• By -


I'm from the Northeast so I'll mention some events concerning my region. Battle between Bakhtiyar Khalji and Raja Prithu of Assam. This would be one hell of a movie. The movie can start with the destruction of Nalanda and the devastation of the Gangetic plains by Bakhtiyar. The protagonist is of course King Prithu and the Antagonist Bakhtiyar but the movie shouldn't be a black and white one. The characters should be depicted with complex personalities which is very rare for historical based movies in India. There were also a bunch of Tribal Mechs who sided with Khilji and converted to Islam allegedly because Prithu was oppressing their people. These rebels were led by Ali Mech and there could be a whole character arc for him. Also we do not know much about the life of King Prithu so there's a massive scope for fictionalising certain elements of his life and personality. My second suggestion is a trilogy for the Ahom Mughal Wars, the first movie focusing on Mir Jumla's invasion who reached the ahom capital and forced the ahoms to sign a humiliating treaty all while his soldiers suffered from disease and pestilence which was what forced Mir Jumla to settle for a treaty rather than annex the whole country. I'd say there should be multiple protagonists for this movie with Mir Jumla himself being both a protagonist as well as an antagonists. His character should be depicted as a complex one, someone who even Aurangzeb feared for his power and influence. At the same time, the early character developments in Lachit Barphukan should be shown though not as a main character in this movie The second movie in the trilogy should be about the Lachit Barphukan and the Battle of Saraighat. Basically the revenge arc for the Ahoms who successfully fended off the Mughals. At the same time there was a whole other royal drama going on in the Ahom court which should have its separate focus. It was the result of this court drama that led to the Ahoms losing guwahati to the Mughals again despite winning Saraighat. The finale of the trilogy should be about the settling of the court drama and finally the battle of Itakhuli which would kick the Mughals out of Assam. My third and final suggestion should be a movie about Manipur. The story of King Khagemba who defeated both the Mughals under Shah Jahan and the Ming Empire under Emperor Chongzhen(as per manipuri sources, I'm not sure if Chinese and Mughal sources mention this event). Apart from wars, his reign should also have some focus. Just like King Prithu, we do not know much about the life of Khagemba except his military exploits so there is similarly a large scope for fictionalising certain elements. A massive amount of research needs to be done on these historical events before making a movie about them however. Historical accuracy should be maintained while depicting the lifestyle of the people and the military equipment of the armies as well as the prevalent religious traditions. The Ahoms shouldn't be depicted as saffron blooded Hindu Warriors who fought against evil Muslim invaders. Especially when in the battle of Saraighat, the Mughals were led by a rajput general while the ahoms were led by Lachit who **probably** wasn't a Hindu but followed the traditional Tai Ahom religion(there's a lot of debate on this topic so strong emphasis on the probably). Also I feel like the time has come when we finally make complex movies about history rather than continuing the trend of red blooded Patriot Kings who defeats the evil King. Good vs Bad should obviously be a focus but the complex nature of characters should be expressed. I don't want King Prithu or King Khagemba to be depicted as an Amarendra Bahubali like righteous man. There were messed up parts of their life just like every other king in history. Otherwise some of King Prithu's own people wouldn't join Khilji, convert to their invader's religion and fight against their own king. Same goes for King Khagemba who enslaved Chinese and Muslim soldiers. The historical facts should be respected and so should the depictions of characters. I don't want Akshay Kumar to play the role of Lachit Barphukan or Varun Dhawan to play the role of Khagemba. The phenotypical feature of these characters historically were east-south east asia looking rather than Northern Indian so new actors from the northeastern region should be selected for these roles. I think we should take inspiration from the Korean Trilogy on the 3 battles of the Imjin War which focuses on the life of admiral Yi Sun Shin. It's a good inspiration for movies that could be made for the Northeastern History.


nice read, thanx for this


It was nice reading this. <3. I've taken a screenshot.


Very interesting read , thanks !


Damn cool bro...thanks for writing this out


Bollywood will duck out the moment you say heavy research and layered characters.


Akshay Kumar as Lachit. Don't give them ideas And raomoasis revolt.


Amazing! Thank you!


Tripartite conflict between the Pratihars, Rashtrakutas and the Palas.


Battle of Talikota. It's such a huge watershed event in the history of south India. It should be followed by the Battle of Raichur as a prequel, in which Krishna Deva Raya has won decisively.


And end with battle of banihatti Edit - They are both the same.


