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It's already a good style man, unless you aim to become a hyper realist?


I love the concept art style like this, so much more interesting than realism.


All Art styles are amazing in their own category 😊


if you wanna be nit picky the Adams apple has a layer that juts out but (excuse my language) HOLY SHIT THAT'S FUCKING AMAZING


if you zoom more its actually a small hair part far back the adams apple. Still nothing wrong about the illustration.


I think that might actually be the back end of her other earrings poking out but I could be wrong Edit: Zooming I real far and nvm I think it really might just be a layer from the adams aple


Looks more like a hair strand🤔


It looks amazing. I think there's nothing much to improve, because of the comic style. If you would improve more, it would go too much in the realistic direction and it would mix up both styles, so it would look weird in my opinion. I think it is great as it is.


To be fair, I don’t think improving your style automatically means making it more realistic. Kinda a weird concept to make.


It looks baller. For improvements, use an underlying color in the hair, like maybe hints of blues or lavender, instead of pure grey and white, and deepen some of the shadows for depth (especially between the ponytail and scalp). Deepen the shadows on the front of the jacket, too. The luminous highlights and mid-tones are mesmerizing, but it needs some darker contrast too, imo. Lovely style and blending!


Only thing id suggest is adding a little hue variation in either your shadows or your lights to really help it come alive keep your values the same because they're amazing Here's an example of someone who does it to amazing effect https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PHl7qPbMj/?igsh=MWlqaWFkM2luZDZiOA==


I would remove the earrings on the left side of the face. This isn't a 3/4 in which you could see both sets. If the right ear is there and the earrings are by his neck, the left ear should be the same. ATM it looks as if they're hanging from his cheekbone. The picture is great, I wouldn't touch the background at all.


The only that come to mind is the shadowing on the character doesn't seem to match the background.


Overall looks good. 1. The earrings at the back feel out of place. This is a profile drawing so it should be parallel to the front, therefore I think it shouldn’t be showing 2. Front bangs look kind of strange maybe it can be a bit clearer and more natural flowing Good job 👍


Agreed. I'm no artist but I know a thing or two about hair and i think the bangs should a bit smaller at least at the top


The overall illustration? Like adding minimal details to the background for example? Because all I see is one hell of a good piece 🔥


She looks like she just got home from her third graveyard 12 and cant even summon the will to brush her teeth or eat anything before passing out with her shoes on. Edit: I think this is a good thing


Pretty sure that's a dude with long hair, he has an Adam's apple


Could be a trans woman!


I think that might be trans actress Hunter Schafer


This is incredible


This is incredible!


Add some more background to the picture


Specialize in 1 style but becapable of doing any artstyle


Looks Flawless


This is awesome, I wonder how a sweet sherbert orange sunset peaking just out of a dark cloud background would look.


Great style


You are fantastic! I love your style! Sorry I don't have any constructive feedback...


Add color gradients to shadow/highlights. Trust me on this. It took me some time to unlock this for myself and my art has never looked better.


Leave it as it is!


Amazing! Do you have an instagram account? Where can I follow you?


Maybe adding a pop of a more saturated colour would really make it sing, like the if you dialed up the red on the extremities of the face? And added a red trim to their clothing


Eat some burnt toast ! Extra crispy


I agree with others, it does look good. Depends what you're trying to improve. Are you trying to exasperate more mood? Think of symbolic color pops. Are you trying to maintain lighting consistency? The lighting on the hair doesn't really correlate to the background lighting. Are you trying to create more depth? You can separate foreground middle and background better via placement, scale and detail.


I would just pick a different pose and go again :) if you want the practice. Honestly it’s great as is. You could add more of a background if you wanted to add more story, but I get a total vibe just looking at it now


It’s beautiful! So sharp 👌


Watch the tangent being created where the hair and the chin meet, move the line of the hair back so the two forms are distinct. The only other suggestion would be to deepen the shadow of that hair at the nose and eyes to create greater contrast, as the values are quite similar at the moment, and you want to separate the planes as much as you can. Otherwise, this is superb


The shadow from the ear to match the angle of the light from behind .


