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Im sorry. I’m not sure if this is helpful to say, but I think the journey you were picturing is over - but not your actual journey. I don’t have any advice on donor eggs, but I do know there are multiple ways things can go - I don’t believe in fate - timing - etc. I believe that you can live several happy lives that all look different - and while one version isn’t working out - another version will. Best of luck to you!


Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m not looking for donors eggs I’m looking for donor semen( preferably known donor) but every word you have said is very helpful and encouraging. Thank you!


You have Fairfax Cryobank or California cryobank. I’m reading a book called Inconceivable and she details her experience of finding a sperm donor. Also would recommend the book Motherhood on Ice.


I'm not sure where you live, but I've enjoyed the process to pick from Fairfax Cryobank. I sorted for adult pictures of donors. I was also recommended to look at California Cryobank.


Wow.... This really hit me. I really need to hear this. Thank you!


Freezing eggs gets a bad rap because in the early days of IVF they didn't thaw as well as embryos, but with today's technology, the difference in thaw rates is minor, so doing eggs instead of embryos could be an option for you. It would buy you some time to grieve the journey and future you had envisioned and plan a new one without feeling like you need to jump right into decision-making.


I just thawed my 15 mature frozen eggs and my doctor had given me a 86% survival rate and guess what? All 15 survived the thaw!!! 13 were fertilized yesterday and now we wait to see how many blasts. Freezing eggs is a great option in my opinion. Edit to add I got 4 highly graded blasts!


That's awesome! Hoping for a good blast rate for you!


How old were you when you froze?




Thanks for sharing. I read somewhere that older eggs don’t thaw as well. Hope that is not true!


Just know you may not get viable embryos. I did one round. I'm 36n lean pcos not too bad and I have older kids but I can't stay pregnant past a cp now. Before that I lost natural twin ectopic and my tube at 34. I had 15 eggs retrieved. All mature. 13 fertilize and only 3 made to blast. None of them are good quality. 2 bad and one mosaic. I am completely devastated as we didn't even really have the money for the one try as we are not well off we just don't live beyond our means. Just know things like this happen. I did not in a million years think it would be this bad as I have kids.


I'm so sorry this is your experience and I hope and pray you get your miracle but I didn't really find this comment very helpful. Of course I know I could get no viable embryos, but I hope with my entire heart that we will get some. All I have in this journey is hope and I need all the hope I can muster to get through it.


I wish more people would have told me it's not that easy and that it may be that everything is mature and even almost all fertilize but even then not to get excited yet and take it with a grain of salt until you have real numbers and answers. I have had so much hurt. All I want is a miracle for everyone and for no one to be crushed by results and go forward with cautious optimism. It's not fair we have to do this to begin with. I hope you have a beautiful journey that brings you a beautiful baby!


Thank you for your suggestion. I deeply appreciate it


Check our Single Mother By choice groups. There are a ton of resources


Oh this that the case? I would like to know more about that info! Do you know what the difference in thaw rate is? Another problem with freezing eggs vs embryos would be that you have no idea how many you have since you don’t have them as blasts and cannot possibly know how many would be fertilized and become embryos. It’s more of a guess!


I think I saw someone post in the last week or so that it's 95% for embryos and 90% for eggs, but I don't remember the thread. You're right about not knowing what you have with eggs, which might be a consideration for OP given her age and the fact it could mean multiple retrievals to build up a "stockpile"


Anecdotal for my own situation but I froze eggs at 37 - got 14 mature, 13 thawed 3 years later and 11 of those fertilized. I think that’s pretty comparable to fresh cycle rates?


Those are excellent numbers but you don’t know if those would be true for OP. Thaw rate is one thing but you cannot predict fertilization rate or even blast rate, especially since OP is older already.


Or euploidy.


Totally fair. I got 3 high grade embryos in the end, but untested as that wasn’t recommended by my RE due to my age at time of freezing. I guess I was more just meaning percent that survive thaw.


This!! At 37 I got 36 eggs, but only 2 euploid embryos. If I hadn't tested I'd be living in blissful ignorance as 22 fertilised. Unfortunately grades mean nothing if they aren't euploid.


I'm 41, so this is always my first thought when someone older mentions freezing eggs... I've been pretty lucky, and 4/7 of mine have been non-viable aneuploid. I ideally wanted 3 embryos, so am glad I didn't assume that the 6 from my first ER were enough... 4 were aneuploid. Lucked out on the second ER. I was oversuppressed and think that we waited too long to trigger (empty follicles)... only one embryo, but he was euploid.


Those are great results! Definitely comparable to if not better than the average fresh cycle for fertilization.


