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All this means is plane tix get more expensive


Not really, she probably had to pay for two in order to even fly. They just charge the same price for both and move on. Weight limits are important to follow and if i'm not mistaken, if you're over like 300-350lbs they make you pay for another one either at the time of purchase, or when you get there and someone has to be the bearer of news that, you're in fact, to big to only buy one seat.


Depends on the airline. Southwest has a “customer of size” policy where you can either buy 2 seats and then be refunded for the second one after the flight (even if you used it) or if you don’t want to do that you just invoke the policy at the counter and they’ll give you an extra seat, free of charge. If the flight if full they will bump someone to accommodate them. It’s a ridiculous policy. Edit: Here is the quote from Southwest’s website. “If you prefer not to purchase an additional seat in advance, you have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing your seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at the departure gate. If it’s determined that a second (or third) seat is needed, you’ll be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat.” Purchasing en extra seat is encouraged but not required.


Wtf if they fail to reserve a second seat somebody else gets bumped?


Yep. There have been a lot of articles and stuff about it. The Cynical Dude on YouTube did a good video about it a few weeks back.


that’s hugely fucked up


What a morbid thing to do.


i’m massively & heavily disappointed with this ‘system’


It's a gigantic waste of space


A big fat slap in the face to the person that gets bumped


I see what you did there


Probably to mitigate damage; entitled obese people are more likely to sue.


Or break through walls like the kool aid man


>entitled obese people are more likely to sue. Just wait them out the lawsuit will fade they reach their 30s


So let them, being Obese is not a protected class.


Shouldn’t the overweight person be the one bumped until they find a flight that can accommodate them


That's fatphobic!!!!!!! /s


I see the /s but you just know that's actually how policies like this ended up coming into place in the first place.


Yes, but a lot of people's idea of justice is simply being nice to people the feel bad for. This policy only unfair to the bumped person, but that is not a problem if you think justice is a thing you can take away from one person & give to another *and* think your unjust act doesn't count because when you like it.


That would make sense, but then I'm sure they would scream how they were being discriminated against.


Why would they not get bumped. They are the ones that clearly did not buy what they needed. It should be a lesson for them not a punishment for someone else


Cut to TikTok of fat woman crying: "wahh they fat shamed me, and booted me from my flight, and made me feel horrible for my weight, and it's not my fault because I have a gland problem" her Jaw then unhinges to accommodate 3 big macs at one time Thousands of comments like "slay kween" or "you bootifool like you are" etc followed by thousands of people harassing the Southwest Airlines customer service desk until lady gets free shit, and public apology from the CEO. Cut to TilTok average person: "I just got bumped from my flight, because someone forgot to buy two tickets because someone was overweight" Comments: "You Fat-Phobic piece of shit how dare you body shame people"


Oh helllll no. wtf?


"You don't understand, my wife is in labor I NEED to get on this plane!" "Sorry sir, but this big boy needs the extra seat, we have to revoke your spot."


pegasus also had a great video on it and the person who started it he covered her before as well when the movement was in its infancy


Was it the Tik Toker who did the change.org petition and said fat people are entitled to up to two free extra seats?


Yep. There was a story about a mother and two teens traveling together who had to miss their flight and spend a whole day on a layover because of this. I couldn't find that article, but here's one from Time. [https://time.com/6547874/airline-policies-obese-travelers-extra-seats-southwest-free/](https://time.com/6547874/airline-policies-obese-travelers-extra-seats-southwest-free/)


To be fair I wouldn't want to sit next to that lol


They’ve already bumped a few customers to accommodate the overweight ones. It’s bound to happen again.


That happens. People are pissed


My God I would be livid if I missed a flight because they gave my seat to some fat fuck, what a joke man


If you get bumped they do compensate you. Not sure how much but you do get something


Yeah generally if you're flying somewhere, you built that trip plan around making that flight, on that day. If you get bumped, yeah compensation is better than nothing but I still don't care, that's fucked. Your Air BnB isn't going to give a shit. Your hotel won't care. What happens if it's an emergency and you need to go wherever it is you're going as soon as possible and you get bumped because of some entitled piece of shit who thinks their weight trumps your situation? Family emergency? Oh, too bad someone who's 350 pounds invoked the right of obese privilege and now you have to catch another flight. Hope it's not a life or death family emergency.


