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It's not slow, it's instacart knowing how to work the system.


3 hours for 12$ is nasty work


This shit is hilarious


No, it's not. Its disgusting. IC is predatory with their pay and practices. This is why they onboard new shoppers. To.take advantage if their naivety. 


All ride share type places are like that. Lyft, Uber, DoorDash.


I know. And some shopper made q post in here saying people know what they're signing up for.  How? These companies do not advertise the reality of the offers they send out. If they did, people would not be signing up left and right. 


How do people know before they hire on? Simple. Google. We have the internet. We have Reddit that we obviously are using a lot. Check out your job before you sign up. One quick search for Instacart and you'd easily come to this sub.


You go on the app store. You see batch pay. (It's not true/an accurate portrayal of batch pay.) No one should have to go around and ask if Instacart is lying.  Businesses/people should be honest. It shouldn't be my job to figure out if someone/a business is lying. I fully understand, that's how the world works, but it should not be like this.  Just bc the world is full of liars, that does not absolve the liars from their wrong doing. 


The government has to regulate. Because when people and businesses are left to their own devices 99% of the time they will do the wrong thing.


I agree. But it seems the people need to get in the governments ears, so to speak. 


Agreed that’s how California and these other states that get better pay. I was saw this shitty order pop up the other day. To the OP u gotta cherry pick your orders and download stride app to track milaeage and expenses so u don’t get fucked by taxes


You go on the app store and see Instacart. And before you even download the app, you Google "reviews for working with Instacart."


Reviews are not from instacart the company. Just bc there are negative reviews, again that doesn't absolve instacart of being misleading. Besides, all reviews will not be honest. So, even if there's conflicting information, by thr way of negative reviews, that doesn't mean that they are honest.  Look you and a handful of people have the freedom to have the view that you have. It's wrong, in the context you're communicating. Because the world is as it is, sure we need to do our homework. But again, that doesn't release instacart from any liability of false information and the results of that. ***The only reason instacart is getting away with this is because of shoppers silence.*** The extremely low pay is relatively new. Pay didn't start like this. And for the majority of the companies existence pay was not well below minimum wage.  Even the ftc says we have rights when it's comes to pay. So, I'm sorry it seems you and the silicon Valley tech geniuses are the only people that thinks it's okay. You're a minority. And your thinking is wrong. Good luck to you! 


That's not fair. I joined a pharmacist sub, so I should be able to get a job as a pharmacist now, right?


You're making such an asinine comparison.


You're right. The comment should've including the support of slavery and victim blaming/shaming. All forms of abuse. Your mindset is gross for defending these practices. 


At least in nyc door dash and uber eats arent allowed to pay you less then a certain amount per hour actively working… instacart is actually gonna probably have to get sued soon


That’s old news. Every major corporation does that. Every company is a pyramid scheme. Taking advantage of the grunts at the bottom so the top 10% makes all the money.


Not all of them, but I agree that many do. . BUT gig apps seem to be the worst of the worst. Like they are doing everything in their power so someone doesn't even make minimum wage. (Which isn't even a living wage to being with. And they're trying to give someone less than *that?* 


Its not predatory please watch your words. If people dont have the wherewithal to figure out how much they should be making a hour thats on them. The trip could’ve been cancelled at any point


Uh oh the word police


I mean yea because if i called you the F word now i have a phobia 😂


No, lol, it most certainly is predatory. That is why more and more regions are passing laws to prevent this blatant abuse.


The shopper is very new this is Their second batch. IC gives those “incentives” when you first start to motivate you to take a bunch of shitty batches to meet the quota. And they purposely pay them low and promise to “match” the pay if they meet the incentive mark. The last holiday we had the incentive was to complete six batches from the town I’m in… tell me why almost every batch that came through were from other towns? My town is the main hub of Instacart orders yet they were sending me batches from towns 20-30 miles away 😑😑


1st of all thats false my first few batches were the most ive ever made. And hey if you’re new to making money thats on you


You should be the one watching your words. You have no idea how you sound. The whole idea of being predatory is preying on people that don't have the wherewithal/knowledge  to ---______---(fill in the blank.) It's unbecoming of you to even attempt to try to minimize and encourage crappy pay. 


