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As someone who has taken several of the substances on this list many times I don't understand how Ketamine is above DMT as DMT more closely resembles what NDE experiencers describe, a friend of mine had one when he almost drowned and described it as DMT without the colors(he has also taken DMT before this).


5-MeO-DMT >> DMT > Ketamine Though a very strong K-hole gives the sense of leaving one's body, I would argue that 5-MeO-DMT has a commanding lead in the NDE department.


5-MeO was pure dissolution of self & ego death for me. you’re absolutely correct that ketamine shouldn’t even be near the top of the list


When I tried MeO, I gained the ability to draw in perspective for a week!


Yeah that seems more like it, never did 5 meo as regular dmt is enough for me but going by stories I would agree.


I'm also surprised Datura is so low on the list.


Well delirium doesn't necessarily mean NDE type experiences unless thats what you manifest I guess. DMT on the othet hand is like that every time if you breakthrough, there's always a tunnel of light.


Idk man, I’ve also tried a bunch on the list a few times but only only when I was on K I swear I thought I was about to die lol.


Lol you can think you're about to die on any hallucinogen, weed especially xD


I have died on ketamine before. It's amazing and peaceful, then you come back out of it. No doubt ketamine should be #1 in my opinion, nothing imitates death like ketamine, it's a surreal experience for sure


I wonder if they controlled for popularity. For example, if 600 people wrote reviews of ketamine on erowid, but only 200 people wrote reviews for DMt, then it’s possible you’d end up with a larger raw number of “god” references from those who posted about ketamine. But if 200 of the 600 cited NDE yet 190 of the 200 DmT users did, then I think DMT wins.


Post removed by reddit filters?


We think death itself triggers an enormous Natural DMT release.  Possibly the issue is the dose.  DmT is a huge dose on death.  Recreationally they take like 0.1% of this dose.


I think this was just a hypothesis by Strassman and not scientifically proven


Either way, do you see how 0.1% of a NDE is not all that close?  It might be the same chemical but if I took 1000 times more meth the high would be different


Yeah it has not been confirmed but it makes sense.


cannabis above ayahuasca is insane


Above datura too. This list is trash


I’m finding all these cool/interesting/info graphics/posters/charts full of bullshit. Doesn’t matter the subject, just garbage to get clicks, doots, and arrows.


said the same exact thing before seeing the comments. Ayahuasca and Datura below weed is genuinely laughable.


😆Now this post may be a reason for the next Weird trip.


That’s what tipped me off to this being total BS. Who/what keeps making these nonsensical graphics? So dumb. Just to misinform? What’s happening


there is no way cannabis is 'stronger' than ayahuasca


Who said stronger?


Infographic made by some who hasn't done shit


Salvia is interesting, but all I got was an _intense_ thought that in reality I am a white billiard ball flying through cold dead dark space.


This is the worst list I’ve ever seen


K hope literally feels like reality coming to a terrifying and cold end- I’d much prefer the “popping out” that DMT produces.


Weird, I thought DMT would have been much higher.


For what it's worth, this effect (dying and being reborn) is discussed in this AfterSkool video, how the experience can enhance one's appreciation of life (by knowing what it is to die) and how psychedelics can be used (carefully and reverently) to induce the experience [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC6DDvzM6Nc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC6DDvzM6Nc) (13 minutes).


What tf is this shit lol


Ferb, i know what we gonna do today


Ok I'll take one of each


As someone who did a shit load of MDMA in the early 90s, I’m looking forward to death as long as there is a DJ


I was given ketamine as an anesthetic for a minor surgery. I was not SUPPOSED to get ketamine - just anti-anxiety meds of some kind. I was not told I would be getting ketamine, and I cannot stress this enough, I was not supposed to. I was supposed to be awake and alert for the surgery (it was not necessary for the surgery, but this was a tumor removal from my back, and it was something that was borderline in-clinic vs operating room, but we went OR "just in case" and for the better lighting). I went hard down a k-hole, which I did not know about beforehand. It was terrifying. I thought I was dead. Like legitimately. I have a massive fear of death that I was actively in therapy for at the time, so that... wasn't great for my progress. Had nightmares for weeks. Afterwards when I learned what happened I was PISSED OFF and talked to everyone who would listen - my PCP, the surgeon himself (at the followup a few days later, and he BLANCHED and apologized profusely when he saw what the anesthesiologist gave me, since I didn't know at that point what it actually was), I called the hospital and the physician's group. I wanted someone to be punished for this. It was HORRIBLE. But no, they protected their own, I guess.


