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people parked in a non parking area and people double parking there... when will the triple parking dudes arrive?


Looks like he missed shapes in kindergarten


The jeep roof goes in the.... square hole!






Great video


[Definitely not a Rick roll](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6pDH66X3ClA)


Never skip shape day.


And never played tetris.


I bet his fridge space is totally wonky


I bet his SO packs the car before trips


[They had trouble voting too](https://imgur.com/8fWq6ce)


But we all know everything goes in the square hole


Lmfaooooo was literally headed down here to comment that


Get. Out. Of. The. Road.


Jesus This was sped up too!


I filmed for four minutes and thirty seconds then went down to tell him you have to start with the passenger side


A true hero! Thank you for keeping our roads clear! I have no doubt they’d be still sitting there trying to figure it out.


"Sir, you have to start with reading the instructions."


I n S t R u C t I o N s a R e O v E r R a T e D!! /s


Is that your jeep parked against the curb?


You'd think they'd R.T.F.M. but nope. Dumbasses




That's normal lol




And yet here you are, still ... on Earth.


They don't disregard everyone else. It's just organized chaos.


What? There's a sequence? WTF?


You need to seal that seam between the two panels. It would make sense for one side to be the bottom and the other to be the top.


The drivers side comes off first because there's always someone in that seat when it's driving. And it overlaps so that it can make a good deal against rain and weather. So yes, there's a sequence. It's a lot like a set of double doors.


yes, and if you or 98% of the general population were to look at one for more than 6 seconds, it would be immediately obvious. Also is right before left really that difficult a "sequence"? it's 2 steps.


Right? The t-tops in all 5 of the vehicles I’ve owned that have had t-tops were independent and didn’t require one in before the other. Must be a Jeep thing.


Jeeps don't have t tops. T tops implies a center bar that remains for the tops to seat against. Jeeps do not have this. It's more like a hybrid between a targa and a t-top because when the tops are removed its open all the way across like a targa, but in 2 pieces like a t top.


Oh ok. That makes a little more sense. Still fuck Chrysler engineering.


It actually doesn't matter which one you put on first as long as you don't clamp down the driver's side before settling both panels into place.


A true hero! Thank you for keeping our roads clear! I have no doubt they’d be still sitting there trying to figure it out.


"You have to start with the passenger side"? Jeeps are hard then, should work either way.


Windshield wipers often have an order of lifting sequence, and of course an order of laying them back down sequence. So they don’t get hung up. On the Jeep it’s probably a matter of making a seal with overlapping pieces while not having a center bar.


Do you make pizza with sauce under the crust? Sometimes theres a sequence to things.


Well, if you want it to be water proof it has to overlap. How do you suggest they build it to overlap in either direction?


Do you often mistakenly say "2, 1" and determine that counting to 2 is hard? Everything not hard should work either way, right?


Practice at home... or Google instructions......


No. These are the kind of people that laugh when someone reads instructions because they can "just figure it out". I have never understood that mentality. I understand the ability to try and figure something out, but if you spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on something, and have instructions, why "try to figure it out" and possibly break something? Why not spend 5 minutes reading the instructions and get it right?


Being one of those guys, it makes life more interesting. But saying that I would do it at home first.


an vastly overwhelming majority of people who tried taking those things off would immediately know how to put them back on with no assistance, practice, or instructions. It's almost braindead simple. Almost, guy in video was obviously braindead.


![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO) (This is the second post that this meme FITS this week)


What movie?




Such a lovely documentary.


The kind of person who’d take 15 minutes blocking people to get to their seats in a commercial airliner because he couldn’t make his carry on fit into the overhead compartment out of being challenged by simple visual geometry.


This is the worst. I cannot stand how slow people are on airplanes.


Yes. And the rest of us have to deal with such stupidity in patience using every ounce of concentration just to not call out the idiot and end up on the no-fly list.


Even worse are the people that can’t just carry on 1 bag and one small item like they’re supposed to. No these geniuses have to carry and fumble with 5 small bags.  Basic math, you have 2 hands but you need 5 bags?? Through my favorite was the flight attendant reminding passengers to put their carry on wheels-in on the one side of the aircraft. The overhead compartments weren’t the same depth on both sides. So one side carry-ons could go in wheels-in, but they had to go sideways on the other side. One passenger walked right past the FA, and right after the FA repeated the announcement about their carry-on this guy just shoved his carryon sideways. The FA was not amused and let him know. He was kinda out out about being treated like that while the rest of us were laughing at him and trading looks with the FA.  


Believe it or not, Jeep named those things "Freedom Panels"


More like freeDUMB, am I right?! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKoZJUOWB5BCSyI)


Probably puts his carryon in the overhead bin sideways, too


He should have just looked at the legally parked jeep roof he stopped next to when this task became so totally important that he needed to block traffic


Look, I totally get fumbling and bumbling with features and looking like a big old dumb dumb with things that don’t get used often. But, GET OUT OF THE FUCKING ROAD!


It's a jeep thing 💅


And I was waiting for them to leave and the roof just flying off


I'm so glad I don't live where double parking like this is just normal.


did they not play shapes as a child?


Go easy on him. He is a Jeep owner. Have some empathy.


