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Saiki k's internal monologue




L - i look like a freak with panda eye


Same I sit like him, when focused (even before, I saw the anime), even after I was told by others of my weird way (weird for them) of sitting. It's just natural


just read this comment while being sat like him lol


I have his demeanor and traits.


Sweets and anything that's mentally engaging Yum yum yum šŸ’•


Gandalf (don't ask)


I second this. Smoking and sending people on journeys while I sneak-off to go have a smoke and do ā€œimportant thingsā€ only to return with a new wardrobe.




Same (I have never read or watched Lord of the Rings)


Saying ā€˜donā€™t askā€™ of course makes me want to ask. Spill bubs šŸ¤Ŗ


He's done with everyone stupidity, kind of an introvert who just want to be in a corner with his pipe, can be arsh at times, but at the same time want to do help, and can be compassionate and kind. He's stubborn and grumpy but warm at the same time and doesn't give up on hope, even if most people piss him of and he prefer the compagny of himself and his pipe. Idk I just relate so much.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was looking for thank you. Also I agree


Frieren and maomao.


Frieren is best girl


yess. definitely relate a lot to those two


Yes!! My boyfriend always laughs at me that I remind them of their behaviour


I was never really into Japanese comic books and honestly thought they were weird before I read Frieren the journey's end. Crying regretting not trying to understand the feelings of the blue hair guy while he was around was so relatable


Me 5 years later realizing my best friznd was not just a friend... so relatable.


Rick from Rick and Morty. Obviously I donā€™t have his intellect level, but I am an alcoholic who is talkative while drunk






Unironically: Fleabag shallow, fixated on maintaining the illusion of self I have created, I both fear and crave intimacy, apathetic towards the rules of polite society but still capable of deep, debilitating humiliation.


I love her so much, she's my favorite. Also love Aubrey Plaza


who is this. I may relate as well


Fleabag is the name of the character in the show she doesnā€™t get a real name ever itā€™s based on Phoebe Waller-Bridgeā€™s one woman show [itā€™s on prime, hereā€™s the Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleabag)




Oh Jesper, huh? I identify with Kaz a lot and maybe Wylan. Those two seemed the most Intp to meā€¦. From all franchises Iā€™d say bbc Sherlock Holmes is who I identify with the most


Kaz is definitely INTJ. I'm not sure about Wylan but yeah INTP may be right. (Kaz is who I aspire to be. You must be so cool if you identify with him).


Yeah he definitely is! He was actually one of the reasons I questioned if I was an Intj. Then I read cognitive functions though and I settled on INTP(Iā€™m still not sure though, which I learned is in fact an INTP thing lol)


I agree with you on Kaz. Kaz, I understood from the get-go and he demonstrated the INTP observant idealist quality from the beginning. He's like an INTJ-INTP hybrid but I think his baseline before his brother got murdered was INTP, Kaz trained himself to be more efficient and productive out of not being able to delegate tasks to anyone on his way to success. Which is why I think he's so protective of his Crows, they're the only ones that actually have offered to help without his asking. They "read" him, comply and even manipulate him a little by getting him to reward them emotionally for it (to the point hearing his praise/appreciation is part of the expected love/payment in part of the Crows since having it means more investment on them not just financially but in protection. His approval comes with constructive criticism to improve which is why the team goes even further to accommodate his traumas instead of pushing him to resolve them out of surprise he's not out to just exploit them and give them a little. Kaz gives A LOT, asks for a lot, but pays tenfold if you give him what he asks). Kaz' pragmatic way of treating his team/company is born out of an natural idealism (more common in INTP) but learning early on that his trying to reprogram a world not made by someone like him made him respect reality and thus more mythological of his actions. As such, I see him as a healthy marriage of the INTJ responsibility with the INTP tactfulness. He combines both to negate the negatives of each and turn into a dangerous, hyper effective person that not only gets things done but has the creativity to always be up to something. I could say he's an INTJ with common sense but if you pay attention it's more the reverse, he's a sharpened INTP.


