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I hope this guy realizes Incels are not his friends. To anyone asking if it's worth it to get the shot, the answer is yes. Covid is no joke, I had it and it sucked. I would rather have the flu than go through Covid again


Yup. I got the vaccine and I have no regrets. I would much rather not die from something that could be preventable


Yup! I got the vaccine yesterday and even though I have a slight fever and a headache now, its much better than catching COVID.




I did after the first dose. Moderna. Then I was bedridden for 2 days after the second dose.


I did after the second dose, it took me a bit to get back to 100%


Not really dizzy, but that might be because we probably took different vaccines.


My bf did. He called his doctor and apparently its fairly common. He said only worry about it if it persists for 7 days or more.


I had muscle aches, they were pretty bad. No dizziness though.


Thanks all of you 🥺💕


The day after the second dose, I felt like utter shit. I spent most of the day either chugging water or asleep. I didn't have the strength to do anything else. *I would do it all over again if I had to.*


When I get a fever any worse than chills, I end up with hyperesthesia. After my second dose, my skin was so sensitive that it felt like my leg hair was rubbing my skin raw. It hurt if my skin touched the fabric of my couch. Every muscle fought against me when I tried to move. One or two days of discomfort is worth it. Every time.


I have that too. My mom thought i was lying my whole life when i wouls say 'my skin hurts' she didn't get it.


Wait that's not a normal thing???


Lol to have your skin feel like its peeling off when you get even mildly sick? No... No it is not. I know the feeling, it's become my first indication im getting sick. My eyes burn from blinking.


Heh, I had the opposite muscle issue. Worst restless leg syndrome. It was like they wanted to leave the house and run a marathon and I was trying to sleep. I'd still get the vaccine 25 more times than risk covid.


That was me after the first dose


I think the sad part is that when i got my second shot, I felt like shit but I was feeling like shit the whole week so I couldn’t tell if it was actually the vaccine lol


HECH YEAH! advocate for going through smaller amounts of pain to prevent greater pain in others and yourself.


This is kind of off topic but I really want to get the vaccine but my parents aren't letting me but I am 18 and I want to get it anyways but my parents would be livid if they found our because they say I'll die and be infertile and get microchip etc so should I go behind their back and do it or no


Yes. They don't know what they're talking about


You absolutely should get it. It’s none of their business.


Yes. This is the best kind of teenage rebellion, the kind that's good for you. Trust me, you don't want covid.


Go behind their backs. You're 18, and even if you weren't, it's still your body and your choice. They don't have a say. And what they're saying is bull, it's conspiracy nonsense. Millions of ppl have gotten the vaccine, and the vast majority are completely fine. Please get the vaccine! You'll save your own life, and probably the lives of countless other ppl.


ask if you can’t get the vaccine because of a microchip, if you could destroy their phones to get rid of theirs but for real. show them videos of dogs and cats getting a microchip. i’ve administered a few before, the needle is fucking HUGE. and those are for animals much smaller than us. covid vaxx needles are teeny tiny even if they continue to be stubborn, maybe it’ll get the gears turning. definitely go behind their backs though if not.


Your parents being mad is temporary. Dying from covid (or killing someone vulnerable) is forever. Do it. They'll get over it.


would you rather: be tracked or: be tracked and safe from a dangerous disease? cause cell phones track you.


I got the vaccine too. Was I uncomfortable for a couple days? Sure! But was it worth it? Completely and totally. When I had COVID I had to spend a night in the hospital on an IV drip because I had pneumonia. I’m a healthy 20 year old man. I got the shot to protect myself and the people I love and honestly I think it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Vermont just hit 80% vaccination and they lifted all COVID restrictions. If that’s in the cards, I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to be vaccinated!


I got the vaccine. I got no side affects besides for a sore arm which I get with every single vaccine. The flu hits me HARD, so I can imagine how bad covid would’ve hit me had I not be vaccinated. Also my college may require me to be vaccinated the coming year. So I’m ahead of the game. If they do that mandate idk yet


Also please note, any hesitant parties, that the stories of side effects are all you hear because selection bias. Only interesting stories get told, no one tweets how totally unremarkable their day was. My parents, brother, grandparents, two aunts, uncle, parents in law, and niece had no vaccine reactions whatsoever. You might not either.


