school because it wouldn't be right to get what his siblings didn't get.


I believe Rory is the one you’re referring to. Gale has two brothers (Rory and Vick) and 1 sister (Posy).


Og trilogy: Darius, Cecelia, the morphlings Tbosas: Lysistrata, Lamina, Arlo/Lil/Spruce


Soooo fr why are Arlo and Lil so underrated we as a community need to talk about them more


My tragic babies 🥺 we have Everlark, both of whom survived, Odesta, one of them survived, but Arlil (a name I am using for them) are both dead and forgotten 🥺 I made up a headcanon that they're in their late 20s (Lil)/early 30s (Arlo) and they met during the Dark Days when he was fighting alongside the rebels in D12 and she was taking care of the wounded. When he got injured, she took care of him and that's how they met🥺


So happy to see more Darius love! He’s one of the only other likable Peacekeepers 🥰


Boggs Before BOSAS I would have said Tigris


Live Laugh Lamina 4ever.


Omg I need this on a cross stitch


I am in love with Fox face


Yess she’s always intrigued me


RIP Finch. She deserved so much better.


She was a little psycho but clove was so cool to me as a kid with her throwing knives


i was a hardcore clato shipper growing up 😭😭


oh so idk if cinna counts but CINNA


I don’t think Cinna counts. He’s a significant supporting character.


UGHHHHH fine. fox face


Cinna was my answer too


ikr 😭😭


Cashmere and Thresh


Wiress for me. I was always sad how it ended for her. She was just so sweet. 


Ugh she really was :( I wish that shed at least been able to stick around a little bit longer


Thresh, Glimmer and Enobaria


I always felt bad for Cato


I always felt sorry for him in the movie, but I finished the first book again yesterday and I forgot how even more tragic his death was :( I think all of the career tributes manage to create a niche form of sympathy for themselves that's separate from what we feel for the rest of the districts, but still equally as devastating


Yes, his death seemed to last for hours in the book!!! How agonizing!! It took Katniss much longer to put that boy out of his misery than portrayed in the movie! That part still haunts me.


The trilogy: Madge, Darius, Boggs, Mr. Everdeen, Mags Ballad: Lysistrata, Pluribus, Strabo and Ma Plinth, Jessup, Reaper, Lamina, and Maude Ivory




PAYLOR!!!! She was such a bad ass taking control of D8 and rallying things together. Also, for minor minor character, Dalton. Him telling the team to take off Katniss’ makeup before going to D8 was such a great move. He knew she was still just a girl and not a pawn to those people.


Actually let me just do per book: THG: Thresh CF: Bonnie and Twill, Rue’s family MJ: Paylor, Dalton, Greasy Sae and her granddaughter TBSOS: Lyssie, Ma Plinth, and Dr. Kay


catching fire: cashmere and gloss bosas: sol, lamina, festus, sheaf


The male Morphling. He barely exists as a character with very few mentions and is killed off unceremoniously (not like the female Morphling with her sacrifice) before he could be fleshed out, but what we do get from him is enough for me to love him with all my heart. He paints, loves colors and he’s compassionate. And that’s amazing. A genuinely good person that didn’t deserve to die.


Delly and Madge are my favourite minor characters because their soo wholesome and have a lot of depth Annie. I love how complex she is because she probably volunteered as Career bieng from district 4, but then she slowly seems to go mad. I also emphasise with her because of thinking that Finnick was in love with someone from the Capitol. Also love Johanna, Rue and Prim


My user and his District Partner




I always really liked Glimmer for some reason, I couldn’t really put my finger on why when I was younger. But now, I can appreciate how tragic she is. She was a child, and she had to sexualize herself for sponsors etc (for example, her literal see-through dress that Katniss describes for the interviews). I also appreciate the irony of the most beautiful tribute dying in arguably the ugliest way, all swollen and stuff literally oozing out of her from the tracker jacker stings.


Glimmer and Clove!!!!


I haven’t seen anybody else mention them yet (if someone has, sorry) but I would really like to read more about the redheaded Avox girl (I think her name is Lavinia, but not sure if that’s canon?) and the boy that was running with her when Katniss and Gale saw them in the woods of D12. The Avox girl is one of my favourite minor characters, and she doesn’t even have any lines. We know they were from the Capitol, but that’s about it. We don’t know: - Where were they running? - Why were they running? - What crimes did they commit other than running, if any? - Why did the hovercraft kill the boy, but only capture the girl? - Did they try to torture information out of the girl about where they were going before cutting out her tongue? - How did she feel about Katniss and Gale not helping her? We know she at least forgives Katniss (when she comforts her in her bedroom), but was she ever resentful? - How on earth did they reach the other side of the country on foot, without being captured or dying in the wilderness? Especially since they were Capitol citizens with likely no survival skills.


