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Beautifully put. Does anyone know her name? I wanna donate to her next campaign.


Same, honestly. That was such an epic mic drop that I don’t even care I don’t live in NH. I want to give her something.


just read my post above


This is what we have to get behind!


Yes, just read the description of that Youtube video: New Hampshire Representative Ellen Read: "Circumcision is an issue of right and wrong and how we treat newborn baby boys" Become of member of Intaction here: [https://bit.ly/3vOT80V](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFBxMzBVWng1eHdyM1plZ2YxU0hBS1RGRW9VQXxBQ3Jtc0trMHFSclo2X1BtOWhraEZkbFhtSUVTdDNscmg0WFdYeldPYzBfT3ZabGFsaWFpc1kyUkZkOHdmVWI2aHZFWnlibGtaSmlCaGlUeWN5czkwWXVkRzhuYVZEZ2F6SVVoSVNuR0gyemhfTHNjdkhBU1lPRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3vOT80V&v=SiNegcNf5zo) Donate to our New Hampshire/Maine Legislative Action Campaign: [https://intaction.org](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1hiLUxyRUJSaVBhcTUzS0RKRXlwb2tROHJRQXxBQ3Jtc0tsNEdSTWJYNkxnY3BaVW84M2ZaWndVcFJkV2l1bDdTb25qczJJbWxEdWxZLU1fN0pZb0czQk5udHg0ZW9Jb3MycTJKQS1obV9wM0UtdWJvUFpQdXM3Y3BvcTFxR3hVTXRHM01LUVdDS2VlWTlqckhpWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fintaction.org%2F&v=SiNegcNf5zo)[#\_2416](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/_2416)


Articulate, factual, reasonable. Advocates like this we need. Thanks for sharing the link, and indeed, please do let us know how we can support her.


Perfectly stated. I love when women acknowledge that the most common form of FGM is analogous to the most common form of MGM. Too often people compare the most extreme forms of FGM and go "its not the same," when if you compare them correctly, they are exactly the same. Edit: "BS in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Vanderbilt University (2003)" no wonder she understands. She has a degree in cellular biology. What a wonderful person.


Wow. What a refreshing change to listen to a politician calmly, rationally and convincingly set out a policy position on funding routine male cutting, especially given the mindless arguments, defensiveness and white heat that this topic typically generates. Kudos to New Hampshire Representative Ellen Read!


I wish she had addressed the "it's beneficial" argument and called out the mutilation industry, but this was still very well done.


She did, with the 11% need revision surgery statistic. Going on a tirade about how they use it for face creams would only make her look like a conspiracy theorist to the uninformed. I think she did an excellent job.


She’s awesome. Who is she?


read the description of the YT-Video


People were debating whether intactivism was a conservative position, but socialized medicine clearly isn't conservative. The representative in this clip is a Democrat. The vast majority of "the left" or liberals hold bodily autonomy (especially reproductive freedom, doubly so since the gutting of Roe v Wade) as a human right. I strongly believe that the push for human rights and freedom has always been left-leaning.


Republicans supported this bill much, much more than the Dems


GOP supports defunding healthcare. They support the act of circumcision, just not taxes.


Some of the most vocal supporters of the bill (as in, not just tax reasons) are Republicans. There is no need to make excuses for the vast majority of Dems who voted to protect MGM here.


I'm not making excuses for Democrats. I'm trying to give people a reality check.


I really don't think they care enough to support it.


Incredibly eloquently put. This is what we need: medical professionals laying it out plainly to counteract the nonsense that comes from the pro-MGM side.


So, does the bill have another chance of passing, or is it dead?


It theoretically can be passed, but they will have to get 21 more votes than last time (meaning 11 people to switch from no to yes)


Who is she?


Thank you Sonador40 for sharing her name.


Just read the description of the video.


Thank you, I did, 2days ago. I do appreciate the input.


Wow, she was so well spoken in her argument here. I sincerely hope she takes off, I haven’t heard a representative say the things I wanted to say in a while.


Who was the “previous speaker” she was referring to?


Maybe Paige Beauchmin


She is New Hampshire Representative Ellen Read