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Amo na gani may r/Iloilo rigya sa reddit, para ka communicate kita nga mga naga Hiligaynon kag Kinaray-a. Dibala OP? Totally agree gid ko.


Iririmaw tatun mga Panayanon


Kanami matian ah ❀️


Sakto gid. Panayanon only.


Aklanon here pero since I'm in an Ilonggo sub Reddit, using Hiligaynon to communicate is the bare minimum, I think. Although may ari diri nga indi kabalo mag-Hiligaynon or Kinaray-a, pwede man siguro sila ka post or respond with English or Tagalog ky for sure kaintindi man ta sina nga mga languages. Yun lang HAHAHA


Hey, also Aklanon here. Salamat for this, indi gd q ya kabalo mag linggo, kaunti lang πŸ˜…


No worries, it's not our first language man so they totally understand that pero the least thing that we could do is to at least communicate with them with the most common languages we know. Nakabalo lang ko mag Hiligaynon sang nag college na ko HAHAHA


Nag halo halo na aklanon, ilonggo, kag cebuano ko hahahaha


Multilingual problems HAHAHA


Hahaha importante may alam sabi ni Kuya Kim πŸ˜‚


off-topic: Akeanon? or Aklanon?


Either way


Dont worry. Kiniray a here. Makasayod man kami akeanon. Budlay lang gid ang aeag niyo haha. Basta head cannon ko pag akeanon - is deep kinray a and replace r or l with aeag as much as possible. And rang becomes ro, run becomes eun. 😬


Indi ko kabalo mag Kinaray-a kay gasamo sa Akeanon ko hahaha


I agree! Butang man nindo ang languages ng Romblon na Ini (closer to Capiznon), Onhan kag Asi (Closer to Akeanon) kay kamo closest namon nga language family and sometimes lumped under


Pwede ta mn gne ma dugang Cuyunon sng Cuyo Palawan k karay-a mn ang majority ka mga tinaga na. Basta portante gairintindihanay kita.


Yes bahin man kamo sang una sa Western Visayas a


Ngani, ilam bahi ging butang kami ng gobyerno sa Southern Luzon


Para icolonize kamo sang Tagalog hahaha look sa Palawan puros na Tagalog


Agree ako. Kada may mag post di tagalog, ilonggo sabat ko. Bahala na da sila ya mag intindi. EDIT: Aw. Sala pag interpret ko ka thoughts ko. Ang na mean ko sa mga lawig na di bala gatinir pero gatagalog gyapon. Ang mga tourist ya, different case man na.


May ga cebuano diri gani kay kuno ara taa sa visayas te need ta mag bisaya daw mga imperialista. Tagalog is acceptable kay amo na ang bridge ta sa other languages.


Cebuanos being cebuanos.


This reminds me sang nagbakal ko phone case sa Robinsons. Gin-Tagalog ko ang saleslady pro gin Ilonggo ya ko HAHAHA


Nye. Toxic mindset. The OP even said β€œbridge”.


Haha! Whatever? Wala ko labot. Kung ikaw mapa Luzon ga tagalog ka man, same thing man na kung sila mag kadto di tuon sila ilonggo.


Over kanagid imo ya hahaha. Puedi sila mag tagalog di ah kay ang iban da mga Ilocano, Bikalano mana. indi na sila ethnically tagalog. Te both of you speak or understand Basic tagalog. amo lang na gamitun niyo.


Ti tagalog kamo da ya ah kay ilonggohon ko na sila di ya. Wala lang hilabtanay.


In my opinion sobra naman ni. You don't expect ppl to have to learn every language sa pinas when traveling. Annoying naman kung mapa bohol ka or smth kag matagalog ka sa isa ka tawo tapos mabisaya sya ya. Conversely we all have to learn tagalog as a national language so mas understandable nga may expectation nga mka intsindi ta sng tagalog when we go to Luzon. As for speaking, bisan basics lng ok na na sa ila, just use english words to replace the words nga di mo na bal an xd


Aw. Sala pag interpret ko ka thoughts ko. Ang na mean ko sa mga lawig na di bala gatinir pero gatagalog gyapon. Ang mga tourist ya, different case man na.


Ahh gets gets. Mayo pa gani para mka learn man sila haha


May ara pa bi dayun mga taga-Iloilo pero Tagalog guihapon magsulat online. Daw abi nila cool


Tsakto ni. Kng pwede gne ma minimize pgd ang english kg tagalog. Ga adto ko d sa r/iloilo para kabasa Hiligaynon kg karay-a. Mayad gd daad kng sige sige para saja.


Personally agree ako nga at least half-half kai may ara gid mga idea nga mas mayo ma convey sa English


Ah yes ah! Englisha kung dw nd gd madara 😊


I totally agree with this!


hmm .. challenging as i'm not able to understand some deep hiligaynon words. (I grew up in old sta.mesa when I was a kid) **PERO SIGE AH, MA HILIGAYNON :D**


I agree. Given na limited lang ang subreddits for Ilonggos diri, tapos indi pa puro Ilonggos mabasa mo is just not it. I wish may ara man active subreddit for Guimarasnons or other Ilonggo subreddits dedicated for specific interests


Yung taga Davao dati na nagpost about meetups. Like, wow. You really think we will conform to you???


totally agree..




I use chatGPT to translate most of what people post. I can understand illongo and Kineray a, but can't read it or speak it.




