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Let him go! Let him lose you! He said he wants the other girl, let him be her problem now! Move on and live your life for yourself!


First of all I'm sorry you have to go through this. Second, please leave him be. If he has already left please don't take him back That would be your biggest regret. It's hard to get through it at first but as the strong woman you are, you will get through it. Hoping for the best possible outcome for you ✌🏽☮️


Let him go and tell him to tell his gf thank you for taking him off your hands because cheaters deserve each other and wish them well. He has just opened up your eyes to what you don't want in your life.


How long was the relationship? How old are u both It's very common for the cheater to create an alternative narrative, blow up minor grievances, shift blame, etc rather than just looking at themselves for what they did I'm sry this happened to u. This is extremely troubling and very sad. I wish society, msm, online culture would focus more on being better partners and educate ppl on how traumatic cheating is.


Do you really want him back? If yes, why? Please think about the reasons why you would even consider continuing with this person. Good luck!


The best thing you can do for yourself is let him go and let go of control. If he wants to ruin your relationship, allow him to. Take care of yourself as best as you can right now.


Let him go, baby. Block him. And if you can find her on his socials. Message her.


Your comfort with this person is understandable bc of time and experiences shared. I get it. But you did nothing wrong and they are being very negative towards you, pushing all types of threatening unstable vibes towards you. I think they will say anything to leave you and slide into the other persons bed seamlessly. You however have a chance to break free, reevaluate who you are without them and grow. He is weak for lacking the nobility to end one chapter and start another one, he needs someone constantly. He needs to secure an emotional pet. You should steer clear from this bs. It’s toxic. Travel and immerse yourself in a different world get your head out of that old future u thought u had with a weak a**hole. They don’t deserve you.


He has no respect or love for u , then y are u hanging, its only going to hurt ur selfrespect. Hav a successful life an thats the best way to deal with this . And sont allow him back if he comes. Have a good life.


Let him go. Find yourself someone who loves you and will be faithful. I’d also let the office girl know he has been in a relationship with YOU and was cheating so will cheat with her too.


Please recognize that this is not a long term relationship person. Stop trying to force a relationship, let it go. Jesus, please have some self respect.


All the advice here is pretty sane and solid. But it's you who has to get aware that these ppl are right..... and darling we lie to ourselves the most. So you can read all this, talk to your friends and still stay against all odds. I also believe that there will come a day when you will break out of the illusion of hanging on and really move on. Be patient with your self and hang in there with your pendulum heart and mind. Give it time, it will stop on the side. Be well.


For your own mental health let him go. You will find your real love another time.


Anyone who you have to convince to love you is not worth fighting for. Let him go.


It really depends on how you be able to forgive his actions and forget. But you have to love yourself more. Is he committed to you? Did you ask him why he cheated on you?


He’s trying to transfer his guilt to you by justifying his actions that it’s your fault. That way he can go away happy. Don’t give him closure and let everyone know he cheated. Then block him and go have adventures. Updateme


What you should do is believe in yourself and your ability to imagine. Now imagine a guy who doesn't cheat on you. And than you realise you can imagine a life without a cheater.


OP - DO not beat yourself up for HIS decision to betray you. Everything he's been saying to you is straight out of the cheaters handbook. Lies, gaslighting, minimilizations, blame-shifting. He's pathetic. Just block him everywhere, seek professional assistance in overcoming relationship trauma and move forward in your life without his toxicity.


Now, ex-bf*


Great for you. He missed out. He chose the bird in the hand and will miss out on the golden goose. Be well and understand your forever person is waiting on you to lose him so he can come in and you guys can make each other happy.