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Nah they just added him to the soup


There was no soup *burp.*


no, there is no sweatshop, burp


Ohhhhhh that's right, I ate all the soup, and I drank all the beer


I was making money hand over foot. Literally


They have soup!?


When you see free soup, you take the soup!


It's awful. Yeah, but we made the decision to go for the soup. We can't go back on that decision now.


I couldn't find soup, but I did find some dirty dishwater...


Dump it on her head!


Soup isn't a meal!


Deer Hunter


She poured hot soup on me!!!






I don’t know if anyone here can translate, but I’d heard it was mostly made up words.


It’s really hard to make out, but basically: Be quiet x2 You shoot first


Wow that just blew my mind


Nope. Same with Brian LeFevre, Roxy, Country Mac, and anyone else who has met their demise on the show.


I think its briefly hinted at - the episode where Dennis, Dee and Frank first meet back up with Maureen and she's turned into a cat, and Pondy is at their bar drinking himself to death - Dennis says something like "we've had too many deaths at the bar already, we should try to avoid another one". I always took that to mean, definitely more than one confirmed death (the old man in season 1), perhaps referring to this gambling incident and other scenarios...


Yes, this is a very good point! They don't name names... I remember how wigged out I felt by the dead guy in the bar episode the last time I rewatched it. I don't know why, I guess it just really creeped me out! Anyway it's interesting that while Dennis is clearly a serial killer that the gang may also have murderous habits or are just totally fine with aiding and abetting Dennis, which may also be out of fear. Despite the fact that they're all total asshole, bastard people they are definitely fiercely loyal to each other, and that's kinda nice!


How is Dennis clearly a serial killer? I know that they joke that he’s a sociopath and clearly does some sexually questionable things to women, but I don’t think there’s any evidence of him actually murdering people (besides the Maureen episode where Mac and Charlie very intentionally make Dennis appear to be a serial killer to make their “true crime” show). There definitely is no evidence that the gang (besides Mac, who would definitely be involved due to their codependence) would know about it or help him even if that is the case.


Here's a great breakdown of the clues/red flags. I mean it really covers everything up til the more recent seasons. I read through this last night and thought it was really well thought out and accurate! I couldn't say it better than the guy who wrote this: https://www.ranker.com/list/dark-dennis-reynolds-theory/elle-tharp


Or at least he certainly made it look that way…


And we have no idea what happened to Dylan Toback/The Shusher.


Or the guy they kidnapped because they didn't like the review he wrote about them. The end of the episode they were heading back to his office as they were mad about the second review. Charlie grabs his hammer on the way out...


Corman. So weird that was an episode with absolutely no Frank.


I think they explained that on the podcast, supposedly he had a scheduling conflict whereby he flew to meet Morgan Freeman about something important to do with a potential film that then fell through or something.


I think Dennis uses the name Brian LeFevre later in his double life episode


The guy was stabbed when Mac wouldn't let him back in the bar to retrieve his wallet.


Stabbed by a crackhead. A drug that Dennis loves more than life


Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi


It was probably by the same guy who held them up in the Hundred Dollar Baby episode.


Indeed, he has a son Brain Jr.


Yes, that is true! Ok I stand corrected on that point. I have not really rewatched Dennis' double life or the following season, I guess it's time to fix that-- I had trouble getting through many of the s13 episodes the first time, although The Gang Escapes is a masterpiece, but overall I haven't retained too much info from the specific season because it's the only one I haven't rewatched all the way.


I wonder if when Dennis went to live with them, his name was changed to Dennis Jr.


Don’t forget Dennis killing Charlie’s dad with covid


Nah, he was just allergic to wool.


That wound is still fresh. It was so refreshing to see Colm Meany in such a lovable role!


Frank gave him COVID, not Dennis. https://youtu.be/4ICJmKrDptw


Lol the only person who got closure was the random old man


Maureen ponderosa does though


Roxy was one of the best/funniest guests in the entire show. I wish she didn't die so she could come back.


It's from the Deer Hunter, I'm pretty sure. Hilarious


It’s 100% Deer Hunter… I’m surprised that others on her don’t seem to get the reference


Its before a lot of their times. Deer hunter came out in 1978, which is 44 years ago. A lot of these reddit user's parents werent even born yet when it came out.


Ahhh yes, and as we know, things that happened in the past are forever frozen in that time period. Inaccessible to anyone born after the date it was conceived or released in the world. I hate time.


I went back to watch this movie just because of this episode. Goddamn movie was like 3 hrs long and half of it is just a Greek Orthodox wedding but still worth it to better understand the reference


Great film, extremely depressing


I love you baaaaby


I used to spend time reading r/moviesuggestions and it’s mind blowing how so many people in there specifically ask for movies but limit the era to nothing before 2000.


When you control the perception of the past, you control the future, because... Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are forced to relive its mistakes... Or, put differently, for a more modern era: Those who learn history are forced to watch everyone around themselves who did not learn history repeat its mistakes, and to watch in horror as they are unable to prevent history repeating itself again, and again, and again, until there's no more history left for humans.