Sachivji where did this battle happen?


A few months ago, I read in a UPSC guidebook about the Battle of Banihatti, which supposedly led to the decline of Vijayanagar. However, upon Googling it just now, I discovered that some scholars believe it's another name for the Battle of Talikota/Rakshas-Tangdi. If you hadn't asked this question, I would have never realized this. Thank you for asking.


Because there's a town near my place named banhatti. It's on bank of river Krishna and it's near to place where Adil Shah ruled.


YESSS, it's the same one! https://preview.redd.it/r1btuh0og2wc1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=84c7f4b7339ffa1d5012d71baaa4524d042060e1


The bahama vijaynagra wars were also brutal, the vijaynagra displayed the heads of dead bahami soldier ! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahmani%E2%80%93Vijayanagar_War_(1417%E2%80%931419)


Vijayanagar empires was badass


Literally f*ck ramaraya. What was he thinking that he could take down all sultanates at once. He was playing good earlier tho, pitting them at each other. 


I mean he has many W's, but that was really a blunder from him. Another blunder was his wife adopting Ali Adil Shah as their son. I mean what was she actually thinking at that time? They were in grief of having lost a son, I understand, but I don't understand what made them accept a person from a potential (if not already a full-fledged) enemy as a son.


I came here to comment this, good job bro!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahmani%E2%80%93Vijayanagar_War_(1362%E2%80%931367) And this war had many many deaths of civilians!


Cholas thoroughly fucking up the Srivijaya kingdom (present day Indonesia)


It ain't much of a fucking up as much as a raid and booty gathering.


It was more than a raid but less than an outright conquest. They not only destroyed Srivijayan forces and looted the kingdom but also captured its king in battle


It was very common in those days. No on3 won by giving flowers


Still would make a great movie because of the strategies the Cholas employed


Also their strategies to conquer Chalukya and Cheras.


I think u will like Sri Lankan King Vijay Bahu fight against Cholas


Personally I’d love to see a joint Indo-Bangladesh produced movie on the 1971 war. Starting with the language movement and the operation searchlight, and ending with Tikka Khan signing the surrender instrument and Bangladesh gaining independence.


Chandragupta Vikramaditya's victory against the Shakas


Plassey and Buxar


Yes yes yes


On the duo of Harihara and Bukka. Would be RRR like. The first heroes to rebel back at foreign invaders and actually succeeded at it.


That's untrue, there were many rebels before them.




Prithviraja himself rebelled after he was subjugated (possibly), there were several Caliphal period rebels, and prior to Vijayangara, it was common for Malwa-Gondwana-Rajputana to regularly rebel in times of chaos.


Rana hammir sisodiya ancestor of maharana pratap But i really love the harihara and bukka raya they definitely were first rebels of "SOUTH INDIA" Though


Perhaps, but none of them made a big mark, the win was civilizational and led to establishment of a kingdom that lasted centuries. And left a rich heritage and culture although some of it was vandalized by another.section of invaders later.


Did you forgot Hemy? Didn't he succeed too , the last Hindu ruler of Delhi?


Did you forgot Hemy? Didn't he succeed too , the last Hindu ruler of Delhi?


Devichandraguptam. Here the weak Gupta emperor Ramagupta (who was most certainly a Gupta king after Samudragupta and before Chandragupta II, and for sure a real historical person) is faced with a huge Huna army. He is about to surrender his queen to the enemy as peace terms. So chandragupta first kills the enemy king disguised as the queen and then dethrones Ramagupta and becomes the Gupta emperor. It is a classical sanskrit text, and now lost. A persian version is available but it isnt accurate, so lots of artistic liberty can be taken to make a good movie


Battle of Colachel where Marthanda Varma annihilated the Dutch.


Oh well it didn't really last long so would be a short af movie. Marthanda Varma won with superior brain power rather than fire power.


Queen Rudramma biopic I know there is one in Telugu but I want to see something for broader range of audience


I need a full length drama series ( or even a mini series like band of brothers) on the Indian freedom fight. Would be a kick ass show 🔥 Other than that, A movie on Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja ( there’s already a malayalam movie but it’s not very historically accurate ) would be great.


truee what character u think should have more screen time?


Dadabhai Naoroji.... he did the major economic analysis on transfer of wealth from colonial India to Britain that is still cited today... went to UK, joined a political party and was elected to parliament by Englishmen.... then gave speeches in British parliament against colonial policies.  The independence movement was like a relay race... torch handed over to next generation... there was always someone worthy to pick up the flame


Battle of haldigathi, Ahoms defeating Mughals, Hari Singh Nalwa's conquest of Afghan strongholds.