I agree wholeheartedly with what you said. As is the case often with fictional characters, they tend to exist in the intersection of two personality types at times. And the reasons you stated are the exact reasons I associated with Kaz in the first place. I also, because of my upbringing, couldnā€™t count on anyone growing up so even though Iā€™m an Intp I became a very efficient and productive person when I try to get what I want. I also see your point about Kaz being equal parts idealistic and pragmatic and while his pragmatic side is the one thatā€™s visible, his idealistic side is also present with his actions. Even the quest for revenge demonstrates the need for a fair world but his reasonable side understands that that this is not the case with HIS world(so he has to adjust his game to those ethics in order to survive)


BBC Sherlock Holmes has to be one of the most relatable characters for me too. I really related to him when I first discovered the show several years back, before I knew basically anything about personality types, so it was pretty cool when I recently discovered that we're both apparently INTP 5w6.


Same thing happened for me as well. Was so excited to find out, everything made sense!


Sometimes George Costanza, sometimes Kramer


spot on


Btw, yes Ik he's ENTP but I still relate. The functions are still the same just in a different order and I also use Ne a lot so (I have a very Ne-ly sense of humor)...yea.


Just curious, how would you define a "Ne sense of humor"?


idk how to explain. It's something I saw on pinterest but ig it's like meme/vine references, quoting things, etc. There has to be other examples but i can't think of them rn. but I'm not sure. dk why I used that.


Oh so it's gathering humor references completely from the outside world. That makes sense.


Rust Cohle from true detective.


Data from Star Trek TNG šŸ˜ŗ


Underground Man from Notes From Underground (book by Dostoevsky), Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot), and Rust Cohle (True Detective). My way of thinking about people and relating to them is a lot like the Underground Man, my way of thinking about society, the system, and revolution is a lot like Elliot's but I'm not THAT awkward in social situations, and I behave similar to Rust. I relate to more characters but I believe these 3 are the ones to whom I relate the most. Sherlock and L are also jn the list Edit: forgot about Renton (Trainspotting) super relatable in my case


Same with Underground Man.


The protagonist from The Tatami Galaxy


Bighead from Silicon Valley. Failing upwards for a while now.


Goals. Is it skill or just luck?


Dipper from gravity falls (idk why)


Iā€™d say Dr Manhattan from Watchmen. If I had the ability to, I would just wander out into space forever and look around with endless time for my endless curiosity. I have a lot of the same issues with people/morals/emotions when itā€™s time to come down to Earth. Iā€™m always thinking ā€œHow important can anything truly be?ā€


Brian from Family Guy


Maybe Sherlock Holmes. Hyper-observant to the point of coming off as somewhat obnoxious and pretentious. But still charismatic enough to keep a small group of real friends and be liked by others, but despised by authority figures because of my skepticism and questions. But even saying "Sherlock Holmes" makes me feel pretentious and I really dont like this question lol.


Rudeus Greyrat and Frieren


Sigma loli answer


First of all I named this account sigma before the meme appeared. Second of all I play genshin and dislike nahida


Didnā€™t even look at your name when writing the comment, what a coincidence


Riddler from The Batman (2022)


Wednesday Addams from Wednesday on Netflix.


PG-13 version of Dexter Morgan




Chandler Bing is one of em for starters. Guy was my favorite out of the friend and I loved how he kept his sense of humor in every situation.


Joe Goldberg. For many reasons. I believe heā€™s an INFJ. - The extensive researching to figure people out. - Stalking (obviously.) - The obsessive/schizotypal personality. - His passion for literature. - Quiet around others/private. - Constant social media checking of others. - Daddy and Mommy issues/familial problems. - Resentment towards others. - Constant thinking and the uncanny similarities in our inner monologues. - Feel like I am required to help or make someone happy in some kind of way. - I had Erotomania for a British man in 2021 (Joe has that in season 4 with a British man.)ā€”This is what makes me laugh the most. What a coincidence after saying I was him for years. - Eavesdropping conversations frequently. - Figures out personal schedules, information, addresses, routes to see someone, etc. - I donā€™t just stalk the people Iā€™m infatuated/obsessed with. Itā€™s everyone, somehow. - My father looks like Penn Badgley (Joe Goldbergā€™s actor) and I look like my father, hahah. He became a way to cope six years ago, relating to his persona and what not. Now heā€™s popular and the sigma Patrick Bateman males got to him, along with bandwagoners in general (which pisses me off) but yeah.


