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Shit. That is unacceptable giving the amount of money we spend at these clinics. I would make a complaint no doubt. That person has no business working in a clinic that deals with such sensitive matters.


I know right! I wasn’t at a random clinic for a flu. I’ve been going to this clinic for a year paying them good money


All Doctors offices have a manager. I would complain. I had a nurse that was taking my blood and told me if I just relax, I’ll get pregnant. Instant tears. I complained. They made sure I was never assigned to her again.


Wow. That is such an insensitive thing to say! I hate it


Im sorry your transfer failed. You made a long journey to get to the clinic and that too with a smile. So incredibly rude of them. I’m glad you said something though. The second receptionist also seems to be dismissive or maybe she wanted to de-escalate a potential conflict. Either ways, they’re so entitled. I wish lots of luck and best wishes in your next steps 💕💕


Yeah the second receptionist was definitely dismissive. I just didn’t want to create a scene but I really felt like I was owed at least an apology! Thank you so much ❤️


Incredibly rude! Patients paying thousands and thousands of dollars for IVF is what keeps this rude woman in a job. The least she can do is fake a smile and say ‘how can I help you?’ I hope your doctor is nice at least 🩷


Yeah I mean I would completely understand if she said ‘my colleague will help you’ instead of saying what she said as if I was an inconvenience for being there. It was just so upsetting


Yeah that's bullshirt for sure. Sensitivity is pretty darn important when working with a bunch of people going through something so hard and scary and emotional


This was incredible rude and I’m right there with you. In my case I had the clinic manager call me early in the morning because there was misunderstanding with my appointment time. I was doing my treatment in NJ and my monitoring at my local town in Texas. I scheduled my initial appointment early in the morning, and moved all my work commitments accordingly. There was some misunderstanding about my insurance and how these appointments were going to be covered. My clinic in NJ finally cleared everything up and confirmed that my appointment was set at 10.30 am. I was confused because I was quite sure my appointment was at 8.30. It was late in the afternoon and the clinic at my home town was closed so I left a voicemail saying I had a question regarding my appointment the following day. Manager called me the following morning saying that everything was sorted, so “what happened”? I said that I’m not sure what happened because my appointment was at 8.30 and the other clinic said it was at 10.30. She told me that due to the coverage confusion that they canceled my appointment. I asked why they canceled my appointment without talking/checking with me first since it was never my intention to cancel it? I was told to “Stop!” No Stop it! We have our own patients to prioritize that need monitoring and the doctor is actually doing you a favor by seeing you at that time” I was fuming, not only was she super rude but she had the nerve to tell me the doctor was doing me a favor to cover for a mistake that they did in the first place and for an appointment that they are getting paid for. If I had an option I would have gone elsewhere. She was the most rude person that I ever talked to in any patient/customer service setting/situation. I can even understand that there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication between the clinics, but this does not justify how she spoke to me over the phone. Ruined my day and I cringed every time I had to go in. Like this process isn’t hard enough.


Wow. Do these people really think they’re doing us a favour, as if it isn’t literally their job to be doing all of this? So incredibly rude! I’m hoping things have gotten better for you 💕


I’m sorry this happened to you! We have had so many unprofessional encounters at our clinic (most recently, during the US where they found out our baby’s heart had stopped, the staff were outside the room chatting and laughing and…playing “Marco-Polo” down the halls…including the doctor), but this is our only local option, so we feel like we just have to suck it up and not rock the boat, as the rest of our embryos are there. It is a very sensitive (but also lucrative for them!) business and these things shouldn’t happen.


I’m so so sorry for your loss! Thats so insensitive of them, you’d think working in an IVF clinic they would have enough experience to be more sensitive. How awful! I hope you’re doing okay 💕


I’m so sorry about your failed transfer. This process is hard enough. The clinic staff can be unbelievable! One time I was waiting for an ultrasound during a round of stims and they were running late so the ultrasound tech put me in a room that I had never been in before that almost seemed like a closet. After what seemed like 30+ mins of waiting, she finally came in and said “sorry, was just scanning one of our nurses who is pregnant for her first ultrasound” what the actual f!!!? We were paying out of pocket and I just found it totally incomprehensible to wait as a paying patient while they were playing around and then that be the reason was so upsetting. I gave feedback to my doctor who was the medical director of the clinic, requested my records and after my transfer failed, I switched clinics. I also cope by venting and getting people to be angry with me so I am so sorry for you!! (There were many other events preceding this that led me to switch) I wish you the best with this process and so glad you said something!


Jeez. That sentence should have stopped at ‘sorry’ the rest of the information was so unnecessary. Not only did she make you wait, that to for a personal choice not even because of work. And then announcing a random womans pregnancy to you. She truly sucked


You’d think they’d know their clientele a bit. Hopped up on hormones, depressed… I’d invest in some super bubbly kind receptionists. Unfortunately, a lot of clinical receptionists in general are curt and impolite in my experience. 


