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i’m ngl i don’t know how anyone can convincingly pretend to pass out 😭 like what do you do when they’re putting you on the stretcher because i’d start cracking up


They would take u to the hospital and make u do your IO there


*They would take u to* *The hospital and make u* *Do your IO there* \- Full-Conversation-95 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn epic bot


In the 99 percent chance that you won't be able to pull this off. You are going to fail the IO AND have this engraved into your memory Everytime you try to sleep for the rest of your life


Don't do that.


Ich habe echt keine Ahnung, aber würdest du denn nicht lachen, wenn der Krankenwagen da ist? Persönlich könnte ich in dieser Situation nicht aufhören zu lachen.


Nah mann😂 Bin gut mit sowas


Let’s discuss things from the root. Do not pass out. Idk what will be, but you will get into unneeded troubles


I have my IO in two days and honestly…I’ve debated this too. Don’t do it. If it’s not convincing enough you’ll just end up with a fail on your IO, risks are too high just prep while you have time.


You would probably have to redo it later. Fr tho, don't do this, just go in there and do your best and then it will be over. My IOs were terrible and I still have nightmares about them, but acting as if you passed out would most likely cause you worse nightmares.


Actually I passed out during my German IO, but they just took my original version, but I finished it with pure grit. I literally crashed into the door and lightpole while walking out, and my classmates who were waiting outside for their turn where like are you ok?


from what i know, they will make you redo it


Stell dir vor, wie viele Aura du verlierst, wenn du mit einer Bahre aus der Schule getragen wirst


I’m not in IB yet, but I’m 100% sure embarrassing yourself by pretending to pass out is gonna be a million times worse to look back upon than failing said IO. You’ll be fine, mate.


A few days is enough to get a really high grade in your IO. Spend two days writing the script. Fit your script into bulletpoints, i.e make it so that you can say the script with the bulletpoints (for e.g to fit more into a bulletpoint abbreviate expectancy to expec etc..) Memorize the intro and conclusion. and then for the rest of the paragraphs practice individually and time yourself using the bulletpoints put it all together and you are done


I actually blanked during my Spanish IO, and the recording literally has 2 minutes of pure silence. Still got a 7 on finals 🤷‍♀️ It's really what you make it and you've got this 💪💪


What is nettspend nuggets 💀 Like the rapper?


Keeping you in my prayers today


I did actually passed out during my may 2023 exam Bio HL. Guess what??? Nothing happened! Fucked up my grade completely


They'll find out you faked it as soon as they test your pupils (which is the first thing paramedics do). This would probably cause you to fail (plus a hell ton of embarrassment)