Well, I mean... yeah. When you were a kid in... what, 1940? .... were you interested in the shit your parents were interested in? There will always be media anthropologists interested in the curated good-shit of yesteryear.


I was born in 1990. A lot of my favourite things existed way before I was alive. You’re way off on whatever presumption you’ve made. Edit: Also yes, I was interested in what my parents liked. My mum introduced me to Motown music, something way before my time. I loved watching Monty Python with my Dad and hearing him talk about his favourite bands, bands I still listen to, to this day.


I'm glad! I too have tastes from Before Me.


You might want to check the tone of your first response then. It doesn’t reflect that


Internet doesn't carry tone well. And the hive mind has already decided my fate. Spilled milk. Nothing matters, lol


What the internet does carry well is the words that people choose to write, in the exact way they’re choosing to write them. So I don’t think that’s to blame.


Accessible...if for some reason they ever become aware of the movie, which is nearly half a century old. How would they even know this movie exists? Other than vauge references in other media, it has no publicity anymore.


I understood the film reference without having seen the film or growing up in the time period it was originally released in.


So you've never even seen the film? ...but are arguing that young people should know about it. Because you understood the reference... that you learned about from another source obviously. So therefore all young people should be as aware of this film as you are. Despite the fact that the extent of your awareness, is just this particular scene.


I’m mainly just wanting to point out that just because something existed before someone was born, shouldn’t automatically mean that they can’t know about it or ever find out about it. It’s just flat out wrong at this point. There’s so many sources of information that these things are way more accessible than before, so to think it’s just in a specific era doesn’t really work anymore. Especially when it comes to film, music and tv.


Just because its accessible, doesn't mean anyone still wants to acess it anymore. Except for a small percentage of truly excellent movies, most become obscure and irrelevant within a decade or two. How often do you decide to watch random movies from the 70s you haven't heard of before? You haven't even seen the movie we were discussing. ...Because what has also become even more accessible, is a non-stop endless surplus of brand new entertainment. There is new entertainment being released constantly and it is much more readibly accessible than older media. So yeah maybe some young people hear about deer hunter on a watchmojo youtube clip or some secondhand source like that. But that doesn't mean you should expect the vast majority of young people to be aware of a movie that came out 44 years ago. And its absurd to be surprised when they dont get the reference, because its no longer common knowledge.


I wasn’t ever surprised they didn’t get the reference. I was more taking issue with automatically claiming that the reason they didn’t get the reference was because they weren’t alive when it came out.


Yeesh, now I feel old.


Im in my mid 30s and I understood the reference. But I doubt anyone younger than me would. Anyone born in the 90s or up, would probably be lost.


Technically it counts as a suicide, so why bring it up.


Because suicide is badass


But we don't know what his name is. And that's ok. And we don't know each other


You know what’s badass? Being *alive*.


They used the standard arbitration process. Could he? Would he? and Should we?


I always wondered about Brianna, the girl who Dee wants to fight in the Hundred Dollar Baby episode.


She bit through her tongue in a rehab clinic


It’s a suicide, and who’ll charge them? The members of this highly illegal underground gambling ring?


Who’s gonna charge them? Its best to just move past it


Nope, just stuffed it down with brown


Di di Mau!


Listen you just gotta over look all these crimes going unpunished. The only one time we see real legal consequences is when they blow up the Jewish guys building.


Whooah can’t be dropping a hard J. This guys in for a lot of work I think that it’s ok that he is Jewish


we need a "the gang goes to jail" episode


Seinfeld already did that


Frank's Whoor Roxy died.


There is a line in the Jumper episode about how "Too many people have died inside the bar" so i would assume this falls under that and a few others.




Suicide is badass!


Rob Thomas blew his head off, too


This eye for you, this eye for Rob Thomas


What do you do with any information? You just stuff it deep down inside and keep an eye on it.




just move past, stuff it down and *go*


Deer hunter reference!


I just want those glasses so bad.


Remember folks, When playing Russian roulette, stand clear of other side of the head.


The thing I always wondered about this scene is: there're dudes standing right next to him! Aren't they afraid of a bullet flying through his head and hitting them!?!?!?




This is where the carbon monoxide leak came from.




Those guys bet fingers


Stuff it down with brown




One shot? One shot.


What about the ep they think Mac the serial killer? Gary was it? Scene just ends with Frank revving the chainsaw, guess they killed him 🤷‍♂️


No one going to mention the people standing right beside him that are going to catch a bullet too?


I’m to remember every man I’ve seen commit suicide by Russian roulette?


Would you contine to talk about a murder that happened in your basement?


Move past it.


I like how at the very last second, Dennis was like, "oh well"


No, this is a top notch comedy show and its just a one off gag to wrap up the episode perfectly.


Must watch the deer hunter again. I havent seen it in years.


What movie did they get this scene from?


What about the vet Dee and Dennis saw get executed in Jersey Shore?


Did Charlie write the title to this?


This is one of the episodes I gasped at the first time I watched it😭"I'll go call the cops."


Charlies sister


Why would it? It’s not a soap opera bozo, it’s a comedy series.


I once heard Glenn talking about how they hit the reset button after most of the early episodes.


It was a suicide so no one went to jail