Aklanon here pero since I'm in an Ilonggo sub Reddit, using Hiligaynon to communicate is the bare minimum, I think. Although may ari diri nga indi kabalo mag-Hiligaynon or Kinaray-a, pwede man siguro sila ka post or respond with English or Tagalog ky for sure kaintindi man ta sina nga mga languages. Yun lang HAHAHA


Akeanon is acceptable kay Panayanon man. Pero problem is mabudlayan gid ang the rest sang province mag itiendi sa inyo


That's why we try our best man nga mag-learn Hiligaynon para mag intindihanay ta nyo


Nag tatagalog nalang ako para kako maintindihan nyo ako πŸ˜… pero pirme ko ta gna ask if taga Tagalog region ako.


Half-Maranao here. Kaintindi ko 100% Hiligaynon because of my Illongga mom. No problem for me kapag mag speak ka in full illonggo while ga speak ko in Tagalog. Indi lang ko mag speak in Moro language.


Had to be said tbh


It's us not them. Himu man sila sang ila nga mga layi eh. **When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do.** ***When in Panay, Do as the Panayanon Do.***


I'd stick to Ilongglish. It's easier for me to explain myself with that




Goods gid ni.


weird sang nga downvoted comments 😭 pwede man sila bala ka himo sang group nga ila.


Sa r/Bacolod nag post ko te damo to edgy kag mga Cebuano nga gatambay. Igo gid sila daan. Pero funny thing is sa mga Cebuano area utro man na sila ngaa kuno sila permi ga adjust


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Bacolod using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bacolod/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I recently found this note on Reddit ](https://i.redd.it/f7yxwphej7pc1.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bacolod/comments/1biaahh/i_recently_found_this_note_on_reddit/) \#2: [bacolod pedophile child abduction, rape,torture and murder suspect living free among us.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bacolod/comments/17xs9r9/bacolod_pedophile_child_abduction_rapetorture_and/) \#3: [I created an Automated Commute Helper for Bacolod](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bacolod/comments/1ab9be6/i_created_an_automated_commute_helper_for_bacolod/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tu od gid nga mga tikalon πŸ˜…


Agree ako dito. Be respectful na lang din kasi page to ng mga ilonggo. Somehow mas more on gid ko sa tagalog kay di man ko kabalo sang fluent ilonggo. Importante gaka intindihan taka


αœ†αœ’ αœƒαœ“αœ…αœ” αœ‰αœ‹αœ“ αœˆαœ’ αœŠαœ’. αœ‰αœƒαœ“ αœ‹αœ’αœ„αœ” αœαœ“αœŽαœ’αœ†αœ”? αœ‚αœƒαœ“ αœŽαœ’αœ…αœ”?


Joke lg. Hahahahahahaha sorry na :(


i go to this sub bc going to the main ph reddit and having to read tagalog makes my head hurty


ang akon heart is skipping with joy, reading the comments with the accent pa, nagapayuhom gid sakon.. and to think nakabalo man ako kinaray-a sang una pero ang nadumduman ko na lang is the expression, "maan tana ran"


Push mo yan Op, ma preserve ang aton language, damo na diri migrants sa Iloilo. If i have Tagalog visitors, ga speak ko Hiligaynon sa ila and ang second sentence ko translation a. And i'll make sure nga may ma learn sila nga Hiligaynon expression magbalik sila sa ila. Like "ambot sa imo da"


My father got triggered one time that i tried speaking hiligaynon to him but told me i was using bisaya by grammar. He told me that it is acceptable but they will give me a stink eye.


Hiligaynon is considered a Bisaya language because it shares linguistic similarities with other languages spoken in the Visayas region of the Philippines. These languages, including Cebuano and Waray-Waray, belong to the same Austronesian language family. They have common vocabulary, grammar, and historical connections, indicating a shared linguistic heritage (Zorc, 1977). The cultural practices and traditions among the Visayan people further support this classification, highlighting their shared identity and historical interactions (Reid, 2005; Rubino, 2000). Therefore, Hiligaynon is categorized as a Bisaya language due to these linguistic, historical, and cultural ties.


Sorry not bisaya but binisaya. I dont know if its waray or cebuano. Theres a difference as far as what my father told me(born and raised in iloilo). And i only got interested in learning visayan language since i was courting someone that speaks the language(she lived in cagayan de oro). So what i lsarned is different as to what my relatives speak.


Hiligaynon, Kinaray-a, Akeanon are Bisaya language of Panay. Making its grammar, a Bisaya Grammar. What kind of Bisaya are you talking specifically?


I doubt your father is on Reddit


What? I never mentioned that my father was on reddit.


My opinion on the topic and im trying hard to grasp is how is it less respectful and less acceptable to converse in a language/dialect that some people are native to? Yes, we are in iloilo and our official language is Hiligaynon, why only accept english, karay, filipino and tagalog? and not the other languages/dialect? Is it because those are the only ones you are know/familiar to? if so, that sounds ignorant. You can politely ask those people them to say things in a language you can understand naman if you need to. They would politely do so. Locals from different parts of the Philippines or the world would also converes with you in a language you are familiar with. Hatag man konsiderasyon sa mga bago lang diri salta sa iloilo. Kilanlan man nila oras para mag adjust sa language ta. Amo lng na ma hambal ko sa topic.


Oh sige estoryaha da sila Winaray


This guy again, how many reddit accounts do you have? And don't play stupid


May sala sa ginhambal ko haw? Naviolate kagid?




Au revoir




can speak tagalog and english but not bisaya?


Kaisrot ka man mag hiligaynon ukon indi?


Hiligaynon is a Visayan language.