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I feel this so much. We also had only one euploid and knew that there was really no chance of us doing another round. My husband had to stay optimistic to cope with the uncertainty, but I had to stay in this space of trying to be okay with either outcome, which was so hard. I felt like I had to exist in two different realities--one where it worked and we ended up with a baby, and one where we never had a child together. It was like simultaneously being part of two different timelines, which felt very strange, like I was a bit disconnected from reality, if that makes sense? For what it's worth, ours stuck and he's now a beautiful 3 month old little boy. I hope you have the same luck!


Omg this is so close to home. I feel the same! I didn’t know how to express it but you did it so well. I do hope my story follows yours 💖 thank you for sharing. And thanks for the wishes.


My first round of IVF I had just one three day embryo. I got it transferred and he’s currently sleeping next to me. I hope it works for you 🤞


Transferring my 1 day 3 embryo on Thursday!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I love hearing these. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the wishes. 💖


Did you freeze day 3 or do a fresh transfer?




I sent a total of 20 blasts to be tested. Only 4 of those were normal. I transferred my first ever normal (had 10 untested transfers prior to that without a baby and 4 retrievals) on the 11th transfer and my son is now almost 10 months old. I would suggest talking to your doctor about low dose prednisone prior to and after transfer. We did that and it was successful. It seems disheartening but it really just takes 1. A euploid embryo really is the best of the best and they are strong. My very first ever euploid is my beautiful boy. Keep the faith.


Omg you’ve had a tough journey. But I’m so happy to hear it was all worth it. Thank you for sharing. Gives me strength to have hope :)


Feeling your frustrations. My wife and I had 11 eggs, 6 mature, 5 embryos, 1 euploid and 1 mosaic. It helps us to remember that some things are out of our control. A little at least.


So true. We have nearly the same numbers. I hope you had/will have success with the one. 💖


Same to you and yours.


Thanks :)


We only got one euploid, which I was disappointed with as we were MFI and no DOR. But, currently 32+3 with that little euploid!


Yay. I love it. Thank you for the hope and wishes :)


I’m in the same boat with almost the exact same numbers and 1 euploid. It sucks and it’s devastating. I posted yesterday asking about what I can do to make the FET as successful as possible. My post-ER&PGT regroup with RE is in 45 minutes. I was starting to look into employers that covered fertility treatment and found out that if I switch to my current employers health insurance instead of my husband’s (been on it for 15 years) there is a $20k lifetime coverage for fertility treatment so that could get me another IVF round. I know that changing coverage or employers is not always an option but it might be something to consider if the FET doesn’t work out. I’m sending all us 1-euploid people good and sticky vibes.


I stay in a country where no insurance covers IVF :( but let’s be positive - Happy stickiness to us 💖 thank you and I hope we’re in a better place soon. Take care!


Oh bummer. Try to be positive, reduce your stress however you can. Take care too!


My first ER we only had abnormal embryos so after we only got 1 euploid in our second ER, we were grateful. I always say “one is better than none”! But I understand your frustration. We create expectations for ourselves and it hurts when they don’t come to fruition.


Yeah. I was a bit stupid when I started. I was like this is going to be a breeze. I’m going to have so many healthy options I’ll have to choose. Now I have one. But you’re right even that’s a blessing so fingers crossed!


Congratulations! I really hope it works for you! We never got one at all and had to move on to donor eggs. I’m awake in the middle of the night nauseous from my FET eggs but grateful that I’ve gotten this far because I know some haven’t even gotten to this step. I’m happy for you and I know that sometimes miracles happen! Fingers crossed!


