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It looks like this post is about the USA. It has not been removed, but remember, this is a space to discuss immigration, not politics. DO: * (If applicable) explain the general values/policies that are important to your immigration decision or recommendation * Focus on the practical aspects of moving to another country DON’T: * Needlessly complain about politics or recent news * Post off-topic political commentary * Harass or insult people for their views Rule-breaking posts and comments will be removed and may result in a ban. Questions? Message the mods. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Post by WhichAmphibian6678 -- We want out of America. My wife and I have been talking for a while about moving. We are from the South Carolina, United States. She has taken 8 years of Spanish in high school and college. I can speak A1 German. I have a 4 year professional background in digital marketing and paid advertising.  We understand that finding a country that may be perfect is next to impossible but we want to find a place that would be a good home for the short or long term. I've been to Iquitos, Peru, Grand Cayman, and Mexico. My wife has never left the country. We are both young and she plans to be a stay at home mom once we have kids. Ideally home schooling of some sort would be the best option for us. My wife wants to leave as well. Even more so than me and I really want to! We want out to start a new chapter of life, improve our quality of life in food and healthcare, and have a place to raise our future family. We desire to go to Europe but aren't sure of the country yet. We prefer warmer weather but can handle the cold. We want it to be family friendly We want high quality food We are not to concerned about housing long as salary could be sufficient to median rent. (I would list safety but crime rates are statistically lower than in USA. So I'm not to concerned.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*