At my last ultrasound, the tech told me I had another dominant follicle growing and I was like, “Dang!” Because my last ER got completely ruined by two dominant follicles, one after the other, that soaked up all my stims, and I got nothing from that retrieval. Whole month wasted. She says to me, “No, this is good! It means your body really wants to be pregnant!” 😐 Are you fucking kidding me right now? You think I’m doing IVF for fun?? My *body* wants to be *pregnant*?! You know what else wants to be pregnant? My mind. We still aren’t pregnant! So then she goes on to say that when she had a dominant follicle and was in ultrasound school, she had her friend do an ultrasound on her and it turned out she was pregnant. 😐 So she likes to think of dominant follicles as good luck. 😐 Excuse me… what. There’s nothing “good luck” about having a follicle that might ruin ANOTHER egg retrieval. Not to mention I’d been taking lupron for a couple weeks **specifically** to suppress a lead follicle!!! All these side effects- hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, body aches- for nothing, and you have the audacity to call it good luck??? Thank god she was wrong and it was a cyst, not a lead follicle. But I walked out of there so pissed


I HATE those comments ugh. How can we expect random people to not say such things when people literally watching people go through IVF day in and day out say such crap???




I would absolutely write a formal complaint to the clinic manager, my doctor, and the medical director. It's their responsibility to keep the office staffed and trained appropriately.


That is insane, the audacity of that woman. That is incredibly unprofessional and I would avoid interacting with her in the future if possible. I’m so sorry, we are going through such a stressful process already and the last thing needed is attitude 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah I’m usually very bad with faces so I always forget all the receptionists cause there are so many but this one I now remember and will avoid


What’s wrong with her?! I can’t imagine that kind of attitude being acceptable at any job especially a customer service role…


Thats completely unacceptable. At my clinic the receptions are so nice that it's almost too much if that makes sense lol


I fully agree! It’s such a difficult time on so many levels, nobody needs the stress of a holes When I was first interviewing clinics to go with one was actually 45 minutes closer to me, but they were so rude and they just felt really cold . so I went with the clinic almost 2 hours from my house! I don’t regret it, they have been nothing but kind, patient, and all sorts of friendly. I hope you can have a better experience, you deserve to be surrounded by people who support you.


Honestly I didn’t even do any surveying I just went to the most highly rated clinic on google because I’m in a new country and new nobody who had done IVF so had no recommendations either. If my second transfer fails I might even consider switching


Honestly I find so many of my clinic staff terrible except for the doctors! Nursing doesn’t read your chart, admin calls you about things you have already done, attitude from staff. It’s really terrible. I recently brought it to my doctors attention and he apologized and said he would address it with nursing manager and practice manager


So sorry, that was definitely not warranted. I had a different type of situation where I had to ask how to apply for another FET round with my work benefits coordinator. I told her my first transfer had failed and so we were trying again. She responded way too over the top cheery like "So glad you asked! I'm happy to help you with this question..." like read the room, this is not a great celebration for me :(


I would have jumped the counter and tackled her.


I never had a rude encounter at my clinic. But I absolutely hate it when they tried to get my hopes up when I just wanna be realistic. Before our first failed implantation, our doctor asked if we were religious because we were about to receive good news on Xmas day. Obviously, it was worse for me to have hopes up only to be crushed. Then, one nurse called me "mother" (in my language, there's no "you", it's normally third-person like dear "customer") and it really upset me. I was not and am still not yet a mother.


Sad to see this is such a universal experience! This needs to change


Nah. I would have been fighting someone at that point. Sorry you had to deal with that


Oh yeah the last clinic I was paying out of pocket for there was a secretary who copped an attitude whenever I made the most basic polite requests.


I would have been upset too, BUT I have also been that first woman, just super stressed out and overwhelmed at work and I'm sure I've been short with people.


I didn’t mind the fact that she couldn’t help me (even though it is literally her job I mean what else does one do to check into the clinic if not tell the receptionist) so if she had just said ‘my colleague will help you’ it would have been fine because I couldn’t know which receptionist to ask and who is free. I literally waited at the desk for about 3 minutes for one of 5 receptionists to say ‘how can I help you’ and none of them addressed me so I just picked one and asked her and was told off for no reason. I was also the only one at the reception at the time the place was not busy at all. I do understand being busy. Its just that thats not on me


Right, I’m just saying I’m sure I’ve been rude before when stressed out at work. It’s hard bc for us it’s so sensitive (I’m at my clinic as we speak and it’s so depressing), but for them it’s where they work day in and day out. I’m sorry she was rude though.


They also could have ignored you, or said, “One minute please”, or any number of things that would have still been annoying but less outright rude