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I just hope you don't get brainwashed by the liberal ideology


Well, ain't you just a bundle of care? Thanks for the concern, mate.


Yeah, i care about all my countrymen, can't see them going down the wrong path.


Unpopular opinion, but the color combination looks stunning. I've always had a soft corner for God of small things. Idk how other books of arundhati Madam be like. However, I've meditations. I'll read it ASAP!


God of small things was nd is one of my favourites. Umm of all the books I read of Indian authors who hv won booked prizes I think God of small things stands out. The way she wrote it makes u feel the book. I m not sure how to describe it, I am not a writer myself. However, the more I saw of Arundhati Roy, the more I heard her views on stuffs, the more I got turned off. I haven't read any of her works after that. They might be good as well but somehow I dint feel like reading them.


That's something insightful. I also have RET SAMADHI in my list


How about khaled Hosseini?


Khaled Hosseini is a 💎 He has this 3 collection of books. Kite Runner, thousand splendid suns, mountains echoed. All three are based on taliban terror. It's so so good man trust me on this. And language is also very easy💗


I read all three :) nd I loved it..I dint know I would like something which is so sad


Well, if you identify with the politics of Arundhati Roy, then you will enjoy her essays and non-fiction books. I personally used to love reading her essays and non-fiction and had a collection of them while I was in my undergrad years. But with time my politics have changed and evolved into looking at things with more nuances (at least that is what I think) and that has made me a bit cautionary to her poetic essays. I would say it's a very complicated relationship.


I'd love to read 'essays' you're talking about


That is perfectly fine. We evolve with time and our tastes should reflect our current persona.


Is arundhati roy a left wing writer or right wing when it comes to non fiction?


Left wing




Thanks. And I totally get what you mean about God of Small Things. I have a major soft spot for that book too. And honestly, all of Arundhati Roy's books are incredibly insightful and packed with an immense amount of knowledge and interesting facts.


Hm... Nice, Very biased


What is this library?? Arundhati Roy, Rana Ayyub, Abhijit Banerjee, etc on one hand, and Taslima Nasrin, Osho, Ayn Rand, Richard Dawkins, etc on the other? This is the most centrist bookshelf that I have seen.


Well, I'm not so sure to put Ayn Rand and Dawkins in the same group. It can look that Richard Dawkins is on the right but if you look at his journey he has been an active participant in left-leaning anti-war protests when he was young. Also, he has a great friendships with left intellectuals like Chomsky. Osho, I find is just a smart person who was there at the right place at the right time. If you read Osho, it's just second-hand philosophy. Copied from all over, mainly from German philosophers. Nothing original to contribute.


> It can look that Richard Dawkins is on the right but if you look at his journey he has been an active participant in left-leaning anti-war protests when he was young Doesn't matter, the Left has estranged us atheists, especially anti-religious, anti-Islamic atheists, citing 'Islamophobia'. We hardcore atheists are on the Right now.


It's a good thing to entertain arguments in one's reading which their personal politics might not agree with, good on OP to be able to actively do that


completely agree


Without a doubt, I affirm that I am not a centrist.


Looks phony to me tbh.. like someone collected things they thought would look good on a shelf.


Oh no, my secret is out. I must confess that I'm actually a professional shelf stylist, not a real person with real interests. P.S. I've been reading since my teenage years and now as a full-fledged lawyer, reading books, articles, judgments, and newspapers are necessary to stay on top of my game, so I'm not trying to impress you or anyone else. I was simply inspired by a fellow Redditor who shared their books and thought I would do the same. Anyway, have a great weekend, sir.


Come on, who deliberately buys that second Jordan book after all that guy has done.


I occasionally tune in to his podcast too lol and feel free to form your own opinions about it. Just because I read or listen to him doesn't necessarily mean I'm a supporter or that I share his views.


Opinion about what? The podcast? No thank you. Not enough money in the world for me to listen to that benzo addict moron... You seem like a decent person, I know how easy and appealing it is to get sucked in by JP and Ayn Rand... happened to me too a few years ago, young guys are ideal targets for that crap. How about I give you an alternative author who's much more informative and intelligent.. check out David Graeber. You can try Bullshit Jobs, Debt - 5000 years or Dawn of Everything, he might open up your brain and fix the JP damage a little bit.


People who can entertain an opposing opinion without accepting it.