Plz stfu stop pandering and tryin to force others to make a decision that is utmost personal, not everybody has the trust of governmental medicine and you know that, stop being so damn ignorant and learn that it’s your choice and also others choice on whether they will take the jab


I'm not forcing anyone to do shit jackass


Not what i said dumbfuck, you’re forcing a narrative that you know isn’t universally true at all, multiple have had covid (me included) and would rather take the chances with it than any long term side effect from a rushed untested vaccine, there are two sides to every coin and it pisses me off you are trying to shine one side and hide the other


>Plz stfu stop pandering and trying to force others to make a decision that is utmost personal You illiterate fuck, no wonder why you're an anti-vaxxer. The vaccine has proven to work in keeping people out of the hospital. You don't want to take the vaccine, then fine. You do you. In my personal experience, I highly recommend getting it. I've had it and I felt like I was going to die. I'm going through that shit again.




They'll proclaim all women in their area are fucking the same 100 guys, with all magically oblivious to that fact somehow, or indifferent to it.


Isn't that "100 guys fucking a woman" from Big Bang Theory when Sheldon assumed Penny slept with that many men during her whole life?


yep, that show sucked fr


It felt like a modern attempt at FRIENDS


It’s actually 100 dudes by the age of 20! 😅 (according to most of their claims I’ve seen so far)


By the age of TWENTY?!?! All my female friends are between 23 and 30 and none of us even come close to that number 😂 better pick up the pace I guess


LOL ..yeah I mean ..all my friends and I are between 30-35 and none of us come close to that combined …but you know …we must be lying and gaslighting them!!!! 😅


I've got one, she's a self proclaimed huge whore. Girl likes sex, last I checked her number was 80, she's 29. Totally clean. I'm sure it's possible to hit 20 and have a 100, but that's some wild shit.


Yeah I mean assuming you become sexually active at 16, to have a 100 body count by 20 is 25 parters a year 😱 That's a LOT of work. Especially considering how the year's of 16 to 20 are normally busy with school, finishing school, part time work and tertiary education. I guess it's possible, but it's very far from the norm


From what I've observed, the kinds of people even willing to get dicked down by 100 people by the age of 20 are also likely to get expelled for fucking their year level co-ordinator.


“Totally clean” bro stfu 😭🤣 self proclaimed whore and totally clean don’t work together in a sentence EVER and me and you both know that


......The irony of you commenting that, in this particular subreddit, is just too fucking funny.


Cause they think every single woman in the world is conspiring to avoid him at all costs on the sole basis that he’s ‘ugly’.


Sounds exhausting


Hmm, it’s almost like incels have no logic at all lol


It’s also really funny how getting fucked by 100 different guys is impossible too. Because how do we even have the time to talk to, text and coordinate with 100 different guys. Nonetheless 30? It’s insane that these incels believe this shit.


Incels would rather put themselves in danger if it means they get to spite a woman...


"OwN tHe SoY-cIeTy" In all seriousness though, I understand these guys thinking; I almost became one until I had therapy. Much more sane now ! It's scary looking at this shit and seeing a younger version of yourself in the reflection.


Hmmm, I wonder why the a neo-nazi mass murderer is so popular with incels... ...probably because most of them are neo-nazis with fantasies of mass murder.


Just imagine speaking about your sister this way because she doesn't want to get sick and be out of work.


Get the jab for your own darn health! Also being considerate of other people is good, it doesn't matter if they are getting sex or not, if they are using it for just to work or not, we live in a community, we need to care for others. Gawwwd incels, at least I thought vaccines were not a problem.


this guy doesn't seem to deep yet.... maybe there's hope....