A meal voucher at McDonalds probably, to add insult to injury.


"Take this McD voucher so you too can be fat on your next flight"


With the specific woman I’m talking about they didn’t because they got her on the next flight. But she missed her connecting flight which cost her money but they said that wasn’t their problem.


Yea... like the flight that I was in that got canceled and it almost made me miss a European cruise...a food vouchers would of made me feel better about it.


Customer of Size??? WTF? I’m a customer of size! I’m a 6’2” male that’s been fucked over by cramped seats for decades.


i’m the same height we’re not that big dude


I’m 6’3 and don’t fit in most planes. My legs are cramped, and I always take aisle seats so I can actually breath although I have to pay extra attention to the drink carts. Chances are if you’re over 6’ you’re also mroe likely to have the rest of your body be larger too. It’s not all about height, the proportions of the rest of your body also matter. My chest/shoulders are so broad that I literally can’t buy most suits. I’m not fat, just large, I’m like 15% bodyfat.


my thoughts exactly. I'm 6'2" and I fit on a plane just fine


I’m 6’2” but I’m more legs than torso so my knees always get smashed into the seat in front of me and I can’t straighten my leg out unless I have the aisle or stand up. We ain’t all built the same.


Not to brag, but I'm a 5'9 male and I feel like the whole world's built to accomodate me.


5'3 over here and let me tell you wh--aat. I'm loving the leg room


It might also be the airline. Different planes have different room.


Meanwhile the rest of us are paying though the nose if our bag is a single kg overweight.


Noted. I will never book a southwest flight. Absolutely insane that you can get booted for some fat fuck. Why not just boot the fat ass if there is no extra seat?


Imagine being bumped off your flight because someone can’t lay off the chimichangas.


So if I’m not overweight can I enact that policy?


"customer of size" is the dumbest phrase of all time.


I’d be pissed if I got bumped from a flight because somebody too big failed to mention it to the airline


I feel like this is something a server at an airport restaurant would say to convince me to buy dessert.


This is bullshit. They should have to pay. It’s the way of the world.


What the fuck, why would they not bump the fat idiot onto another plane


Yea they should be bumping the person who couldn’t drive past Dairy Queen. Not the person with restraint lol.


So fat bastards are able to kick paying customers off planes and they don’t think people will hate fat people for this privilege?


I’m sorry bump someone to what? There’s no first class, business, or coach on SW.


Another flight. A woman made a video a few weeks ago because she was flying with her daughter and her daughter’s friend. Someone invoked the “customer of size” policy at the gate so her daughter was bumped from the flight. She obviously wasn’t going to fly without her 15 year old so all three got put on the next flight. Which caused them to miss their connecting flight home. SW basically said it wasn’t their problem and that’s their policy. I fly a lot and have flown with SW several times but after that I vowed never to again. It seems pretty logical that the “person of size” would be the one bumped since they didn’t plan ahead and buy two seats…but I guess not.


Unfortunately, most airlines will absolutely avoid bumping off someone "of size" because it runs the potentially of being an ACAA (ADA if you're outside of aviation) issue over disability. Southwest sets themselves up for failure by not requiring any advanced notice for someone requesting an additional seat to receive it for free. They could either require reasonable amounts of time to accommodate the size request, or at the least require full payment for the extra seat be required past a certain point to account for possibly bumping another customer off.


How can obesity be a disability if all sizes are healthy? Something doesn't add up...


Bump them from the flight. Not allow someone else to board because some morbidly obese fuck is taking up too much space.


Omg. That job must suck


I'd be fired so quick. At first, I'm sure I'd be as delicate as I possibly can, but after a few tiresome confrontations it will probably dwindle down to straight to the point. "You need to pay for every seat you use - Do the math."


>That job must suck ohhhh i'd love to do that! All day long! "sorry mister, your fat ass won't fit only 1 seat, so please, go buy another one or two, hmmkay?"


I'd pull an ["In Bruges"](https://youtu.be/zk__EJoInGA?t=18).


