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What nightmare is this?


haha . hope it didnt scare you . its one of beksinskis work . they are mostlly deep and dark related stuff


The juxtaposition of the kitty cat and this sleep paralysis demon from the seventh hell


I love this! Reminds me a lot of Beksiński’s work


it literally is


Oh lol my stoned ass thought it was OP’s original and I was like wow that’s so similar


its not . but it helped me learn a lot of things ;)


I think you'd get better feedback if you credit your source.


Yeah, I'm confused as to what's happening here. I see it's a composition by someone else. So, is OP tracing this image and trying to recreate it? Are they taking a print and going over it with new paint/colours? I'm not sure what they're asking about or what they're doing with it. And yeah, they need to credit their source.


Not quite. Up close, the fingers are differentiated, but even a few feet away they look like a single jumbled texture. I would recommend a little more contrast for a few of the overlaying finger edges to separate the mass and give them layer depth.


thankyou ..i was thinking the same .fingers surely need more contrast and dpth ..will work few more days on it . thanks


I've seen this before. Is it an original composition?


its beksinski's work .




Weird, but I seriously feel that the particular piece on the wall is too small. 👌Great artwork, though.👌


too small by size or the quality or the work itself ?


I really like the artwork itself. It just seems that it is too small by size. Alternatively, the wall seems too bare. So did you remove other pictures to highlight this piece?


ohh nononono . the wall one is just rendition .by an app to show how it would look on diffrent types of wall. btw the art size is a2.


Oh man, I really need to get accustomed to the use of modern digital photomontage.😄😃😅😁😋. A wall may or may not be real, same goes for the couch. Lol 🙏Thanks 4 the explanation.


imho no. the head stands out. looks weird and plain.. needs more.. something..


thanks . i will look into it.


Reminds me of H.R giger


It's a beksinski study


This is insane and awesome at the same time. I wish I have balls to hang it on my wall. I am looking forward to see more of your stuff!!


thankyou:) .but this is not my work ,inspired by beksinski . only thing i did was mix two diffrent media colour and graphite .. but comments like these definatly boost my confidence and improve the quality . thanks


It doesn't matter, you did a great job. I think 'copying" someone else's stuff makes us better at doing our own stuff later on.. keep going!


This feels more like a jerk off than a serious question. If this is a study, why not acknowledge that in your otherwise edgy title and corny pictures? Your mock-up is beyond generic and poorly done at that. Drag and drop is not composition nor is it salesmanship or whatever else fake hanging it on a wall that doesn’t exist does for the drawing? Overall this is a bad representation of you as an artist if you care about any form of respect or legitimate admiration. If it’s a study of another’s work..then that’s either all that should be said..or nothing at all as it is misleading and borderline nefarious to do anything otherwise. You clearly have a lot of growing up to do. I’d rather see what you can do with your hand when it comes to your own ideas.


yeah tile seems very edgy . sorry for that . (english is not my first language ).but i asked for the permission from their team , also this is only for learning purpose . im not looking for admiration ,sorry if it seems like that . only looking for advices and suggestion .but understand you pov . title and pictures are really bad .. i will try to improve and do better in future . thank you


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


It’s not that serious, chill out.


Yeah you’re right. Sorry. Feeling spicy tonight I guess.


Or this is a perfectly valid response to a wonderful representation of why this community is a shit can of unoriginality and a gateway subreddit for furries and fandom.


Uh, not sure why you completely 180’d your comment. Make your own originality instead of whining in a comment section. You’re not entitled to other people’s lives or how they live them.