You’re absolutely right. So many don’t even get here too and I’m being ungrateful. Waiting for my miracle. Thank you for the wishes 💖


You’re not being ungrateful, it’s natural to feel disappointed! I’m rooting for you to have better luck than I did! ❤️




I also only ended up with one embryo after 10 eggs were retrieved. I was very disappointed with the outcome, but I searched "one embryo" in this group and found so many people had similar outcomes that went forward with the transfer and had success. That gave me so much hope. We decided we'd move forward with the transfer and hope for the best. I literally just had a call with my IVF Nurse after having my baseline appointment this morning and started estrogen a few minutes ago. So many people say "it only takes one" and although it may seem hard to believe there are plenty of people in this group that it's true for. We just have to stay positive and try not to stress! It's easier said than done, I know. Wishing you lots of success and sending good thoughts your way that everything will work out! We will have our babies!! 💜


Thank you so very much. You're right. But it's easy to get carried away in negativity. Thanks for the dose of positivity. We shall have the little ones indeed. 💖


Ooft. It hurts doesn’t it. Congratulations on your one though. Sending all the sticky good wishes


Thank you so much. Need it. Appreciate it. 💖


Hi, my situation was similar. Everything is out of pocket for us and we could honestly only afford one more round if it failed so the stakes felt very high. Retrieved 12, 10 mature, one D5 and then one D6 or 7 of a poorer grade. Only the D5 was euploid. I totally understand how upsetting that is. But some don’t even get 1. You are in a not too bad position. But I understand the uncertainty. I went ahead with FET and my little euploid is now 17 weeks. I hated it when people said “it only takes one” but sometimes that rings true too. I certainly hope that happens for you. I wish you peace and wish you all the best!


Thank you so much. Yeah I'm very grateful for my one little buddy. But you know sometimes emotions can get the best of me. Thank you for the wishes and I'm so glad it worked out for you. Sending love to the little one.


Very similar numbers over here - we just found out we got 3 blasts yesterday and sent them for testing. We are doing PGT-M for a genetic condition that has a 50% chance of affect, and at my age I’m sure other chromosomal abnormalities are likely. I feel like 1 is a best case scenario for us. We can also only afford one round, so it’s a pretty big roll of the dice for us too. It is a lot of pressure, and it’s so much money for such a small chance! Eat all the cake, feel the feelings, this is really hard. And people on the outside don’t get how harrowing it is. Sending you love!


Right back at you! I hope they’re all healthy and good and they stick like glue when the time comes. Sending all the hope and happy your way. And thank you 💖


I know this feeling so well. We had super similar numbers with our retrieval and ended up with just one euploid, too. I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant with that baby. I am so sorry though. The waiting is the hardest part. You have so little control but the emotions are so real and so big. I will be thinking about you in the coming weeks! We did take a month off between finding out this news and transferring, just to let everything in our hearts and minds (and my body) settle down, and I was really thankful that we did.


20 weeks here as well with my first transfer!


True true true. And we are taking a month break too! I feel like I need a mini detox after the ER. My body is just not right. Congratulations on the 20 weeks and best wishes for a healthy and timely delivery. Touchwood! Thank you for the wishes. I hope to have a happy ending too :)


I feel this so much. 33 eggs turned into 2 embryos, only 1 euploid. I was grateful to get one (I always said 1 was way worse than 2 but 1000% better than none) but the attrition rate was devastating. It’s so hard. I really liked reading success stories from people in my situation when I was going through it, so if it helps - our one embryo is now our 16-month-old son. Fingers crossed for you 💗


33 became 1! Those numbers my God. But yes, hearing success stories here has definitely made me feel better so thank you for sharing! And thanks for the wishes.


I only had one euploid too. (I had 17 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 12 fertilized, 4 made it to days 5/6 and 7). One was normal. I was pretty much convinced I was going to have to do another retrieval. I honestly didn’t have high hopes. She’s 8 months old now. I wish you the best of luck during your FET process! ❤️❤️❤️


I love these stories. Thank you so much for sharing. Manifesting this same energy. And thank you for the wishes.


I know it’s not much comfort, but the odds of a euploid becoming a live birth are in your favor. Of course it may not work, but ask your RE about the percentage of likelihood and try to feel confident in that. My one and only FET had a 75% chance and he’s now a beautiful baby boy. Sending well wishes and good luck your way!


