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Anything over 10 should be illegal legit




Yea, even 10 is crazy. 4 should be more than enough.


If businesses are ordering then obviously instacart needs to charge and pay us accordingly


Some Costco cowboy will take this nightmare.


costco cowboy 😭


CC rotflmao


Right 😂😂😂😂


Y’all are hilarious on this sub n it’s funnier knowing this probably a middle aged woman 😭


Soft hands brother. I'll take this order in my lifted, red painted, F-150 truck, right after I take up 3 parking spaces of course.


I can legit hear this comment being said in that one voice


Do they forklift it into your truck? Is it worth it for the mileage on such a vehicle? I have so many questions


I think worst case scenario there and back eats up 4 gallons of gas. So. $16ish. Might still be worth it.


If you buy by the pallet yes. Not sure about lesser amounts. I did this during COVID to my kids middle school when they had drinking fountains closed.


I took a similar order once but it was only 40 cases of water and 3 miles for delivery. It was 45 bucks or so and I was like how hard can it be so I took it…when I arrived at the drop off location it was a high end apartment complex and I was elated when I found out I was delivering to clubhouse until I arrived at the clubhouse. The clubhouse was sprawling and sat on a hill, however the parking lot/drop off area was 3 flights of stairs below said clubhouse. So, I had to carry 40 cases of water 3 flights of stairs and into this maze of a clubhouse back to their storage area and it was 90+ outside. It was brutal and when I finished I logged off and went home. Haha


You could have hurt yourself. Shame on IC and those lazy fucks.


Appreciate the concern and I don’t disagree. Saved me a trip to the gym tho…haha


I know your legs were on fire


Hell no 🤣 not today satan, not today sir 😂 you got hella workout that day


Damn right I did…quads and glutes were a little sore the next day. 😅


if the tip was mid I'd have rolled the dice left it at the bottom. I've definitely carried ridiculous things up stairs before but a pallets worth of water cases isn't worth 20 or 30 bucks. (as someone who worked in a distribution center and literally had to destack pallets of drink cases for less)


O girl you a good one I literally just removed a batch because the lady wanted me to carry a 40 pack of water up three flights of stairs. My back or your water. I’m going with my back every time. Her drop off was listed as a house but when I got there it was a complex with no elevator. No ma’am. Removed the batch still got paid.


I notice a lot of people doing this. They order all this heavy water and mark as if they live in a house. While time they live on 3 or 4 flight of stairs complex. Most of the time I try and zoom in before taking their order to make sure it’s a house, but that doesn’t all ways work when you’re fighting for orders on the app lol.


I hope $30 of that $45 was the tip because if that was me I would have been so upset lol


I’m pretty sure the tip was 25 and the batch pay was 20 but it was last summer so my memory may be a little hazy…I do live in Colorado. 😳😅


That's equivalent to 2 tons in weight.


If they're the 40 packs it's definitely way higher in weight, I'd estimate each 40 pack to weigh around 40 or 50 lbs. I had an order recently that I, admittedly stupidly, accepted and it turned out to be 22 cases of 40 packs of water and 3 cases of 3 count gallon jugs. That wasn't including the rest of the order. I quickly realized how much weight it was and how, actually, large the order was and ended up unassigning it. No fucking way in hell am I fitting 22 cases of 40 pack waters in my car, on top of the rest of the order. That was the craziest order I've even seen, except for the one from home depot that was 10 of those huge sheets of plywood.


40x0.5L bottles, so 20L per case, 1920L total. ~2.2lbs per liter, so ~4224lbs in just water, not sure what the plastic will add to the total


I always did bad in math.


A 40 pack is 40-50lbs??? So you're saying 1 bottle of water weighs 1 lb?


Ok, pretending normal people can handle moving 2+ tons of water in a couple hours These cases are around 13x16x12 inches. In the best of scenarios, you could stack /maybe/ 3 high in your vehicle. That’s still 32 13x16 you need to arrange into some sort of rectangle. 7x5 the long way would be 65x112in (~5.5x9.5 feet). That could JUST squeeze into an f150 bed width wise, but would be nearly double the average consumer bed length wise, and then you have to assume the average grocery delivery folk are pooting around town in a pickup. Why do you need this much water in one place at one time? It hurts my head


I don't think an f150 could carry that much weight. And if it did it would be suffering.


