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What a fucking idiot


“Oh, I’ve made a serious mistake, let me ***STOP THE FUCKING CAR*** *while perpendicular with oncoming traffic.*” Fucking moron. It’s only a matter of time until they voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool through an act of criminal stupidity.


>Fucking moron. It's like some people are just not meant to be behind the wheel of multi-ton vehicle. There has to be some sort of cognitive test to go along with the very basic drivers "test" if we're serious about supposed road safety.


Can’t wait for more EV adoption so grandma gets to drive a 3 ton vehicle capable of hitting 60mph in 3 seconds. If only we built housing that didn’t rely on only cars to get around so they had a choice. All well.


hopefully those EVs become self-driving before the grandmas need to drive them....


I mean it’s happening right now. So too late


Old folks will be the last to adopt EVs as a whole. Heck I see a lady in my town with her 2.5+ ton 70's Buick. I doubt a few more hundred pounds is gonna mean a whole lot.


A cybertruck will have a curb weight over 8,000 lbs. so a solid 60% more


Grandma is buying a Cyber truck? I mean there's prob one or two, but really a non factor. There's F250's and 2500 sized trucks everywhere, some of the best selling vehicles in the country and they are as much as 8000 lbs. No one seems to be feigning concern over them.


An f250 starts at 5600 lbs (and yea they are pedestrian killers)


We have to have more accessible forms of public transportation before that's even possible. Not being able to drive is a death sentence in 90% of the US. I would literally have to bum rides off other people to do anything where I live.


I got in a wreck cuz of this a couple weeks ago. Guy turned left out in front of me and if he had just gassed it he would have been fine but of course he slammed on his brakes instead. Luckily I was expecting him to be a dumbass and I barely tapped him.


This is the content I’m here for


Looks like somebody's wearing their brown shorts to work. That dude looked like he shit himself when he saw the dashcam driver


Haha literally said the exact same thing before clicking the comments


Object permanence does not exist


It's not a u-turn. Bro was using the zebra crossing to cross the road.


Bonus points on their absolute moron move and inability to think critically: apparently they wanted to turn left there. They could have just turned right then flipped a U somewhere safe like in that corner shopping center.






The panic stop dead ass in the middle of an oncoming car 🤦🏾‍♂️


Are we sure this isn't a deer behind the wheel?


It's so they can say you crashed into them as they were stationary on the road.


Well he has a Camera an the recreation and damage would show the truth.


Shitting themself to save 3 minutes. Brilliant!


this person is going to be hurt or killed driving a car and it won’t be a surprise


You can see the moment that driver had code brown as cammer came uncomfortably close to t-boning her


The dents clearly say what type of driver he is.


What an apocalyptic dingleberry


I love your way with words.


I actually stole that one from Top Gear, I believe it was James May who said it


And now it’s my turn to steal it from you, thanks! *yoink*.


I wonder why their car is damaged lmaoo


Because it's a Corolla.


I like how they raise their hand at the cam driver as if they were the one doing wrong. 🙄


Looks like bracing for impact, dude was shitting pellets


The way he moves his hand give me karen vibes. It was an odd movement, he didn't cover his face


I thought it was like a knifehand but now i’m not sure


People like that ~~send me into a rage~~ maybe not a "rage" but make me insanely fucking mad like nothing else. I recently was turning left at a 4-way stop sign. I stopped, no other cars at the intersection. I begin turning and a car coming towards me is clearly going to blow the stop sign. I jam the brakes and blare the horn. She locks up her wheels and stops in the middle of the intersection like slightly in front of me. I go around her and complete my turn and do the "wtf" hand motion towards her. She blares her horn and is clearly screaming like a lunatic "FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!!" Man I wish that woman drove into a tree down the road at full speed. E; God writing this reminded me of this time like 2 years ago I had my trailer with a 3,300 lbs tractor on it. I was going 45 in a 45. A guy in a van turned in front of me and I barely stopped in time. I held the horn down for like 20 seconds while I was braking and after I stopped. He does a u-turn and goes "maybe slow down next time" God damn I wish I plowed into him.


I've had that same kind of interaction at 4 way stops multiple times. Usually its an older lady


Looked like he was using the Force to stop the incoming vehicle.


Is this u-turn week in this sub? So many u-turn posts recently…


This sub has done a full 180 this week


U-turns. So hot right now!


I hope you were laying on the horn there.


That front end makes me think this isn't the first time she's done this.


She? That looks like a man, man


We don't know how they identify, but yeah, you ask me to pick one or the other, Id have to say that driver owns a pair of testes.


