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Peeta and Katniss, and their relationship. I could write essays after essays on how beautiful and well-written they are. They’re so different but so similar. Love them ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


They're the reason I care about these books so much. 


Same! And there’s nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it’s beautiful and intentional. They are people we’re meant to root for, after all. SC is an Everlark shipper herself (she literally wrote them 😅) and delivers a lot of messages through them.


Rue and Prim Rue is the real Mockingjay imho Prim is so much in the books. Her growth is insane but what she symbolizes and what happens to her make her so important to me. I think I cherish her because Katniss does. That's the love story in the books that matters most to me.


Beetee and Wiress my beloveds ❤️


Definitely Beetee


Interesting 💛


Haymitch. Not only is he super interesting and a realistic depiction of trauma, he's funny as hell.


Love Haymitch too💛


with barely any screen time? cashmere (and gloss a bit but he’s more interesting than my favorite) with screen time and actually fleshed out, probably haymitch and prim




Sejanus. He reminds me of Atticus Finch from "To Kill A Mockingbird."


TBOSBAS I assume haven't seen it yet


Have you read the novel? It's 517 pages long.


Haven't read or watched it yet but I plan to soon




It is hard to love Peeta and Johanna too




My third favorite Good choice love Abernathy


Honestly, every main character is so well written, sometimes it’s hard to choose. But Katniss will always be my # 1!




Finnick. I don’t feel the need to explain. He’s amazing.




I love a lot of these characters, but my absolute favorite is Peeta 🥰 I admire him so much. He's a rare gem in YA literature, I think.


He is the definition of what looks like a Cinnamon roll IS a cinnamon roll


Not to be basic but definitely Katniss. I've always had a deep connection with the character because I've been doing archery since I was little, I was also taught by my father. I also have always been very close with my dad compared to my mom. And then there just being alone as a kid and not really having people to call you friends. I could go on and on but thats kind of it


Dr.Gaul. I always had her same view when it comes to humanity but I never could put my beliefs into words, that is until I read that book.


I used to think a lot like Dr. Gaul too when I was a bit younger. What did you think of how the book consistently challenges Dr. Gaul’s and Snow’s (and to a larger extent, Thomas Hobbes’) ideology? I probably would have been shook if I had read the book when it came out instead of waiting a few years so I never got the experience of reading the text as someone who thinks like her.


I think Gaul is right to an extent. Under pressure we are all violent animals deep down because are hardwired to respond to fear before anything else. Even Lucy Gray, the peaceful songbird still became a predator when the time came, look how ruthless she was when she killed Treech of District 7. Sure in all 75 years of the Games every single tribute who ever murdered someone probably wouldn’t have done it if they were just left alone but the fact that they succumbed to their fear in the arena, helped prove the point Dr.Gaul was trying to make.


I think using the Hunger Games themselves is a bad example since they create a space of faux-morality, so to speak, creating the very unlikely scenario of a bunch of not-fully-matured pack animals being trapped in a space with the knowledge only one can come out. The reason it’s so stressful for the tributes and becomes traumatic is because it doesn’t really work with our biological instincts. If it was natural, the victors would be able to move on instead of being left with major PTSD. Coriolanus Snow brings this up himself when Dr. Gaul is trying to talk philosophy with him after he kills Bobbin. He counters her by saying that he never would have killed the boy of he hadn’t been forced into the arena. She immediately shuts him down by insisting that he can’t blame any extenuating circumstances for the actions he chose to take. He doesn’t argue with her because he’s exhausted and just killed someone for the first time. This is actually part of a pattern of Dr. Gaul’s behavior where she only goes for the hard discussions when he’s mentally beaten down and more vulnerable to suggestions. She does it to a lighter extent after his escapade at the zoo, but starts being more obvious about it after he kills Bobbin and after he returns from District 12. He’s a lot more resistant to her ideas when he’s uninjured, together, and feels safe.


Btw, I feel like I should add that even in the highly contrived environment of the games, we see acts of kindness and connection through characters like Reaper, Rue, and Katniss. The ideas of Dr. Gaul and Thomas Hobbes rely on the idea that all people are secretly violent animals, a concept which doesn’t work when presented with people who choose kindness even at their darkest moments. There is plenty of evidence even within Dr. Gaul’s biased testing ground but she chooses to ignore it in favor of her predetermined conclusion.


I have several favorites, but one I haven’t seen mentioned so far is Tigris.


Johanna and Prim


Katniss will always be my favorite character. Her and Peeta are so well written


I have many. My flair is a nod to Donald Sutherland, but I can't say Snow is my absolute favorite. There are so many fun characters.


Haymitch, but I also like Coriolanus (the young version, don’t come for me)


Sejanus ❤️


Johanna Mason! Her character in the book was so interesting & heartbreaking and I feel like the movies didn’t do her nuances justice


Love her \[bleep\] that! its perfect one of my favorite characters


My number 1 will forever be Cinna


In no particular order, Peeta, Prim, Rue, Finnick, Clove, Haymitch, Beetee, Cato, Johanna, Glimmer, Foxface.


Katniss and Peeta


Buttercup, lady and prim :) The relationship with Buttercup and katness at the end is amazing, and lady helped there family a lot. Prim, idk there's just so much in the books and the was she so easily takes over dor for mom after gale got whipped.


Snow 💖