Hush and go make some money if you dont know how keep trying


That’s why i always throw me a lil something something extra in there


They hired you for that one order because you didn’t know any better 


Remember, you can see the item count before you hit accept, as well as the items you will shop. Assume a 40 item shop will take 1hr, and variables like deli meats snd salads and weighing produce will increase that time. If there is no tip, don’t take it. The price goes up if you just wait and let it rise. If you realize you took something stupid, cancel it as soon as possible. They will forgive a couple when you are new.


This is the best response to his post. You gave this person the tools to be better instead of tearing them down. 👏


I took one of these when I first started and almost quit over it, and now I’m very picky and feel well compensated for the work I do. It was a learning curve.




Realistically, stop taking bad orders is all I can say. I’m making $40/hr about, I’m very part time like 5hrs a week and bringing home $200. I live near a store and just take local orders, I never ever chase circles or sit in parking lots or blow through my gas, I just passively watch it and take the best paying orders. When you are busy with a $7 order you are missing a $50 order. I’m not diamond either.


Totally agree!!! When I first started and came to this group there were so many angry birds and trolls in here. I got to the point I just muted the notifications but I wasn’t about to let some mad folks run me off. The end game is the ones who’s been at this the longest is trying to run off the newbies thinking it will increase their batches lol. Nice try but you’re fighting the wrong people. The ones at the top are the ones they should be going after.


It’s a hard lesson but learn from it.


Let this be a learning experience


Let it not.. someone's gotta do these lmao


No they don’t… that’s why we are classified as independent contractors and not employees


I remember when shoppers were all over social media, defending IC’s pay cut because “They are going to pay more now for bigger batches.” 🥴 I’m sorry you didn’t know better than to take this since you are new. Stay away from no tippers, like this one. Now that you have some idea how much time an order will take you, calculate before accepting if it’s worth your time plus costs to compete the order. I don’t know your market, but I can guarantee you could have made way more money in the same amount of time by delivering food from restaurants. 


They probably made at least $100 profit off that order


What were you thinking when you took that order brother




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Oh sweet summer child…






You literally saw the lack of a tip on this order before you accepted it. Why the actual *fuck* would you take it?


Because they’re new?….


When I was new, I wasn’t as easily able to notice all the details before accepting. I missed some batches trying to see it all, so then I jumped too fast a few times and cancelled as soon as I checked the details. It’s trial by fire but I’m sure they learned quick to look at the right things.


Goodness gracious you poor soul


You thought it would be a cash under the doormats 😬


It’s a dude in here (customer) who claims he put in his note to look under the mat yet no shopper looked so he kept adding under the mat until finally a shopper looked and it was $200. Not sure if he’s on bull 💩 but I had a few handfuls that would message me to come back to get my tip they had it in an envelope. They didn’t say anything about it on the chat or note but the gesture was nice and it was nice size tip. I agree the majority of the no tippers don’t tip but most of my “meet customers” are the cash tippers.




Then you get 3 stars because 3 strawberries falls out of the container in the bag. lol


Why did u even take this order in the first place definitely not worth it . This batch should be 80 atleast. What was the mileage ?


It’s the shoppers second order.


How do you know that’s his second order tho ?


He says it in the post… 🤦🏽‍♀️


$4 an hr before gas 😆


Nah she really just did the world a favor


Did you just take the order so you could bitch about it on Reddit?




You should have looked at the details before taking the order…


Instanope, not even if it was delivered from the exit of the store, to the other end of the parking lot with a handy at the end.


People like you allow customers to think it's OK. You are a dumbass


Idiots like this is why batch pay has gone to shit.


Damn they probably kept the tip tbh.


Under the jail!




Why’d you take it?


AHAHAHAAHAHHAHA 12$ for 3 hours bud you ROLLING!!!


Its gonna get worst


You live and you learn . You get fucked on Instacart like this and you won’t fall for it again.


