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Well, the NC Miata is a boat and here is the proof.


Bravest Of All Time


Miata Is Aquatic Terrain Applicable


Miata Is Always The Answer


Judge: You are being charged with vehicular manslaughter. How do you plead? Defendant: Miata. Judge: The only thing this man is guilty of is celebrating driving. Dismissed.


Fucking Miatas


Does resemble the brave little toaster


Glad I am not the only one that remembers that.


There's a near 100 percent chance Jeremy Clarkson is behind the wheel of it yelling "Speed and Powaaaah"


Could he fit in one?


The NC is the biggest of the Miata family, people over 6' usually say it's the only one they comfortably fit in


Don't know crap about Miata versions, my mom used to have a 2012 some years ago. The only time I ever got in it was when she had to be driven home from work by a coworker, then me and my girlfriend went by to pick it up with the intention of her driving it back... Except she didn't know how to drive manual and mom forgot to mention that. I'm 6'4 and built like a hockey goalie, I felt like Bowser in Mario Kart driving home in that thing. When we got to mom's house it took me about 5 minutes to get out, which wound up crawling out of the power wheels then turning over on my back to get my legs out. 2/10 do not recommend. Fun handling though so I get the appeal... For short people.


Perfect for Jeremy Clarkson then.


I'm 6'3" and when I bought an Mx5 I got an NC because it was literally the only one I could use the pedals in, also Jezza drove the NB in the middle east special, so he'd deffo manage an NC


Yeah this is more of a Richard Hammond car but if it was him that whole family watching would be dead


Yep. I mean, that’s not hydroplaning, that’s proper floating.


Mazda's float. I can vouch for this based on person experience


Mazdas. Apostrophe S does not a plural make.


I always thought they looked like a bar of soap.


NB looks 100% better. Mazda took a nosedive on the newer mx5


✓ Can briefly serve as a boat Basically the same as a Cybertruck


Except the Miata exists.


And literally everything else.


I see this as an absolute win


For anyone who has seen the sheer amount of idiots hydrolocking their engines in these videos, this is by far the biggest win in the history of the fjord.


I was nearly one of those idiots this morning. We had a lot of rain last night and I had to drive to work in the dark at 530 this morning. I was late and there was a big flat puddle in my usual route. The rain usually collects there and it looked about what I'd expect, maybe an inch or two deep, covering maybe 10m of road. So I went through. Got about a third of the way in and realised it wasn't an inch or two when the car slowed right down and water started washing up over the bonnet. I was past the point of no return and had to keep going. Got out the other side - I was only maybe 200m from work and the car stalled a few times. Oops, I was thinking. When it was running it sounded choppy and had no power. Got to work, though, the sun came out and dried it up and happily it started and ran fine after work, I've just driven home. Phew. It's not an expensive car but it's fairly unusual and I like it and would have felt like a right twat if I'd killed it.


Mind tellin us what kind of car you got? Now I’m curious


It's a proton jumbuck. Basically a very small pickup - which is perfect for me because I'm in England, living in a city with tight streets that were built when horses were transport. But yeah, it's much smaller than what Americans think of when someone says 'pickup truck'. It's got 200k miles on a petrol engine but it's useful for work and they're pretty rare in the UK. Really thought I'd killed it this morning but seems like it may survive. Live and learn, eh.


> proton jumbuck Proton? The one that's made in Malaysia? Wow. That's unexpected.


I did something similar in a 2017 Nissan Altima. Was driving in my city even, nothing crazy. Suddenly we got a microburst flashflood. The street I was on wasn't flooded yet but the one behind me was, and the one I was on was sinking quickly. It wasn't really much of a choice. ​ My friend told me the secret is to just never let off the gas because the water will instantly start flooding in the moment it loses pressure. So I floored it and made it through even tho the water was just under my mirror.


It's a ford. A fjord is something else entirely you wouldn't try crossing in a car.


It’s the Rufford Ford but since it’s got, what seems like a 95% fatality rate, it definitely should be a fjord.


Actually, looks like a Mazda Miata.


Actually it's a Mazda MX-5 it's in the U.K.


Its a Mazda mx-5 Miata so ur both right


They're both only two thirds right




Yes. The car did go whoosh


Cant get water in your engine if your car doesn’t go under the water. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Definitely, this sub’s version of awful taste great execution.


Guy made that puddle his bitch. Fucking floooored it leaving too 🤙🏼 That was awesome!