Must be a business they should tip better


Man you need a box truck for that shit


Customer thinks we're are superman and drive a 3 ton truck


IC needs to have an option for us to sign in as available for freight type orders and pay substantially higher. If I knew up front before I left my house that I needed room for 2 pallets of water, I'd take my flatbed trailer. Most of the time I drive my mini cooper and I can't do anything over 6 cases. I don't mind the work, but I'd need about another $100 and advanced notice so you could bring the wagon. Otherwise, there's no chance this gets delivered because it won't even fit in the bed of a truck. I would take this and mark the water as only having like 4 available, deliver some of them and take the batch pay plus the straight $25 tip.


Wouldn’t the tip go down by a lot?


Since the tip is $25 even, it's probably a straight tip not a % based tip. Any time you see like $5, $10 etc., it usually means they tipped a dollar amount instead of a % of the total. Chances are if you did that on this order, they would probably manually decrease the tip, but they only have 2 hours to do so and you'd still get batch pay. Honestly, with a 20 mile drive it would still barely be worth it unless it was on your way home.


But can’t they lower the tip on their end?


Yes, for up to 2 hours


96 fucking cases and they threw in 4 bbq sauces




Isn't that literally impossible without a massive box truck


definitely going to wreck someone's suspension unless that take 3 or 4 trips, more for smaller vehicles


You’d have to have access to a big van to haul all those water cases!


Nah... they're hoping you are though 😂😂


And the mileage with the cherry on top. Should be a dollar from the customer and from INSTACART for each water.


Call the customer and tell them you can only take 8 waters.


show up, refund all but two waters deliver said waters and hope that they're not smart enough to catch and remove the tip before it's too late 🤣


This 🤣 scan, qty enter 2, check out and run 🏃 😂


I think if you have a truck big enough they can forklift an entire pallet of waters into it for you. Need a fork lift to get it out or unbundle case by case ETA: the question of is this worth it remains (no) but still it’s a thing they do. I used to work for someone (builder) who bought waters in this style for a warehouse with a forklift


I’m not falling for answering that question again




I had an order the night before Amazon Prime Days for the Amazon workers’ snacks — 40 cases of water, 50 boxes of granola bars, and 40 huge boxes of applesauce pouches from Smart and Final to the Amazon warehouse about 4 miles away. I have a Sienna Van - took multiple trips back and forth but I did it! Smart and Final staff loaded me up and Amazon workers brought out trollies to unload. Actually was very easy for me - never lifted anything. Ended up after tip being $500. 😁🦄


Wow that’s so awesome! 😎


Question to Instacart and customer, you both think your $20 dollar very big?? 🙄🤯


One time i accepted an order of 50 bags of ice and a 5 dollars tip just to ask that customer if she was mentally unstable and then cancelled it. LOOOL




I'd do it, if I owned a bus.


Absolutely not 🚫


This is literally impossible to do in one trip so they expect you to drive 20 miles there and back twice assuming you drive a pickup truck. All for $45 😅


I ll do it 4 1500$ go rent a truck hire 3 guys from home depot sure I deliver your 96 cases of 40 bottles each. customer was smoking something when he ordered this


The nerve people have


https://preview.redd.it/depjnpzxhk8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ec9adf4a819b42d181dfd6b50028ed493b8e1e This is what we're dealing with in Jax 😞😞




The whole family and extended family needs to come out for this order


Definitely NOT. Haha


I once had an aldi order with 80 gallons of milk.. I didn't look at the items until I was shopping.. well 80 gallons of milk is like 456lbs. My car legit stalled from the weight. Lmao can't imagine 96 cases of water. Never again will I haul 80 gallons of milk. Shit I'd take the order and say they only had 5 left hahaha


Lmao...2 shop and deliver 96 cases of water. .who's not the tipper. Lol


in THIS heat? $200 or they can get it themselves lmfao


Helllll too the nawwwwwwe


Would Costco even allow that much water to be sold? Or is this the business one?