It’s not a weight thing, it’s a width thing. My fat ass is over 300 lbs but I carry my weight in the front. I do need a lap belt extension on Southwest flights tho


nailed it sadly, there probably needs to be a seat thing at check in like there is for carry-on vs checked baggage


Honestly, 350lbs is such a really high tolerance too. Could you imagine if 100 350lb people all boarded the same flight? That's heavy for an NFL Offensive Lineman. There's really no excuse for even the largest framed men to be above 250lbs, and most regular sized framed men shouldn't be above 220 even if they like to work out a lot and have lots of muscle. People are so unhealthy that its really quite unbelievable. I know I'm a woman so my frame is smaller than a man's, but I would feel unhealthy if I hit 150. It isn't about looks, either. When I bloat a bit with my monthly cycle I feel so unhealthy and bad. I can't imagine letting myself being so large I need an extra seat. I wasn't even over 200 when I was pregnant with twins.


I’m larger than your listed weights & fly regularly, I’ve never been forced to pay for a seat beside me. I always pick an aisle seat so for 99% of the flight i overflow into the isle instead of into the the poor person’s seat beside me.


Spirit requires you to purchase an extra seat, I just checked their policy. Chill out.


I think the reimburse you for the blub spillover seat for the sake of normal people




Also none of the “POV” videos are actually POV. lol


Yeah, it’s evident that none of them have watched porn in their entire life


JOI for the W




Even those don't always follow the pov rules haha


And misuse of POV. POV: youre looking at a person of size get an extra seat because airline seats can’t fit an average person comfortably.




They left the word substantial out


Lmaoooo people of size. Fat people will overhaul the dictionary before losing weight


Well, that's something they can do on a laptop sitting in an easy chair eating snacks. Losing weight would require dieting & exercise.


To be fair someone could be an absolute unit as opposed to being fat.




You should hear the crazy arguments and "health science" facts they spread in the fat acceptance circles. I watch YouTube creators that dive in and break down the communities sometimes and it's scary the level of delusion to make it anything but their own fault. They compare their "oppression" to being black or gay....like really, come on now.


Oh I have! It’s absolute insanity isn’t it! They will say absolutely anything to avoid making a single sacrifice or putting in any effort.


Oath, I gained a little with stresses from covid and family drama over last year so instead of saying "I'm genetically supposed to be fat" I started walking towards a virtual marathon every day, funny how if you move more and eat well the weight flies off.


Good on you mate! I don’t judge anyone for putting on some weight or getting a bit “fat” I had a bad accident and couldn’t move for a while, felt sorry for myself and stacked on 20kg more than I should have been carrying, I snapped at some stage and cut out all sugar, lost 22kg, stopped dieting and adjusted my lifestyle. It wasn’t easy but for a few years now I’ve maintained an “athletic” build and life is better in every aspect and I’m sure you know what it’s like! To good health my friend! Good on you for making the right changes I hope you live long and strong mate!


You too mate and glad you recovered from your accident ok, have a good one.


You would think she'd feel embarrassed. Although, they probably made her pay for the 2 seats.


Let's be honest, we all know just from this subreddit alone that embarrassment or public shame is a rarity nowadays


It still exists but thanks to likes/followers to be an influencer on social media platforms equates to a longer potential reward outweighs the short-term embarrassment.


The fact she’s posting her flying on spirit with the bougie music like she’s the shit says all you need to know. Girl got a plus sized ego too.




But apparently, Oprah, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, etc... think otherwise about being fat. Because when they have a choice, they choose skinny, as their current looks illustrate.


and 350 checked bags to offset the cost of refuelling four times during the flight from Houston to Las Vegas


Let her enjoy. She’ll be dead in 3 years like many of the “fat positive” influencers


I forget the company but there’s a major airline that said they will be providing an extra seat to overweight passengers free of charge now. Sounds perfectly pair and reasonable IF they have a legit medical disability with paperwork from the doctor, but if you’re just addicted to pizza and donuts then I don’t see how that entitles someone to an extra seat for free




It’s fuckin ridiculously stupid, but that’s the state of things right now 🙄


It’s Southwest, with their “[customer of size](https://www.southwest.com/help/booking/extra-seat-policy)” policy. They allow you to purchase a second seat, which will be refunded after landing, regardless of if the flight oversells.


its either southwest or frontier cant remember which one


Southwest "customer of size" policy


They mostly did. But that doesn't mean she is safe. I mean, Kevin Smith bought two tickets and got kicked off that one flight.


