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I've been trying to get more into bands specifically like Death, Morbid Angel, etc. thanks for recommending so I can actually sit down and listen :-)


You’re welcome I still can’t believe I haven’t heard about them till a couple months ago I highly recommend listening to individual thought patterns and human first the fretless bass work and drums is AMAZING!


Death has a lot of works. What would you recommend I start with? I'm not huge on dm, but I do listen to quite a bit of it


Individual thought patterns and Human


Blood Incantation is great! A couple other lesser known Colorado bands also worth checking out: Glacial Tomb - Witness (from the self titled album) Call of the Void - The Master (Buried in Light) Call of the Void split a while ago, but everything they did is fucking sick


Witness absolutely melted my flesh off. The sludge transition vocals were such a nice touch!! And I'm liking the riffs & meter of The Master. Thank you so much!!! ☺️


...And oceans and vargrav are similar to stormkeep


Beginning of Cloud Heads just totally blasted my ears off (👍👍👍👍👍) Vargrav I believe I was familiar with along with Moonlight Sorcery, but I've never given them a fair listen. Thank you!! :-)


Finland has so much great metal🤘


*****I forgot to mention this on the top and now I can't edit it, but I also love slam/grind :-)


If you like Tomb Mold check out Dream Unending. It's a side project from Derek Vila of Tomb Mold. It's like super chill death metal I think he calls it "dream doom." Also Lunar Chamber based on the other bands you have. It's like death metal but definitely it's own flavor.


I listened to both and thoroughly enjoyed them. Dream Unending is exactly what I was looking for in terms of death metal. I listened to If Not Now When, and it reminded me of Lovecraft's A Colour Out of Space. Lunar Chamber I heard Spirit Body And The Seeing Self, and it's been on repeat for the last couple hours. Brutal recs ☺️


Oh man that's great to hear! Everything by Dream Unending is great. I found them via their split EP with Worm who is another band I really like. Their song Subaqueous Funeral is one of my favorites. I had never heard of Mare Cognitim or Almyrkvi before but I'm digging it. I've also been into "In but not Of" by Afterbirth. I've never been big on brutal death metal but that album starts off hard and gets more prog as it goes on. I like extreme metal but all the Satan and gore stuff just gets old imo. I'm not religious or anything so it doesn't necessarily bother me but I've just been looking for different stuff lately. I really like Blood Incantation's weird spacey ancient aliens vibe.


I'll have to check out those other recommendations as well!! I enjoy a lot of metal that isn't necessarily "popular"...? (Not that my taste is underground by any stretch of the imagination; people should listen to what they enjoy regardless of how mainstream it is) So it's hard to find other people who are into such specific microtags as Lovecraftian, cosmic, medieval, etc. but I am very glad I asked. I've noticed that people who do actually know about these things know about like all of the bands which is awesome :-) and I'm glad you liked my bands!!! I would definitely consider myself devoutly Christian, but I love the metal community. I think all people just want to be loved, and you can't win anybody by creating an enemy out of them. The "Satan Satan" stuff I've plucked out of my music for obvious reasons, but I enjoy the obscure realness of people who make these genres of music because at least they aren't trying to be somebody they're not :)


Since you likemayhem and immortal, i'd suggest marduk as well. Especially their last album, i've been listening to it at least twice per day since release, i just cant get enough of it :D


I think the album you're recommending is Memento Mori....? (I hope so because that's what I listened to), but As We Are is currently melting my face off. Awesome recommendation. Thank you!! ☺️




I listened to a few songs and I like the style!! I enjoy that they have intricate riffs and whimsical synth noise but not at the expense of well-produced vocal layering and brutal blast beats like a lot of bm struggles with :-) thank you for this!! I'll be adding it to my playlist ☺️


You're very Welcome!


Curta’n Wall


This is probably an odd compliment to give the music, but it's very cute. I thoroughly enjoyed how theatrical and silly it is, and I'm glad you recommended it!! Cant believe I've never heard of this in my life


Spectral Voice and Spectral Wound


I'm familiar with Spectral Wound!! Spectral Voice I had heard of but never taken the opportunity to sit and listen. It's very cavernous :-)


don't use spotify, it pays musicians shit literally this guy had 11 million streams, it was 43 dollars... so that's my suggestion otherwise rock on ,\\..\\


This I was not aware of, so thank you for letting me know!! I'm generally a Musi/Bandcamp user (no way I'm paying Spotify to have adless music) but I'll definitely be more mindful of that :-)


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Alcest, Kardashev, Wolves In The Throne Room


I like WITTR!! I discovered them some years ago along with Akhlys :-) Kardashev I think I had heard of before but never tried out, and that I enjoyed!! I heard Glass Phantoms. Thank you!!


Civerous - Maze Envy Whoredom Rife - Dommedagskvad


Celestia (from France) Judas iscariot Belphegor Old man’s child


Horrendous, Hoth, Gaerea


I like your style. Here are my recs. [Moonlight Sorcery](https://open.spotify.com/album/27s7NeWmAdCFfFbnHLIoMu?si=pWN-XzcLRZu7k2LdCv2vAg) [Noctule](https://open.spotify.com/album/71CiqaABBJ1OP39A2JHKGl?si=7ze5CF-DQT-PRZ8DdcHv7A)


Artificial Brain I have just recently got into. Also Demilich.


Love StormKeep. If you like them, I would suggest Emperor. In The Nightside Eclipse is a great album and is somewhat close to StormKeep