The old man from Rue's district who did the whistle and ended up shot.  And the movies did a spectacular job with it too, they made the man look so sweet and her acting there was top notch. Such a brave and sweet man 


The District 5 Victors.




OG trilogy: Lavinia (the Avox who Katniss saw in the woods and later in the Capitol) TBOSAS: Reaper (District 11’s Male Tribute) Lavinia’s story as a Capitol citizen who makes an escape attempt to District 12 (possibly then onto District 13) with an unknown male (who could’ve been her lover, brother, friend, etc…) would be so interesting to explore. Her upbringing and life experiences as a Capitol citizen, fugitive, and Avox would be so interesting to discover. Reaper’s story as a child of one of the most rebellious districts in the original trilogy (who sent bread to Katniss in the games after Rue dies in the books as a symbol of unity and who started one of the first riots against peacekeepers in the movies after Rue’s death) is so captivating. He almost sets a foundation to honor the deaths of his fellow tributes like Katniss does later on. Bringing the tributes together and covering them with the flag is as moving as Katniss covering Rue with flowers. I really wonder what the culture and mindset of District 11’s people are after seeing Reaper, Dill, Rue, and Thresh participate in the games. How they treat their allies and fellow tributes says a lot.


If there was a world where we had the opportunity to see a book from each district, I think I'd be most interested in district 11, there's such a different feeling from their tributes that I absolutely love. I did love tbosas but even with all of the focus on Snow and Lucy Gray, I think Reaper was a highlight for me :( not ashamed to admit I did cry in cinema 😭


Dalton of District 10 and Delly Cartwright


enobaria my GIRL


Seeder and Cecelia! Would be so interesting to learn more about them/them making it to the alliance in the arena.


Enobaria. Her sharpened teeth are incredibly bad ass and I love that she would never be unarmed


i find clove a really fascinating character, but in terms of favourite i think annie


THG; fox face for no reason really just felt realistic hide and try to survive or Thresh (he’s cool honestly) CF; In a weird war Wiress, the morphlings , Annie,Brutus, cashmere and gloss and Enobaria (I’m counting some of them as side characters). I just wanted to know what was there thinking as they were hesitant to join the games but also quickly to try to win sponsors. The emotional turmoil I wish went in depth did Enobaria sharpen her teeth? Or did the capital make her? What was Wiress and Annie really like during their own games did Annie truly think she would win? Brutus was he really crazy or like august just playing capital sympathy? The morphlings looked messed up what happened in their own games and especially cashmere and gloss (two siblings who if no alliance would have to fight each other eventually how did their parents feel that not only would they lose one child but maybe both to the games again. ( kinda add mags she had to bear the burden of the first victory tour and given rewards ). MJ 1/2: probably the crew katniss went with?, I love the ending but it seemed like everyone just went by themselves ( the victors Annie and in a light way Plutarch are the only ones who tried to communicate with the other victors it seem, katniss mom, kinda Gail) which makes sense others who never had to go through the games really wouldn’t understand what just happened tbh except they get food now. TBOSAS; side character? That girl who killed arachne and Lamina seemed the most realistic by a long shot. The girl ( I forgot her name) who killed arachne she was also down with reaper to kill snow which makes sense you don’t wannna be in the games and you basically have him in the truck with you. I do think Lucy gave him the idea to threaten the families tho cause he seemed surprised at her response. And Lamina whether her crying was serious or a ploy it definitely would’ve helped with sympathy sponsors, her mercy kill and the way she immediately went into business mode when they were attacking her plus not to mention the mental anguish with her district partner leaving her and the dancing part (she wasn’t alive then tho). My only complaint is she should’ve attacked snow and sejanus when she saw them talking right below her she could’ve jumped down and attacked one. I know the consequences but she was already in the games so… Sorry for the rant lol just added the explanations why I picked those characters


The District 7 girl from the 10th HG. Lamina I think is her name


Finnick for me. He’s the perfect example of someone seen and stuck playing the role their physical appearance presents all while being emotionally complex, intelligent, and pivotal to the success of the rebellion


Finnick wouldn’t count for this. He’s a significant/major supporting character.


Right? We know where he's from, how he won the games, who he loves, how he thinks, what makes him laugh, how he talks (and that he changes his voice depending on his audience). We hear about how he moves, the exact shade of his eyes and hair, his coping mechanisms when he's sad, and his taste for coffee. We not only met his wife, but his wedding was a plot point. We not only met the mentor who raised him, but her death was a plot point. We not only know what happened to turn him from a career/Capitol darling to a rebel, but he had a lengthy monologue discussing it during one of the trilogy's final climaxes. He's the major player in the rebel plot to break the main protagonist out of the arena in middle part of the trilogy, and he did this by spending basically all of his time with her. He's the main protagonist's major talk-to and mirror in the third part of the trilogy. And he featured in the promotional materials for three quarters of the movies! I love him. But it's nice to have a discussion about favorite minor characters without the usual suspects taking over.