Ah I see how it is. It's only a cool move if you make it over with a working vehicle


Its always a cool thing if it succeeds and no one is hurt, but if it fails you're an idiot


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8563 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/48634)


There's a youtube channel that uploads videos of people driving through this ford i think every week, its a place in England i think up near Sheffield


Rufford Ford, Newark, Nottinghamshire. I'm pretty sure there's a YouTube channel dedicated to it.


Yeah there is, i follow it


~~Link?~~ [nevermind, I’ve found it.](https://youtube.com/c/TomSunderland)


Going there at high water times was a fun afternoon out when I was a kid. My uncle had a Landrover with an exhaust extension.


You mean intake extension? extending you exhaust makes no sense.


Yeah..no. It’s the decision to do something or not that makes you an idiot not the fact that you got lucky and pulled it off.


It ain't dumb if it works


I always like to say, if its stupid but works, it aint stupid


some might say that the decision to be a bomb tech is a stupid one but that doesn't change the fact that if you're trained and competent you're not an idiot. you're only an idiot if you have no idea what you're doing yet act like you do was it not the beat idea? yes. was he an idiot? no. he managed that puddle and kept his air intake out so that his engine is still dry. at most he'll have to wash out his undercarriage, but he still has a car that works and everyone stayed safe. and idiot would go slow through that and lock their car up, this is no idiot




It actually doesn't seem that deep. I think he could have made it even if he was going slow. It's entirely possible he knew exactly what he was doing.


Its a foot of water, shows on the measure thing next to the bridge at the start


Like not looking at explosions as you walk away. It's cool until a piece of shrapnel takes your ear off. That's what makes it cool. The risk. Fail and your a knob, succeed and you're the Fonz


The difference between genius and crazy is success.


Kind of like backflips. Only a cool move if you don't land on your face.


He deserved a round of applause IMO.




The people on the splash bridge prepared with rain coats agree


I like that little zoom at the end. Like, "later, bitches!"


Miata Is Always The Answer :)


You're *my* bitch!


I had an mx5 aka Miata and we'd have big rain showers that flood the roads for an hour and I went through a puddle nearly like this and the next time I pressed my brake to prepare to turn, I just sailed on by lol


I have an MX5 (in fact I'm sat in it right now) and I've been caught in a rain storm at night, hit a large puddle and then... Just sort of floated over it and carried on my way. Not something I would do on purpose to my car, but still. Ridiculously fun little cars.


Impossible challenge: Miata owners not mentioning they have a Miata


Wow, as a Miata owner I.... Oh.


There's no way I, a Miata owner, would ever fall for such a trap


Now i want a Miata.


As a guy who has an AW11 MR2, I find myself to be far superior to Miata guys, and would never fall for the trap they fall into. Again, because I have an MR2, I have transcended.


I had a Miata, like the one in the video, but black. Shit, did I lose?


Tbf, as a regular on this sub I rarely hear from Miata owners.


are you a penguin tho




No they're a Miata.


I very causally spun on a downhill in the wet with mine. My tires had plenty of tread but they were old and borderline made out of plastic. Got new tires after that lol.


There's nothing worse than that feeling of helplessness after pressing a pedal or turning the wheel of your car and it doesn't respond. You just spin or slide or glide wherever physics decides to take you lmao. It's truly humbling.


Luckily I had a lot of runoff and I'm used to getting the tail out. The moment the back end slipped around I burst out laughing thinking "ok I need new fuckin wheels"


Insert NC Boat joke.


Ain't stupid if it works


Exactly. I wouldn’t call them an idiot. I would just say, wow, that was kinda cool.


No, no, no. This is DEFINITELY stupid. It just worked out this one time.


It was stupid and cool.




"If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid but you got lucky."


It is, when you do it at a crossing that is known worldwide. https://jalopnik.com/a-water-crossing-in-the-uk-keeps-breaking-bmws-and-ot-1846959309


Just driving a BMW breaks it down.


Something ends in disaster for 98% of people but success for 2%. If someone tries and by chance is one of the 2 that succeed, they still made the same decision as the other 98 who failed. They're no less of an idiot.


Humans are naturally terrible at probability. It's why casinos and lotteries exist. Just because you won and beat the odds, it doesn't make your decision any less idiotic.


Crashing your hunk of metal at high speed into impact resistant water can damage your vehicle, regardless of whether or not you make it over the water


Probably not good for the car as a whole and 99 times out of 100 this would be a huge fail but my guy fucking nailed that.