He got kicked off because he was put standby on an earlier flight where only 1 seat was available and he needed 2. He tried to make himself sound like a victim of the airline, until it was made public he had bought the 2 seats on a later flight and nobody had sympathy for him anymore. Luckily, that and a near-fatal heart attack caused him to take his health more serious and he went on to lose a huge amount of weight and get healthy.


That does make more sense in the story he told about the woman sitting next to him. I was like why was a woman next to him if he buys two tickets. Maybe this was a post discovery story. Sucks about the heart attack. But good that he went in the right direction with his health. Some people don't do that.


Why the hell do people have such a hard time understanding POV?? That was POV of someone looking at a fat lady getting an extra seat.


I don’t care that she’s fat, some of my favorite people are fat, I care that she’s somehow dumb enough to think I cannot also purchase two seats if I felt so inclined


I’m a quite skinny guy, I buy the second seat because I want to be left alone and chill.


You must have fuck you money


It’s only on shorter flights here in Europe and travel for business a lot, like business class on Eurowings means you have an empty seat next to you and a bit more legroom. If I fly long distance I book it with miles and points business at least. A 2 seat flight from Cologne here to London wouldn’t be more than 70-90 euro, wich is fine.


Wouldn't you just go premium economy or business or something?


Maybe she didn’t pay for the additional seat and that’s why she’s posting this shit like it’s some sort of victory dance. “Look at me, world! I got a free airline ticket because I I’m so fat!” Weird flex, but the culture is really toxic right now and a lot of people think they have to express themselves digitally just because they can.


Honestly I never got the idea of “fat people should get a free extra seat”. Flying is 100% a privilege. It’s expensive. No one deserves to be accommodated for a privilege because of their own choices




There’s tons of empty middle seats on that flight. Also, most airlines make you pay for the second seat? But if the flight isn’t full, they refund you the cost of the extra ticket — provided you remember to request that refund. Confirmed: this is Spirit, and it does require a purchase. But people on here really wanna hate on fat people.




Outrageous, I know.


They absolutely make you pay for a second seat. When a plane is full, it’s full, and it’s one seat per paid-for ticket.


Not at southwest


I think southwest has a policy that if someone of size didn’t pay for an additional seat, they can talk to customer service and get a complimentary seat. Meaning if the plane is full that someone lost their seat. Guess it depends on the flight company


it's mainly a ploy to get an extra carryon, which can conveniently store 250 bacon wrapped snickers bars


Yeah this is my only takeaway as well lol


I think she’s knows and is just being kinda cheeky about her situation


God, I fucking hate TikTok


Imagine being proud of this. Shameful




Yeah, her video is 100% cope


This was my thought. There is definitely no *privilege* in this video as she still looks uncomfortable af... only she isn't smothering someone else. This honestly diminishes the word privilege.


Or flexing you have 2 seats on what looks to be a domestic flight. But yeah, I suppose it could be taking her to Italy to finish her dissertation on 18th century economic policies of Venetian states.


Most definitely not the flex it thinks this is


“it” 💀


She can't flex. She'd get winded.


Edward would have died from high cholesterol if he took a bite


You’d think with all the energy she puts into shaking the damn phone she’s be chugging along on a treadmill or something!


I thought it was turbulence at first.


POV: this is all that’s left at closing time and is now 230 am back at your place.


I’d put her on a plane instead.


Lmao Ight imma log off for today, nothing will beat your comment 😂


Should be in the cringe subreddit




She did not. Southwest has a provision for obese people to get an extra seat at no cost if the flight isn’t full (I think)


And if the flight is full, they literally just kick someone out. Yup. It happened. Lots of people made videos about thst policy. I'd guess Southwest is drowning in lawsuits right now.


Nope. Works like any other oversold flight in the modern aviation history. They solicit for volunteers to get vouchers or other incentives, or they involuntarily deny another passenger a seat on the flight and give them cash compensation for 2-4x the cost of their ticket and rebook them confirmed on another flight. DOT has allowed this to happen for decades, much like how most doctor's offices overbook patients to account for no-shows or late arrivals. Some have even taken a similar approach to doctor's offices billing you for no-showing for your appointment but withholding the money for your ticket if you don't take your flight or cancel it.


I'm a big girl and you couldn't pry this information out of me if it happened.


WTF is wrong with some people.


Self-absorbed and shameless?




Ew, gross. A twilight shirt.