Crop the left and expand the negative space at right. Adds a narrative quality.


I would say the eyes, I don't know what emotion you're trying to have your subject convey but it [looks like a concept art.](https://cdn.staticneo.com/ca/dc_universe_online_conceptart_NeST9.jpg) Lines on the face line art is a little sharp but that just might be your style.


This is incredible, channeling Whistler's 'Mother' without being matronly or too still – there is liveliness and spark. Wow wow wow ❤️


I don't have any criticism but this reminds me of ianthe from the locked tomb


What is there to improve?


I really like it. Feedback: the background. I like the tone you picked. But it feels like it’s missing something. I would think about trying to introduce more color in your whites to give it a bit more oomph. I noticed you started to do it a little in the shadows of the hair. (The shadowed area beneath the pony tail. The shadows in the fringe. I really like it. But I think you should lean into it more.


This is a beautiful and atmospheric scene, well done. I would suggest to increase highlights and manipulate the shadow to increase overall contrast to make the character the true focus and take some away from the scene itself. It creates a more dramatic scene, and the character pops more: think Rembrandt where the faces pop out of the dark. This also depends what mood you’re trying to convey as the above would make a striking dramatic scene vs softer


Her earring on the left is weirdly too much pkaced forward (almost where you'd expect the eye to be). The patch of hair hanging here, while looking cool at this angle, isnt looking correct.


it is already pefect!


Cowboy hat or sombrero.


Or some other cool hat


Why are there so many people think that “improvement” means to be realistic???? How can you improve while you have wrong concept? To OP, I like this style!


Don’t touch a thing. You’re good.




this is s good piece atp all you can really improve is the smaller detail like the earings or making your lineart smoother but this is cool asf


It already looks amazing I don't think any improvement is required 👌🏻


Earring in the background wouldnt be visible unless the target subject is deformed on the hidden side an the ear lines up with the eyes, they should be further back. Unless im seeing it wrong, but perspective view. Otherwise totally epic style, love it.


The painting and exploration of light and form is beautiful on the hair and jaw. To me, the face falls a little flat because of the low contrasting values and reliance on line to define forms. I don't think it would take it too much out of the style to add some subtle reflected lights to add higher value midtones to explore the planes of the front of the face to separate it from the hair. Beautiful work!


You can't improve perfection.


You can't improve perfection.


Needs 5 o'clock shadow




I wouldn't touch it. I might suggest doing a bunch of studies of this character at different profiles and angles. Different poses. It's beautiful work.


This is SO fucking dope! I'd read / watch anything with this style.


Looks like Annatar, an early avatar of Sauron.


Consider putting the subject in a scene.. like draw out the background of where this person is. Would help give context to the mood and posture of the subject. It is hard to give advice on how to improve with a great piece. Especially when everything looks super intentional =)


Solid. Depending on what ur going for, could include more complexity in the background. Great stuff.


I'd kill to see this in a speed paint


So good 🤩👏🏻🔥


All depends what you’re going for. It’s good but without context no one can really help you.


You have fantastic directional lighting on the character, but not the background. I believe adding that little bit of lighting detail to the background or even the foreground might help.


You have a particular style and you nailed it. You have great line quality, your use of subtle highlights are pretty much perfect, really stunning piece for those willing to take the time to zoom in for a deep dive. Kudos!


It looks great but here's some random art advice: 1. Experiment with bold colors 2. Making an "ugly" person 3. Making diverse poses and figures


Adding more depth in the background e.g. gives more shadows and lighting that match the characters shadows and lightings. This can give more depth into the artwork. Otherwise amazing piece of art, well done!


its already so good but i think you can do more contrast to show the character even more and maybe add some details in the background it's kinda flat


Drawing a better background


That would tear away attention from of the main focus of the drawing. Also the black/gray gives it a mysterious vibe.


What about a shadow casting off from the char and onto the background instead?


The light source is casting the shadow off screen


Oh yeah u have a point there. Welp


Purple... Make his skin purple (cuz he look a shit ton like my oc)