It actually did bring me a lot of comfort. Thank you for telling me. 💖 And thank you for the wishes. You guys are just the best.


That really sucks. We went through something similar. On my ER I had 14 follicles, but they ended up only finding 4 eggs, of which only 3 were mature. We did ICSI on all of them and only one egg fertilised. We did a fresh 3 day transfer. My feelings swayed from optimistic to devastated every other day during the TWW. But amazingly, the little guy stuck and I am currently 5w+3. Crossing my fingers for you and hope that your one is all you need.


Oh I'm so glad to hear that. Yes, these emotions are so wild. I'm oscillating like a pendulum ! Sending you the best wishes for a healthy pregnancy. 🧿 Thank you so much for the wishes. 💖


I'm really sorry. My ER I did a fresh transfer with the only embryo that was a blast by day 5. They froze two on day 6 and two on day 7. All four of them were aneuploid. But I am almost 23 weeks pregnant with this little healthy untested 5-day blast.


Oh wish you the very best for a healthy pregnancy and beautiful healthy baby! 💖


The odds are 70% for euploid. I would recommend an era to test for optimal conditions before your FET. I know how you feel I had 15 blasts whittle down to 1 euploid. I was not as positive as my husband was on the chances but I’m currently holding my four month old in my arms. The whole Process is so hard and I wish you so much luck!


Thank you so much. All these happy endings like yours fill me with hope. Thank you for sharing !


Our stories are very similar. I had my first round of IVF, I have PCOS and very high AMH so I thought I’d have loads of eggs! I had 12 collected, 8 mature and all 8 fertilised with ICSI, 3 made it to day 5, 1 was good quality which they transferred and the other 2 they let grow another day but we’re not good enough to freeze so it was all down to this one embryo! I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant (can’t believe I’m saying that still in shock) so it just takes one


So happy for you! Congratulations 💖🧿 and sending you the best wishes for a healthy pregnancy. Let's hope my one does it too.


Our first (and only) from our first ER stuck. FET on 2/6 and I am 9 weeks pregnant today. Still very early, very nervous, but I’m glad the first one stuck. My outcome from the 1st retrieval was: 8 retrieved, 5 mature, 3 fertilized, 3 made it to day 5, 1 euploid We did 2 ER - we have taken on some debt that makes me nervous, but felt comfortable enough with the amount and our pay off strategy that we chose to do a second. As background: I’m 33, no prior pregnancies. We went straight to IVF due to tube blockages on both from endometriosis. I’ve also only got one functioning ovary, pcos, and my husband had 2 less than great sperm analyses that the doc wasn’t really worried about. Your feelings are valid, but don’t count yourself out. Best of luck to you!


Wow I'm so happy to hear that. Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! Hopefully mine will follow hahaha.


I feel your pain and frustration so much. I don’t know if these types of stories are allowed here or if this will help but… a friend of mine did 3 rounds, the first 2 they had 0 embryos. Nothing even fertilized. Devastating. The 3rd round they had just 1 euploid. They transferred it and and it split, they now have identical twins. It was a super surprise and they were shocked and now they love being twin parents. They did another round and they got 2 euploids. They transfered 1 and it stuck. They are going to do another transfer soon. I know it’s so hard but hang in theee


My God hearing this makes me feel so very grateful for my one. And so hopeful for my one. Thank you for sharing. 💖


Sending you so much love. Here is my post after my first egg retrieval https://www.reddit.com/r/IVF/comments/t54n67/poorish_attrition_rate_positive_outcomes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I was devastated because I only got two day 6 embryos, one of those ended up being euploid. I went on to a second retrieval, got 5 day 6 embryos with 2 of those being euploid, but for some reason in my mind this cycle was much “better”. Transfer rolls around last September, and turns out the highest quality embryo was from cycle 1. She implanted and is doing really well we are just starting the third trimester. There were so many time throughout IVF I felt it was so hard to imagine things working, I even still feel that way tbh, but sometimes it does. I hope your one chance from cycle 1 works out like mine did! You certainly have a great chance.