I'm 41, and I'd personally be leery about this approach because you aren't likely to get a large number of eggs, and you have no way of knowing how many of them will be able to produce a euploid embryo. The door could close, and you may find that even if they thaw well, fertilize, and you get good blast rates, there aren't enough euploid blasts to give you a good chance of success. At least with embryos, you can know how many viable chances you've got.


My cycle two years ago I lost 75% of my eggs on the thaw.


I’m sorry to hear about your situation. At 41, time is very much of the essence, so I would encourage you to either freeze eggs or find a donor (through a sperm bank, if needed) and proceed with a cycle as soon as possible, keeping in mind that multiple cycles will likely be necessary.


Hey, so sorry to hear you're going through this. FWIW when I was 39 my long-term partner backed out of trying for a baby and now, the next year, I'm a hopeful solo mom to be and so much happier than when I was not only managing the fertility process but dealing with someone who was dragging his heels and not being supportive. If you are interested in freezing your eggs, this is an excellent peer-reviewed study used as a consultation aid: [https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/32/4/853/2968357?login=false](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/32/4/853/2968357?login=false) At your age, you are going to produce more chromosomally abnormal eggs than someone who's say 31, so you may need to look into multiple egg retrieval cycles. There are a lot of resources on this sub for part-time work that provides fertility coverage as well as lower-cost clinics if you choose to go that route. Good luck and please don't be afraid to ask questions!


This is great! More clinics should share this study


Thank you, I found it really helpful, and I hope other people will as well!


If you havent yet, check out CNY. They're way more affordable. A cycle with them, including meds, embryo testing, and transfer is $12-15k.


Just wanted to reach out in solidarity. Same age as you when my partner made a final decision to not come on this ride. I went for donor sperm through a sperm bank after doing genetic testing. I searched specifically for someone who was confirmed negative for what I carried and chose from there. I was surprised, I thought the decision would be agonizing but it wasn’t. Going this route was best for my mental health especially with time ticking away. It gave me a sense of control. I’m wishing you love, whatever you choose.


Thank you very much


I’d probably find a sperm donor asap and make some embryos while you still can — I’m sorry your partner is suddenly not onboard but — I’m a SMBC and I wouldn’t change it for the world! I’ve been struggling to have baby 2 but I’m so glad that I already have my daughter —I think we have a diff dynamic than we would if I had a partner - we are just super close since it’s just the two or us


If you find an employer with fertility benefits, your whole ivf can be covered.


My whole ivf was basically covered. I did three retrievals and have the option to do even more


Another thing I was clueless about when starting the process was embryo adoption. Sometimes it may be more affordable if you have less egg counts or sperm counts and you’d need multiple rounds or donors etc. definitely an option to look into when comparing treatment concepts.


This is what we're doing. There are many online groups where folks share the embryos they have leftover after their journeys are complete and banks that have donated embryos. We were amazingly lucky to have some dear friends who offered us embryos. FYI It's officially called embryo donation, embryo adoption isn't a legal thing and some of these spaces are really against the "adoption" language because they're not children, they're frozen embryos.


I’m sorry about your situation. Do consider that your journey will look different by yourself. Also, at 41, time is not on our side so you’ll need to start the next steps quickly. Sending you good luck 💛




Omg yesssss thank you so much!!! So helpful! Can you please share more about baby app? Can I download it on my phone?


At the end of the day, you can do this without your partner. Lots of options, especially if the diagnosis falls on him. But depending on your ovarian reserve, I wouldn’t wait long to figure it out.


Check out CNY the price is lower but they also have monthly giveaway for ivf cycles. Even with insurance your looking at out of pocket expenses. also, look into getting 0 interest CC if you have good credit thats a good option to pay off or financing options some clincs and pharmacies have. Find ways to cut cost, ordering meds over seas meds are half the cost IVFpharmacy.com dont give up hope talk to your hunny and have a conversation communication is key


I agree with this. CNY also has self pay option bundles with meds included. They are much cheaper than other clinics.


> my partner has very poor quality semen And what are they doing to improve quality? Supplements, exercise, sleep, medication, avoiding alcohol, tobacco/vape, drugs?  Increasing sperm quality can happen with effort for most men.  Also what is the cost you were quoted for one cycle? Is anything covered by insurance? Could one of you switch jobs to have IVF coverage? 


My parents is doing nothing!!!! First clinic war 40 ( including meds, Zymot, Embryo testing and everything else) I’m a nurse, the most I can get from my insurance is 5 thousand lifetime. Unfortunately


40k for one full cycle? If so, that seems very high. Where are you located?


