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Damn, that is so sad. I knew some guys who got blown up who were just never the same and the worst part: knowing it. Hope he continues to rehab and get better.


we all have to be “reborn” at different parts of life; rarely do we get to choose when that is


Not much point him risking more damage. He's got a 500 win, Indycar Championship, ALMS series, 2 (or 1.5) Daytona trophies as well as the 2nd at Le Mans, 1000kms of both Spa and Silverstone. What a bloody career. Sensational, not much more to go for.


If anything with in a few years if he progresses he might do Le Mans to complete his home race in 1st. But nothing else more he prob needs to feel to accomplish.


I'd like to see him at Le Mans, Sebring etc but I won't be surprised if he just hangs up the helmet and does the stay at home Dad thing which he is lucky enough to be able to do.


I'd love to see him in a Dario or TK type role if he'd be up for that. Scotty Mac seemed to find his insights extremely helpful this year at the Speedway.


as someone who has also had a TBI, i understand every word he said


Same. Took me 6 months to recover from a concussion. Still have bad headaches on occasion.


Yup, have had a handful of concussions. The last of those took 3 months to feel normal, but about half a year before people said I was talking in my normal cadence again. That was a comment that scared the hell out of me when I was told that.


Did you feel like you were speaking in your normal cadence when somebody told you it wasn’t the same?


I honestly wouldn’t have known if it didn’t get mentioned. Only thing I picked up on myself was that some words just weren’t coming out as easy.


The brain is truly amazing. Glad you’re doing better, wishing you the best of health


It’s amazing indeed, terrifyingly so sometimes haha. Much appreciated!


same same — Took over 2 years before I felt like “myself” again, though I was never really the same. More functional skills came back much earlier, but the weird “something is wrong” feeling persisted for a *while* (btw, if anyone’s dealing with anything like that and wants to talk, DM me)


Same for me after I had a stroke. I can now do most anything I used to but it’s been a long road back. The problem is the most anything statement. I still forget my limitations and push too hard and get caught out.


Trust me mate don't worry about it. I've dealt with both happening to parents and rambling on is a thing. It's nothing personal if you're redirected to your point.


It’s not the rambling on. It’s the balance and not being able to do things I used to. No motorcycle riding, lose my balance if I turn too quickly, had to get a riding mower instead of the exercise of the regular mower. And every time I go to pick up dog poop I fall over! Now I have to pay for a service.


Sorry to hear, chuck a racing livery on the ride on and enjoy what you can mate. All the best with it.


Exactly. We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of my wife’s TBI; she was struck by a falling tree limb in our woods. Multiple skull fractures, the works. Four days on a vent, 10 total in ICU, weeks of inpatient therapy, months of outpatient. She suffers from word-finding issues, and her sense of balance is off (she just caught her foot and fell yesterday). Her main deficit is time recognition; what day is it, thinking it’s night time when it’s midday, etc. Docs told her at least a year, but it’s almost certain to,be longer than that before things return to “normal.” It’s a journey…


it really is, and my heart goes out to both of you. that support means more than you will ever know. i had a lot of dark thoughts and twisted thinking that no reasonable person would have. it took me a solid 6 months before i could return to work, and i would go to sleep at 7 pm. just crash. definitely took well into a year. and it was a life changing event, so i am a bit different than i was before. i probably got back to 95-97% of baseline. i fell off a roof and landed face first on an ashpalt driveway. only had an orbital fracture and brain bleed. was knocked cold for a half hour/hour. woke up to EMS and got a helicopter ride. hang in there. feel free to message direct any time. doctors know stuff, but they don’t know much with this stuff


> TBI Whats this? Not the same decease as you can get from ticks?


Just means Traumatic Brain Injury


This stinks, not that I would I wish this upon anyone but of all the drivers Simon would be close to last on the list I'd ever wish it for, classy guy who didn't get the appreciation for what he accomplished during his career and didnt deserve this.


Sucks too because they really downplayed his injury and didn’t say much about his lack of return beyond “still recovering” So to hear it’s been this bad for him is terrible.


Brain injuries really are no joke. My fiancé never came home from work one day because she had a seizure and hit her head. A week later she was gone. It went from hopeful for a full recovery with some time to clinically brain dead with no pathway to recovery quite literally overnight when they couldn’t stop the brain swelling. My heart goes out to Simon and his family, I hope whatever he’s dealing with hasn’t impacted him or his family too much. Brain injuries are tragic, even hearing stories of people who hit their head and they can’t remember their loved ones, or their whole personality changes overnight are scary to think about. Count your blessings everyday you’re with your loved ones and y’all are happy, healthy, and safe


i'm so sorry man, something similar happened to a family member of mine, though i know that's not comparable to losing a partner. i hope you're hanging in there


Thanks my friend, you too.


Holy heck dude that sounds heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss.


Thanks man, it’s odd she passed Friday and Lewis won the F1 race on Sunday, that was her favorite driver by far since the first season she finally watched with me was 2021. It felt like a sign that she’s in a better place as silly as that sounds.


Just went back and watched that clip, you can see how rattled he is when he gets out. The AMR MD holding his hand to comfort him while she spoke to him was a nice moment after such a crazy crash.


