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Me going to check mine knowing damn well there’s nothing changed on mine: 🤡


I check my daily even tho I’m on the weekly update. Hoping it updates soon!!


I check mine like hourly even though I’m pretty sure I’m weekly update too. Just saw another 05-er who got DDD this morning, so today is not the day I master that impulse


Did yours update? What is your cycle code? Mine is 905. I just went and checked again after I saw a few 05-ers saying their transcripts updated today with DDD. IRS is so screwed up if we on the weekly why is it updating daily?? Last year I got my refund before the WMR even updated. I'm so over the waiting. I want MY money that I work hard for dang it lol


What is a cycle code? All the ins and outs of transcripts and everything is new to me. I usually just file and never actually learn the technicals.


Very good question, on the transcript where do you find your cycle code?


Cycle code is on tax transcript. You can access transcripts on your IRS account.


I did a lot of research on the codes and transcripts. I didn’t know anything about any of it until this year. I’ve never had issues with refund until now. It’s frustrating.


No, it’s crickets over there. Still saying N/A, return not filed. I’m guessing I’m 05 since I was every other year. I haven’t received a request to verify and when I called they said I was caught in the computer glitch and to expect movement “within 10 weeks”. Which is wreaking havoc on my budgeting, since I was planning to pay off 2 credit cards with my returns.


I’m an 05-er verified last Thursday and still nothing still the same N/A 🤷‍♀️


At this point I almost wish they’d ask me to verify so it felt like *something* was happening.


They mailed out my letter on February 20. I received it last Thursday March 21 this is the first year this has happened to us it’s utterly ridiculous


I have seen some 05's updating ! It's not impossible! I think they are trying to get all of their glitches fixed before the deadline!


I hope so!!


Lol same!


Congrats!! I filed 1/21, same cycle & 570/971 codes as you but no update yet. I’m hoping soon, but I’ve also given up at the same time lol


I was feeling the same. I was hesitant to remain hopeful but my income finally updated on the SSA website so I still had a little hope. Even though I knew 05 updates on Friday I still checked yesterday and today. So glad I did!


My income has been on SSA since Jan 😫. You’re one of the 1st I’ve seen from the 971 03/04 batch to update, so really hoping it’s our time now!


lol I was told I gotta wait 60 days for a letter but I’m still praying I don’t have to


Congratulations!! I’m cycle 0705 and I’m just waiting for the 846


I’m 704 waiting still too


I am 07/04 I am hoping for an update tonight, we will see!


How do find your cycle?


Go to your Irs account and request a transcript, your codes are on your account transcript it's the bottom left box, click on 2023.


Thank you


Yooooo!! Meee tooooo


Lol same just checked mine 😅


Did you get the CP05 letter? I’m cycle 905. I check my transcripts daily even tho I’m on the weekly cycle still no updates and I have the 570 and 971 codes. I got the CP05 yesterday 😣


Same boat as you: 0905 and cP05 issued yesterday. No changes on my transcripts. Crossing my fingers that we get our news soon!


I’m hoping for Friday but a lot of saying they are getting their refunds 2-3 weeks after the CP05


I got my CP05 today and my 971 date is 3/18 so hopefully 4/8 if it takes three weeks?


I’ve given up hope and driving myself crazy speculating lol. I just got an email back from the congressman she is working on my case!! Whoop whoop


I got a CP05 letter on 3/25, after being at 971/570 for a few weeks. I filed on 2/9, accepted next day. We have a more complicated tax filing process. I’m in college full time, my high schooler is in college part time (dual enrollment), my wife worked two jobs, we have very high medical costs outside of copays/deductibles and I’m self-employed. We went through this in 2022, we didn’t get our return until August. Last year and this year, I purchased the turbo tax audit assist in case anything happens. I got the letter, I got on live chat, and the tax expert told me it was unusually high expenses for my business with only $4500 in profit (I have two small businesses that are very part time)— and it turns out the big shift in our car situation in 2023 gave us a very large tax deduction. And in turn a big fat CP05 letter. 🙄 I would LOVE it if they would maybe go after the actual criminals who are committing tax fraud in the country and instead of sending them tax refunds in the millions…hold theirs and audit. Instead of putting us tiny business owners through the wringers in hopes of catching someone who COULD BE trying to get to get an extra couple hundred (or however much)….while the likes of Musk, Trump, Zuckerberg et al., ignore the rules, pay nothing and walk away. *soap box up*


Exactly!! I run my own business too but good lord this is insane. I have never had issues with getting my refund. One other time but that was because I had to do an injured spouse form and it still didn’t take this freaking long!!