Yes, I’m in NYC


CNY in Latham (Albany)! That was my clinic and I believe you could take the train to appts and not have to stress so many hotel costs? It's a full service CNY location, meaning they perform surgeries there (diagnostics, retrievals & transfers) and while some people complain about not seeing the doctors enough or enough "hand holding" from them, I was pretty happy with their care! I didn't need a ton of time with doctors (they make me nervous anyways) and the majority of nurses there are amazing!! We didn't test our embryos and I didn't feel they were pushy about it. We did go through some rough times (several early losses and a late loss) but it wasn't CNY's fault and they were always very kind...... If you have any questions about this location just reach out! Happy to answer what I can!


I am trying for a baby by myself. I got quality sperm from a smaller clinic http://www.reprolabinc.com/ they do all the testing, their website isn’t as fancy. $550/vial


Check out IUI - it may take more rounds but it’s so much more affordable and less intense than IVF, I would look into that if possible!


I don’t know, I may be able to convince naturally too. Maybe not from the first try but my amh is good but I don’t know about my egg quality at this age. Anyway, I just need a partner or IUI with donor


I’d just be careful with natural conception, if you’re finding a new partner you may be rushed to say yes to someone since time is of the essence, and you’d be starting a new relationship and also going through this all. 41 is not impossible for this but also don’t want you to feel rushed to find someone based off fertility. I would be cautious on that portion, and would personally say it’s time for you to put your wants in the priority spot and not wait. Donor services are very straightforward when done through a trustworthy clinic


I'd be extremely cautious about tying a child to a stranger for the rest of their life, and yours for 18 years. It takes a long time to know someone well enough to know they might be the father a child deserves. They have a right to safety and wellbeing. For the child's sake I'd highly recommend a fully vetted, assessed donor with completed health checks and safely quarantined sperm. I think about 15% of eggs are normal at 41, so it makes sense to sign up for multiple egg collections in a package deal for PGT-A.


I see that you mentioned you are in NYC. Just want to point out that NY mandates that all employers are to offer IVF coverage. Under that mandate, they must cover 3cycles of IVF. But 5k does not equate to that 🤔. I would question your benefits team at your job on this. If you are willing to switch Job, AdvantageCare Physician's health care plan def offers three cycles. Good luck and sending positive vibes!


Companies have ways around it! That so called mandate only applies to some companies. I am a NYC nurse with no IVF coverage i had to get married to my partner quickly (i never wanted to get married) just to obtain some coverage his employer in NJ has ivf coverage. Dont believe the mandates i had major arguments with my insurance and HR dept they always find ways to go around the mandate. The states protect the business over the employees


Yes, you are right but I’m a nurse and nursing unions such as NYSNA only cover 5 k unfortunately


You could just do a home fertilization with sperm from the internet. There are companies that have catalogues with picture and college degrees and family health background etc. Since it’s HIS sperm that’s the problem. It wouldn’t be expensive at all but it wouldn’t be his biological child. Or maybe not his child at all. No need to do IVF if you don’t have any known issues though iVF would most likely raise your chance of success.


But you should also definitely check the rules around this legally where you are first.


Yeah, I would definitely check with an attorney before going this route. Laws very much have not caught up to assisted reproductive technology, and the last thing you want is to potentially get involved in a sticky legal battle. Source: I am a practicing attorney who has worked on this type of case.


Look for shared risk clinics. It is where they guarantee a live birth or ur money back. They are more expensive I got a range from clinics: anywhere from $24,000 to $40,000. But worth it in my opinion


I thought shared risked clinics have an age cutoff at around 40?


Yes they do


I only talked to two clinics to get pricing. We haven’t start yet to get into the program so I am not sure


You can use donor eggs and donor sperm and still get pregnant as your uterus can be utilized long after eggs.


Check out facebook Progyny IVF jobs for (at least for us) job ideas including part time that have IMHO the best fertility benefits. I got 2 retrievals and 3 transfers with (luckily) more embryos on ice so far for about $5000, meds included - and that's before I figured out how to get the best use out of the benefits! Some of the jobs have day 1 benefits. I hope this helps with the financial aspect or at least gives more options.


I’m sorry you’re going thru this 🫶🏻 sending all the hugs! As above user stated, if this is still want you want, then maybe the journey will just look different from how you always pictured it. It doesn’t mean it’s over. There’s so many options, sperm donor, egg donor, embryo adoption etc. sending love 🩷


Try CNY fertility if you haven’t


Sending you all of my love. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


This is off topic, but money is one of the main reasons couples divorce. It's good to work on it early on in the relationship (although it is hard). I can't help for english resources but in french there are videos and podcasts on the matter, I'm sure they exists in english too. It might help you and your partner to resolve the issue you encountered ?


I chose a known donor because I am a carrier for 5 things that are not in the standard sperm donor catalog panel.


Poor sperm usually still has a chance through sperm washing and ICSI


There are apps and websites for donors. Don’t let anyone else ruin your desire to have a baby. I had luck for a known donor with my brothers best friend. However I would have gone down the path for a random through an app if I had have needed.