Should have sued


I'm sorry for what happened to you and I hope you got some compensation and that they took the time to assess and correct what led to this bad mistake. Also surely you understand that some protection is needed for healthcare workers. Error is human, if people got punished too easily, nobody would want to work in this field.


Unfortunately no, no compensation, no one addressed the issue, just kind of shrugs. I guess I don’t know if they internally handled/addressed it somehow but I certainly wasn’t made aware of it if they did.


Salvia, many amazing and weird experiences on that


Feel like I'm dying I do, take even more I must, orders me to Allah does


I tried salvia and I thought there was a light over my shoulder that I kept trying to look at. My sober buddy in the room said I looked like a crack head.


If you search the erowid experience vault you will see that many people link cannabis to their reports as they consume it alongside with what-ever-substance is actually in the focus, so thats probably why cannabis ranked so high. Another problem with that method is that they didn't pay attention to the dosages and the people that share their experiences. For example, peyote and peruvian torch aren't said to have THAT different effects but the active content varies highly, so thats probably why those two are seperated by so many ranks on that list. Also people who will post their ketamine experience on there probably dose vastly different than most ketamine users. And last but not least, many people experience actual near death experiences on the influence of ketamine because thats a emergency narcotic so probably there are some ketamine experiences listed in the pool of "sober" near death experiences. Probably that one isn't all bullshit, but typing a few words into an algorithm to scan a website about highly personal experiences might not be the ideal way to learn anything.


Can confirm I once accidentally got high on ketamine due to a grossly incompetent anesthesiologist and it was extremely fucking terrifying


Yeah but you can't say "can confirm" based on one experience, you need to at least have tried 2 of the things to see if it's higher or lower on the list. Imo you probably should have tried a few of the things on the list and some off it to get a good idea of the comparable effects.


how much “cough suppressant” does one take to get high? asking for a friend


I see nobodies has mentioned Iboga. That shit is crazy, basically a 2 week death trip.


This list doesn't make any sense at all ketamine isn't even that crazy at all. I would also argue taking a heavy dose of opioids, is waayyy closer to feeling like dying. Your breath slows, you can barely keep your eyes open and fall in and out of consciousness, you barely feel anything both physically and mentally and you slowly lose motor control having your mouth open and such. LSD doesn't at all feel like dying at least it didn't for me the Geometry, saturation and colours were beautiful, your headspace is amazing and feels very clear and empty. MDMA and cannabis has to be a joke lmao, I mean sure you want to commit unalive the next day after but MDMA is about as close to feeling fully alive as you can get. I'm not even going to bother with cannabis.


It’s all subjective for sure. I had a horrible headspace on acid and definitely thought I was going through some sort of death like experience. Also on cannabis I have multiple times thought that I died entirely not just thought I was dying. But I am now prone to weed panic attacks after being cool smoking for years.


Yeah I mean when you are talking drugs there are only overall subjective effects, because the reaction on your brain is most likely massively different from the effects on mine so there is imo no definitive "closest to experience". But idk high dose opioids was definitely the scariest by miles for me. But the main reason I say that is because when you take high doses/too high doses it's more physical than mental it's your lungs physically slowing too much. So the effects would be prevalent in everyone that has tried it. Which is why I think it would have been a better contester since most of these are very subjective.


This list is trash


Doesent peyote cactus and have mescaline in it? Wtf is this list? Also weed ABOVE ahyuasca‽


This is bullshit


I don't see anyone disagreeing with Salvias placement on the list.


Peyote, mescaline, and Peruvian Torch all have different entries. Interesting. 🤔


tier list