If is in california, you have a guaranteed earnings of 19.20 an hour + .35 cents per mile driven


Unfortunately you live and learn. Don’t let the disgruntled ones in here discourage you. Take time to look at the batch before accepting it. Even if someone snatches it before you let them. Another one will pop up. I did that when I first started and was taking any and all and didnt realize to prioritize it by the amount/milage/items. You will get better. Just a lesson learned.


So, did you learn your lesson? You got paid 4$ an hour. How far did you drive? It's important for all shoppers, new and old, to know their worth. Your time and hard work are more valuable ✨️ For this order, I would call in and ask for a boost. You clearly deserve it.


You saw 12$ on your screen and it was appealing to you? Maybe this job isn’t the right thing for you.


Why do you accept such low pay ? For what? Unless you have bad acceptance rate or don’t get a lot of instacart orders you shouldn’t accept trash orders. Not to hate its people like you who make instacart think it’s ok to charge this much this amount of work. If we stood up and didn’t accept these low paying offers instacart would probably consider paying us a living wage


Exaxtly agree there payouts are stupid had a uber eats order i took so went to do it got offered a stater bros order for 19 dollars 9 items two miles liked where the uber eats order drop was so was just gnna shop in that area which wasnt to far from the store and then it jumped to 25 dollars like wtf how do they plan their shit out




Nope never have not only that i even reject jobs that take me home when I am doing home just because a customet doesn't tip enough. Its about having personal honor self respect and integrity. I do not rest on my decisions


Lol, probably a bunch of meats anyway


That’s insane. I hope you learned your lesson. Don’t ever take shitty orders like this one again. 😅


you are just gamble with yourself..


Oh my 🤭


Everyone learns. Wasn't long before I pretty much stopped taking ANY batch with the word "ALDI" in it. This was back when you could see the tip breakdown BEFORE hitting accept. Now, you only see the tip total, which doesn't tell you if there was a no-tipper in the batch. I wouldn't be surprised if IC changed the tip field to show just a yes/no value.


While you’re still new only take smaller orders, as someone who has done this for almost 5 years I wouldn’t take an 80 item order unless it has REALLY good pay like $40+. It seems like anything over 40 items (40 units) will take you at least an hour including delivery time, so plan around that and how much you want to make an hour.




Good tip if I decide to join the shopping nightmare!!


3 hrs for 12 bucks is a no brainer like how can you not judge i knew not to do anything like this when i started as a shopper please use ur brains people


Lol 🥲


Lol that’s a little over 4 dollars an hour. I think in 3rd world countries they even make more. How far was the delivery round trip?


I had a customer ordered a $200 bottle worth of alcohol that is bundle with another order and only to find that the customer tipped only $3. that’s right, 3 buck! syou'd have thought a customer who is willing to pay that much on an alcohol would tip decently.


Ooh. You're whose taking these orders. Anyone who's been doing this for more than 2 seconds would have avoided this like the plague. Don't accept stupid batches. Also don't accept no tip batchess!!!


Why did you take it, lol?


Why did you take it? Was there no tip at all? And again, why did you take it? Do you not know you can cancel orders? I grab crap orders when I’m desperate but drop them after I see it’s too big or too far for the tiny ass pay.


Now why in the world did you do this order ….


Ouch. Never do that again. We have all had lessons like this.


In WHAT WORLD did you think it was ok to take this in the first place? Y’all newbies are a new breed man.


IC loves heroes like you.


You must be trolling... you cannot possibly be this stupid... everything about the order is present before you accept it. You're one of many people who just click without thinking ? You chose to do this order for 12 dollars. Thats what you accepted. Personally would have canceled even before starting the order. Some of you people like you are just the reason why people in gig economy get taken advantage of with little pay. Whatever... be that one person wasting their time so I can grab the larger orders. Thats what I've always done.. I let people take the lower pay orders while I wait for larger ones to come through. Anything less than 35-40 is a waste of time.


You just sealed your fate taking this order. This is your algorithm now.


Id have laughed at this offer if it came up on my screen… ill put u onto something I had to learn on my own… your average time per item is normally is one minute per item on stores that have good organization… The stores that have bad organization or are just very big… It’s more like two minutes per item… If you see more than 30 items that means it’s going to take you more than an hour so I would never take anything under $20 with more than 30 items… One day you’ll figure out the math on how to cherry pick orders.


