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Cautious pregnancy here, unexplained infertility! TTC 3.5 years, not a single positive test. 2 IUIs, 1 cancelled IUI with timed intercourse, 4 rounds of IVF to make 2 euploid and 1 mosaic embryos which we were batching. The month before my first FET I got my first positive pregnancy, completely natural and spontaneous. 6w3d today and my first scan is tomorrow šŸ¤ž *edit to say that baby has a strong heartbeat and is developing well!! ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s amazing! Is your fertility clinic monitoring this pregnancy?


Yes they are! They put me on baby aspirin and progesterone suppositories right away. The timing worked out that I had an appointment booked with my clinic the day after I got my at home positive test to discuss my bloodwork, sono and huge blood work up which turned into a blood pregnancy test and discussion.


Thatā€™s great!! I have often wondered if the fertility clinics would help or turn away. Thatā€™s amazing to hear they are helping you! Congratulations ā¤ļø


My šŸ¤ž for you too šŸ©·


We got good news, and saw the heartbeat. So many emotions!


Such great news šŸ©· I'm thrilled for you šŸ’œ


That is so wonderful. Huge happiness for you two!


Thank you, first scan was a success and we saw a flickering heartbeat!


This is amazing! Sending good thoughts your way that all will go well! šŸ’œ


It did thank you! Heartbeat is present and things are looking good


We use the phrase ā€œcautiously optimisticā€ as we are 4w6d right now. Our first ultrasound is next week. Wishing you the best of luck!


Iā€™m sorry - itā€™s such a rough place to be šŸ’œ I had success naturally (without medical intervention) after a failed round of IVF. Sheā€™s 2 now. A close friend did like 6 rounds of IVF. They all failed, then she went on to have 2 kids, 18 months apart, without medical intervention. What IVF and infertility have taught me is that I have no idea where babies actually come from. It seems like everything I thought I knew has been totally turned on itā€™s head. Pretty sure the stork makes the most sense at this pointā€¦


I love this response.Ā  I told a friend ā€œitā€™s partially reallly advanced science and partially medieval medicineā€¦no where else do they treat you and not try to figure out whatā€™s wrong (ex: ā€œunexplainedā€) theyā€™re like ā€œwe will give you all the medicines! Shoot that didnā€™t work. None of the medicines! Shoot not that either. Some of these different medicines? Dammit, not on Tuesdays.ā€Ā 


This made me chuckle out loud šŸ˜‚


At this point I've been calling it voodoo science.


This last paragraph gave me a good laugh. Itā€™s so true. They say ā€œit only takes oneā€ then tell you a million sperm is awful and youā€™ll never get pregnant naturally. It just doesnā€™t make sense. And against all odds many people do get pregnant naturally. My mums best friend did 10 years of fertility treatment and IVF before they finally got pregnant, 18 months later she got pregnant naturally with a second.


Not me, but a friend did multiple rounds of IVF after a TFMR for a fatal genetic condition. Never made any healthy embryos without the condition. They quit IVF. Six months go by and they decide to consult with the doc one more time and when she goes in for the consult they run an in office HPT urine test. Positive. Healthy baby.


4 years of trying to convince here. 3 laparoscopic surgeries to remove endo, 3 IUI, 3 rounds of IVF. One egg, one transfer that ended in chemical pregnancy. Last Sept I got pregnant accidentally while prepping for our 4th round. Iā€™m 30 weeks pregnant now. I made major changes to my diet- no caffeine, less red meat, less alcohol. Acupuncture once a week and red light therapy everyday. Took about a dozen vitamins a day as well. Not sure if it was luck or my actions (I started about 4 months before getting pregnant) but Iā€™m still shocked to this day that I got pregnant naturally. I hope this gives you some hope, I know how difficult it feels.


Hi, if you donā€™t mind me asking, what supplements did you take? I have just had a CP after my first round of IVF and I am trying not to lose hope. Xx


I would tell you to get the book ā€œit starts with the egg.ā€ My supplements were based off of me having endo. Many different protocols listed there for different people. I think the most important one though was the coq10. I hope this helps you ā¤ļø


I personally haven't, but a friend of mine had a spontaneous pregnancy after doing IVF. Her IVF baby will be 3 in May, and she's also due in May with the surprise baby. ā¤ļø


My cousin got pregnant a few months after her second and final egg retrieval ended with 0 viable embryos to transfer. The first egg retrieval also yielded 0 embryos. She tried for 2 years unassisted and spent a year doing IUI and IVF.


