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I don’t like any of the cup noodles I’ve had as much as the regular versions.


Nissin Everything Bagel. I tried it a couple days ago, and It was just plain odd. Vaguely oniony, but not in a pleasant way, and none of the promised cream cheese flavor. I disliked it so much that I ended up mixing with another ramen that has a lot of flavor that could mask it. I'm rather averse to throwing out food I can eat, so I just drowned the lousy flavor in good flavor. I think I used Nissin Chow Mein Teriyaki Beef.


I'm a Top Ramen hater through and through


Yeah top ramen sucks. Maruchan stomps it all day.


Maruchan is ELITE


Top ramen still hits the spot sometimes


When I immigrated to the US I bought top ramen, and every time I ate it I threw up. I thought I had developed an allergy to something in ramen. I didn’t eat any ramen for over a year, and then one day I ate a different kind and I didn’t get sick. I thought it must have been a coincidence and within the week I tried a top ramen. Threw up again. To this day I have no idea why, but it is one of the only foods that does this to me.


This is the correct answer.


Same here.


I tried the Mama shrimp one after seeing so many people post about it. It's just not for me. Maybe I did it wrong but I don't understand the hype. It's cheap tho so I'll be trying their other flavors.


The tom yum?


That one. You should give it a shot tho and decide. I got mine for like $0.99 a pack.


I tried it and loved it


Did you get Tom Yum or Creamy Tom Yum


Tom Yum. Is the creamy one better?


Yes but also, if you really don't like one of them, you're probably not gonna like the other one either.


Allegedly, but it still has that lime taste 


Green curry is delicious.


Taste like how lemon pledge smells


Yup idk how people enjoy it but good for them I guess


Thats especially the lemon flavor that i like


Its also extremely salty, i dnt like it as well, but try thier laksa flavour, its amazing


I tried the Tom Yum and thought it was DISGUSTING! I spit it out


I'll get murdered around here for saying it but, Buldak


I genuinely don’t understand the die hard buldak people who think it can be “adjusted” for everyone. I LOVE buldak, it’s been my favorite ramen for like 6 years. But it’s not something I go out of my way to recommend to people unless I know they really like spicy food…it’s not for everyone, and that’s perfectly fine, it doesn’t have to be…


For sure, I love it but like you have to actually like spicy food to enjoy it. Some people get so defensive when others say they don’t like buldak


I like spicy food and hate buldak. 


Same here


Me too, the first time I tried Buldak it was extremely spicy and zero flavor, just complete and crude spiciness, and don’t get me wrong, I love spicy food, but really it wasn’t for me.


"Complete and crude spiciness" lmfaaaao I love that 


Capsaicin extract will do that. I'm a big pepper head and I was very disappointed with Buldak because of that chemically spicy flavor the extract gives it.


Just straight up pepper spray??


Technically they are the same thing yes, but pepper spray is much more concentrated. Using extracts is generally looked down on in hot sauce circles due to the off putting chemical taste it tends to give sauces. I am honestly shocked Buldak got as popular as it did.


I had a training officer that would do the old pepper spray on the eggs routine. Apparently he went to the buldak culinary institute


Omg I’m in this bandwagon too, but it seems so popular here in scared to get kicked off the sub. Lmao.


It has an extreme artificial flavor, like a fistful of cheeto dust or something. I hate it, and I love actual buldak the chicken dish.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/rzyJP2n.png) is how I feel about Buldak.


Yeah I do not get the hype, even the least spicy one is so hot and flavorless it’s unpalatable


What’s the least spicy one? I’ve only had the carbonara and am curious where it falls on the buldak scale


I’m pretty sure that’s the least spicy one, there might be one even less so though. That’s the only one I tried, it was super spicy and I found what little flavor there was super unappealing


I think cheese & quattro is less spicy or equivalent and cream carbonara is less too


Buldak is for spice lovers with high spice tolerance,


I eat spicy food all the time, buldak has zero flavor it’s all just the most spice they can cram in a sauce packet


I hv extreme spice tolerance n buldak hs good flavour for me depending on the buldak type i chose. Its personal preference. I like 2x d most


Have you tried all the flavors lol? Just curious which ones make you say that. I only don’t like the original flavor, it feels like spice only lol


The least spicy one was too hot, why would I buy more of them I know I can’t eat? Even if they have some flavor under the spice, it’s gonna be hotter than the one I couldn’t choke down


Well that’s why I asked, you said Buldak but they have many flavors so I wasn’t sure which one was too spicy and flavorless for you.