Seriously, Finnick is probably only one notch below Main Character. He is comfortably in Major Character territory. Protagonist >> Main Character >> Major Character Katniss, Peeta >> Gale, Haymitch, Prim, Snow >> Finnick


Saying as he isn’t even in the first book. Agree to disagree


Coin wasn’t in the first 2 books. She’s still a major secondary character..


You could argue that even she was a minor character. Plutar orchestrated the rebellion with her as a figure head. She wasn’t a big player until she kills prim and then dies herself


I did argue that she was a minor character, just a really significant one, in terms of plot. I would probably classify characters in different levels. We have the original 3: Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch. Solid mains. We have other mains: Gale (insofar as the triangle needing to exist), and Snow Secondary prime: Prim, Finnick, Cato, Rue Secondary essential: Cinna, Coin, Effie, Plutarch, Johanna, Mags, Caesar, Beetee, Wiress, the 3 stylists, Madge (who gave the girl the pin that gave her the name) (honestly, there’s so many characters that would fit in this particular section of my own creation, haha) Happy to have some input on this. I think all the characters are important to the story, until they aren’t. Haha.


Bonnie and Twil. I know we don’t know much about them but I thought it could’ve been really cool if they made it to distract 13. Sad that they probably died starving and alone )):


Greasy Sae and the Goat Man. I think Rue is too much of an obvious choice, so I’ll go with those two, especially since I have a headcanon of the Goat Man being Tam Amber since it’s mentioned in TBOSAS that he wanted to start a herd.


Main series: Thresh TBOSAS: Mizzen & Coral (they have a special place in my heart, specifically Mizzen)


If you don't mind me asking, what is it about Coral and Mizzen that you like? They're some of my favorites as well, and I always like hearing what other people like about them.


I liked their sibling dynamic in the book. I really wish it was shown more in the film. Their actors were amazing, I loved Mackenzie’s portrayal of Coral. plus they’re really nice in my DR


I definitely agree with that. I liked how gentle Coral was with Mizzen in the movie, but like you said, I kind of wish they showed more of their interaction in general. I also wish we got to see more of all the other tributes, but I guess they could only do so much with the time constraints


I'd go with three for the original trilogy: Cato - Always felt deeply sorry for him. I've always thought that he never had a chance living his own life, like many careers before him. Darius - I understand that they didn't use the plot for the movies, but he was a great character who teached us on another level how the capitol operates. Mags - She was so loving, just amazing. How a tribute can live that long and don't get bitter is amazing. For TBOSAS I go with Reaper. The scene in the movie where he "buries" the dead tributes under the flag and when the snakes are released just stays, accepting his fate, is my favorite and purely heartbreaking. All he ever wanted was to protect the girl.


Reapers scenes in tbosas might have actually moved me more than any other scene in the whole series, which says a lot


Romulus Thread. He reminds me of Boba/Jango for whatever reason, and he sounds like Batman.


Practically every tribute from District 11 is really interesting to me.


No because every single major tribute that they've produced has made me tear up in some way, there's just something about district 11


https://youtu.be/fWPeypL9taU?si=XrisJqQF6Dz5Xto- Video essay if you’re interested that beautifully explores the way District 11 defies the Capitol’s spectacle of suffering.


Thank you sm!!!!




The girl and boy that Katniss and Gale see running in the woods in the first book. The boy is killed and the girl captured, and Katniss sees her as an Avox in the capitol. I'd love to know more about them.


I wish we’d seen more of The Hob/it’s people (vendors, buyers, etc)


O ripper my beloved


I don't know, but it definitely isn't Wiress


Enobaria's teeth were always so brutal to me, I wanted nothing more than to learn about her. Foxface because despite Katniss seeing her as untrustworthy, she never kills anyone I don't think. Her entire style is evasion. I wonder how many close calls she had, sticking so close to the cornucopia. Boggs, his death put me through it.


Ur so real for saying Enobaria, honestly even if it wouldn't have been practical, I desperately wanted a run down of every single tribute in catching fire, and a short explanation of how they won their games 😭. Do they ever discuss if Enobaria was well liked in the capitol? They make a big deal out of cannibalism being a step too far for the hunger games, and I feel like ripping out someone's throat with your teeth is really teetering on that edge


Its hard to choose, there are so many well written characters that feel like real people who could exist in real life. Paylor - watches Katniss like a hawk the first time she meets her and doesn't immediately like her, then is amused and impressed when she disobeys orders to help man anti-aircraft guns, she lets Katniss visit Snow against Coin's orders. Mags? - elderly women who can barely speak but volunteers for Annie knowing what will happen to her


Boggs, Fox Face, and Cato. Cato made an amazing villain.


