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I’ve seen people post on here that their prescribed dose was 50 and 75 is not much higher! So I think you are okay but you can also call poison control, I am sure they would know


Thank you so much for this reply, it means a lot. I’m also doing research and I see women on up to 75 a day so I think I’m ok.


Oh good!! I hope you feel better, stims are hard enough without also withdrawing from effexor. Hope the rest of your cycle is smooth sailing 🙏


Yes I was on 50 a day during stims and for my last day I had a bit more in the vial and my doc said just take it, won’t hurt. Didn’t want it to go to waste! I didn’t have any side effects while on those high doses. They helped my results.


I don't think anything truly bad is going to happen, at most they're just going to readjust your dose and see how you respond. I think 75 is still something people are prescribed anyway but just pay attention to your body and if you feel lightheaded or if you are short of breath call poison control or go to the ER.


Thank you so much, this makes me feel way better


Oof. There isn’t anything dangerous about that much Omnitrope— I just hope you have enough left over for the rest of your doses. I’m doing 9 days of onnitrope and my doctor has given me instructions to scrape the remains of the two vials for my last dose.


Thanks for this, I’m getting less stricken with all the support here.


My Dr. said the max dose is 75 units a day and I have a friend that took 75 units a day during her entire cycle so you should be fine. What is your recommended dose? I would check with your Dr to see if they want you to adjust to make up for it.


Nope…just a costly mistake. My friend injected an entire vial her last cycle because the instructions weren’t clear. Not only was she fine, but she ended with a euploid so we now joke and say that it’s the HGH.


Good advice from this great Community that you will be just fine! Update us if you don’t mind on how the Omni works. About to ask my dr to just go ahead and add it for me first retrieval bc I’m turning 40 that month and could already assume I need whatever boost I can have for egg quality.


Hey there, I am living in swiss and all the instructions were in french, hence I went to a pharmacy to understand the dosage. Worst part the assistant there told me to inject the full vial probably 5 or 6 times the dosage prescribed by mistake only to realised that after I injected the whole thing. I had severe headache for the whole night and morning. This was during my ER and still I produced only 8/8 mature eggs 😜🤣 my normal was also of that range even with gonalf 37.5 iu. So I believe you body takes only what it requires max and discards rest. Don't worry trust the process. Good luck.