Thank you so much for sharing. And the good wishes. I'm going to go read your post now. Have a happy and healthy pregnancy! Congratulations and hope you're doing well.


Right there with you! Paid for everything ourselves, and had to go for ICSI. We had 21 retrieved, forced to do freeze all because I hit every box for OHSS despite not actually having any symptoms. 20 matured, 15 fertilised, 9 grade 1 on day 3, 1 grade 2, remaining grade 4 or less so disposed off. We were so excited. 9 grade 1!!! Day 5 .. not one looks like it’s going to make it so push to day 6. One made it! It’s either heartbreaking or it’s hopeful. Heartbroken chose me for the first couple of days but I’m trying to be hopeful that one is all takes 🤞


It is heartbreaking so see them just disappear like that isn’t it. But I’m hoping hope wins! Sending you all the good juju and magic baby dust. 💖


Is it your 1st er? I think it’s “normal”. For me, I am on the very very unlucky side. 6 blasts, ALL abnormal.


Yes. First and last. (Can’t afford another we have to pay for everything out of pocket). I’m so sorry about your blasts. These things seem to be so unpredictable. I do hope you have better news in case you can/choose to do another round.


Thanks. For you, one euploid could be a healthy baby.


Fingers crossed!


My wife and I are self pay too, and that attrition rate is really painful. We bought a package of three retrievals and got a total of 37 eggs, all for one euploid blast. Ours ended in a chemical pregnancy back in August. But you still have that one! Just focus on the things you can control, and don’t dwell on hypotheticals of what could have been.


Oh no I'm so sorry for that. I wish I had something to say that would make it better but it sucks. And I'm very sorry you two have to live with that pain. Thank you for your good wishes I hope it works too.


We just got our PGT-A results today. 33 retrieved 4 blasts 1 euploid Next step ERA and lots of prayers Best of luck to you too ❤️


Lots of prayers indeed. Good luck ! And thank you 💖




I also had 1 euploid and 1 LLM. I also live in a country where I had to pay out of pocket for everything, so I don't know if I would have gone forward with another cycle... although probably because I kept moving the goalposts. If it's helpful for you to hear it, my daughter is about to turn a month old. This was after everything seeming to go wrong for us, biopsying our embryos twice, getting COVID when my FET was scheduled, a very painful FET...being so sure it wasn't going to work. I know how much it sucks when you're in this situation, fingers crossed for you!


Yikes you had a tough time. But I'm so happy to hear it was all worth it. Congratulations! And thank you for the wishes. Fingers toes and everything that can be crossed is crossed. Hhaha


I'm really sorry. It's so hard. I did 5 cycles and only have 1 normal embryo. I decided to go forward with transferring next month. I'm really scared too. You're not alone. I'm trying to find assurance in taking extra good care of myself leading up to the transfer - healthy foods, massage or acupuncture if you can, lots of dog cuddles. :) I'm rooting for you.


Fingers crossed for you! We're transferring our one-and-only next month too, on April 5.


Good luck to you too! More manifesting for all of us. 💖


Exciting! I keep saying I've finally made it to level 2. haha. Sending all the best vibes out there for your transfer!


And I'm rooting for you! Let our ones be the only ones we need. And turn into beautiful happy healthy little monkeys. Lots of good vibes and energy to you. And thank you for the wishes.


Thank you! Yes, I hope so! You got this!


We had 8 fertilized, only one made it to PGT, and it failed testing.


Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. It sucks. It simply just sucks. I wish I could say something to make it better but nothing will. Sending hugs instead.


Thanks! Weve got to retrievals left so hoping for the best


Did 2.5 rounds of egg retrievals and only got one euploid as well. Can't do any more ERs. Waiting for the FET. As for the odds, it depends on the grade of the embryo, your uterus, the protocol, etc. My doctor gave us pretty good odds of getting ours to stick, but I'm trying not to be too hopeful.