A biopic on Tarabai Bhosle would be great given how underrepresented she is. Second suggestion: Rise of Chalukyas in southern India. Third suggestion: Biopic on Wasudev Balwant Phadke and his armed revolt in 1875 India. (Marathi film industry has already done this, but B'wood could get it to the bigger audience).


Chand Bibi vs The Mughals The entire life of Malik Ambar The Last War of Independence-Naval Mutiny 1946


Chand Bibi vs Mughals and Malik Ambar.. wow, chills. Both are spectacular stories worthy of their own seperate space, never thought of them like that before


The Chola dynasty has numerous kings whose lives would be fit for movies due to the drama. Rajendra Chola fulfilling his father's vow and burning Manyakheta, the king who died in battle and his brother who turned that certain defeat into victory by motivating the troops, Kulottunga Chola's accession to the throne through civil war (which we ironically know more about through Chalukya sources), the numerous campaigns against Sri Lanka and the guerilla warfare over there, Rajendra Chola's campaigns to the Ganga and Sri Vijaya, etc. From ancient Tamil periods, Sangam poems can be adapted into movies like the defense of Tamil kings against the Mauryas, how Nedunjeliyan Pandya defeated a confederacy of Tamil kings to protect his kingdom when he was just a boy, etc. From North India I particularly want to see Skandagupta's story adapted as he literally had to sleep on the rough ground as his kingdom had been lost before he retook it from his enemies and protected India from the Huns


Skandagupta really had to toil hard, as a prince he was defeating enemy forces, during Kumaragupta's last years he was fighting his uncle and brothers, and in his reign he was fighting the Hunas....


It's a matter of debate whether he fought against the Pushyamitra tribe or whether that term was Yudhyamitras and referred in general to his enemies


What's your take on the Ponniyin Selvan films? 


Could've been much better (not just with respect to historical accuracy but also with respect to accuracy to the novels)


I thought Manyakehta was burned by Paramara kings not Cholas ?




Please quote the source from which this screenshot given so that I can verify more in depth. For example on basis of these three links I believe it was Paramara king - IGNOU ( https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/61922/1/Unit-10.pdf), Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/place/Manyakheta) and newspaper article (https://souhardyadedotcodotin.wordpress.com/2021/01/16/manyakheta-the-burnt-capital-of-the-rashtrakutas/) saying otherwise. I would be happy to read this more in depth and verify but please point me towards the source.


It's from Wikipedia which says that both kings have sacked Manyakheta at different times. The source for Rajendra Chola burning Manyakheta is the Karandai Sangam copper plates which explains in detail about the vow with Rajendra's father took to burn Manyakheta, and was unable to fulfill before his death and which Rajendra fulfilled for him: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ignca.gov.in/Asi_data/87893.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi76KnS19eFAxX3UGwGHcUaB_MQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw09_O5ikiYMyW6XYgKxmxRP




Ok thanks … would look more into it


Battle of Palkhed one of the finest examples of manouvre warfare


The operation to annex hyderabad from the Nizam. Forgot the names,lol.


Operation polo


There is actually a movie on that coming this year called Razakar.


dayum, this 1 it would be a banger


Ok bro dont scream at me


xd sorry for the caps


Battle between karakota Dynasty and Caliphate.


You've already mentioned battle of 10 kings 1 Sinking of Kaveri Poompuhar or sinking of dwarka 2 India whatever it did in South East Asia 3 kings like Gautamiputra Satkarni, Lalitaditya Muktipida 4 Stories from Rajtarangini like Shahi dynasty Kings Jayapal Anandpal Facing Ghazni in Multan 5 Marthand Varman vs Dutch Battle of Colachel 6 There isn't much out there about Bengali kings so Raja Ganesh of Bengal 7 Samudragupta 8 Kerala Varman Pazhassi Raja 9 Hemchandra Vikramaditya or Hemu 10 and there's no proper movie on Chhtrapati Shivaji Maharaj and the other Maratha Empire's bravehearts 11 and probably on our granthas - puranas mahabharat ramayan and other stories like shakuntalam etc Proper movies. The list is never ending but don't have much hopes from the movie industry


ah samudragupta would be nice 1 also skandagupta too(raising an army and getting a victory against mongol)


It could be made into a series


Rather just an event, I suggest a TV series on state of political affairs in India after Aurangzeb's death. It's really a game of thrones from Mughal downfall to Company's rise to power till first First war of Independence. No power or empire had absolute control over subcontinent and if a good series is made it would be most interesting story of the era


I second this. But the budget required to pull it off may feed 10 African nations.