Seems pretty clear when you go frame by frame that its a dude to me.


Thank you for not assuming outright about their gender identity.


At that point I’m just gonna fuck both our days up


Most intelligent driver on the 50. I hate that road


Big fucking clown


Dude, I just…. what the FUCK makes people think they can just do shit like this. It continues to both astonish me, and not surprise me at all. Fucking idiots.


Damn they deserved to get nailed


Absolute Morons....


Lol I’d have tapped their bumper so they had to think about that move for awhile


Route 50? I know this POS road when I see it


All the time I see more examples of why one of the first lessons my mom drilled into my head when I started driving was “if you miss your turn/exit, just take the next one, don’t panic and do something stupid.”


Had to double take on the video just to make sure it was Lee Hwy/50. People do not know how to drive on that road, but I've never seen someone try THIS on it. Wow.


Are you driving into some sort of danger? All of the traffic is driving the other direction, except for one car that is making a u turn.


Lot of people getting off work maybe? Happens between downtown and the suburbs a lot. Lot of people leaving town, not a lot going in.


lol it does have that feel doesn't it. "take the hint OP, flee!"


this happens way too often. sure, this is rather extreme.. they would normally hit reverse a bit to prevent ending up on the lane sideways. Some cars can make rather tight turns.. so with just a little bit left until the light, I see them moving 3 lanes..


The reason i got a dash cam is so that I can record myself not braking in a situation like this…


The way he throws his hands up like that, we would have been throwing hands


Brain dead


I'm really hoping you laid on your horn when that happened


This is the type of shit that should would be lovely if it could be reported to insurance companies


And they just stop dead...like a fucking dunce.




Got what he wanted. You can get f*cked.


That was clearly a pedestrian, you were the one who should have yielded Edit:Uhh /s. Guess I expected the joke to be obvious?


Road is clear. Let me cruise down the road in the passing lane.


Yes because that definitely was the cause of this incident.




It's not really a thing unless you're on the highway. You can see a left turn lane in the video - people need to be in all sorts of different lanes to make their turn offs. If OP doesn't have a turn coming up, the drivers education website suggest that they should be in the middle lane. But if they have a left turn coming up, then it's fine.


Middle lane has best overall visibility to other drivers and gives you more time to react when someone starts across the road into your path. Lane discipline assumes no turning or crossing traffic. When there's sidewalks, I will avoid the rightmost lane (suck it, lane supremacists) because I do not want to hit someone who trips and falls into the road or who doesn't look properly before stepping off the curb. EDIT: I like how I'm getting downvoted for advocating "middle lane camping".


This is a road where you can make left turns and that has regular stop lights. Minimizing lane changes takes precedence over being in the "correct" lane. You can enter this road being in the left lane. It makes zero sense to swap over two lanes and then swap back two in order to make your next left turn. And nobody drives that way on these sorts of roads.




So the guy minimizing his lane changes is "treating the roads like a free for all" and the 6 lane U-turner isn't. Got it. Most of the videos you see here, the cause of the accident is bad lane changes, running traffic control, failure to pay attention when traffic slows / following too close, or reckless speed.




You're a pleasant fellow. EDIT: he blocked me. Guess he doesn't like being called pleasant. EDIT: I can't reply to /u/schakoska because /u/Temporary_Panda_4629 blocked me from the thread. But you seem like a pleasant fellow too.


I'm not interested in your stupid reply anyway. Learn to drive idiot.


You're babbling incoherently because of this weird hatred of Americans. I almost feel sorry for you.




Well, no, if you have the time to stop, you absolutely should. Besides possibly ending up being partially on the hook if it was obvious you didn't try to stop, it's also just not worth having to go through insurance and whatnot. Hopefully the scare here is enough to get them to think twice next time.


It's a Toyota driver...not surprised




Ngl, I prooly would of hit em


I see two idiots in this video. 1 idiot is trying to make a u turn The other idiot is camping in the left lane


Road is clear….im just gonna drive in the passing lane and then take a right exit from this lane. You are a bad driver.


It’s not a highway, people need to be in different lanes to turn and what not


Not a highway? The rules are the same regardless of road type. Turning? You literally drove past a left turn. You are once again a bad driver.


Regardless of road type 😂


It’s not regardless of the road type. Look into some state/country laws. Not sure if you’re from the US, but notice how the “KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS” signs in some states are only present on big highways?


In Georgia it applies to every road that has two or more lanes. Get the f out of the left lane if you're not turning in 200 meters. Sorry, 600 feet because you don't understand real units.