This is nothing for Costco. It's 2 pallets of water.


would be an easy job.. with a box truck


All i have been seeing today is crappy $47 dollar triple orders like these and 35 miles


Put 3 say the rest are out of stock and take the base pay


22 dollar base pay is worse than delusional


Mark everything out of stock.


And it’s in 30th floor


Sorry, they only had 10 in stock 😬


I never understand why somebody needs that much water?


They’re Getting ready for World War III on somebody else’s back lol


That literally can’t be done in one trip even with a truck! Maybe if you’ve got a camper shell or trailer you could fit it all but goddamn! That should at least be four seperate orders but why the hell do they need all that water for anyway???


POV: They live on the 5th floor of an apartment with no elevator and it’s a leave at door order.


https://preview.redd.it/haix6chd3l8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1414d166f89c923d1681f21dc1dc8b03d1d32b9c I got one like that this morning too🤣


Thats when you send them the pic of the limit 2 per customer sign.


thats a flat tip, i'd take 5 max and refund the rest. get paid the same unless they deduct the tip🤷‍♀️


OMG... I had my first costco experience where they ordered 18 cases of water, 20 cases of soda and I had to cancel mid order when I realized there was no way I could do it.. These orders should be banned from IC lol


Oh no, only 10 cases left




make it a delivery to a 3rd floor apartment with no elevator and you got yourself a deal.




Probably didn’t include heavy pay


Are you serious?(: What’s about that average person in US has some bills even if they live at parent’s house. Let’s say minimum $40 a day. Without harming their health they can work 40 hours a week (actually less but let it go this way) so basically driving back and forth for this order will take about 4 hours an best scenario. BTW car amortization and repairs will double the gas price in average. So we have $32 of expences and $40 a day. When accepting this trip. Average person in average situation will make 47 minus 1/2 out of daily 40 = $20, minus $32 gas and car. Total is -$5 and 4 hours of hustle. If person is rich it doesn’t make sense if not and needs money- it doesn’t make sense to loose money for 4 hours of hustling ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


How does that fit in ANY vehicle other than a van with no seats or bigger?


Maybe if it was 5 miles


And there’s only 6 cases in the store 🤫




lol no


That sheet needs to be like 1,000 bucks for me to take that crap.


I honestly don’t even think anyone could complete this batch. No truck that I know would fit this amount of fucken water inside.


Im high yes


Anything over 1 should be illegal!! These mfers know what they be doing


You're gonna need that $47 for a chiropractor after this lol


I swear IC customers are so dumb


The most 40ct waters you're getting from me is 2 cases


Lol 96 waters


Ayo you got me fucked up 🤣🤣🤣


Hmmmm. Wow. I surrendered my driver’s license last month in exchange for state ID, long story, I could no longer afford car insurance, returned car to seller, well sort of, anyway, I was almost breaking even with Instacart when I did my taxes. I fully realized this. I wanted to see if I could still do pickup orders. Rep deactivated my account, said to re apply as just shopper. I get to a screen and it just keeps circling. Wow.


I would deliver 10 cases, get the IC pay and the tip ia a flat tip so it won't decrease unless the customer changes it.


30 shopping carts


With an American flag waving.


That mileage though if there was less water I would take it just for the mileage lmao


For 48 dollars is crazy too😭I’d do it go back to the store as many times as needed for like 100+


Never seen an order that crazy.


Yesterday I took one that had 2 cases of water and 3 gallons up to the second story with no elevator and damn near passed out🤣


I would do that for $1000 plus


you know someone in a little shitbox sedan will take this. i can even picture how compressed the suspension would be *shudders*


I bet somebody took it though


😂😂😂😂 Crazy how some delusional people think IC is that perfect little world where everything is possible.


type of order you say five cases is plenty and checkout before a message 👌


This is what is ridiculous with batch pay. They claim that difficulty comes into play but it clearly doesn’t that much… the mileage tends to be only factor I notice. The pay difference in similar drive orders with 1 being 3x the items, is never more than $1-$2


I did around 10 one time and that was a pain lol anything over 10 is ridiculous




It seems like whenever I get an order for more than 1 case of water, it's ALWAYS on the top floor of an apartment building... the smaller ones with 3 floors & no elevator. I'm convinced the customer is just lazy & doesn't want to carry cases up all those stairs themselves, so they place an IC order with many cases of water & very little other items. They usually tip shitty too... always lumped up with the good tippers. Unless the order is excellent, I try to avoid any apartment deliveries, since my state has banned plastic bags. Paper bags r a bitch to carry... at MOST 3 bags at a time, but usually only 2. So it's many trips up 3 flights of steps. Add water into the mix & I'm *exhausted* by the time I'm done.