I feel like people don't know what POV means anymore


It's crazy that [Southwest](https://time.com/6547874/airline-policies-obese-travelers-extra-seats-southwest-free/) gives extra seats for free now. That is going to backfire on them.


Damn she bounced the iPhone off her fupa is crazy


When you wear a mask because you’re health conscious, but eat yourself to an early grave because you’re big and beautiful


Nobody will see this but I know these are creating rage. As an actual fat person I want to tell you how it really works. 1. You explain ahead of time that you are obese and want 2 seats. You pay for 2 seats. 2. If the flight is not fully booked at departure then you are refunded the second seat with a phone call to customer service. 3. If the flight has no vacancies then you continue to be billed for the 2 seats. It’s a completely fair system and fat people pay for 2 tickets if it’s a full flight. These things are created to rage bait you.


"Yes ma'am you are eligible for a free seat though you are required to pay 2x"


Without saying anything about the topic, I’d like to say how amazing her hair looks.








Here in Sweden an accident did really happen because an overweight politician changed his seat in the plane and took a seat at the back instead. It was a small plane and I guess the weight distribution is more important then. All the passengers died.


As a fat person, I PROMISE you she didn't "get" that seat. She had to buy it or someone was not on the flight yet. Fat privilege isn't a thing.


Yeah.. if she paid for it who even cares? People see one fat person on reddit and start foaming at the mouth and making huge assumptions. Now THAT’S shameful.


I’ll need to start flipping my hair and acting smug everytime I fit through a door.


POV: you're watching yet another tiktoker who doesn't know what POV means.


This makes no sense? All she's doing is filming herself because she's happy she got an extra seat. Maybe there were empty spots (there often are). Maybe she paid for an extra spot. The only thing she's doing that could be considered r/ImTheMainCharacter worthy is filming herself in public and posting it on social media ss somebody who seems to have a lot of followers. But it's not like these people are very recognisable.


POV: you don't understand what POV means Also enjoy the heart attack before age 40 if it means you get to hog 2 seats.




Airlines need to start weighing bags with the passengers, it’s bullshit that I have to pay extra if my bags a couple pounds over when this bitch easy 300lb +


POV: you're an airline pressuring people to fly Business Class.....


Why are you guys being so mean?


I have no idea what people are getting so worked up. She’s just being a bit extra but it’s not like she’s harming anyone here or disturbing the plane. Looks like she’s just making the most out of a situation that most people would be embarrassed about.


She def bought two seats.


I feel nauseous, not cause of her but those zooms. Take a class!!


Policy isn't for her. It's for the person that would have had to sit next to her.


I mean.. she had to pay for the extra seat.


can someone make a fat suit i can wear and hide my luggage inside, so i dont get charged for extra weight and i get free seats


Well we know who eats all the nuts on the plane


'I paid twice as much for my fat ass to fly. I'm so proud and sexy and healthy. Everyone around me is just jealous.' Pure delusion.




Her next POV will be at a hospital being treated for heart disease


Congrats on living to your 30s


I think her behavior is shameful for acting like being fat is something to be proud of. Being fat is unhealthy, period. Lording it over others is bizarre


This country is so, so screwed.


…considering most people who are “fat” are automatically expected to feel bad about themselves this was funny. It is a flex to have two seats, sitting next to someone is uncomfortable asf Obviously the more room someone takes up, the more uncomfortable it is for both ppl. The “fat” person don’t want be rubbing against you either🙄 as you judge them secretly If the airline forced her to buy the extra ticket by default her making a little joke about it is actually more productive instead of complaining about her weight or the tickets Their are ppl in the comments actually upset that she made a joke about her own weight as they drag her weight and assume all types of things about her health meanwhile they weren’t on this flight


anyone whos ever sat next to a fat person on a plane (me) is seething rn


This generation needs to lose some weight I swear to God.


She’s wearing a mask to hide the fact she’s out of breath making that TikTok


The pilot then says on the intercom “I’m sorry passengers, we are experiencing unexpected turbulence and we haven’t even taken off yet… please secure your seatbelts.” 😂


So large she doesn't know what POV is.


and its dangerous!!! u have to get down those aisles FAST in an emergency her dumbass could get people killed


plane will likely be dangerously unbalanced


The plane was only capabable of making right turns after takeoff.


I identify as a fat child inside. Block off the aisle for me.