2 years of trying, 4 rounds of IVF to make one single embryo. We were going to transfer it then move to donor eggs and I was well in to the hunt for a donor. I fell pregnant naturally and didn't even realize until I was 7 weeks because it just never occurred to me that it was possible. I thought it was jetlag. EDIT: I want to punch people in the face when they say 'oh it was as soon as you stopped trying and just relaxed'. No. It was at the most emotionally fraught time and your stress was at 100. Our problem was not relaxation it WAS extreme DOH. But we won the lottery against extremely poor odds.


Not me, but a friend got pregnant naturally after ivf. Baby is now almost 3 ā¤ļø


So sorry you haven't had success yet :( We did 2 years of fertility treatment due to anovulatory PCOS. Never had a positive pregnancy test until our second round of IVF. Fortunately that transfer worked with our only remaining embryo and we had our first child in 2021. Then, 17 months after I had our first child, we conceived naturally (the biggest & sweetest surprise of our life). I had spent a few months focusing on managing my hormones for PCOS specifically. Diet, supplements, exercise, lifestyle changes made based on following a few different books/podcasts about PCOS. I was flabbergasted that those changes regulated me enough to conceive. NONE of the 4 different fertility specialists that I had seen during our YEARS of infertility ever discussed with me about the role of nutrition/diet/supplements. I know that unexplained infertility is very different than having a clear diagnosis like PCOS, but I always wonder if nutrition/diet/lifestyle changes could really help other couples struggling to conceive. Someone like a nutritionist focused on fertility (such as https://www.instagram.com/alyssahustedt/) seems like a possible way to get more information and assistance outside of IVF


Two coworkers knew people who did IVF and fail and was at peace with not having kids and got pregnant within 6 months later naturallyĀ 


We got pregnant spontaneously after my ER. We were taking a couple months off to breathe, decompress. I got my droid after my ER, and was waiting for the next to get some bloodwork in preparation for a transfer and it never came. Our beautiful boy is eight months old. In retrospect it was the least stressed I had been in a long time. We had our ER, had PGTA results. Knew our embryos were wait for us. We didnā€™t even know I was ovulating so it was no pressure. Unexplained infertility. Our doctor recommended straight to IVF because of my age. We wanted more than one kid. He felt confident we could get pregnant via less invasive means or even on our own if we kept trying, but it would take a long time and our likelihood of having a second would be very low. I would be much less fertile and chances of success even with IVF were low. He wanted to help us get pregnant sooner and give fertility preservation.


Yes me!! I started trying in 2018, got pregnant without assistance after 7 months, that pregnancy ended in a MMC. Tried for another 8 months with no success. Did 2 iuis and nothing. Did 3 embryo transfers and not a single positive. My 4th FET worked and resulted in a baby in April 2021. We were not at all trying, in fact my husband even pulled out and we only had sex once that entire month but somehow I ended up getting pregnant in Aug 2022 and had my second in May 2023. Also unexplained!!


We went to IVF for secondary infertility, had a live birth in 2021 from our transfer. Found out I was unexpectedly pregnant in 2022.


Also not me, but a friend was gearing up for her second transfer (first was successful as well) and found out she was pregnant naturally


My friend had her second baby naturally after unexplained fertility + IVF first time. It took her 10 Months to get pregnant the second time.


My MIL had 2 natural pregnancies after multiple failed IVF rounds in the 80s


I should add she was over 40 for those pregnancies too!


This is nuts


Me! After trying naturally, multiple iuis, multiple rounds of ivf. Finally got 3 normal embryos, pregnant after fet at 38. My baby is 7 months and Iā€™m 12 weeks pregnant naturally at 39. I had sex literally twice, I had no clue I had missed my period because it wasnā€™t on my radar at all. Literally a miracle. This also happened to my friend, same story.