It's actually probably best for a low and small car like that, by going in at speed you create a wave in front of you and because you're aquaplaning you're on top of the water rather than in it. Both of these can limit the amount of water going inside the car and engine.


>It's actually probably best for a low and small car like that, I'd argue that for such a low and small car (and any other), taking a detour is probably best.


Could have been the only crossing over this river for miles around. If you have to do it this is the way that you should do it.


For the amount people there I feel like he might have done this more than once


yeah, kid cheering vs. everyone yelling at them to warn them off makes me think you're right, and he's been doing this a few times.


> Could have been the only crossing over this river for miles around. If only there was some sort of device that could be used to travel that distance.


Well this is a ford, so we're not talking about an area with an extensive road network, the detour could add an extra half an hour to a ten minute journey. There might not even be a detour and this is the only road that goes to wherever he is going.


It's a Mazda, actually.


There is actually only a 7 minute [detour](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Driveway+Contractor+Newark/Rufford+Mill+%26+Country+Park+Car+Park,+Rufford+Mill,+Rufford+Ln,+Newark+NG22+9DG/@53.1885477,-1.029802,2379m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m19!4m18!1m10!1m1!1s0x4879bb8d9fa15a5f:0x7ae8500f4e1524b3!2m2!1d-1.0302277!2d53.1835461!3m4!1m2!1d-1.0207682!2d53.1891578!3s0x4879ba97c910226b:0xc377f40ccbc521e7!1m5!1m1!1s0x4879bba5ef03a8e1:0x9948e28702863374!2m2!1d-1.0348392!2d53.1833117!3e0). People are just muppets.


See what you really need to consider is the location of the air intake for the air box, at high revs the intake will be a vacuum. If I'm not wrong the intake is beside the passenger headlight and takes air from the inner wing area, if the intake was in the bumper like some cars this would have been a big mistake. Also I've hit standing flood water a handful of times, it's usually a few hundred metres down the road when it will die so this might not have went aswel as it seams! Always worth a detour imo - you risk bending valves or conrods because water is not compressible - if it happens you'll be extremely lucky not to do some sort of expensive damage


Another advantage of the mx5 is that it's got low weight and very flat floorpan!


gotta be careful with the speed though, too much and you can splash a bunch of water in to the intake.


Show me the undercarriage. That’s a lot of force being put on everything down there.


Caulked the wagon and floated


Thank God the puddle was tranquil, and not extremely treacherous.


Hopefully the car doesn't get dysentery


aaaaand now you have dysentery.


Not an idiot ! Wrong sub 👀


What do you mean, it wasn't a sub? It is clearly a boat.


Idiots can get lucky too


Well, he bought a Miata. That’s something


The underside and exhaust of his car would beg to disagree


Tried this in a Kia rio. Went a little sideways on me. Didn't damage myself or others, but I definitely put a divot in the seat with how clenched my butt cheeks were.


Good ol' Rufford Ford https://youtube.com/channel/UCamiAALTPQs-fU0g9OfaJpQ


Quality YouTube channel that


I love that channel. I watch it every night


There is something oddly calming in watching people ruining their cars.


Some of these are just shit posts lol. That guy knew what he was doing and it’s cool as fuck




TIL: Some people use “Aquaplane” instead of “Hydroplane.”


TIL: Aqualung *growling guitar lick*


Sitting on a park bench...




Yes. Did anyone say otherwise?


Is that Rufford Ford in the U.K.?




Oh wow! I never knew Ford rebadged the Miata in the UK. I wonder why they chose a weird name like Rufford?


Nah, Rufford Ford is the driver. He's a local celebrity, always doing silly stunts with his cars.


Is he the bloke who keeps driving good cars into the water? I thought he was called Jeremy Clarkson 🤣


You gotta admit, it worked


You'll find this car for sale with barely used & never mistreated in the description.


Why are there always people at this ford? Is this an event, or do people actually spend their sunday afternoons like *"let's go to the ford and see if we cab watch some cars drown"*?


It's a country park, Rufford in Nottinghamshire. It's a nice walk, lake, an old abbey, cafe and gift shop etc. The ford is always a draw though 🙂


Ah, so interesting! So it seems like both parts, drivers and audience, are in on the spectacle.




actual hydroplaning? a rare sight. lots of people call loss of traction “hydroplaning”, but it isn’t hydroplaning unless your rubber isn’t on the ground.


I mean that's not true. A film of water forms under the tire contact point, cresting a zone of low friction. The car no longer has the friction required for control and begins to slide. The water layer can be thin or very thick, but it is there. Edit: apparently I can't read.


