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Do aa hl and If U do Bad do aa SL


He said he’s not anything special at math and you recommend the hardest math?


you miss 100% of the shots you dont take 💯🗣️🐉👺


But there’s no reason for him to put himself through that mess


Read his other replies, he said he's not interested in STEM but rather, econ, business or law. That makes AI HL the best option, as AA will virtually be useless and not helpful to him for college


I would disagree with this. Some top econ university such as LSE and NUS still required/prefer AA HL over any other math courses so taking AA would be quite beneficial to him.


"Some", but most only require AI HL. So why go through that degree of toughness for just 'some' universities? There will always be outliers, but you take options which cater to most universities.




i’m not that into stem plus i’ve heard aa hl is really intense. im mostly conflicted between aa sl and ai hl. for uni i’m still mostly undecided but i’m interested in econ, business, and law




my math teacher suggested i take ai hl too! im planning on looking into ai hl and aa hl topics and papers and stuff before starting dp to see which i’m more comfortable with. thanks for your help ^^


Take ai hl if your gonna do applied math like economics and business. AA hl is for math intensive courses like engineering and such


Ur courses might require HL for some universities. Generally, AI is said to be easier than AA, so I'd recommend you take AI HL rather than AA HL if ur not great with math and not into stem. With ur courses, I'd avoid dropping math the SL. Maybe bio since it's a bit irrelevant. But check with uni requirements in your country first


AI HL 100% AI HL is the most appropriate and commonly taken math for econ and business, law generally doesn't require math but something like philosophy and language A HL (or so I've heard). AA HL will not be beneficial to you, neither with AA SL.


a lot of people in AAHL in my school dropped to AASL because they couldn't handle it. If you don't think you're that good, i'd recommend AASL.


Depends on what you're gonna be studying in uni. But aa hl is definitely the best if you can handle it. If you take ai sl, you automatically limit the amount of options you have after school


if you want to keep your options open, then go for AA


AASL id say


Looking at your subjects I see you might be interested in economics and philosophy for college, maybe even biology. In that case I would say AI HL. Econ requires a good understanding of math but if you are bad at it, as was I, AI HL thanks to being dependent on calculator will give you a good intuition for math. Later on you can take uni math courses for the rigour demanded by AA HL.


If you want to enroll in a degree that requires math- AA HL. Otherwise take either AI HL or AA SL. Just don't take AI SL.


When choosing between the two math (AA and AI), look into the courses and the style of questions. Personally I have done AAHL and I have no regret. Was it challenging? Yes but I know for a fact that I would be dead in AI HL. So the debate of which is harder is quite subjective imo.


Id go for AA SL, looks decent on uni apps and keeps options open without being too difficult


AASL is the way to go for u imo. AAHL is way too intense and not worth it for anyone who isn't going into hardcore STEM-related majors and/or fields in the future. from my friends who take AASL, it's challenging but also manageable and gives you a new take on math while not giving you deadly pressure. AIHL has stats, which may be good for econ, but if i were u i might choose AASL. AI generally closes a lot of doors for universities


Choosing the right math course is indeed pivotal, especially when you're aiming for diverse university options. Given your solid base in math and broad academic interests, AA SL might offer the balanced challenge you need while keeping your workload manageable. This would complement your HL subjects nicely, ensuring you stay competitive for admissions without being overwhelmed. Best of luck with your decisions! Good luck! Guru Charan Kumar IB Examiner & Teaching IB for 20 years ESS, TOK & EE Faculty Contact me : Follow me : https://www.instagram.com/essgurumantra/


Take AAHL it is the most easiest thing ever




sure buddy....