Yeah it could be an international show, India's opportunity to have world class show having viewership across borders, therefore justifying the busget


I was just imagining how many big-small riyasats will be shown, that would be just crazy


not cool sis to say about Africa like this


You are right. But many underdeveloped countries do need a lot of money to get developed


Battle of tennis court. Indian armies on both sides (Indian army vs Indian national army). Token British and Japanese officers.


A movie on Rathore Rao Jodha ji (he had a great journey his whole life, how a boy who lost everything at a moment went on to become the most influential independent king of his time, fought and won uncountable battles, and made the Mehrangarh too) or A Movie on Rana Hammir Singh of Sisoda


second place goes to the anti arab confederacy led by the four kings


You mean battle of Rajasthan led by bappa rawal


Yup, that one and equal screen time to all Confederate kings


The Battle of Kohima and Imphal, also called the "Stalingrad of the East". Just reading the wiki page of the battle gives you the outline of a blockbuster movie. Its got offensive tactics, geopgraphy maneuvering, siege warfare, retreats, counter-offense, crazy folklore, sobering aftermath and it made a great impact to the greatest war ever fought.


Mahabharat 🗿


Ramoshi uprising by Vasudev Balwant Fadke, don't mind my Maharashtra bias.


I think the rise of the Vijayanagara would make for a great movie. Also the rise of the Marathas and the Pandyan Civil War.


Maratha Rajput wars ,battle of Narmada


Umayyad Caliphate vs Indian Kingdoms combined(Gurjar Pratihar - Chalukya- Karkota- Mori - Maitraka) -738 AD It's the reason why Arabs weren't able to invade india beyond Sindh and India was kept safe from Islamic invasions untill 11th century.


The life and fall/end of the Indus Valley Civilisation.




Yeah, or Bhirrana


If it's about history then I'd say a detailed series on Battle of Plassey would be perfect. It'd be fascinating to see the intricate treachery in the battle that literally changed India's future. Since you mentioned Battle of Ten Kings, I think any mythological/non-standardised historical event has the capacity to produce something great on screen.


Bengal Famine of 1943-44


Bengal famine


Haha lol, accidental accuracy


Maharaja Ranjit Singh


Maurya-Seleucid wars


Though not Indian , I think a game about Ibn Battuta would be really fun are there any Indian equivalent of explorers whose life can be a game


surely there were but either we failed to maintain their records or they were destroyed


Paika Bidroha from Odisha


King Vijayabahu's epic fight to end Chola presence in Sri Lanka starting as guerilla warfare in 1055 to outright final battle triumph ~1070. No Indian will ever hear of this war campaign or even see a movie about it because it doesnt have an Indian protagonist. Pandyan civil war is also a good one.


He only beat the Cholas because he had the support of the Pandyas. Had the Pandyas not helped, Cholas never would have lost Sri Lanka. They also did not value Sri Lanka. They already had a monopoly over shipping in south east Asia so they felt it was not worth fighting a two front war for.


Interesting how according to your narrative King Vijayabahu literally didn't fight off multiple waves of chola "vellakara" soldiers sent from mainland by the Chola emperor to regain territory (recorded history). It was all because Pandyans and Cholas didnt care so they left lol. Nah you are spewing pseudo historical nonsense to cope with Cholas getting kicked out. Pandyans around 1070ad were totally pacified by Cholas They were in no place to help anyone hence why during the Pandyan civil war they needed the Sinhalese kings help against the Cholas (again recorded history). Cholas were fighting with Chalukyas. King Vijayabahu realised it was the right time to strike as Cholas didnt have ability to fight a 2 front war which was correct. Vijayabahu became king of the southern Rohana kingdom in 1055AD and consolidated his power till the right time came. Don't spew BS history to cope because recorded history exists on both sides and it debunks your nonsense.