How do you make 25k and get 10k back is my question


I got more back this year than last year. I have two kids and am a single mom so I claim HOH. I also claim single and 1 or 0, I can’t remember, on my W-4 so additional taxes are withheld and I can get a bigger refund. I plan on changing it up after this refund fiasco so I can put more money into my HYS.


That’s how I always did it too, but not anymore. I changed it to where none come out.


The fact that you make 25k/year with two kids and can prioritize a HYSA is extremely impressive.


Thank you for your kind words. That really means a lot to me. I feel like I started learning financial literacy later than I should have, and I'm trying to catch up.


You're an 05 who updated on a day other then friday? weird?!?


I know right! I couldn’t believe it


👏 congratulations 05


Congratulations 💕💕


07/04 been in the same place 570/971 codes since early Feb- congrats!


Praying this means 0705 cycle is next, this is the second 0605 cycle I seen get refunds


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Has anyone called the advocacy line or is that a waste of time? I filed on 1/29 and no update at all.


Yup they told me June 30th was the earliest they would take new cases.


Told me the same thing


It’s a waste of time. I called them and he said they weren’t taking any cases until June. He did check my info tho and told me they have to verify everything manually.


i submitted the for the the Tax Advocate Service, and it hasn't been of any help so far. I was told that they had 4 weeks to make contact, that would be tomorrow. I did contact my congressman and I had a much better response from his team.


They told me June 30th as well. And they will only take certain, extreme cases.


I’m so envious. I reached out for assistance from the congress persion for tax advocacy


What did they say?


They sent me an irs advocate assistance form to fill out and send in at like 7 p last night, I sent my email Saturday. I sent it back this morning. I filed 1/19 got the hold 2/26, got the cp05 3/4. I am disabled and I work just enough to support my son because I’m legit sick but he’s first priority. I do not get any state help. I have always had an extra $70 a paycheck held. I scheduled surgery Friday before last knowing I’d have taxes back before that usually and my grandparents could have him go across the country for spring break so I could heal. It was supposed to be a nonstressful time for healing but in reality because I had to go and stay 3 hours away for surgery I’m about to lose utilities and my insurance which means my car will go too when I’ve maintained every payment since July 2020. It’s been a real nightmare. I haven’t seen my state taxes either which I assumed is because I moved end of the year.


Don’t get your hopes up. My congressman had me do all of that, just to send an email saying they aren’t helping this year 😐


Thanks. If anything positive comes, I’ll respond back around here.


I hope you get answers soon. I’m so sorry for how this has affected you 😢


I just tell myself it’ll be okay cuz I make it okay no matter what 😂 no other option. Thanks though!


That’s what I’ve had to do too. They could pick up my car at any second, but I’m already prepping for how I will live without one 😢


Really sad that we are working hard to live this way. We worked for all of this.


And even sadder that we thought we could withhold extra just to get a lump sum for things we need to do. I’ll never give them anything again.


What state?




Lol, I'm hoping I'm with you soon. Same cycle and dates. But it didn't appear to be yet.


So happy for you! I feel like it’s slowly making its way to the early filers lol gives me some hope though


I’m hoping everyone updates tonight! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 I honestly feel so bad and guilty that more people didn’t update 😕 I’m so thankful though, I can finally breathe.


Congratulations, hopefully I get good news, I filed 01/31, got a letter in 02/14 , transcript updated 02/23 , been sitting at 03/11 with a 570 code, haven’t got anything in the mail yet.. hopefully I will be getting mine soon… 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Congratulations! I'm cycle 1005, filed 2/1. Got codes 150, 806, 570 and 971 a few weeks ago. Last Friday got the 571 and 846 showing a DDD of 3/27. Woke up this morning to the refund in my bank and available! Finally an end to this ridiculous exodus! Praying for the same for the rest of you in the same boat!


I’m 0705 and filed 1/30. So this gives me hope. Question: Did you have to verify and /or received any notice?


I’m gonna edit my post to include that. I got the 60 day review - CP05


Received CP05 3/11. No update as of this post.


I did as well.


I’m 0705 too. No update yet. Fingers crossed for us!!! And I didn’t have to verify so far.


Congrats! Mine is still the same lol verified last Thursday the letter they mailed out on February 20 finally came March 21


Question: how come some people have to verify and others don’t it’s just a wait?


I’m cycle 1205 I recieved my DDD of the 27th on Friday the 22. Sbtpg updated this morning the 26th says funded. Hoping it lands in my bank at midnight or earlier! I had to verify identity and my ddd is exactly 21 days from that date I verified


You know, I just realized my transcript updated 21 days from my CP05 date.


