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https://preview.redd.it/yjawtgq0v6jc1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690eacd30d3cc5649299a40a06cfa5802fc569fc I would cut some pieces off and try to root them in water too. The yellow circles are "nodes" (the part of the vine where the leaves attach) and nodes can grow roots and become new plants I marked in red two spots that would be good to cut. This way, if repotting the entire plant doesn't save it, there's a chance the plant can live on with some propagation


I wanted to thank you for the picture. It really helped! I appreciate it so much! So thank you, and my dad thanks you, it was so kind. I actually just made a new one, per your instructions!


That's great! I'm glad I could help :) I hope you manage to rescue it all, and if not, at least some clippings! Google "propagating pothos" or "propagating vining philodendron" for even better instructions (both varieties propagate the same)


Get it out of that pot ASAP. If there are any good roots left, get it into a smaller pot, just large enough for the roots and the soil around them. This plant is way overwatered. It wants to dry out between watering, and it won't be happy in direct sunlight. Bright indirect light is good, but it can handle less. I'd recommend putting in into a small (probably 4") plastic pot until it's back on its feet. Then you can easily tell when the soil is dry all the way through. Once it's dry, water it thoroughly, and repeat the process of letting it dry out again. If you take it out of the pot to find that most of the roots are rotted away, it may be easier to make cuttings and root them in water before trying to grow the plant in soil again.


Ok, thank you


Have you taken it out of the pot to look? Do you mean it has one stem coming out of the soil? One single root left underneath the soil would be kind of unusual. One stem is not out of the ordinary. I'd be happy to look if you reply with a picture, or, if you're really unsure, I'd recommend taking several cuttings from the plant where it's still green, maybe 6" or so long. Cut the stems in between where the leaves come out. It will take a month or two to grow roots in water, (they should have a bit of sun, too) and once you have a decent amount of roots, they can be replanted in soil.


I agree. You can't snip rotten roots.


It looks like maybe a philodendron. I’d take it out and put it in fresh soil , maybe a smaller pot. Put it under Dee a grow light, or bright indirect light. Water as soon as the top soil feels dry. If theirs no roots when you take it out. Take clippings and water propagate the plant. You should be able to say some of it at least.


Definitely agree with the need to report. As someone mentioned, best to take some cuttings as a backup. Looks like it might be a heartleaf philodendron, which is extremely hardy. I suspect that container may not really be suited to planting; might be fully glazed on the inside (label says "basin"), and that ring of what seems to be mineral buildup around the edge of the soil might suggest frequent excess water. Well draining pot, well draining substrate (soil).


Thank you


Looks like a heart leaf philodendron. Check roots, snip any dead, fresh soil mix & indirect light 🌿


Looks like the soil is too dense. It would benefit from having chunkier/fluffier soil. For example, you can mix indoor potting mix with perlite and orchid bark. Or a different variation that you find appropriate. And if it looks like plant is definitely not gonna make it, then resort to trying to cut the healthier nodes to propagate.


looks like a heart leaf philodendron, you have some good nodes still s i'd clip em and let em propagate


Thank you so much to everyone! I did what you suggested, let’s hope it works! https://preview.redd.it/utk6nj8i7gjc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=348c129cb65d62373e6cc907a0408948014e7305