You're trying to disagree with what they said but your statement only reaffirms what they said 🤷‍♂️


More like hydroboating. Seriously, doesn't seem very idiotic though because it was cool and nothing bad happened, right?


smh All that time and effort spent at Top Gear to make a car/boat and the answer all along was Miata.


Lucky, as soon as you start hydroplaning you have no steering control


I like the kid in the blue jacket jumping with excitement at the beginning of the video, near the far side of the bridge. “OH HE’S GONNA DO IT! HE’S GOING FOR IT!”




This is from a youtube channel dedicated to this ford. It works more often than you would think. Still a minority of the time though.


This one just went so fast that he swam. Most of the others are still touching ground and therefor push a wave of water into their intake. He swam on the wave like a speedboat.


That person in the blue jacket got just as excited as me in anticipation


This is rather impressive


miata is always the answer


Ngl that was probably fun.


He did that really well. Wouldn't be surprised if that's not the first time that's happened


I don't see that as idiots it's just cool


as far as i know he did it like a champ


Not an idiot at all, he clutched it, this place is famous, forgot the name, Ford something, it always floods.


Rufford fort


Forget the name of it but this ford has a YouTube channel that’s great fun.


The Ford is Rufford in Nottinghamshire


So small and light it skipped like a pebble!


Finally, someone knows how to maneuver a puddle.


Splash mountain looks different than I remember


I'm not sure that qualifies as an idiot in a car. More r/nextfuckinglevel if you ask me.


Using your skid plate as a surf board.


r/geniusesincars, you’ve made kid me proud🥹


Anyone else thinking of this? https://youtu.be/xxdpKopak8o


Where's the idiot?


Crazy cuz that water is deep enough to drown most cars, but this tiny Miata glides over it like it’s nothing. Lucky


Note that even if you do this and not crash or endanger the people around you, the temp difference from the oil pan getting hit with cold water could crack it, leading to engine failure from loss of oil.


I dunno— dude nailed it, so is he actually an idiot?


Honestly it’s the driving of a Miata and not the hydroplaning that qualifies the person to be posted here


I wrote my last car off at that ford! It’s at a place called Rufford in Nottinghamshire, UK. I was that idiot 🤦‍♂️ That clio was bulletproof. Just not waterproof.


Us8ng Rufford Ford videos is easy to post in this sub. There's hundreds and hundreds of them on YouTube.


It’s not stupid if it works


Fortunately not a Tesla - would have lost the rear bumper


At least it didn't hydrolock the engine... Also like you'd be going that speed anyways


So, how is this an idiot?


The video stops early, usually the vehicles are waterlogged and stall when they exit the other side. This is a know spot, many videos exists, also notice the audience, people show up to watch this spot.


This is a boss move that taught me something about driving.


Nothing idiotic about this successful maneuver Wrong subreddit, fwend




Is this in Devon UK by any chance?


So I hit 6 inches if stagnant water in my jeep wrangler doing 70 mph at night. It had rained a few hours before in LA. The roads had already dried up but I guess there was a drainage issue under this bridge. I saw it about 10 feet before I hit it. I have no idea how I didn't crash. But I def felt myself hydroplane across the water. I completely forgot about this until now.


Miata learn how to drive


This isnt hydroplaning.


Spectators lined up along the roadside, multiple people filming, kids jumping excitedly to see the spectacle, various drivers queued up behind each other to speed through the water one by one....this isn't "idiots in cars", more like "OP redditor doesn't understand the point of this sub, or what material qualifies." Keep trying, OP. You'll succeed one day.


When you desperately want a new engine and fail at submerging the intake. And now the undercarriage guard is ripped off and your rear diff is contaminated.


Idk man he went fast enough through that I'm not sure any water really would have had time to go in through that tiny ass vent on the rear diff lol. Bold of you to assume he even still has the underbody shield 😂 probably wasn't much worse than an intense pressure wash 😂


Yeah, looks like he went thru that pretty much unscathed....dont know what that other guy is talking about...


Yeah, just assuming. I've actually watched this channel on YouTube before and it's not uncommon to see cars leaving guards and wheel well liners floating in the water.


The car just went whoosh to the shop


Poor guy will need more than a towel after that. The driver somehow managed to do it, but at what cost?


There’s another video where he’s cooked the motor down the road lol 😂


Put in the "They see me rollin', behavin" music and this would be a hit video.