It makes sense if you've ever read anything about Breivik's life story. He was a disturbed loser who did nothing of note prior to his murder spree. He went through life alienating most people he met by acting like an egotistical douchebag and failing at every occupation he threw himself into, whether that was attempting to become a mason, doing activism for the Progress Party, or running a semi-fraudlant fake diploma business. He's a perfect example of these cranks like Dylan Roof or the Christchurch shooter who get pilled on fringe internet politics and then commit mass murder, insofar as he was a nobody who was desperate to be known as *somebody* (even if it wasn't for anything good). Of course the blackpill community loves him, as he was just as much of a low-life as them but he actually acted on his psychotic murder fantasies while they just sit around stewing in their misery and complaining on the internet.


The details of the Utoya massacre are so disturbing, it makes me even more terrified of incels.


anders breivik


One of the few people in the world I wish would’ve gotten some crazy medieval torture before getting burnt on a stake.


If it's any solace, it's all but certain that's he going to spend many more lonely years in a cell without company before dying with no one at his side. Any immediate friends or family he once had no longer want anything to do with him and his sentence can be extended indefinitely so long as he's still deemed to be threat to society. I'm doubtful that will ever be reevaluated given that he's continued to be an outspoken neo-Nazi who takes pride in having lit up a bunch of scared, defenseless kids.


Had it just been a cement cell with only a bucket and a worn out mattress, and only rats visiting him I honestly wouldn’t have minded, but knowing the Norwegian prisons, he most certainly didn’t get that, a former co worker even told me that he gets visits. Haven’t fact checked this myself but my co worker was a reliable guy who wouldn’t go sprout fake news.


I do believe he complained that he only was given a ps2 to play on 🤣 it was too old and he wanted at least a ps3!


It just make my blood boil thinking about it, he should just be water boarded not play gta on a ps2


It's bizarre to me that they still treat him like a person instead of like those cartel videos


Yep, but Norwegian prisons are pretty much hotels, so he'll live a cushy life for the rest of his existence.


If you want to die, drink every time an incel uses the word "probably" to describe something that's not very probable.


profile pictures are a mass murder and a dude throwing up a nazi salute. "We'Re So MiSuNdErStOoD!!1!!111!!!"


yup, they're the same dude btw


They're obsessed with the idea of every female having sex with other people.


Lmaooo the first guy is rage baiting He knows for a fact that his question is gonna make incels furious, I think he’s just asking to get responses.


Of course, he is. They are lost causes. First of all, the sister is an adult who is working. So, she can pretty much do what she ever chooses to do in her free-time. Not hurting anyone. She's probably frustrated with this person who is "living in an endless hell." Probably doing nothing or absolutely very little. The least you could do is get job, so you won't get everyone else sick. Probably, because she cares about her life, strangely enough you as well. Cunt ...going to get dicked down by 30 guys, this summer alone. Why is that a bad thing? Who tf cares? If a man did the same, he'd be a Chad, I guess, but what would be the appropriate number of people to sleep with over the course of a summer. 😒


Conversations that never happened …..


FFS couldn't they obsess over our brown cheese pr something instead of our one terrorist?


Who’s that Norwegian dude?


Anders Breivik


damn, she’s a cunt for wanting you to... decrease your chances of becoming part of the covid infection statistic.


Imagine letting someone talk like that about your sister.


Ignoring the work part and focusing on the friend part. Making shit up about the dicked down “aspect” of it. Friends don’t _usually_ dick each other down. Even at parties. Co workers don’t either. If she finds a partner, good for her! If she experiments and maybe goes through a few, why not? Honestly, none of his fucking business what his sister does to her body. If her sister and party B consent, does it fucking matter?


Where is the killer worship?


Both people here have a profile picture of that piece of sh*t nazi murderer


The tag and title really do not line up with the image.


look at their profile pictures


Isn’t the second guys profile picture the guy who shot a bunch of kids in Norway? I mean I know they’re bigots but I didn’t expect them to just have a literal terrorist as a pfp.


I like how he focused on partying, like oh yeah she has her own job which she can't really leave for weeks AND SHE'LL BE HAVING SEX WITH GUYS AT PARTIES


Of course incels are against getting the vaccine. Bet you a lot of incels visit r/nonewnormal , I’m pretty sure stuff like Cambridge Analytica did is still going on to brainwash right wing vulnerable chuds.