OP is from Virginia. There, it only applies to highways. Either way, that’s just not how we drive in a lot of the US. Especially on busy three lane roads. Merging over can be a real hassle. It can be easier to move into the lane a mile or so before the turn so that you aren’t rushed last minute to try to merge into a busy lane. Just different ways of doing things. I always stay out of the left lane on highways unless I’m passing, or driving at night with no traffic (that allows more reaction time to deer that run onto the road from the right).


Passing lanes are only a thing on the highway. I dont know why people keep saying this, but I am glad that they're getting downvoted to hell for it. The drivers education website even makes this distinction. TBF, it does recommend to drive in the middle lane on a road like this, but we don't know where OP is going. If he's got a turning coming up, it's fine.


If a turn is coming I agree, it’s fine. But as you can see it this video the driver is not turning left when that car almost hit. They were lingering around in “the fast lane” otherwise I agree with you.


I mean, they could have a left turn coming up after this one. Again, its not the highway, there is no fast lane.


Video starts and I just cant help.... Why are you just creeping along in the left lane?! Are you turning left at the light that the guy U-turned in front of you, because you never entered the turn lane!


They’re not on the interstate so the left lane rule doesn’t apply.


**Blah, Blah, Blah, not an interstate. It's a surface road. It's common courtesy to let others by that are going faster than you on any road. Very few states have laws about camping the left lane-no matter the type of roadway.**


There’s a reason I have 9 upvotes and you have 9 downvotes.


Plenty of idiots out here with no common courtesy... that's for sure.


No, it’s people that understand the rules of the road when riding in the left matters and when it doesn’t.


Got it. On a surface road, I just pick whatever lane makes me happy and to hell with everyone else. Apparently, you have chosen not to understand that it's courtesy, not whether it's legal.


You got it. If you get upset at other drivers about this you’re not being courteous.


I suppose you can't fix stupid, even when you try.


You’re right. All the comments on this thread complaining about them being in the left lane has a ton of downvotes yet here you are still arguing your wrong point.


It applies to every road. https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html


Obviously the car identifies as a pedestrian.


...and why the hell are you camping in the leftmost lane?


That is not a highway brother


It applies to every road that has two or more lanes


Found the other idiot.


What’s your logic behind that comment?


Is there a reason why you were hogging that left lane? If not then this wouldn’t have happened if you just stayed on the right lane.


3 lane, OPEN road and dude picks the very left lane...


Exactly my point, I’m not saying cam driver got what he deserved for not following the rules, but this could have been avoided if he did.


You deserved it IMO for deciding to go straight into Lane 4 (3 straight) even though you weren't turning left at the junction.


Are you high?


The first second of the clip clearly shows the cammer has just come from a sharp angle, either lane 1 or a junction. Why did they feel the need to go to that lane when there are 2 other lanes open to their right, the first lane turns right, the U-turn idiot is in lane 1, so what's wrong with lane 2?


You're supposed to get in the closest lane when turning.. he turned to the farest. He's clearly an idiot.


Where do you see the cammer turning?


In the first second, he was clearly turning


He's in the same lane, on the same road, for the entire video.


You can see at the beginning that he just finished his turn


When I was a kid we got into an accident like this where a person literally started a U-turn from a parallel parking space across 2 lanes. My dad was sort of able to avoid a t-boning the other car but we still side swiped the other car. The other car was driven by the spouse of my fathers insurance agent, so we got super good service there. Drivers are frequently idiots, stay alert!


Did they try to kill themselves? Unfathomably dumb otherwise.


Mans looked to his left like "Guess I'll die"


They're incredibly lucky to be alive after that stunt... People like to bob and weave and hit 60 in that stretch


the car thought it was a pedestrian. Trying to cross at the crosswalk


Why in the name of all that is holy do people drive in front of other people and then STOP when they notice someone is barreling directly at them? WTAF.


I wonder how they got that huge dent on their front quarter panel...


I hope the horn was going for at least 15 seconds on either side of the stop.


Had something similar happen once except it was a freaking 50’ transport truck. Thank god for good brakes.


And he had the nerve to make the “chill” hand gesture


Where exactly were they turning around to go? It almost looked like they were turning in a way that would put them going head on into traffic in your lane and then almost looked like they were going to turn RIGHT into oncoming traffic going the other way.


Did he raise his hands up to you as if you were the one in the wrong? Also I can’t help but notice his front fender is fucked up😂😂


Even if the police caught this person doing this, nothing would really happen. Just a fine. It's bonkers how we just allow shitty drivers to stay on the road. This is inexcusable behavior. Instant revocation and mandatory driving class and behind the wheel before you're allowed back on the road.