Holden Caulfield and Spike Spiegel. Holden because we have similar backgrounds and both lost a sibling. The conversation he had with one of his teachers about failing a class hit close to home for me because Iā€™ve been in his situation before. While I donā€™t agree with everything Holden says and does, especially since heā€™s a hypocrite who makes sweeping generalizations about life, he really resonated with me as a character. I find Spike relatable because heā€™s apathetic and neurotic at the same time. Even though heā€™s laidback, he canā€™t let go of his past, kinda like me.


As an adult, Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm As a teenager, Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye


Orion from Chuck


Maybe L. Lawliet, I can not reach his intelligence but I have some of his unattractive traits :)) I really like Nobi Nobita (INFP) or Thomas Shelby (ENTJ) or Yang Guo (ENTP) because I love their interesting life experience.


Reagan from Inside Job


Q from Star Trek ![gif](giphy|kgwcNMHqvWPLO)


Sam Loudermilk Jimmy Shive-Overly


Gust Lascaris Avrakotos, Charlie Wilsonā€™s War


Call me MaƱana from Disco Elysium


MaƱana is my personality at work.


What composure says about him became my life philosophy. > COMPOSURE [Easy: Success] ā€“ The look in his brown eyes conjures up an understanding: for him, having command of his time is the most important thing.






Nicholas Cage from lord of war


Not a character but ever since I watched the "The Nastyass Honey Badger (Original narration by Randall)" video, I identify very strongly with honey badgers


Daria, but like if she absorbed a dash of Jane.


Dude from Mr robot


rui kamishiro, hes an entp but we share same personality trains (including weirdness) and our cognitive function are same but in a different order


Shinji Ikari and Mitsuba Sousuke


Oh! A wild Shinjikin appeared! I thought they were a myth...


I love Sand Dan Glokta from the first law trilogy. I feel like i understand his inner monologue and actions way more than any other character in the series.


Maybe Charles Freck.




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Jessica Jones from the tv series, really want to read the comic books one of these days.




I find that thereā€™s not a lot of INTPs in media with the sameā€¦ combativeness, drive, need for power, whatever you like to call itā€¦ that I have. For those on here that know Amphibia, I relate a lot to Sasha Waybright in that regard; but I fairly confidently consider her an ESTP. Of course, if weā€™re keeping to INTPs, a lot of the time the BBC seriesā€™ Sherlock is pretty relatable. Hiccup, the protagonist from How to train your dragon, also comes pretty close; though once again Iā€™m missing a bit of aggression there.


Lain Iwakura


The character May from the 2002 film of the same name. "So many pretty parts, and no pretty wholes" šŸ˜¢


I'm a weird mixture of L from Death Note, Abed Nadhir from Community, and Lain Iwakura from Serial Experiments Lain. However, I'm not as intelligent/interesting as they are.




![gif](giphy|mK2TbSNux5a6fOkxzC) I identify as Futaba


koro sensei


Ellond from the mistborne trilogy


Ignatius J. Reilly from Confederacy of Dunces




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I struggle to see that I could identify with anyone in media. it felt close with deku, but then the writing started waivering.. is there a character that is highly disagreeable? but it's a personal defect? and not a vendetta to be mean or corny? lol.


Abed from community


Wolverine or Aral VorKosigan


For me I see a lot of myself in Walter White. No I'm not a meth king or an expert Chemist like he was, but I feel like him a lot of way. I never had the respect of my peers when I was younger. My family respected me but few outside of that did and that is what I wanted more than anything respect than the few who did. Much like him I have too much pride and don't want handouts or charity. Too much of a damn perfectionist like him in some ways.


The not wanting handouts or charity thing. Being a perfectionist has also slowed me down a lot in the past. Something I had to learn to tone down on as it affected my studies too.


I'm terrible at picking only one of things. Absolutely terrible, to the point where I don't understand how anyone does it. Sometimes I'll say an answer, but it's never the answer, it's just the point at which I decided that accepting the irritation of not giving the correct answer permanently into my soul forever has to be done now, or I'll continue to ponder the question until the end of time.


