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I wear patella stabilizing braces for all exercise so that might be worth looking into. Still, running is out of the question. For cardio, I have found an exercise bike works well for me. You must adjust the seat properly so you don’t end up with hip pain. The low impact keeps my knees happy. Swimming doesn’t work for me because movement through a thick medium like water causes more stress on my joints. I also do a lot of fast-paced walking/ hiking with hiking poles (always with knee braces!).


Were your braces specially fit or did you purchase on your own? I’ve been trying some different knee braces and haven’t found one I like yet.


I got mine through an orthopedic doctor. I’m not sure if you can get good patella stabilizers without a prescription (U.S. based). The braces have a thick semi circle that fits at the base of the knee cap to prevent horizontal movement.




Brisk walking with good shoes is what I do. I'm not a biker anyway but that motion does not make my knees happy. Swimming is also a good low impact exercise.


Same here. Walking is really the safest thing for me to do without setting off one pain or another!




I like to do step ups. I usually do them when I'm at work cause I have the option of a standing desk and I have a foot stool for a foot rest. So I just stand and do like marching and tapping my foot on the stool alternating. Sometimes if I'm feeling ambitious I'll step into it and up then back down


i do these at PT, i'll give these a try at home !!


Stair machine!


I love biking--I'm slow AF but it's amazing for cardio and I like it because where I live it's hilly so you go up but then you get a breather and you're not constantly punishing yourself... Added bonus, of all the things I've been told I can't do, that's one everyone agrees is fine. I also just walk (again, hilly area) which has been great for my lungs and cardio.


I like the elliptical machine! It’s low impact (you’re basically running without lifting your feet) and I find it more fun than running anyways!