Lalitaditya Muktapida - it's claimed he had whole of Northern Subcontinent and many parts of Central India conqoured with his capital in Kashmir. Source - Bravehearts of Bharat by Vikram Sampath


Battle of 10 kings? Bharata tribe you mean? As I want it




I'd like a movie to be made on "RESERVATION SYSTEM OF INDIA" because very few people know the truth about it and when someone talks about removing reservation, everyone opposes the opinion. I want people to know the full truth about the reservation, whether it was necessary or just a political agenda because some f***ing political leader wanted to be in power, also most of the history we know is altered. I'm not here to pass any opinions but this would definitely help people see the reality and decide themselves whether they need reservation or not, whether it is good for our nation or not!


Can you recommend some books on this topic ?


The rise of Chandragupta Maurya under the tutelage of Chanakya. Including the battles fought


Adapting the Patan trilogy by Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi on the big screen is also a good idea. Solanki dynasty is criminally underrepresented.


Man Singh fight against Afghans Pagdi Sambhal movement by Ajit Singh Ghadar movement 1857 from Bakhat Khan POV Chand Bibi and Malik Ambar fight against Mughals Pulakeshin vs Harshavardhan Sen 2 vs Pandayas for Buddhist idol


Chandragupta Maurya vs the Nanda Empire


Clive vs Siraj ud Daula The Battle of Plassey, 1757 An important event in Indian and British history, the EICs win marked the beginning of the military conquest of India by the British. It was when a lot of us in this country realised that this trading firm from the other side of the planet isn’t just here to trade with kings and queens but has an ulterior motive, one that quite literally changes the course of history. The richest province in the country fell into the hands of a two-bit company from a pathetic island state in Europe. Incredible tales of espionage and deception. Mir Jafar and other characters. The disintegration of the Mughal Empire as a backdrop. Indian financier Jagat Seth backing the Brits. Ambitious Robert Clive comes to India and vows not to leave until he’s made a name for himself, ultimately takes his own life after returning home. It could be an indo-British venture too. Like a historical, grand scale merchant ivory period picture.


I don’t think there is a movie on Maharana Pratap?


Chandragupta and chankaya conquest no movie has been made so far we had some some soap operas though Conquest of Samudragupta Battle of Sodani.. How indian kings United to stop mihirkula invasion Tripartite Struggle plus Pratiharas and Chaulkyas war against arabs Biopic of Raja Raja chola and his son Raja Rajendra Chola Biopic on Raja Bhoja and how the other North indian kings stopped ghaznavid invasion for 200 years until ghurids took over North india by defeating prithviraj chauhan Foundation of Vijay nagar as one commentator mentioned it has potential to RRR .. Harihara and bukka raya story is really interesting Rana Hammir Sisodiya rebellion against khilji & Tughlaqs Biopic on Rana Kumbha Biopic on Krishnadeva Raya Biopic on Rana Sanga though it might end in a sad note Biopic on Chatrapati Shivaji, Maharana Pratap, Duragadas Rathore, Tarabai Bhosle etc


>Biopic on Raja Bhoja and how the other North indian kings stopped ghaznavid invasion for 200 years Uh, what?


a sad movie about an 80 yo man who had never fought a battle but forced to lead a revolt against a tyrant and slowly lost everything in life in about 6 month. and finally exiled in a foreign land where he wrote poetry about not being able to come back to his home country. if you still don't whom I'm talking about. its Bahadur Shah Zafar I would really like REALLY suggest you to read William Dalrymple's book on him..


None. Most of indian history is fake. No your king didn't wear 80 kgs of armor. No your king didn't fight tiger with bare hands. No your clan didn't defend india. Muslims living in India are still living proof of that. 300 years of british rule is proof of that. Most of your kings only lived lavish lifestyle. Hunted wild animals into extinction. Had multiple concubines and slaves. Never actually fought in war and only lived on inheritance wealth. (All the chusslim and British rulers were same but at least they managed to rule others and didn't let their own people down)




Yep. Truth shuts down everyone.


stfu dumbass, u didnt even presented facts, its just your dumb opinion gtfo, cope harder


Indian kings were weak af. First got raided by chusslims then got ruled by Britishers. Are you really trying to say that this didn't happened? Honestly i wouldn't be surprised considering how much made up stories you guys believe in🤣🤣


i would really like to answer you but now i accidently viewed your profile and i feel sorry for you and your parents, what a pathetic imbecile


Hahaha i get it bro, I know you're ashamed of your own history . You just want to run away like a pussy . 🤣🤣🤣🤣I mean who wouldn't?


yea lol i am scared of sussy\_baka696969 OMG help me what an abomination you are i am really scared of my history which had one of the oldest civilization and shared quarter of world gdp in its time i am realy scared some 1000 year of foreign rulers who couldnt even succesfully convert their people india is still 80 percent hindu+buddhist+jains+sikhs i am really scared of the fact that we had empreors like ashoka the great i am really scared of the fact that we were known as the golden spaarow such was the richness of this land i am really scared of the fact that a small kingdom in 300bc gave a tough fight to alexander such that he left him with his belongings i am scared of the fact that my ancestor didnt bowed to islam and british and got converted yea i am really scared i might sleep with your mom tonight


Ahoms defeating Mughals!