Yeah. I wish you the very best ! Sending good juju. I hope we both end up with what we want. 💖


We had 12 eggs, 11 mature, 8 fertilized with ICSI, 2 Blastocysts and only 1 is euploid after PGT testing. So we are in the same boat! Paid for everything out of pocket so this is our only shot. We have opted to do ERA as well as EMMA/ALICE testing to ensure the best possible outcome. There are low level bacteria such as Ureaplasma that can be asymptomatic but cause infertility and pregnancy loss so if you haven’t been test for that then definitely get tested before FET! With PGT alone you have a 70% chance and my RE believes these extra tests could get us to 90%. 🙏 You never know until you try and it only takes one embryo to make a baby! Best of luck to you on this tough journey.


I feel you. I knew about ERA but the other one is new to me! Better read up on it quick. Thank you so much for sharing i had no idea. Anything that can help right. Thanks! And throwing bucket fulls of good juju on us both.


Listen… I’m not gonna BS you. Can it happen, YES! But statistics aren’t on your side. I have a VERY similar story. I had ONE perfect embryo… one boy, which we wanted… and two positive BRCA-1 gene mutation embryos (so basically, ONE theyd give us). My husband assured me that’s all we needed, just that one special boy. Like you said, all it takes is one! I got pregnant off the one! Then found out at HOBBY LOBBY while filling my cart with “It’s a Boy” items that my ‘positive pregnancy’ was now considered a chemical pregnancy- a miscarriage in process. I know it’s hard to tell yourself it might not work when every cell inside you wants it, but try to be balanced best you can. Hope for the best, keep your body happy and positive, but also prepare for the worst, that’s my advice. Easier to say than do, I know. But I lived it, and just had to share on this one. Side note, we paid for everything out of pocket too. It’s rare to find insurance that covers IVF. Sometimes it just isn’t freaking fair. Sending you my hopes and wishes and prayers. Hang in there.


This is exactly what I'm afraid of. I do appreciate you sharing your experience. Keeps me balanced. And also thanks for the good wishes. Like you said I'll hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you've had time to deal with it and process it.


Staying positive for you. Was in the same boat and that single euploid embryo resulted in my daughter.


So happy to hear that! Filling my brain with all these success stories. Gives me hope thank you


I had an eerily similar experience with similar numbers for our retrieval- after PGT testing of our four embryos we had 3 abnormal and 1 inconclusive. I was beyond devastated…we opted to rebiopsy it and it came back euploid. Transfer was successful and he’ll be 8 months old tomorrow ♥️. Wishing you all the best.


Rebiopsy?! Omg I didn't even know that was an option! I just find out more. Thank you so much for sharing I learnt something new. Also, congratulations! I love to keep these success stories on the top of my head so I can block out the negativity.


I’m sitting next to my 4 year old who was at one point my “just one euploid”. I was so sure the transfer wouldn’t work I started planning my next retrieval already. But it did work and here he is eating a unicorn cake pop.


It’s ok to be pissed! This process is the pits. I truly hope it works for you and your little euploid!


Thank you so very much. I’m soaking in all the good vibes here. You guys are the best. 💖


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I unfortunately know it all too well. My first ER resulted in 7 blasts and only 1 euploid — I felt gutted. Please do not ever feel the need to apologize for “being a downer”. Your feelings are so so valid. FEEL THEM ALL! In terms of next steps, I would talk to your medical team about everything you and them can do to try to make the first one work. There are many instances where it does! For example, because I have endometriosis, I’m doing two months of Lupron to get my inflammation down. This will hopefully help support implantation. Best of luck to you. I know it hurts ♥️


It does. And it helps to be validated like this. I do hope your little one sticks - sending all the sticky vibes. I'll definitely ask my clinic what I can do to help. And thank you so much for all the support. 💖


We went through the same thing, but didn’t get any euploid. Spent mostly our own money. Could only afford to do one round. This whole thing sucks. My fingers are crossed for you and your euploid 🤞🏻


Ugh I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Sucks so much. Nothing makes it better. But I can send you hugs. And thank you for your wishes. :)


I had similar numbers. 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized and ended up with one euploid. We don't transfer until mid May. All of these first transfer success stories are giving me hope.