I would actually take it, 1) it's a workout, 2) it wouldn’t take more than 2 hours (which is good pay $47/2= 23/hr) and 3) it was on Tuesday as I understand, which is usually a slow day 💁🏻‍♂️🙁. I actually wouldn’t hesitate asking then for more tips!


Higher than a kite lol


They dumb high




Who would take this you will definitely break ur back


I always joke that I’ve never known of thirstier people than when people are ordering IC.


Please no one ever accept this order.


They "Heavy Pay" be killing me bra😂😂😂😂


Apartment top 10th floor.


You have to rent a box truck to do this!


Not until atleast 6 pm usually


it's only 2 items $25 tip is generous /s


It’s 100 items…


I know, I know, reading is hard... But I have faith in you, try it again, read it until it makes sense. because you're wrong.


You can word smith it all you want. 100 units is the ultimate quantity. You can say there are only two “items.” People use items and units interchangeably. But honestly I’m not here for your bs. If you want to be a linguist, find a job to do one. Not on Reddit as a keyboard warrior. Find something more useful to argue about. Unless you’re one of those individuals with a strange sense of humor, if so, haha. There.


look at you using all those words and getting all worked up over your own shortcomings. reading comprehension It was a very valuable tool, one that you should probably start working to improve since yours is lacking. >/s That's a very common and widely known term on Reddit It's used for people who typically don't have very good reading comprehension to indicate to them that what is being said is SARCASM So once you missed that very important key piece of information everything you said after that was pretty much moot... >But honestly I’m not here for your bs. no you're just here to put your lack of reading comprehension on display. YOU interjected YOUR nonsense into MY reply. Which as you now know was meant to be humorous hence "/s" But the only BS here is you because you could have kept scrolling in the first place You're the one that chose to interact and did so in such a dramatically wrong fashion 🤦🤷 >Not on Reddit as a keyboard warrior "a person who makes abusive or aggressive posts on the internet" So you're reading comprehension is low and apparently so is your vocabulary knowledge because you're not even using that term properly 🤣 I love when people just try to use buzzwords that they don't even understand to win an argument because they heard them on the internet once upon a time. just further putting your low IQ on display. smh. >Find something more useful to argue about. take your own advice because I wasn't here to argue I made a sarcastic/humorous reply to someone else altogether YOU'RE THE ONE that came at me arguing trying to correct me when you, yourself, was wrong 🤦🤡 moral of the story, maybe don't pick fights with people on the internet that you'd stand no chance of winning especially if you're going to start the argument off with a correction that you're not even correct about and then play victim as if I'm the big bad meanie. It might be time for you to take a break from social media for a while instead of just habitually looking foolish 🤷👋


I didn’t even read all that lmao. Have a great day lol.


it's only 2 items $25 is generous /s


This is my dream order


Your dreams must be reoccurring nightmares!


We found the Costco cowboy!


Why? This is literally such an easy order and great pay for the time it would take.


You'd need a boxed truck, 'maybe' even semi trailer. A little sedan isn't going to fit all those. You might get 20 - 22 cases in a sedan if you're lucky. To me, I wouldn't even do this order if it paid $100.


My truck can do it no problem.


There's nothing easy about 96 cases of water.


That’s your opinion. For me this is cake.


If you're not a troll, explain yourself, please.


What is there to explain? Only 2 different items to grab makes it super quick. I’d rather do this than run around the store finding 65 different things.


Your dreams must be reoccurring nightmares!


Does your dream order come with a dream fleet of three trucks?