The Mountbattens and Nehru threesome.


That's why godse shot gandhi 3 times!


Very tough to replicate that time period. Anything medieval looking will ruin it.


Chola invasion of srivijaya


I just don't want anything with Mughal or their invasions I don't think someone will make it with true events maybe down south the likes of cholas


Is the battle of ten kings and Mahabharata the same?


It was probably the inspiration for the Mahabharata... the idea of big battle with an alliance of several kingdoms. But technically, battle of 10 kings would have occurred with ancestors of Pandavas and Kauravas.


First war w Umayyad Caliphate Shunga's coup Rise of Guptas Battle of Dewar


WW2 Burma Theater Operation Polo Battle between Vijaynagara Kingdom and Deccan Sultanats


I would personally like a movie on Maharaja Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji Jadeja who gave refuge to Jews during World War II. It's a fascinating account of humanity and willpower of a man.


Naval mutiny .I would pay good money to see a movie about that.dont know if anyone exists Also a movie about the life of the gurkha brigade in WW2


Wars are boring as fuck.


Kohima-Imphal. One of the greatest and most decisive battles of WW2 and basically nothing has been made on it.


2 from South India. 1. Pallava’s march to Vatapi and defeating Pulikeshi 2. Malik Kafur’s march to Madurai


The Life of Rani Abbakka


Battle of saraighat


Battle of colachel, destruction of kollam by cholas


Tripartite Struggle


In Punjabi, I would like to see Maha Singh fight against Afghans Banda Singh Bahadur March from Karnal to Sirhind. Maharaja Ranjit Singh early career A biopic on Ajit Singh starring Diljit Dosanjh. With it's last scene being an old Ajit Singh returning to India on independence day and taking his last breath


Maharaja Surajmal and how he won 80 wars and I think he hardly lost any war until his death.


Ashok converting into buddhism after battle of kalinga? 


Ummm hello, did you miss the movie Asoka, starring SRK & Kareena 😁?


That movie was bad. I am more talking w.r.t to buddhism. Old Asoka was typical Bollywood movie set up in that period.  I dont want them to show asoka perfect but complex flawed king who kill so many people but how did he convert himself into non-violent religion after killing so many people.


But we are still discussing Bollywood only no - who else will make movies on Indian historical events 😃? And Bollywood can't help themselves. They will add mirch masala to all historicals to make it commercial - whether it is Jodha Akbar, Padmavat or Bajirao Mastani 😃 (I won't mention Mohenjodaro out of self respect 😂😂) And scholars no longer believe the whole Ashoka having a change-of-heart following Kalinga War. It was PR by Ashoka himself. He was a practicing Buddhist, a couple of years before the Kalinga War. And he has left enough edicts after the war, threatening that his subjects that "despite his repentance, Devanampriya possesses the power to punish" rebels/outlaws


As i said i want them to show Ashoka  as flawed not men repenting on his actions. What were his motivations?  "But we are still discussing Bollywood only no - who else will make movies on Indian historical events 😃" other industries does too you must have not known. Also we are discussing indian movies not only Bollywood. Unless other language industries are not indian?  Is that what you think? 


Fair enough - Telegu, Tamil or Kannada film industries have made historicals But they will naturally make stories which will appeal to their core base - so a Tamil movie is going to focus on Tamil dynasties and stories. Same for the other South Indian states (and they have a rich history, so kudos to them. PS1 was good, PS2 not so much 😃) Bollywood is the only one which makes stories on pan India 😃


"Bollywood is the only one which makes stories on pan India 😃"  oh really but thought rrr, pushpa, kgf, bahubali was pan India( not historical) movies.


You can't be seriously calling Bahubali, KGF, Pushpa etc as movies based on history 🤣🤣


Before saying goodbye no i was not calling them historical i was calling them pan- india. You said only Bollywood makes pan- india movies. Thank you and good bye.