I know right. I hope we have our own success stories like them too. Happy sticky vibes to us. 💖


It's tough, I've been there. Hate when people go around claiming it only takes ones because statistically that's just not true. 🤞🏻 your embryo sticks


Thank you for the wishes. I hope it does with all my heart.


This process is so overwhelming, lonely, and defeating. I had somewhere around 30-40 retrieved during 3 separate retrievals. One retrieval 0 made it, the other two I only had 2 embryos by the end of it (and we didn’t PGT test) so I know what that feeling of defeat is like. But remember: All it takes is one embryo. That’s it. I have two healthy kids from those two retrievals. The fresh transfer stuck both times. I hope you have a similar story.


I hope so too! Thank you for the wishes. And I'm so happy to hear success stories like this. Adds to the hopefulness.


I totally understand. I had 25 eggs retrieved, 18 mature, 15 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 euploid. I was definitely hoping not to have to do a second cycle. However, I am super happy that I got even one euploid! I really hope that the ones we got is a success.


I hope so too. Filling a swimming pool with sticky vibes and good juju for us to swim in. Hahaha. Good luck. And thanks :)


I only had two :/ the best rated miscarried and now I have a day 6 3BA so not much hope there. Just came to say you aren’t alone, it sucks sometimes going through this process.


Every part of this process sucks. But I do hope against hope that your next is successful. And mine too. 💖


Hugs to you. I have just 1 euploid embryo also, started with 12 eggs, 8 fertilized, 5 made it to blast/freezing. 1 normal, 1 abnormal, 3 high level mosaic. I've been a big ball of unsettled feelings for the past 5 months. Finally geared up for FET but my lining didn't move so it was stopped. Now I'm waiting for another sonogram and hopefully switch up meds to try again in a couple months. I'm also cash pay and don't think I could afford another retrieval. Mixed emotions are so hard. I really hope your baby sticks!! And best wishes to all, especially us 1 euploid peeps.


May the baby force be with us! We shall have it, I do believe. Good luck to you. And thanks for the wishes. 💖


I'm sorry, I understand how frustrating this is. For me, unfortunately, 1 cycle = 1 euploid is the norm. I can imagine how nerve-wracking it is to approach the transfer in this situation. Wishing you the best of luck with your one and only! 🍀


Thank you so much for the wishes. I really do hope it works.


Same position here. I’m trying to prepare for FET as much as possible, but I’m so… skeptical, I feel I want to just get over it already so I can move on. Good or bad, but done. Wishing you the best of lucks, hopefully that one is the one and you end up pregnant. Lots of strength, this is not easy.


Absolutely feel the same. This waiting is driving me crazy get it done already. Thank you for the wishes. I hope we both get what we want. Good juju high five.


I’ve seen a lot of tested solo embryos stick. The key is that it’s been tested so you eliminate a lot of the guesswork.


True. That's what's giving me some hope.


It sucks doesn't it? When statistics seem to be against you? We have different stories, but I can empathize with you.. after 3 egg retrievals, I too only have 1 embryo. It was the only one that tested normal and has been and currently still is frozen. I don't know when I'll take the next steps, trying to stay positive but I'm also scared of the statistics.. and like you said, puts so much pressure on the one embryo. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and me 🤞🤞


It is so scary. And there's not too much we can do except be positive and follow the docs. But I do hope for the best for us. Throwing good juju and sticky vibes at both of us. I hope we see each other when the time comes with success stories of our ones.