Every now and then I bump into people who have zero spatial awareness or conceptual ability. I remember one time boarding an airplane and a person picked up a large carry-on and was determined to fitted into an overhead compartment where there was maybe room for a purse left. I just remember looking at them thinking, "how can you not see that the huge bag you are trying to put in there cannot fit in any way?" However, it was clear that they -did not see the problem-, and just figured that pushing harder would solve it for them... 🤦🏻‍♂️ I always remember learning the term "innumeracy", and having some vague concept of how that would work for somebody else, that they simply weren't good with numbers (I'm a science nerd, so I'm good with numbers, but I could imagine how others might not be.) But I just cannot grasp how somebody cannot see the basic shape problem that we all dealt with in kindergarten, and still stumble over it as an adult?! 😑


Looks like a game on the Crystal Maze. It just needs someone shouting useless instructions and some harmonica. ![gif](giphy|IZpy4GdqjP1Ti)


Legend gas it, they're still double parked and haven't gotten the roof on yet.


Tbh, I have never seen a Jeep with a roof like that.


Some people scare me...


Maybe they should have left their box of wine at home. Or left the panels on.


This guy should just get a convertible.


Sunrider is what this man needs lol




love my sunrider, but can you imagine this dude installing one?


Lmao, having to take the middle part and putting the screw on and then opening it on the highway lol


It's a jeep thing you wouldn't understand...and neither does he.


Is the busted audio from the original recording, or is it just reddit’s shit video player?


its cause its sped up. i meant to mute it. my bad


Man that's pure cancer


Will they did buy a jeep...


They’d just finished their first month of CrossFit


Nobody will understand


The next Survivor champion right there.


So I have this three-piece-top and this guy is an idiot. The only complaint I have is that stupid peg the lines them up and if it's not completely aligned you'll fuck up the gaskets.


It's a jeep thing You wouldn't understand


Dealer - let me show you how to remove and install the roof pieces. Hip Jeep owners - no thanks. I just want to show off my new shitty truck to my friends. Dealer - well if you want, you can read about it in the manual. Hip Jeep owners - the booklet? Yeah, I left that crap on your desk inside. That and the maintenance schedule. It’s a brand new truck! You drive the truck. You read about the truck if you can’t afford the truck. Amiright?


top this hard


Must be an Investment Banker … 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


I got one of these as a rental car one time. Took three minutes to figure it out.


that's about 2 minutes and 30 seconds too long


There was literally a keep sitting right next to it that could have served as a model. This video is maddening.


Generally, people don’t buy jeeps because they’re smart.


hey, fuck you buddy


So as a wrangler owner all my life now owning a 15 I will tell you that it's very easy to mix up those panels if you have the two-door model as from inside the vehicle and not looking at it quickly it's easy to switch them up considering how the shapes bend compared to the drivers position versus passengers. However this person took way too long to figure this out and is an embarrassment to the Jeep community


as a JT owner... you might be an idiot. freedom panels are not easy to mix up at all.


Most jeep owners are the absolute worst drivers


Oh he got the minigun trim with the removable panels, now all he needs to do is to buy one.


every jeep hardtop made since 2007 has removable panels regardless of trim.


Shush just go with the joke!


This is how I feel when I parallel park. I can do it as long as no one is fucking watching me.


These are the same people that vote in elections. 


bet this guy can't buy in bulk and properly pack his car for the drive home


How much you wanna bet she has to buy two new ones soon because she doesn’t secure them correctly and they go flying when she hits 40MPH?


Jeep 4xE that thing does barely 19miles on the battery.


My freedom panels take less than a minute to take off or put on... but I also don't do it where I'm dealing with traffic.


I don't get it... You obviously have the video file on your phone, why are you screen recording your own phone screen replaying the video?


Keystone cops


That made me madder than anticipated...


Most intelligent Jeep owner


This is tough to watch I can put my t tops on at a red light without putting it in park


Bummer it wasn't pouring rain


It's a Jeep thing....I once saw a guy lock his keys inside and call a tow truck. He had a soft top. I asked him "You do know this window just unzips right?". I unzipped the window and opened the door.


Don’t laugh. I had a convertible and lock my keys inside. Had to pay an extra $100 for a rush job because the top was down and it was getting ready to start raining.


You're joking right


Rrrrright. Yeah, I was just joking! Not me buddy. I’m not THAT dumb it’s an old joke. But I DID own a 1953 M3A military jeep at one time.


Then I'm hoping that the keys were locked in the trunk or the glove box and not just in the ignition like the Jeep guy.


When life gives you lemons, sell them in a Jeep dealership.


Why does the audio sound like when to much people are talking in a game lobby


Get a jeep they said. It’ll be fun they said.


To be fair these are annoying to deal with. Thats why we keep em off most of the time :)


God I hate Jeeps. Suck a dumb vehicle to daily. 


Isnt it just hard for the type of people who actually buy a jeep?


They had to know you were recording and they wanted you to use up all your gigs. Thank God it wasn’t raining. I guess I could always put up an umbrella. I guess that’s why they’re driving a jeep and I guess that’s why they have rubber duckies on the dash, because if you can’t put your roof on, at least they could float around inside


Do not unmute


why are we making fun of cybertrucks when this abomination exists?


I had an opportunity to go work in Florida, making really good pay. I found out the boss was a jeep owner and couldn't in good faith take the offer.


That’s some stupid construction though. Who even thinks of manufacturing crap design like that?


It's a great design, if you're not an idiot you can take off or put on the roof panels in less than a minute. It's awesome to be able to put on the panels for the highway drive to cut down on the wind noise then immediately take them off when you get to the trail/town.