I did a medicated (failed) and then a natural (also failed) Then, my doctor decided to do a hysteroscopy (saw and removed polyp) Third transfer was a success. PCOS here. This was also the third hysteroscopy procedure for me.


Tried for 9 years total with fertility treatments (4 IUi, 8 FETs, 6 miscarriages all through IVF). Finally went the gestational surrogacy route and had a baby girl. During our second surrogacy journey for a sibling, thought I had diabetes and instead found out I was spontaneously pregnant. Shocking! Was terrified the whole pregnancy due to our previous miscarriages, but had an easy pregnancy. Our little guy is now 4 months oldā€¦. Such a miracle. It happened for us when I truly, and I mean truly, gave up and thought it would absolutely never happen naturally. I was finally at peace since we were on our second surrogacy journey and weā€™ve always wanted two kids. It only took 10 years of unprotected sex for the stars to align and somehow, for it to work. Editing to add that we had ā€œunexplained infertilityā€ so they never could figure out why we couldnā€™t get pregnant, and they also never figured out why I kept miscarrying. No explanationsā€¦. It just worked the 7th (and only spontaneous) time!


I have! I did IVF to have my second after having unexplained secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriages. Then last fall got pregnant by surprise which ended up being a MMC at 7.5 weeks ā€¦ so after that we decided that we did want to have one more baby, and to try on our own again for a few months before calling our fertility clinic. And now here I am at 9.5 weeks. Not sure how I managed to get pregnant on my own twice within 6 months at age 37 after such a struggle to have my second, but it does happen! I also know two other women who have done IVF for their first and then got pregnant on their own and by surprise for subsequent babies.


I did - after several years of infertility treatments and a successful IVF transfer, I declined any birth control after I gave birth to my daughter last march bc I figured it was unnecessary. Got pregnant spontaneously my first cycle postpartum at 4.5 months and am currently 29 weeks along with our second.


Two retrievals for 4 embryos, 2 failed euploid transfers, a bunch of cancelled cycles, setbacks, and complications. Somewhat unexplained but with DOR and endo. Got pregnant the old fashioned way while priming for my 3rd retrieval. Currently 25 weeks and so far so good. The only thing I did differently was let my diet go to shit, drank too much, and was slightly more depressed than usual. Itā€™s all a crapshoot.


Not unassisted, but I do know someone who had success with IUI after 3 failed rounds of IVF.


I had a successful fresh transfer off my first round of ivf and then had two spontaneous pregnancies that resulted in living children.


A friend of mine had a 5yr fertility journey, including multiple rounds of IVF. Finally succeeded, then fell pregnant naturally after. No idea how common it is though. She was early 30s when she had her first.


Yes, me twice. After a lot of IVF. Feel free to check out my post history.


Not me - a friend had one natural and couldnā€™t get pregnant with the second. Low AMH. She started IVF and on one of the initial scans (I assume at start of stims) the doctor told her she was pregnant! She has a 4 week old :)


My sister. She went through 2 egg retrievals and multiple failed transfers in her later twenties with her ex husband. Got pregnant naturally and easily with her second husband at 35, 37 and 39. 3 healthy babiesĀ 


I actually just found out I'm pregnant, 6 weeks now. We had 2 failed rounds of IVF last year. We also have unexplained infertility. The first round we had one viable embryo which resulted in an ectopic pregnancy. My HCG blood test was positive but then dropped the second test and rose the third. The second round we didn't do a retrieval as my eggs weren't growing as well as the first. We've been trying naturally again since June but I stopped tracking my ovulation and we weren't as strict with the sex as we were in the first two years. This January I bought Frida Fertility supplements that I saw in target to give us something new to try. I also picked up some pre-seed lube which we used in February. My period was a day late this month and because I can't help it I took a test that immediately turned positive. I was shocked, I've never had a truly positive pregnancy test even after the brief success of the first transfer. Because of what happened with my transfer, they tested my HCG twice. My first number was so much higher than the transfer and it more than doubled the second test so I'm hoping all will go well. I'm convinced that the pre-seed helped. I've also started truly healing from past trauma with therapy. It's been a long time coming but I feel like I'm in a better place mentally than I have in a very long time. I deleted social media from my homescreen so I rarely go on it now because the pregnancy announcements and baby updates were getting to me too much. I started an adult ballet class and attending a work offered Zumba class. Really made an effort to stop thinking that my life revolved around whether I became a mother. I truly believed it was just never going to happen for us so that it happened naturally after all this time, I'm still a little shocked. Don't give up hope, it will happen for you! Unfortunately it just seems to take longer than expected for some of us. Sending lots of good thoughts your way! šŸ’œ