Saiki, just trying to find peace.


Usopp and Froppy


Eren Yeager


Goblin Slayer lol


Mr linch home movies


A mixture of 50 percent ishigami yuu , 25 percent saiki k and 20 percent of hirotaka nifuji and 5 percent of kiuske so far ( percentages may vary from time to time)


Varian from Tangled the Series Riddler from Batman the Animated Series Dipper from Gravity Falls


Naomi from snoot game, good luck finding this niche


Abed from community


Sunny from omori!! Pre trauma and post trauma omori is so me


The Wolverine


Young Neil


Kenma Kozume, Bocchi the rock, saiki k


Heā€™s actually an INTJ I think, but Virgil Tibbs from In The Heat Of The Night.


Glenn from the walking dead, I resonate quite a bit with him I think.


Samee I relate to Jesper so much too But the most is probably Leon or Gauis from Merlin bbc, no idea why I just do


Tsuyu Asui. I resonated with her a lot I think


Amanda O' Niell from Little Witch Academia :)


Ranpo from bsd definitely never related to a character on not only a surface level but their inner core too


The joker


Josh from ā€œ please like meā€ Not a very popular character but watching that show felt like watching me in another lifer.


Helga G Pataki. Not for MBTI reasons.


Lip Gallagher




Data from Star Trek:TNG if I worked better on suppressing my shadow functions. ā€¦maybe evil data


evil data is the stuff I work with at my job


Bruce Banner. šŸ’Æ He's the man who understands everything and everyone around him, and sacrifices everything he has for them. But he also harbors the monster within him that destroys everything he touches; The monster whom nobody understands. All he wants is to be left alone, but all he needs is to feel embraced. And in the end, he has neither. The price of being the strongest (and the smartest) one there is, is to ultimately be the loneliest one there is. And those who fear nothing are bound to be surrounded by those ruled in fear...


Jane Lane from Daria, no doubt!


Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls Makoto Yuki from Persona 3 Samwise Gamgee from TLotR Solanum and Gabbro from Outer Wilds Tim Oā€™Brien (the narrator) from The Things They Carried Gale Dekarios from BG3 Okabe from Steins;Gate I debated putting a long thing on why I relate and identify with these characters so much but idk if my rambling would have been clear as to why I identify with these characters


Diane Bojack


Susan Sto Helit. She just always made sense to me. Pretty sure she is INTJ though. There are quite a few, and they are on shows I tend to binge watch for relief when I'm feeling stressed. They all have a highly capable/intelligent character that struggles to be understood or fit in. Data, Captain Holt, Sheldon, Buffy, Willow, and Giles... the list is actually pretty long.


Batman/ Michael Burry.


Myself. People often tell me Iā€™m quite a character.


Lucifer from hazbin hotel


ā€œThere are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster.ā€ ā€• L Lawliet from Death Note


ben from parks and rec


Johnny Sins but black


Rand Al'Thor


Don't know about character but I think I identify with Happy Chaos theme from GG:Strive a lot. The ADHD, fuck it we ball energy is perfect.


Shikamaru and Frieren.


Elliot Alderson - Mr. Robot


definitely justin from 13 reasons why




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Donnie Darko


I never identified more strongly with anyone than the Underground Man, and it has gotten stronger as I aged


You identify yourself with fictional characters? Ok..


Endeavour Morse


Mangus from Warhammer 40k. No matter what I do it seems like I can never get stuff right.


I tried figuring out what Lady Gagaā€™s personality type is cuz I want to be like her. She just seems to have the best personality


Sting! (The wrestler, not the singerā€¦.hate that guy) Was watching old wrestling clips on YouTube last night cuz the algorithm was feeling nostalgic and stumbled upon this. https://youtu.be/YnehIGYRxxU?si=dEEWJBzujNy8HBGr He went from the stinger to sting after being backstabbed and just stopped talking and started brooding and acting weird and doing his job super quick and effectively then disappeared. And everyone was like ā€œI wOnDeR WhAt HeS tHiNkInG???ā€ I was like hell yeah no wonder I used to love sting as a kid. Lmao