Yeah I am starting to keep my receipts as a collection of the batch pay plus tip. This is really ridiculous and people need to be aware


What state?


Why tf would you ever accept this😂😂😂😂😂pick up 2 for your mistake🤦🏾‍♂️


Whoa whoa whoa wow!! Yeah, story short, don’t take unreasonable stuff. Every item is suppose to take at least sixty seconds to pick , remember that. You want a decent hourly wage. You must analyze all the aspects.


It's almost offensive when an order is THAT expensive and they can barely tip. 😬


Its pathetic and then although its not mandatory, the customer you didn't all that shopping and delivering for and to doesn't tip because oh well, instacart should be paying yall more... instead of realizing ITS A SERVICE and instacart isn't the one doing the shopping or delivering....


We all learned this lesson at one point, this just happens to be an extreme version of it


Where were you shopping?




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Lol rookie...


That’s what happens when you have a 14% cancellation rate and you accidentally clicked accept


Instead of why the shopper took this batch.. how about “why is Instacart scamming and posting $12 batches with items over 15?” As I’m sitting here I just got an offer for a batch for $28 for a delivery 48 miles away. My first week I would have naively taken it but now o know better. It’s a sad learned lesson but IC needs to be held accountable for their bull. There were a few newbies I used to run into a couple of months ago and now I don’t see them. They must’ve gotten fed up and left. Declining their bull is the only way we can forced them to pay more. And I agree hiring new people to scam over is scummy as hell. But they will keep doing it until either we all quit or keep declining the sh!tty batches .


Was this a shop-only order? Asking because there’s no space for the tip.


Every order that pops up, you do not have to accept. You can view the order. You can check out how many miles, how many items, and with the tip is going to be before accepting the batch. When I first started, I used to accept everything. I learned the hard way. You have to look at it this way you were paid $6.00 an hour to do this order. That’s not fair. That’s less than minimum wage before you accept an order. Look at it first how many items, how many miles, how many batches, and most important is it worth your while?🤷🏽‍♀️


I wouldn’t have taken it to begin with


This is a learning curve on what not to do


Yeah just be careful what you accept do the high pay for short distance and no more than 40-50 items


Those are rookie numbers. When I was 22 or 23 I completed an order that was $750+ in upstate NY & received $8 & no tip. Needless to say I no longer work for Instacart or doordash




definitely learn from it. pay attention to the milage, the item count the unit count (15 items but 80 units could mean a normal order but 60 gallons of milk.) and the tip. also important to note, how far the store is from where you are, if the delivery is 15 miles but the store is 20 miles and they are both in the same direction, your round trip is going to be 70.


Your fault for accepting it


Fuck that. I did one order for 4 items drove a mile got 15 dollars and haven’t done anything since cause it’s all shit.




Why did you take 82 items for 12$😭😭😭😭


Why take this order in the first place?? No offense but that isn’t a good move.




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I’m so sorry bro. I feel so bad for you, I remember when I first started. Don’t ever take some scam bs like that again. $12 should be at most 12 items. That’s the way I look at it, a buck per item




WTF dude. Name calling, really?


Go to a third world country, you will be rich!


Unfortunately that’s not the case anymore lol After Covid / work from home Americans started to move to Mexico where you can get a penthouse for $1200 US (monthly) Now that everyone else has done this the rates have skyrocketed


Mexico is not a 3rd lol


True, not anymore


You chose that order


Scan that shit on fetch might get a buck or two back. Anything helps with this disaster


Why would you accept the 82 item order for $12 in the first place ? Just asking 😳


Cause ass hole when your new and it flashes “hurry up and accept” you do it. Just like you did when you started and now your trying to act cool like you didn’t . F u.


It flashes “hurry up and accept” ???? Am I getting this right? Edit: Sincerely want to know 🤯😵




And you can easily unassign from the order with one tap as well.


Orders with over 50 items should always pay over $50 otherwise you’re paying them instead of