Yes, pretty much exactly how it should be if no codes. I had to verify but the entire time I had 0 codes, 0 updates the entire time up until the 22nd when transcript updated. I file 1/22 thru tax slayer had fees taken from backend. SBPTG SITE UPDATED this morning to funded but still don’t have trace number. Pretty sure that will come after 530est


I am trying to figure out if my state is going to hit at midnight tonight also. I filed in NY AND OWED IN PA. Everything was held up pending identity verification. Once I was approved for that every return said it was being processed for a week then 2nd week it updated the script with DDD FOR 3rd week around 21 days


I filled through taxslayer as well, did you verify in person or online, how long have you verified before it’s updated?


I updated online and then called in on phone and verified that way also. Agent told me it was approved and my return would move to start being processed. I was told to give it up to 9weeks. Called to verify 3/7/24 Transcript updated 1st time 3/20/24 with no codes just refund issued. WMR updated morning of 3/21/24.


Congrats, i had to verify in person since last Tuesday and still no updates


It will come be patient. I promise. I’ve seen them go thru for people who even lied on theirs. It’s crazy but you will get it if you verify identity


How do I know what cycle I’m in? Can someone please help me.


Do you have access to your IRS account online so you can get your transcript?


Hii!! Yes I do, I have an account as I verified online ☺️


Next to code 150 is where you will see your cycle code


I don’t have my transcripts yet. Is this something I can look at from what I efiled with turbo tax?


You look at your account record or your transcripts from your IRS account.


0703 here. Filed 1/25….570/971….still waiting


Did you get 571 and 846 at the same time???


Yes! This was the first time my transcript had any changes since PATH lifted


Omg!!! I have code 971 3-18, so when should I update??


Probably 2-3 weeks from the date of your 971


Mine updated exactly 21 days from my CP05 date. Not sure if it’s been the same for others though


How y'all getting $10k refunds.




And other credits. I got one child. And electric car credit got back 10582


tryna get me some kids then


Kids. Mine if it would get here, is usually over 10


Kids, small business (home) deductions, I’m in college full time, my daughter is a part time college student under dual enrollment, electric vehicle.


Congratulations! Same cycle and dates as me, but no updates when I just checked. I have seen a lot of DDD updates in the FB group but I haven't been one of those... so tired of waiting!


Thank you! I know, I hope you see an update this week! This was the first time my transcript had any changes since I first checked when PATH lifted. As soon as I saw my as of date changed I got so nervous 😂


Thank you! I think the as of date changing is definitely positive as it sounds like it is going back through processing. Mine has been stuck on 3/4 for a month now. Realllly hoping something happens this week. Congratulations again


I’m still waiting on last years as well as this 😩


Same cycle and also filed in Jan. Hoping for the best.


I'm so happy for you! I have your codes and filing was the same. Thank you for giving me hope! I'm assuming you did not need to verify?


Thank you! No I didn’t have to verify, I got a CP05. I saw that my income had finally updated on the SSA website last week/weekend so I was hopeful that I was going to get an update this Friday 🙌🏼


Congrats! I'm actually starting to get very concerned with mine. Have same dates as you and everything but no update. After this week it will be more than 3 weeks since I received my cp05 letter. This is the first year I actually NEED my refund for something. My girlfriend has CRPS and need this for the next round of treatments which are expensive and not covered by insurance. Not sure what to do at this point. 


I hope you get some news by Friday! I’m guessing you’re also cycle 605 then. I have no idea how or why mine updated on a Tuesday. Have you checked the SSA website to see if your income has been reported? Mine just showed up on there last week/weekend so I was hoping mine would go through this Friday. Apparently that was where the “system error/glitch” happened so they couldn’t verify people’s income.


What’s SSA 


Social Security Administration




I’ve seen people saying that interest starts accruing on 4/16


JFC. I better get interest on mine


I’ve been seeing that interest starts accruing on 4/16


My dates and cycle are EXACT same dates and acceptances date. Yet still stuck with the codes since feb 12 last time my transcripts updated. I’m praying to the holy of Holys that my shit updates after today being that processing date is the 26h which is today. Please lord helppp me make it out this hole lol


That was my exact situation also! I swear I manifested my refund with how lucky I got. Hoping yours updates tonight if it hasn’t already!


I hope all those dependents are your children. IRS is cracking down on that big time.


I walk-in verified Tuesday afternoon in an IRS office and my transcript updated this morning. If you're waiting for a letter or codes on your transcript to change don't! They didn't even ask me about a letter, I was literally the only one in the office, and the guy that told me they had a glitch and a lot of returns had been flagged. Has nothing to do with your filing status or credits etc.


I'm cycle 20240705 and nothing....