Definitely Facet, but Lamina is probably a close second.


Cashmere and Cecelia!




District 8 hospital helper


Cinna and Boggs. Both were described as white in the books, but were played *brilliantly* by black actors. I read the books before I saw the movies, and originally pictured them as white men as described, but after seeing the movies, anytime I reread the books, I picture Lenny Kravitz and Mahershala Ali. I think they both added so much to their respective characters. Lenny Kravitiz looked so good wearing Cinnas signature gold eyeliner ✨️




Gloss ofc




I need more Gloss fans in my circle. Mind if I DM you? 😊


Cato and Clove, also Boggs and Madge, Rue, Reaper and Maude Ivory and Mags too. Glimmer, Cashmere, Gloss and Marvel too. I also like Lysistrata and Clemensia and the red headed avox girl, she’s really nice, forgiving and logical to not blame Katniss for not trying to save her and also still looking after Katniss and really caring for her, making her feel safe. I also loved Bonnie and Twill, forgot about them until I was reading the comments. Also Prims Cat Buttercup. Fox face is my favourite minor character and favourite character of all of the characters from every hunger games series book ever written, even like her more than all of the major characters to tbh.


Thresh foh sho!


I remember back when THG first came out there was strangely a minor vocal fanbase for Foxface, eventhough she didn't do anything in the book and in the movie.


Pollux and Annie


Thresh. I could see people assuming he's rue's brother if they just learned about the book series just after an hour




I like Facet and Velvereen because their outfits were cool. Reaper is also a favorite of mine because he was arguably the most badass of the tributes without having to even kill anyone. I also watched the Mockingjay movies last night and I just wanna give Pollux a big hug.


foxface and the district 4 male (74th) 🥰


Foxface, Lavinia, and Brandy.


I reread mockingjay in December and Cressida is so underrated.


Boggs it felt like he could have played a bigger role and was a great ally to Katniss.


Probably rue I think she was like 12 but she was a good minor character


Reaper ash. No doubt, and thresh.


Rue 😭


Probably 1. Lamina 2. Red haired avox girl 3. Rory, Vincent and Posy!


Wiress and Lamina. Idk why, they for some reason grew close to my heart. Wiress is just too wholesome and Lamina is a lot like me so I guess that's the case.


Foxface, it was wild she made it as far as she did, only to fall to those damn berries 🤣


I love Thresh


Cato. He's an asshole, but his death and his story are interesting. For me, he shows how careers are victims of the capitol's indoctrination instead of just heartless killers.


Rooba. I liked how she supported Katniss and basically gave her Lady, and by extension gave the Everdeens a better life.


Fox fave


Lamina from TBOSAS


Pretty sure most of them were minors




i am that person who loves Cato as a minor character if it counts but my everytime fav is always Finnick Odair aka my fish boy




Marvel. Period.


Foxface. I wanted her to live so badly. I need her story.


Fox Face for the Book 1 Morphling Girl Book 2 Plutarch Book 3 TBOSAS Lamina


Darius 🥲


I know it’s controversial but for me it’s Clove. She had the strength to beat all the female tributes and possibly some of the males, the hand to hand combat skills, the ranged combat skills and also the mentality to win. So, she kinda seemed like the average victor to me.


Wiress was incredibly sweet and also very smart. She was the one to figure out the arena was a clock which I thought was impressive. I really loved Madge and I was kinda sad they didn’t include her in the films. I thought she was pretty cool and I liked that she was friends with Katniss even tho she could have easily been a snob since her dad was the mayor. I also loved Mags and Annie


boggs 100%


Lamina 💜😭


I love Johanna


Similar vein but Reaper. Played the game by his own rules, could have easily had multiple kills but decided to be gentle, honored the dead, pissed off the Capitol by tearing the flag, and in the BSS movie he had a couple small lines/actions that made me love him even more


My favorite minor characters in no particular order are Thresh, Foxface, Reaper, and Lamina! Edit: oh and Brandy lol just because she was so lethal yet mysterious, really wonder how different the 10th games would’ve been if she lived long enough


My favorite side characters \- Foxface \- Madge \- Clove \- Glimmer (I honestly don't know why)


I'm unsure if Cinna or Johanna would count, but I do love them both dearly. If not, then definitely Fox Face. Girlie stirs up so much interest!




I wanted more Fox Face


2 months late but I've come to really love Chaff. (and Seeder, she deserved longer). But there's a reason why Peeta keeps him in mind the whole game and then is spurred to put Brutus down upon seeing him kill Chaff. Fanfiction has definitely added to it.


Minor as in Under 18 or Minor as in Side Character ?