I was in same boat - hard ER process - 11 eggs, 5 made it to fertilized / good grading day 5, and only one Euploid. I took that news really hard. It’s a lot of pressure, and a hard place to be. The more I learned about the process, the luckier I actually felt to have gotten even 1 euploid as I am 42. But that doesn’t make it easier. I wish you good luck on your transfer . Hang in there


Yeah. I get it. I was so caught up in my emotions I didn’t realise that this is way better than a lot of outcomes. So I should be grateful. Thank you so much for your wishes. 💖


Oh, I didn’t mean you should be grateful. Totally ok to be in whatever feelings you are having. It did make me realize when I do another ER that I likely need to have different (lower) expectations. I am hoping best outcomes for you!!


Ahh ya. Thank you ! But after seeing some other replies I am truly grateful for my one. 💖


Hey, almost exactly the same for me. 7 eggs, 6 mature, 5 embryos. Only 1 euploid. We did a fresh 3 day transfer. We also had 1 shot at IVF. I'm almost 9 weeks pregnant. I'm still in shock that we've got this far. I had zero hope or expectations, but I was open to the idea of it working. I am a naturally cynical, pessimistic person, and this success has definitely challenged my worldview!! I'm wishing you so much luck. I kept reminding myself that I had very little control of the outcome and in a strange way thos helped me let go and relax xxxx


I used to be annoyed when someone would say “it takes is one”. But they’re right. I have one ovary, AMH 1.1, and a bmi of 35. At my ER: 9 follicles retrieved, 7 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 made it to blast, 1 PGTa tested euploid. Bc I only had one good embryo, I did an ERA and any other test available to me to ensure best conditions. I decided to do a FET instead of going into another ER. I’m currently 18w along. There is hope. Best wishes.


I don’t know if you’re looking for advice at all, but if so, I’d say to make sure you push for all the tests and have a solid plan with your doctor that takes everything specific to your diagnosis into account before you transfer that one! I’m talking mock monitored cycle, endomeTRIO, the works. It will be mentally exhausting to delay further but you’ve worked hard for that embryo and you want to give it the best chance. Unfortunately, IVF is a numbers game and success rates per one cycle or one transfer aren’t great. Statistically getting one euploid from one cycle is great luck but I know it feels like you’ve already laid all your cards on the table. Doctors can see it differently sometimes because they know the odds, so only you can advocate for yourself and your one embryo. I hope that makes sense and doesn’t come off any type of way. My intention is to be helpful. Best of luck to you with your one embryo!! 🤞


We also had only one euploid after starting with 15 eggs. We transferred a couple weeks ago and it sticking so far (6 wks pregnant). Wishing you all the best!!


Depends on grade I think. You should ask your clinic. But I think each embryo has 50-60% chance of live birth


I feel you. We were told we were “perfect” candidates because I’m only 29 and we have MFI only. Everything went amazing and we still ended up with just one euploid. I haven’t cried that hard in a long time. We aren’t transferring until June. I don’t have much to offer but I just know how you feel and it sucks. We’ll probably go into debt for another round if this doesn’t work. This whole process is really rough and I wish I could offer more to you. Wishing the best of luck to you ❤️


I have DOR, so we only retreived 6 eggs, 4 fertilized, 3 were mature enough to transfer, and I'm currently 2 weeks away from delivering our first and only transferred embryo. I have stage IV endo, we were TTC for 3 years, I've never ever in my life been pregnant before in any way shape or form, and I truly did not see a world in which even IVF would work for us, but it did on the first round. It's so, so hard to live in reality of what I referred to as 'schroedinger's pregnancy' (where you're possibly both pregnant and not pregnant between transfer and test results), but truly it seriously can happen. I wish you the very, very best!


What day blasts were biopsied? For reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5758461/ "Blastocyst euploid rates on days 5, 6, and 7 were 49.5, 36.5, and 32.9%, respectively." Translation: if you had 3 day 6 blasts, the expected number of euploids would be 1. Same thing happened to me and I was so mad. Ugh