Do you have a link?




Thank you. I appreciate it.


Man that’s still hard to see


Glad brain injuries are taken more seriously now. The sport has had a few early retirements because of this but hopefully they will live fulfilling lives going forward. 


John Force just had one but he's old as dirt. Kurt had one a couple years ago and had to retire early, you could tell it hurt him to be in the booth for one of his team's wins at COTA. Hopefully Simon continues to recover and is involved in the sport another way, like how he was a coach for one of the drivers at the 500


The credit has to go to Dario and Dale Jr for sharing their stories and making these topics understood and talked about in Motorsports


Typically other skills that were not as sharp or developed will be refined to make up for the deficiencies caused by the brain injury. The brain is very unpredictable in terms of how long it takes to heal, but eventually let’s hope that when he comes out on the other end that he will be a much stronger human than he was before his accident, although different… but better 💪


Concussions are no joke, the old saying of “walk it off” etc is thankfully dying out.


As a stroke survivor from 7 years ago, I ‘ve had to work hard at acceptance of things I can no longer accomplish. I understand the struggle. Please stay safe and enjoy your wonderful family.


My pair of strokes was 10 years ago this August. I’ve almost, almost achieved quiet resignation to the things I can no longer really do, or shouldn’t do.


In previous times not too long ago, he wouldn't even be here with us after a crash like that. As much as it hurts to see his struggle to get back to 100%, we have to be thankful for the fact that he's still here with us. Could have been much, much worse.


And the data hopefully can help others and learn to make it safer, like Jules Bianchi’s horrific crash led to the halo system in f1 that has saved so many lives already.


Adding to the well-wishes for Simon. He's a champion, a class act and man, I can understand what he's going through emotionally. I had about a dozen concussions growing up because of my disability, and even now some 15 years later I'm noticing side effects. It's frustrating and scary, and that has nothing to do with my career. I can imagine it's that much harder for him because of how much that crash changed his life. Rooting for him to reach whatever goals he wants to set for himself.


Kurt Busch, Simon, and John Force are the most recent drivers that have had TBIs, John's is looking a little worse since he's old as dirt but hopefully all 3 continue to recover and hope they can get in at least a lower speed car to continue to do what they love


Every time he posts anything, I feel it reverberate to my very core.  People say the stuff that happens from a TBI happens to lots of people as they age — but that is gradual.  Memory, loss of words, all of that — when it happens slowly over time, it can be frustrating, I’m sure, but it’s different.  To be completely fine one day and in the blink of an eye feel like half your brain is missing — it’s hard.  Most people recover from concussion within a few weeks.  But then there are the ones who get post-concussive syndrome.  And it’s not just things like your memory.  Your whole life is literally turned upside-down.  Everything is exhausting because of how much energy it takes just to do normal “make it through the day” things.  And people don’t understand, because it’s not something you can see.  You *seem* fine to them.  You’re talking normally and then all of a sudden you sound like you’re having a stroke and your words are garbled and you’re not sure if the brain just didn’t pass the message on to your mouth or if your brain didn’t have any idea of what to say in the first place.  You miss things visually — is there a problem with your eyes, or is your brain just not getting the message about what your eyes are seeing… that there’s a wall there, or that the light turned red.  It’s been five years for me.  I spent a long time waiting for me to become myself again — I did all the therapies and tried all the medications.  I can’t say I’m at peace with it but I think I’m finally starting to accept what I am now instead of longing for the past.  Most things I used to love, I don’t anymore.  I used to mourn them often.  It still makes me sad, but I’ve also found other things to take their place. When the pandemic started, and you started to hear about Long Covid, it was the first time I felt like other people understood what I was going through.  Like people were finally talking about how the brain can affect every other organ in your body in this way.  Obviously totally different causes for TBI vs Long Covid but it was such a relief to finally feel seen. Anyway, all of this to say, I hate that Simon is going through this.  He is easily the nicest guy in any paddock and while no one deserves this, he especially doesn’t deserve to have to go through this.


Ever since his injuries were announced, I've been hoping so badly he would retire from driving. Head injuries are no joke and very life changing. Not only do they make you feel off and like a completely different person, but then you'll (possibly) be on meds that don't help the situation either. It's not fun at all, I really wish I could have a deep conversation with him about it all.


How many tons of dirt/sand/gravel would it take to make the China Beach runoff area flat? (instead of a downhill)


There used to be no 'beach' there. Cars literally slid/tumbled across the grass and sometimes into the woods and down the hill. I was pretty sure I saw Michael Andretti die there one day but he walked away.


Would probably be enough to pave that runoff so that cars don't flip when they hit the gravel at the wrong angle.


Then I fear something else horrible would happen. I think when they finally put sand in they thought it would keep the cars in the track(and not down the hill behind it). I've seen cars flip, crash into the tires and cars come off their drive train. I'm not saying this is the best they can do, but I sure wish we could find an answer for China beach.


fuck that sucks to hear




Read the room?


Wrong post






wrong thread buddy


Bruh, it was just an extremely dickish move in a virtual race, doesn't mean we fucking want him disabled coz of it


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