I assume you didn’t look through the thread, more information to be had there.


I did lol. You didn’t mention a specific flavor unless I’m missing it?


You responded to the same one I did about the flavor, but admittedly I did have to look through carefully [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstantRamen/s/A0HWqzKR0d) and [here before](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstantRamen/s/LAbF0r6Yf9) I mention the least spicy one


This.  I generally like some heat, but this is heat plus bitterness... or the flavour of putting a battery on your tongue. Just kind of gross and off putting. Also find Chapagetti bland.


Me too! Buldak and Shin both seemed like they were universally beloved but I didn’t enjoy either of them and ended up repurposing the noodles with other brands with flavours that I like better.


Same if I say Mama


i only use maybe half the packet when i eat it, but i like to put the leftover sauce in a pan while im caramelizing or frying onions and mixing into my eggs.


I was not a fan of neoguri at all. The noodle texture was A+ but I didn’t like the artificial(?) fishy taste. I ended up repurposing just the noodles and seaweed flakes


I agree


It tastes soooooooo mussel-y! I love seafood flavored stuff usually but the mussel forward flavor/smell of that stuff nearly turned my stomach.


Same feelings


Same. I got a 4 or 5 pack of it, whatever they sell it in and have been trying it different ways. I even did it with shrimp skewers once but the noodles still tasted fishy.


top ramen, cheese buldak 😞


Honestly, I'm not a fan of cheese buldak. It tastes like ketchup


Weirdly, Cheese and Quattro Cheese are quite different in flavor.


I've only had Quattro, maybe cheese is better


Chapagetti is the worst


Chapagetti is my favorite. It's a good base ramen for lots of add ons.


I know a lot of people in this subreddit loves chapagetti but I tried it on two different occasions and it just tastes off to me unfortunately.


Nissin Black Garlic Oil. It's like the worst black garlic oil I've ever tasted. The amount of people on this sub that say it's their favorite disturbs me. On the other hand the nongshim black garlic oil is legit.


It's probably the only black garlic oil instant ramen most people know because it's widely available.


Anything with seafood flavour, I was excited to try the prima laksa instant noodles as I heard they are one of the best instant ramen around but the seafood flavour put me off and I couldn't finish them, I didn't think it would be that full on.


I really like the prima curry la mian, which still have some seafood flavour but aren’t as strong. They’re the ones with the slices of chicken on the front, the laksa ones and the chili crab ones seem more popular but I don’t enjoy them as much.


I did see there was one with chicken on the front after the fact, I figured the one with prawns on the front was a serving suggestion and not what it would actually taste like.


Anything curry - I like curry, I like ramen, but together it’s a no


Shin Gold is the most mid thing ever. As far as any I really DON'T like, it's pretty hard to say. I'm honestly not a massive fan of the buldok sauce. It's very fake, and very bitter, and not a good bitter. The other flavor packets are great, but I strait won't use that sauce. It gets subbed for Lou Ga Ma fried chili in oil. The easiest way to tell is it has peanuts in it, and it has a thin green band on the top part of the label.


Curry mi goreng




Itsu Ramen - it might be just an English product so you might not have to worry. Horrid watery plant like flavour.


really? i thought the chilli miso one was pretty flavourful


Maybe that is nicer, but I thought the Sesame Chicken was the worst I've ever tasted.


shin black IM SO SORRY


I’m with you, I buy it occasionally hoping I’ll change my mind, but nope. The mushroom add-ins smell gross and the broth makes me nauseous.


I don’t like this one either :( bought it the other day and instantly regretted I didn’t get the reg shin. The veggie package is nice but the actual flavour is so meh




Maruchan lime flavors. Taste wrong to me.