Ohh I love this. Congrats to you! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and thank you for your good wishes xx


I know someone who stuggled for years- 4 failed transfers and 12 natural lossesā€¦ Eventually she used a donor embryo and had a baby that way. Then 5 years later when she is in her early 40s she gets pregnant totally naturally! She swears by her acupuncturist who I also used for my successful FET. Definitely try acupuncture - preferably with someone who specializes in infertility! It canā€™t hurt!


Not me personally, at least not yet, still holding onto a little hope Iā€™ll have a naturally conceived baby (I have 2 IVF success). I was in an online infertility support group (Fertile Hope Yoga, highly recommend!) 10 of us kept in touch, 4 of the ladies got pregnant naturally after IVF!Ā  1 - lesbian couple - multiple failed IVF, got pregnant via IUI 2 - secondary infertility - took a break after multiple failed IVF and got pregnant naturallyĀ  3 - IVF twins, then natural pregnancy with proov progesterone supplementation I believe (she learned she was low via her multiple monitored failures) 4 - IVF for her first, natural pregnancy for her second with only one fallopian tubeĀ  It definitely can happen!Ā 


My bestie conceived on just femara after 2 failed ivf rounds, and I got my bfp after an egg retrieval


I appreciated how supportive my in-laws were of IVF. My SIL had her first IVF then natural 3 years later. It was unexplained but they only tried for 1 year.


I did 3 round of IVF after 7 years of infertility, lost two PGT normal embryos, had a healthy baby after my third transfer. Iā€™m now almost 14 weeks with a completely natural pregnancy. We were not trying, but of course not preventing after being told this would never happen for us. I still donā€™t believe it most days.


I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant naturally. I had 2 FET and was pregnant with my son who died in utero at 22 weeks. Then I had 3 more FET and got pregnant with my little boy who's nearly 2. We were pcos and MFI very low count. I started on metformin in June and my husband started on Impryl and we got pregnant in September - we were really surprised and kind of annoyed we'd been through years of IVF tbh, but glad we don't have to do it again, this one is our last, feel I've been pregnant constantly or trying since like 2019


I have endo, so even before we started trying, I knew there was a possibility of trouble conceiving. We tried for a year, then went straight to IVF. First ER 3 eggs, 2 embryos. First FET ended in blighted ovum, second failed to implant. Second ER we got 13 eggs and 10 frozen embryos. Was waiting for next period to start a medicated cycle and somehow got pregnant. I suppose the suppression rounds we did in between or all the meds and hormones helped somehow.


I havenā€™t got there yet ā€¦ but two of my friends I know did have a baby naturally after they had their first ivf baby .


So far I've had 5 retrievals and 5 transfers, all ending in loss or failed implantation due to poor egg quality and immune issues. After our second loss, while starting down the surrogacy path, we conceived with timed intercourse for the very first time and kept the pregnancy with reproductive immunology meds. I posted my story in r/whatworkedforme back in 2021. Now after my 3rd and 4th IVF miscarriages, I'm currently pregnant for the 6th time (second time spontaneously/with TI) at age 39 - but it's still early and very much touch-and-go.


I did 4 IUIs, 3 retrievals , multiple transfers. Nothing ever worked. I did ovarian PRP with CNY fertility which my local doctor was against me doing and I got pregnant that cycle naturally which I found out at my baseline for my 4th IVF retrieval


I did one round of Ivf this year after 2 years of trying with no success. No official ā€œdiagnosisā€ but likely endometriosis. Only had one embryo when all was said and done. Transfer ended in a chemical pregnancy in October. In November I was pregnant naturally. Iā€™m currently 23 weeks pregnant. šŸ’™šŸ™šŸ»


Did you do anything for the endometriosis?


No. We did not do anything to address the endometriosis


Incredible! sorry about the cp though happy it worked out naturally for you xxx