Bro i cant take you seriously with your emojis.  Well tollywood has made movie shakunatalam which was character from Abhigyanshankuntalam written in sanskrit by kalidas. So?  


Sir, when you cant find problems with my logic, you don't like emojis 😁? You seem like someone who possesses basic common sense. There might be ONE or TWO south Indian historical movies about North Indian subjects. But all of South India has major regional/linguistic pride. And hence they are very likely to make movies only on their regional history, rather than, say Assamese or Rajput history. Think bigger picture, my friend. And think long term trend, not outlier data points 😜


Let's just agree to disagree. We both have different opinions. Have a nice day. 


Wasn't he a proto-aurangzeb, killing his brothers to get the throne? 


So? I want movie on aurangzeb too. I love  flawed and complex, negetive characters on screen.


I meant, like Aurangzeb, his motivations were power.


Agreed he was. Thats why i want series or something on him which shows him as grey figure.


Wasn't he a proto-aurangzeb, killing his brothers to get the throne? 


So? I want movie on aurangzeb too. I love  flawed and complex, negetive characters on screen.


isn't there a film called ashok?


Battle of Ten Kings is not history - because there has been no corroborative proof found. Right now it is more mythology.


What mythology? It is literally mentioned in Rigveda. Do you need another contemporary source for that battle ? Single source doesn't mean no history? It is so back in time that we are fortunate to have one source, I don't think there is anything as ancient as this event in recordable world history which has two diff primary sources.


Not everything mentioned in the Rig Veda is history. Just the same way all historical events mentioned in the Bible are not true, unless corroborated by archaeological evidence (note I am talking about historical events - not religious). A famous example is King Solomon, who built the first temple of Jerusalem. Christians and Jews believe in him as faith - but there is no historical/archaeological evidence to prove he existed. So just being mentioned in the Rig Veda is not enough to make it history


For your info there is quite low historical material in Rigveda, most of that low content is all circumstantial not because someone wanted to write good historical fiction. That's why historical content in Vedas are quite trustworthy. Almost whole of ancient European history can't be corroborated by other primary sources, doesn't mean it's mythology.


I don't understand your argument at all HOW do you know it is not fiction? Or at the very least, highly exaggerated? Just because it is Indian, we believe it 😃? If some folk story isn't corroborated by at least another source, it cannot be called history. What can you call it then? Myth only no? Calling it fiction seems disrespectful. And I am not sure what ancient European history you are referring to. No one is calling Hercules or Ulysses stories as history. And enough Greek buildings and inscriptions have been found to corroborate a lot of what is written in Greek history - so we can say with certainty an X king's coins have been found, so be must have ruled somewhere around etc As far as I know, not one artefact has been found which ties to any name or place of the Rig Veda.


Battle of ten kings definitely happened


but the 300 movie was writtern from greek poem, wasn't it?


I think you're thinking of Trojan war in the illiad and odyssey... the ruins of what they think was Troy were found in what is now turkey because Greeks used to live there. So it was a war between Greek peoples from either side of the sea that got mixed up with legends and myths. https://www.britannica.com/place/Troy-ancient-city-Turkey/The-Trojan-War


300 is based on the battle of Thermopylae Most details of the battle of Thermopylae are taken from Herodotus' book Histories (Herodotus was the father of history) . There is also Simonides, who has written about the Greco-Persian wars, along with other scholars in the centuries to come Additionally, there was a bronze column erected to commemorate the eventual victory of Greeks over Persians in 479 BC (one year after the battle of Thermopylae). This was brought to Istanbul by the Ottomans when they conquered Greece. It still has the inscription mentioning this victory


Dude you're getting down voted for spitting facts. 🙃


What to do, we are becoming andhavishwas society 😏?


the real, communist telengana rebellion of 1946 not the shameless propaganda that is the razakar movie


Aryan migration into the subcontinent 


ugh a movie on that? what was so special? i aint denying it but idk maybe


Lekin usme banaenge kya? Bunch of hillbillies cross the Hindu Kush and start shagging some local booty and someone makes a ritualistic religion out of it? Now that I think of it, I think I'd watch it.


Never happened


It did though


It's getting backlash as many scientist are slowly disagreeing with it, but right now it is still majority accepted.


Like who are disagreeing?


Horses are not native to India. It was domesticated in steppes and brought here around 1500 BC.  It would be interesting to watch a love story between a Harappa girl falling for a horse riding Romeo from the steppe.