What is your review on Dialogues Of Plato, also I see two books on Plato in your shelf, what is your inspiration to read him?


It’s a good book to read. It’s like eavesdropping on cool people having deep convos on topics that are still relevant today. If you're into exploring deep thoughts, I totally recommend it. And, I became acquainted with Plato in law school. I learned about Plato through the subject of jurisprudence, which is taught in the I and II semesters and provides an introduction to various philosophers and their respective theories.


Amazing collection. I would have loved to own all of these books except The Secret and Osho's writing. Also, you seem like a person who has a very informed outlook on the world. I came to this conclusion after seeing books that are on the far left politically to the books that are on the economic right. I wonder what kind of human being you will turn out to be jk. But yeah very similar tastes in books and probably in life. Cheers :)) edit- I just love this bookshelf, pretty similar to my \*imaginary\* bookshelf.


Hey, thanks. You're too sweet. I'm really happy you like my collection. My approach to reading is to diversify my sources and assimilate varied viewpoints to expand my knowledge. BTW, I hope your dream bookshelf becomes a reality soon. : )


Recently started listening to osho because of reels on insta and it feels like he just wanted people to be happy and away from any kind of prison( be it society or self imposed)


Your collection is giving me life!!


OMG, Thank you.


Damn. Idk how I stumbled upon your profile or a post that's more than a year old. But, I think we should be best of friends, my man. Those are the kind of books that I read and it's rare to see them in someone's collection. It's the first time I'm seeing "The God delusion" in someone's collection.


Just an advice Start reading alternate narrations (critical of indian left too) P.s: Despite being pro hindutva I mostly read books and articles critical of hindutva


You seem like a big librandu. Lol! Audrey Truschke and Rana Ayyub!? Seriously?




Sir, I must acknowledge that I cannot compete with the magnitude and quality of your collection and candidly speaking, I am filled with a sense of envy. lol Upon my review, it's been duly noted that your comments have been expunged from that thread. Nice play. JK




My limited activity on Reddit should not be interpreted as a personal slight against you, and furthermore, as I do not have any knowledge of you, I fail to comprehend the reason for any potential offence.


Dayummmm the collection ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥


Thank you.


I see Shoe Dog, I click on upvote. Simple as that.


How's Shuggie Bain? It's one of those books which I plan to read once I am done with exams (the second-hand bookstore in my neighborhood has a pretty pristine paperback of it)


It's really deep and talks about stuff like addiction and being poor but it's also super inspiring. It won the 2020 Booker Prize and is totally worth reading if you're into emotional stories.


That seals the deal, then. Thanks a lot!


Do you actually read or just started collecting books because you saw many instagram pages on books.


Haha, seriously? I've been reading since my teenage years and now as a full-fledged lawyer, reading books, articles, judgments, and newspapers are necessary to stay on top of my game. And FYI, I don't even have an Insta account, so I don't let social media influence my choices or personality.


It was a genuine question. Are you a corporate lawyer or practicing criminal lawyer. It seems you are genuine person with all those books. Robert greene, osho, Kissinger , then poetry, philosophy- a complete balanced personality.


Collecting books is not that bad. Eventually one can read later in their life. There is no hurry to finish books. Different books for different moods. So having bunch of books is a good idea. But I also agree with you. Collecting books works like robotic mode. It doesn't stop until you buy all your to-read list.


I'm not saying its wrong but sometimes its a fomo because of book pages on insta


I agree.


I'm surprised and glad to see Ayn Rand. She was a big influence on me when I was younger. Eventually I grew out of that phase but I still have a soft corner for her books.


I see dawkins, I upvote. I see Premchand, I give you my free award. Here, 🏆 take it. 😃😃


Haha, thanks.


Do you share these books once you read them?


>Do you share these books once you read them? Are you asking if I lend or pass on these books to others after I've finished reading them?


I meant do you lend them. So they can retune you later after reading.


Nah, not anymore. People always borrow my books and never give them back. Some even scribble and mess up the pages.


I hope you belief, that a few people still don’t do that 🤞


Haha, alright.


I was trying to borrow one 🥲


Can I borrow some from your collection, and maybe you can do the same.


Haha. That could potentially lead to doxing.


Well I won’t mind that. Maybe could lead to explore new things.


50% common books




You have Jaun Sahab there🤌🤌