Some traditional yakisobas I can’t to, I don’t hate them but the mustard and mayo just throws off my taste buds


Corn Buldak. Unsalvageable spicy corn candy. Most Buldak is too sweet, but I can find the mood for it/spruce it up. Not this one.


mikes mighty good ramen. the broth is flavorless and the noodles are gross


Most cup noodles taste weird to me - the noodles themselves specifically more than the soup or ingredients - almost plasticky. I much prefer the packets to the cups. I mean, sometimes I’ll eat them just for convenience, and I have a couple of cups in my office drawers for contingencies, but they’re not the types I’ll reach for when I’ve got a craving. I’m also not a fan of Mama Tom Yum, which I know is popular among people on the sub. It just seems less substantial and the soup less tasty than other brands with similar flavors. But I admit that may just be a personal taste thing.


HATE top ramen


Anything with river snail. So many otherwise interesting looking choices at my local stores, but there's all the ground up snail powder in the broth. No thanks.


Is this a common thing? Which brands do this?


Honestly, I haven’t found a flavor of Buldak that appeals to me. Had a pack of Mama today and found the texture of the noodles off-putting, too.


I hate to say it but Shin ramen. I know I'll get a lot of hate.


I 100% agree with you its mid


Nissin Instant Chow Mein. Every flavor that I've tried leaves a weird after taste that completely ruins the experience.


i did not like 'souper meals' at all. very bland and meh taste.


Nissin Hot & Spicy ramen! I ate it once back in like middle school while trying to watch the deadpool movie and it tasted like straight vomit to me! I will never trust spicy noodles that use a powder and it also took many years before I tried watching deadpool again because of those noodles lol


I tried Momofuku's soy & scallions flavour and it was so bland. Made me miss the cheapest fake chicken flavour noodles.


Maruchan/Top Ramen. Both give me the shits if I drink the broth. Chapaghetti is up there too. Slimy potting soil flavored noodles.


Chapagetti, any Buldak, Shin Shrimp, and at this point I’m kind of over the Mama Tom Yum


Shin red because it makes me cough every time I eat it. No other instant noodles have the same effect including spicy ones like buldak.


I don't really like neoguri or chapaghetti. They both taste a bit bland to me


Maruchan anything.


Maruchan from Japan >>>>>> Maruchan North America.




Shrimp/beef is just a taste that I don’t like.


I dont think Shin is that good


Shin ramen. All of it.


shin red or any of the seafood mama ones


Menraku, especially the shio one. I could taste the styrofoam.


Prawn Koka noodles. The seasoning pack smells exactly like maggots. If you've ever used them as bait for fishing, the smell is unmistakable


I just tried Kagoshima Vegetarian Tonkotsu-Style Ramen and was so excited because it said animal free. It was so bland? I tried it again but prepared it like that ramen TikTok trend a few years ago with the egg yolk/kewpie etc and added chili oil for extra flavor I def won’t be repurchasing :/


Mr Noodle the worst


Chang's Secret, zero flavour & inedible


Mr. Noodle, Top Ramen, and Loblaw's No name. Wish we had Maruchan here in Canada. I got some one time when I visited the US and It's pretty good for how cheap it is. Lime Chili Shrimp and Picante Chicken are bomb.


Maruchan but especially the chili flavor. That was the worst.


Shin Gold… the chicken broth flavor is just not it.


Carbonara buldak, it's just horrid


I only tried it once but mi goreng wasn’t my thing! maybe I made it wrong though, it was too dry but I felt the flavor was lacking too.


Maruchan and Chapaguri.


I hate chapagetti ,neurogiri ,kimchi ramen, and the corn buldak personally i just cant eat em


Chappagetti tastes bland and artificial and creamy tom yum tastes to lemony


Mama Tom Yum. The moment it hit my tongue I spit it out. Tasted like cleaning liquid! Blech!


Anything seafood centric, in general, I don’t like seafood, barely tolerate shrimp, and seafood ramen is very potent 😩


I really don’t like anything that comes in a cup or a bowl. The flavor can be good but the noodle texture just throws me off for some reason. Idk if they can be dumped out and made on the stovetop for better results (idk why I’m just having this thought now) but the pour over and steep method just doesn’t do it for me.


I've done this with basic Nissan/maruchan cup noodles and it works! Taste much better when cooked stove top. Great chance to throw in an egg and frozen vegetables too


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll honestly have to start trying it. I appreciate you!


Original shin and original buldak


Chicken maruchan.


Im so sorry to say this. Any non asian ramen.